Fortune Teller.

Chapter 64 Team and Circle

Chapter 64 Team and Circle
Generally speaking, the Standing Committee is a member of a party and government team. Li Sanjiang is not yet a member of the Standing Committee of the District Committee, so he is not in the team.However, the concept of a team and a circle are different. A circle refers to an alliance formed by a group of people with core influence. There are many factors that form a circle, comrades-in-arms, classmates, or fellow villagers, no matter which one it is, they are all firm. alliance of interests.

The standing committee members of the district committee are members of the team, but the standing committee members of the district committee may not be able to decide the ownership of a piece of land.Li Sanjiang is not a member of the team, but Li Sanjiang is a member of a small circle headed by Liu Ming, a high-ranking district official.

After Shen Xueliang, the former senior official of the district, was promoted to the deputy mayor, Liu Ming, the former head of the district, was promoted and became a senior district official.The relationship between Liu Ming and Li Sanjiang has always been good.

Sometimes, what the main leader cannot do, the secondary leader may be able to do. The mystery of officialdom is indescribable.

Back at Yiwanxiang, it was already past ten o'clock in the evening, and Shi De still went to Taohuaju to have a few words with Biyou.Since the car accident, Bi You asked him to tell her every day no matter how late he came back, otherwise she would never sleep.Shi was so scared, he didn't dare to delay Bi You's beauty sleep, so he honestly came back every day to report.

Bi You hadn't slept yet, she came out in her pajamas, holding a book in her hand, she complained as soon as she saw Shi De, "Why did you come back so late? You work so hard every day, be careful that your body can't stand it. You can't let people Take it easy?"

Shi De interrupted deliberately, reaching for the book in Bi You's hand: "Let me see what book you are reading?"

"It's "Playing Hands", a particularly good-looking novel. The protagonist in it is handsome and intelligent, much better than you."

"Don't talk nonsense. Generally, people who are more handsome than me are not smart, and those who are smarter than me are not handsome. Occasionally one or two people who are both handsome and smarter than me are old men."

"It's so stinky, narcissism turns into a flower." Bi You beat Shi De with her hand, and then shoved the book into Shi De's hand, "You can also take a look when you have time, it's very helpful. I like the girl in it the most. The master Kong Xiangyun just thinks that she is too accommodating to the male protagonist and aggrieved herself too much. If it were me, I would have to fight for anything. Hmph, why do women have to aggrieve themselves and satisfy the bad thoughts of men hugging each other. "

"Hey, Biyou female classmate, you have to distinguish between history and reality. Men have been hugging left and right for thousands of years, and now they have not allowed them to hug for decades. The inertia force of thousands of years is very large. There must be a period of [-] years of adaptation." Shi De didn't really have a bad idea of ​​hugging from left to right, but deliberately teased Bi You.

"Ah, do you mean that men still want three wives and four concubines for decades to fully accept monogamy? Your mind is too unhealthy. Come on, how many women do you have to satisfy your dream?" Bi You was annoyed.

Shi De deliberately raised his fingers to count: "It takes one, two, three, four, five, six, seven or eight..." Before he could finish speaking, he had already received a solid blow on the head.

Back at Fang Waiju, the night was like water, Shi De did not go back to the room first, but stood alone in the courtyard, looking up at the stars.The handle of the Big Dipper has gradually shifted from the guide to the west. The guide of the handle is summer all over the world.Dou Cup points to the west, autumn is all over the world, and it is almost autumn.Before he knew it, he came to Shancheng, and it has gone from spring to autumn.

It has been a few days since Master He left Shancheng.Once He Ye, who has never used a mobile phone, leaves, if he wants to know his whereabouts, he can only wait for him to call.It's just that there has been no news from Master He for a few days, Shi De and Bi You can only wait patiently for the news of Master He.Fortunately, both of them are used to He Ye Shenlong's acting style of seeing the beginning but not the end.

Master He left Shancheng this time to find out the whereabouts of his biological parents. In fact, in all fairness, in addition to having some impressions and feelings for his father, Shi De could not even remember what his mother looked like, let alone feelings.It's not that he is ruthless. Even if his biological mother is standing in front of him now, he may not jump over excitedly and cry out "Mom" in grief.

The love left by his stepmother was too great and too deep. When he needed maternal love the most, his biological mother disappeared. It was the stepmother who accompanied him through the most difficult growing up years.Then his father left without saying goodbye, and it was his stepmother who burned the last light of life to light up the way for him. An ordinary and great woman, she is the most irreplaceable and most beautiful existence in Shi De's heart. She is the life of Shi De. source of love.

It is not implemented to resent his mother, nor to complain about his father. There are always helplessness and choices in life. Maybe the mother's departure was her last resort, and maybe the father's leaving without saying goodbye also has his reasons. When is there anything more important to a parent than taking care of their child's growth?No matter how difficult it is and there are reasons, why can't we tell you honestly and have to hurt a child's young heart by disappearing and leaving without saying goodbye?

Thinking of the past events of childhood, Shi De couldn't help crying.He did not cry when he was the most desperate in his life, nor did he cry when he decided to die, but when he remembered the unfortunate childhood past and the lack of fatherly love, he finally shed tears of grief in his heart.Men don't cry easily, just because they haven't reached the sad place, men can also cry when no one is there.

Whether his parents are still alive or not is not easy to guess. His mother is too far away from him. In addition, when he was in college in Xiajiang, he searched for his mother for four years but failed. He is not very optimistic about his mother's current situation.And my father should still be in the world, if it is true what Master He said he is in the capital, it is only more than 400 kilometers away from him.

The distance of more than 400 kilometers is not separated by thousands of mountains and rivers, but the longing and calling of a son to his father.If there is a day when father and son meet, the first thing Shi De wants to do is to ask his father face to face: "Why?"

Whether there is an answer or not, and whether the answer is what he wants, he just wants to ask why.No one can accept the fact that their biological parents are gone. In a person's growth process, parents are the most worthy of reliance and trust.The feeling of being abandoned by the person you rely on and trust the most, you won't know the desolation and sadness unless you experience it firsthand.

There is still one thing Shi De can't understand. Judging from the current situation, the turning point of his life in the second stage has become clear. Why does Master He still have to find his biological parents?Could it be that it is not just for inferring his fate from the face of his biological parents, but has a deeper purpose?
Shi De, who lived outside Fang, couldn't understand this, nor did Bi Wentian, who was in Shancheng at this time.

"He Zitian went out this time, very strange, he seems to have a strong purpose, but also seems to have no purpose, I can't see through him." Sitting opposite Mu Jinnian, Bi Wentian frowned, with a stern expression, "Shi De was stuck in the It is not surprising that the realm of the physiognomy cannot be broken through. The time he has immersed in the realm of the physiognomy is too short, and the foundation is not solid enough. In fact, many people spend three to 30 years from the beginning of the phase to the high level. It took three months to break through. It was due to his talent and intelligence, and also because Fang Waiju was a place of good geomantic omen, and He Zitian changed his luck for him. However, the backlash against the seedlings will cause endless troubles, so Jinnian you There is no need to rush to break through, but to lay a solid foundation first.”

Mu Jinnian nodded again and again, more or less relieved in his heart: "Master Bi, is it really beneficial to improve my physiognomy by going out to the jade shop?"

"Your jade shop is in a good position, and feng shui is very good, but although feng shui gathers wealth, it does not gather qi luck, and the improvement of physiognomy must have qi luck. Besides jade articles, the aura is too strong, and the aura is too strong. It is easy to affect the clear qi in the human body. If the clear qi does not rise, the eyes are unclear. The eyes are unclear, and the physiognomy is difficult to achieve." Bi Wentian's face was still cold and his attitude was very serious.

"Yes, I have been taught. Thank you Master Bi for his cultivation." Mu Jinnian said sincerely, "I will never forget Master Bi's kindness to me for the rest of my life."

"No matter how high a person's official position is, he will also step down. No matter how much wealth he has, he cannot guarantee a lifetime of glory. Power and wealth in the world are unreliable, and the most reliable thing is a pair of discerning eyes. The world in your eyes is as transparent as glass. If you want power, you can make friends with the powerful at any time. If you want wealth, you can make a millionaire give you millions of dollars in one sentence. So, Jinnian, you used to go It's a dirt road, and now it's a golden road." Bi Wentian was quite satisfied with Mu Jinnian's attitude, and taught him earnestly again.

"However, the Golden Avenue is not a smooth road, and there will be stumbling blocks. My stumbling block is He Zitian, and your stumbling block is Shi De."

Mu Jinnian pushed up his glasses and looked puzzled: "Master Bi, I don't quite understand why He Zitian and Shi De would be our stumbling blocks? The road is facing the sky, and we will walk on one side. , why do you have to decide the winner?"

"If you simply give an example to explain that a high-ranking official in a single city can only be one person, if you explain it in detail from the perspective of fortune, luck and the overall situation, it will be a long story. When you reach your realm, you will know why I said He Zitian and Shi Dehui are our stumbling blocks... Now it doesn't matter if you don't understand, you just need to work hard to improve your realm. Also, beware of Shi De and He Zitian, maybe they will attack you unexpectedly, Especially He Zitian is very powerful. If he wants to harm you, he will hurt you invisible. But don't worry too much. He Zitian will not care about you for a while. He is now trapped in the mystery of Shi De's life experience. , Shi De's bizarre background will harm him." Bi Wentian's eyes were deep and he smiled confidently.

"Master Bi, Shi De's car accident..." Mu Jinnian was also very curious and puzzled about Shi De's car accident, and wanted to ask Master Bi's opinion.

 Two consecutive updates, ask for a monthly pass!Over [-] monthly passes, there will be a third update today!
(End of this chapter)

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