Fortune Teller.

Chapter 9 Thunderbolt

Chapter 9 Thunderbolt
Different moods have different feelings towards Chunyu.This spring is dry and rainy. A spring rain will bring rain to the crops that have been dry for a long time, but it will make people in the city feel inconvenienced.

For Shi De, the gloomy rainy day did not affect his high spirits. His heart was full of curiosity and desire for the unknown, and even the pleasant atmosphere in the room created by the dark sky was ignored by him, even because of the dark sky. The faint light from a covered table lamp shone on Biyou's face, making Biyou's face dreamlike, her classical beauty almost suffocating... and she was blinded by it.

Shi De just took a sip from the teacup subconsciously, staring straight at He Zitian, waiting for He Zitian to answer the more and more questions in his heart.

"It's not an organization you joined. If you have to name it, it can actually be called a mutual aid association. Bi You and I were just strangers in the past. After we met by chance, I helped her get out of the predicament of life. Of course, I don't just give without expecting anything in return, I hope she can solve the problems of my life, but unfortunately, her destiny is not enough."

Bi You interjected and said, "I was actually worse than you back then, but I never thought about committing suicide. At that time, I was living on the street, it was also spring, and it was a rainy day. I was soaked by the rain, and I was cold and hungry. I thought, It really doesn't work. I still have a body to sell. In short, as long as I can survive, there is hope. Just when I almost took the first step towards the abyss, Lord He appeared..."

It turned out that Bi You still had such a sad past. She recalled the strength and fortitude on her face when she recalled the past, which made Shi feel ashamed.

When the mountains and rivers are exhausted, I want to die, it is really not what a man does!
"Master He not only saved me, but also helped me out of the predicament, and opened a bowl of incense." Bi You pulled her hair together, a look of helplessness and disappointment flashed on her face, "It's a pity that my life is not enough, help No sir."

"Biyou, don't blame yourself. There are too many fates that can't be changed. The main reason is that your fate is too compatible with mine. I don't blame you, it's just my lack of skill and knowledge." With a calm face, he smiled again, "I don't always say that hard work pays off, you see, it's not that Shi De has finally arrived."

Shi De is now completely at a loss, feeling that the clouds and mountains are covered with fog, and he can't see east, west, north and south at all.But he held back his temper and waited for He Zitian to continue.

"Since ancient times, most of the physicists, warlocks or feng shui masters did not end well. They either died prematurely, died suddenly, or lived a lonely life. Why? It's because there are too many secrets leaked." He took a handful of peanuts and put it in his mouth, "Actually, sometimes it's okay if you reveal the secrets out of kindness, but people's hearts are always greedy and forget righteousness when they see profits, often they are good when they are first learning fortune-telling and face-to-face, and they will not go against their ancestors. Training, stick to the bottom line, but in the end, you will not be able to hold it, and forget about the ancestral training and the bottom line, and only care about the immediate interests, regardless of the future consequences."

"I was a freshman at the beginning of the year, and I also made some mistakes that I shouldn't have made. As a result, I ended up where I am today, and I was punished by God."

"Ah?" Shi De exclaimed, "Master He, you are not doing well now, Daofeng Immortal Bone..."

"I'm alone now, with no children and no daughters. I've been lonely all my life. Where do you think it's good?"

Shi De did not speak.

"Fortunately, I woke up in time, and from then on I was careful with my words, never relying on fortune-telling or face-to-face to make money, even if I occasionally leaked my secrets, it was out of a righteous heart, plus there was a remedy for peanuts, so I developed the way I am now. The image of Feng Xiangu, haha."

"Haha." Shi De also smiled, "With Bi You and me, Master He is not alone anymore. Even if the punishment of a lonely life is solved."

"Don't count you, since I had Biyou, the scourge of my lonely life has been solved." He Zitian said, "Biyou's fate matches my fate very well. I won't be old and have nowhere to go. However, Bi You can only resolve my loneliness and mental illness, but it can't resolve my pain and physical illness!"

One sentence made Shi De startled, and he stood up in shock.He Zitian is like an old fairy, how can he still have pain and illness?

He Zitian waved his hand and smiled sadly: "People live in the world, and there is never a perfect thing. I am also a human, not an immortal, and there must be barriers that I can't escape. And with my ability, I can only reach the realm of a transporter in this life. It’s a way to go a step further.”

"Master He, what level is keeping you from getting through?" Shi De slowly returned to his seat.

"Now, you won't understand. When you reach the realm of Yun Shi in the future, you won't need me to speak, and you will understand." He Zitian didn't explain too much, but continued to dig into the topic just now, "You now have six lives. Four fortunes, you have not yet reached the realm of the five fates and five fortunes, the reason why you say your fate is strange, there are indeed objective reasons."

"The vast majority of people in the world have seven fates and three fates. If you meet the guidance of a fortune teacher, it is not difficult to move forward to become six fates and four fates. Six fates and four fates will rise to the level of fate, which means that fate has changed. In other words In other words, everyone in the world has the opportunity and ability to change their fate. But the difficulty is that the physicist is easy to meet, but the fortune-teller rarely shows up, and most people do not have the art of changing their fate, so many times they clearly have Opportunities come, but they are wasted in vain, and life is empty."

"Most of the people who tell fortune-telling and face-to-face on the street are swindlers, and it would be good if one out of ten people is a real-skilled master. A master can cut off a person's future and know the good and the bad, but it is not bad. There is no life-changing technique. The physiognomist knows it but doesn't know why. For the transport division, the physiognomist's technique is the most basic and superficial technique. , a physiognomist is a beginner who only knows the fur." ​​He Zitian talked eloquently, obviously today he would explain many unspoken secrets for Shi De, "If a physicist gets the true biography of a famous teacher and learns the art of changing his life, he can use all kinds of secrets. When a person's fortune is changed by means of a method, he leaves the primary stage of a physicist and becomes a physicist. A physicist who wants to become a physicist must not only rely on chance and fortune, but also be able to meet a master, and he must also have a strong You have a high talent, and you have to be righteous. If you have the opportunity, you have the talent, but if you don't have the right mind, even if you become a transport teacher, it is useless, and sooner or later you will be condemned to death."

"Under normal circumstances, among the [-] true physicists, only one person can have the chance to become a fortune-telling teacher. The five fates and five fortunes are the fate of a fortune-telling teacher."

Shi De made a secret calculation, that is to say, if calculated according to the proportion, it is possible that one of the thousand fortune-tellers seen on the street is a real fortune-teller, and the fortune-tellers on the street are better than normal people. , has been rare, so to say, it is really lucky to meet a fortune-teller who is one of the best in the line.

"On the surface, it is definitely a very honorable thing to be a sportsman, not only must you have a very high talent, but also have extraordinary opportunities, but in fact, the limitations of a sportsman are also very large. Although Yun Shi is of a higher realm than Xiang Shi, and can really cut off people's future and change people's fate, but Yun Shi is like a doctor, but he cannot change his life for himself!"

"If a fortune-teller wants to change his life for himself, he must go one step further and become a legendary fortune-teller!" He Zitian's eyes suddenly lit up, "The fate of a fortune-teller is not called fate, nor is it called fate, nor is it called fate. It's called destiny, and it's called destiny. It is the fate of four fates and six fortunes! Moreover, the life master can not only cut off the future for others, but also break through the limit of his own destiny from four fates and six fates, and become a world with three fates and seven fates. The fate of the vertical and horizontal!"

"It's a pity..." He Zitian's eyes dimmed again, "Only one person out of a thousand fortune-tellers can become a fortune-teller. In my vision, there are countless physiognomists recorded in history, and there are also fortune-tellers. There are more than a dozen people, but there is no life teacher. It can be seen that the difficulty of becoming a life teacher is almost the limit of human beings that cannot be broken.”

Shi De heard the unheard of secrets, and his heart skipped a beat. He thought about it and asked, "Since Yun Shi can overcome the truth of fate and master the means of changing his life that ordinary people can't grasp, why can't he change his own destiny? As long as you succeed in changing your life for yourself, and break through from five fates and five fates to four fates and six fates, then you can become a fate teacher?"

"Yes, I thought so too at first, I thought things couldn't be simpler. But after I became an operator, I found out that I thought it was too simple. Everything in the world has a balance, and a doctor can't cure my disease. , a teacher can teach a champion student, but he can't become a champion himself. People's eyes are long in front, and they don't care about the future. The same is true for Yun Shi, who wants to die for himself, but it is difficult to find his own shortcomings and find himself. If you can't find your own shortcomings and shortcomings, you can't change your life! Even if you hold a mirror and try to see what you look like, the figure in the mirror is reversed." He Zitian smiled and shook his head, "The most important thing is The point is, no matter how tight-lipped the Yunshi is, and no matter how the Yunshi punishes evil and promotes good, but after all, Yunshi is the creation of the world, and it is against the sky. Therefore, each Yunshi has a limit. The eight-year period lasts for one catastrophe every eight years, and the later catastrophe becomes more and more dangerous, basically every transport division can survive the first six catastrophe safely, but the seventh catastrophe, in all likelihood, will be inevitable.”

"I'm 52 years old this year, hehe, Shi De, how many years do you think I have a good life?"

On July 56, [-], Shi De was startled, what disaster will befall He Zitian four years later?
"You guessed it right, it's only four years." He Zitian smiled helplessly, "After four years, if I can't resolve the disaster, it will be my limit."

Shi De's face changed greatly. Unexpectedly, he met a noble person in his life. He thought that he could use He Zitian's power to change his life and change his previous bleak life. Then he set sail and skyrocketed. Four years of life!

It was a bolt from the blue!
(End of this chapter)

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