Fortune Teller.

Chapter 57 The timing is intriguing

Chapter 57 The timing is intriguing
"The case has been closed, and it is unprecedentedly fast. There is no need to say what is behind it. Dad just walked from behind the scenes to the front of the stage, and his influence is not enough. This account is recorded first, and then we will talk about it later." Yue Qingying said. Talking about the case, he said, "I bought you a car, you can drive it when you have time."

"..." Shi De wanted to refuse, but Yue Qingying hung up the phone directly, which made him quite helpless.He also knew that maybe Yue Qingying wanted to send him a car to express his apology and concern, but he didn't want to.

There's no way, it doesn't make sense to reason with Yue Qingying, she will stubbornly act according to her preferences and principles.

How Guo Jianglong dealt with in the end, how the case was settled, Shi De didn't pay attention, it was no longer his business, it was a contest at another level, he had neither the ability nor the interest to intervene, so Yue Guoliang and Li Sanjiang can do specific operations.And to be honest, he didn't want to know about the competition in the officialdom, otherwise, he would have seized the olive branch extended by Huang Zixuan in time, and released to Huang Zixuan his idea of ​​being a secretary through a certain channel.

Thinking of Huang Zixuan, Shi De suddenly had an absurd idea. Hearing the news that he was injured and hospitalized, I wonder how Huang Zixuan would feel?But after thinking about it again, maybe Huang Zixuan had long forgotten him and left him behind.

Arriving at the appointed place - Xiangjun Mansion, just after parking the car, Mu Jinnian appeared with a smile on his face.

Mu Jinnian is not alone, there is another person behind him, with a proud temperament, about 25 or [-] years old, parted, hair not messy, wearing black-rimmed glasses, looks very clean, but his face is slightly pale, it seems that the body is not very good healthy.The clothes seem simple, but they are all famous brands, and they are also very expensive famous brands. Shi De has been in Xiajiang for four years in college and two years in business in Xiajiang. He thinks he has a good eye for brand appreciation.

Mu Jinnian came forward to introduce Shi De: "Brother Shi, let me introduce to you, Zhao Subo, general manager of Huada Real Estate Company."

Can become the general manager of a real estate company before the age of 30. He is rich even if he is not an official. It is the first time that Shi De has met Zhao Subo, but his name has been heard before. He is Zhao Haiyang, deputy secretary of the municipal party committee. 's son.

Zhao Subo stretched out his hand and shook hands with Shi De: "Shi De, I heard Jinnian say about you, that you are young and promising, and you are a character, so I said, Shancheng is a small place, and if I don't know a character, it will appear to me. Lonely."

"Mr. Zhao, it's a pleasure to meet you." Shi De held Zhao Subo's hand and smiled slightly, with a sincere and humble smile.But there was a big question mark in my heart. Zhao Subo didn't show up sooner or later. It happened that Binsheng was just established and he appeared shortly after a car accident. The timing is very intriguing.

"Come on, please come inside." Mu Jinnian's eyes were slightly inquiring, he turned Shi De's body a little, then took it back, and then led Zhao Subo and Shi De inside.

Shi De wanted to be at the end to show his humility towards Zhao Subo, but Zhao Subo also deliberately fell behind and walked side by side with him.

"Shi De, I heard that you were in a car accident? Do you need to worry? You should be fine by looking at your health. Although driving is the job of a skilled worker, you must be bold and careful, and be careful to travel for thousands of years." Zhao Subo's words were half concerned. , half an inquiry.

"Yes, I was also negligent for a while, eating a quarrel to gain a wisdom, and driving and walking in the future will definitely have to see all directions, hehe." Shi Dehe smiled and responded casually.

"Binsheng Real Estate Company's registered capital is not strong. After the establishment of the company, do you want to take root in a single city, or do you want to go out of the single city and move towards the whole province?" Zhao Subo's topic immediately jumped to business.

"First take root in a single city, and then move to the whole province. You need to eat one bite at a time, and the road needs to be taken step by step."

Zhao Subo nodded and stopped talking.

Arriving at the private room of Yashiju, he pushed the door open and went in. Shi De looked up and couldn't help being stunned. It turned out that there were two other people in the room, and one Shi De knew. He was dressed in fancy dresses and was a beautiful woman who could almost be blown away if the wind was stronger. Who could it be if it wasn't Hua Liunian, and the other person was sitting in the middle, with indifferent eyes and a calm expression, about 26 years old, slightly fat, round face, big ears, wearing a suit and tie on a hot day, With his proud demeanor and serious attire, people can tell that he is a character at a glance.

And it's not a small person.

As soon as Shi De came in, Hua Liunian greeted him like a gust of wind.

"Brother Shi, but I saw you. Let me take a look. You don't have any arms or legs, and your face isn't disfigured. Hey, I'm relieved. I'm worried to death when I heard that you had a car accident."

Shi De couldn't bear the enthusiasm of Hua Liunian, so he took a step back and said with a smile: "I have a big life, I can't die. And the master also said that I can live a hundred years, so sister Hua don't have to worry. Thank you, sister Hua, look back. I invite you to dinner."

A few people came in, and the person in the middle just raised his eyelids, not his butt, let alone stood up to greet him, he didn't even have to say hello, he was good enough.Mu Jinnian is busy introducing Shi De: "Shi De, come, let me introduce, this is Fu Weiqiang, chairman and general manager of Weihong Real Estate Company."

"President Fu." Shi De bowed slightly and greeted politely.Who Fu Weiqiang was, of course he knew very well, he was the son of the mayor Fu Rui.Well, this year, Mu Jinnian invited him over for dinner, and it wasn't the Hongmen Banquet, but the Dragon Gate Array at all.

But then again, let’s not mention who is behind the car accident. He just saw Fu Weiqiang and Zhao Subo, who are known as the two young masters in the single city circle, which explains one point. Binsheng Real Estate Company’s The establishment has indeed touched the nerves of some people.

Although Fu Weiqiang and Zhao Subo are not very old, they are celebrities in Shancheng. Not to mention the identities of the two mayor and deputy secretary of the municipal party committee, the real estate companies under their names almost monopolize the real estate market in Shancheng. Prove how much energy the two have in the single city.

Some people say that Zhao Subo has the influence of calling for wind and rain in Shancheng, but Fu Weiqiang is stronger than him, reaching the realm of spreading beans and turning stones into gold. It is said that which land Zhao Subo wants can be solved with just a phone call.Fu Weiqiang's Weihong Real Estate Company never undertakes projects or develops projects, but Fu Weiqiang's net worth is several times more than Zhao Subo's. He went to Fu Weiqiang's name, and then Zhao Subo bought the land from Fu Weiqiang...

Rumors are just rumors after all, but from another perspective, there is no wind and no waves, and often rumors are more lethal and credible than the truth.

Fu Weiqiang's greeting to Shi De was only a slight nod, with a "um" in his nose, neither shaking hands nor standing up, he directly bypassed Shi De and asked Mu Jinnian: "Jinnian, can we start now?"

Mu Jinnian smiled apologetically at Shi De, turned around and told the waiter, "Serve the food."

Shi De was left on the spot by Fu Weiqiang. He knew in his heart that some high-ranking officials were very arrogant and looked down on him as a commoner. With a calm face, he turned and sat at the last seat, casting a meaningful glance at Mu Jinnian.Mu Jinnian had no intention of arranging today's party. It would be fine if there was Hua Liunian, but Fu Weiqiang and Zhao Subo appeared at the same time, and the two of them had obviously already arranged the scene, one sang the red face and the other sang the white face. Deliberately set up the Dragon Gate Array to see how he handles it.

What is Mu Jinnian's intention as an intermediary?
The waiters serve dishes one after another. Since they are mainly Hunan dishes, they serve the characteristics of Xiangjun Mansion, such as fish head with chopped peppers, fried minced pork with sour beans, fried bean curd and stir-fried bean curd. The dishes are good, but the people here Obviously they have no intention to taste, after all, today's dinner is not about eating.

Although Mu Jinnian was very attentive to agitate the atmosphere, and Hua Liunian also cooperated diligently on the side, but because Fu Weiqiang was too big, and Zhao Subo was too reserved and could not let go, the atmosphere was never warm.Seeing this, Shi De didn't take the initiative to speak. First, he didn't treat himself badly to fill his stomach. Then, he buried his head in eating. After he was full, he took the opportunity to raise his glass and looked at Fu Weiqiang and Zhao Subo secretly. See.

Shi De also noticed the strangeness of Mu Jinnian. Unlike before, when Mu Jinnian looked at people, his eyes were no longer scattered and erratic, but more concentrated on the face, not separated from the main organs and parts such as facial features and three stops, and his eyes were more focused. The meaning of scrutiny and playfulness is exactly the look that a physicist should have.

In this way, Mu Jinnian is successful in his physiognomy, and is he taking the opportunity to meet Fu Weiqiang and Zhao Subo?Interesting, it's getting more and more interesting. Could it be that Mu Jinnian hasn't looked at Fu Weiqiang and Zhao Subo carefully before?Or, is today also the first time he and the two meet?Shi De suddenly felt that today's dinner was also very delicate. He thought that Mu Jinnian, Fu Weiqiang and Zhao Subo had partnered to plot against him, but now he can almost negate the previous judgment. Mu Jinnian's game today, I am afraid there is something unspeakable.

At the end of the meal, the big man Fu Weiqiang finally spoke slowly, and as soon as he opened his mouth, he questioned Shi De: "Shide, you also want to get involved in the real estate market of Shancheng, do you know that on the boundary of Shancheng? If you want to build a house, you have to get my nod first? You don’t say hello if you don’t worship the mountain, you really don’t understand the rules!”

As soon as Fu Weiqiang opened his mouth, the atmosphere in the room immediately cooled to freezing point.

(End of this chapter)

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