Fortune Teller.

Chapter 94 Reunion

Chapter 94 Reunion

Of course Shi De didn't know. He and Huang Susu had long since cut off contact. He shook his head and said, "I don't know, I haven't been in touch. I haven't seen her again since my business failed. The phone can't get through, and the house is not allowed to enter."

Several people in the room shook their heads again and again, and Bian Ning copied a phone number to Shi De: "This is her current phone number. You can contact her. If something should be broken, it's better to break it in person." He patted Shi. "You are a man who can take it and let it go. I believe you can handle her affairs well."

When Bian Ning said something, Shi De was shocked: "What happened to her?"

A few people, look at me, I'll look at you, but no one said anything. In the end, Bian Ning said, "It's better for you to call and ask yourself, and we won't talk about it."

After a few people left, Shi De walked alone on the streets of Xiajiang, and suddenly felt sad in his heart, what's the matter?He couldn't answer himself, tried to dial her number several times, but put it down several times.People, no matter how strong people are, they also have weaknesses, and they also have a past that they don't want to face.

Shi De walked along the familiar street for more than an hour. There were people coming and going, bustling, and all of them were passersby who didn't know each other. After passing by, they might not meet again.Life is a constant reunion and a constant separation, and there is never a moment of rest.

It wasn't until he got tired of walking that Shi De found a roadside restaurant and ate a few casual lunches.

For a long time, he hadn't had such a leisure time, maybe it would be good to just keep walking like this.

Afterwards, Shi De went on the road again, still walking aimlessly by herself, the scene in front of her kept changing, but there was only one figure flashing in her mind. She wore a pair of rimless glasses and had long hair. As quiet as a lily, as quiet as a serene orchid... Long hair, a girl with glasses, and a quiet temperament, once occupied Shi De's heart for a long time, it is the best memory of Shi De's first love.

I don't know how long after walking, the sun goes down, and as soon as I look up, I have come to a lilong, the lilong is the dialect of Xiajiang, which is synonymous with the hutongs in the capital.The low-rise old-fashioned building, the cramped living space, and the narrow hallway were the place where the future mother-in-law, who told him that she would have a house and a car before marrying her daughter—now it seems, it’s just down the river. Just poor houses.

It is also the place where flavin grows from a young age.

It seems to be aimless, but the pace of its implementation has been following the path of failure in the past, step by step from the university to the home of Huang Susu, from the first acquaintance of Huang Susu to the gift of allowing him to come, it took him four years.But it only took him more than a year to go from a business failure to a closed door.But today, when he walked over from the school step by step again, he found that the distance was not as far as he thought.

Sometimes I think about it, life requires the courage and determination to make sacrifices, bury your head and walk. When you look up, you will find that the difficulties are much smaller than expected.Don't be intimidated by imagined difficulties, don't try it yourself, you'll never know if you'll be surprised, or your potential.

Shi De took a deep breath and called Xiajiang Huang Susu.

The phone rang three times and someone answered: "Hello, Nong."

It was her, still her voice as pure and ethereal as the sky, Shi De's mood was agitated, and he suppressed the surging passion in his heart, trying to make his voice calm as water: "Hello, I am Shi De."

"..." There was silence at the end of the phone, a long silence, accompanied by increasingly heavy breathing, and then the heavy breathing turned into choking, ", where are you?"

When Huang Susu cried in grief, Shi De's long-standing grief and anger disappeared. His first love was the most unforgettable, and Huang Susu hurt him the most because he once loved her the most.

"I'm at your door." Shi De took a deep breath again, suppressing his inner impulse, "I want to talk to you."

"Wait, I'll be out right away."

Fla Susu's reaction was beyond Shi De's surprise, he thought she would avoid her.

After a while, there was the sound of the door opening, and Huang Susu flew out directly, rushing in front of him like the wind.

Before she could stand up, Huang Susu's mother rushed out from behind, a middle-aged woman with curly hair on her head and a toothbrush in her mouth. She came first, and came first to Shi De, akimbo menacingly. Said: "Shi De, why are you still haunting my family Susu? Tell Nong, my family Susu is engaged, and the wedding date is the National Day, so Nong will give up. Just rely on Nong as a loser with nothing, why? Are you and my family so good? A hillbilly like Nong is worthy of going back to the countryside to find hillbilly girls."

Shi De didn't think Bai Su'e's face was annoying before, although he thought she was short-sighted and petty, but he respected her somewhat, but today he was completely irritated by her snobbish face. However, a working class with a salary of more than 1000 yuan, a frog in the well who has never taken a step down the river in his life but regards places outside the river as the countryside, is nothing more than a petty citizen who regards self-esteem as self-esteem and ignorance as personality with excessive sadness and bad roots!
"Auntie, I'm here to say goodbye to Susu." Shi De suppressed the anger in his heart and still maintained proper etiquette.

"Farewell? What is there to say goodbye to? Where do you go back and forth? What goodbye is a poor ghost talking about? Don't pretend to be sentimental, okay? People don't have money, so it's not easy to pretend to be anything. Maybe it's looking for Su If you want to borrow the travel expenses back, you want me to say, if Nong doesn't leave, he will be a mangy dog." Bai Su Mo's mouth was full of foam, and the spittle stars flew around.

"Bai Su'e, please respect yourself!" Shi De finally couldn't bear it any longer, "You are an elder, I won't say anything bad about you, but as an elder, you should have the demeanor of an elder. Young people respect the old and love the young is based on On the basis of being respectable and amiable for the elderly, don’t be disrespectful and not ashamed. Those who respect others will always respect them, and those who humiliate others… will bring their own humiliation!”

Bai Su'e was shocked by Shi De's aura, her lips twitched for a long time without uttering a complete sentence, she just pulled Flavin Susu hard: "Susu, go home, don't have the same knowledge as him."

Flavin Su was angry and anxious, neither walking nor not walking, his eyes filled with tears.Shi De secretly sighed, if Yue Qingying and Xia Hua were replaced, it would definitely not be the current situation. Even Biyou, she has a strong side in her tenderness, but Huang Susu does not. She only has weakness and obedience. And the dilemma that will never end.

Bai Su'e continued to pull Flavin Su's back and pulled hard, seeing that Fla Su Su was about to be pulled back by her. When Shi De's farewell today would be halfway through, suddenly a BMW car stopped by Shi De's side unexpectedly. He got out of the car, grabbed Shi De, and said in surprise, "Shide, is it really you? I saw you just now, and I walked around in a circle. It's really you."

Shi De was also surprised that it was his college classmate Hu Yidao.

When he was in college, he had a good relationship with Hu Yidao. Hu Yidao was also from Xiajiang, and his family was very good. His father was an executive of a state-owned enterprise, and his mother worked in a party and government agency. It can be seen that one's background can indeed improve a person's quality. People who call others a hillbilly every day are just because they are too inferior, and demeaning others is to satisfy a poor little self-esteem.Just like people who are really confident and powerful, they never show off that they have money, houses and cars.

"Why did you come down the river? You didn't tell me when you came down the river. It's not enough friends." Hu Yidao glanced at Bai Su'e and Huang Susu, nodded at them, and said to Shi De, "I just came back from Shancheng. , I heard that you are doing well in Shancheng. Now you have several companies under your name, and your net worth is tens of millions, right? If you expand your business to Xiajiang in the future, if there is a place to cooperate, remember to find me. Be part of foreign trade."

Bai Su'e didn't leave either. She was completely shocked by Hu Yidao's momentum. After a while, she stammered and asked, "You, are you also Susu's classmate?"

Hu Yidao nodded slightly, glanced at Bai Su'e, Li ignored her, and withdrew his gaze, his attitude was indifferent and distant.

Obviously, Hu Yidao was not even interested in talking to Bai Sumo.

"Susu, why don't you say hello when you meet your classmate? You are so rude. Why haven't I heard you say that you have such a promising classmate? This classmate, what's your name? Now that you're at the door Let's sit down at home. Susu, please invite your classmates to sit at home." Bai Su'e immediately changed her face again, smiling flatteringly and ingratiatingly.

"Don't bother, thank you auntie, I'll leave after a few words with Shi De." Hu Yidao responded to Bai Su'e indifferently, and was busy exchanging business cards with Shi De.Bai Su'e was treated indifferently by Hu Yidao, and she didn't give up, she pulled Huang Susu aside and asked a few words in a low voice.

Shi De briefly explained the reason why he came to Xiajiang, and exchanged business cards with Hu Yidao, saying that he would definitely strengthen contact in the future.Hu Yidao answered enthusiastically, saying that there is no problem, he must try his best.

Shi De saw that Hu Yidao looked good, and his face showed signs of wealth and honor. He should have a smooth and beautiful life in the future, so he was sincerely happy for him, but when he took a closer look at Hu Yidao's pattern, he couldn't help being surprised. Hu Yidao was rising as a whole. Among his fortunes, there have been obvious fluctuations in his fortune recently. Looking at his eyes, there is a layer of blackness looming in his eyes. It should be that a villain has been plotting behind his back recently. fluctuation?"

"It's really... strange, how did you know?" Hu Yidao couldn't help but wonder.

Shi De smiled slightly, just nodded, and didn't say much: "Don't care how I know, I'll remind you, beware of the villain around you. This villain may be a real villain, or a hypocrite, whether it is a villain or a hypocrite. Which one, there is one thing you must pay attention to, that is, he is hurting you behind your back."

(End of this chapter)

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