Chapter 96
"I understand." Shi Dehan said more, "Aunt Zheng is looking for me, will she try me?"

"What are you doing in the trial? Don't be too sentimental, my mother usually speaks nicely, but she is the most important thing in the family, even if you are more beautiful than Pan Anyan, Song Yu, or Zijian, it's useless, she only sees her body, in her eyes, her My daughter is a child of a non-official family and doesn't marry." Xia Hua didn't hit Shi De, she felt uncomfortable.

Shi De laughed and finally found an opportunity to tease Xia Hua: "I just wanted to ask if Aunt Zheng would review whether I am qualified to cooperate with you. You are too good at association."

"Shi De, you...reckless!" Xia Hua was at a loss for words, and there were times when she stumbled and was slapped with tricks.

I finally feel a little more relaxed, and talking with Xia Hua has the effect of relaxing my mood, not bad, not bad.Shi De put away the phone, got up, returned to Fudan University, and found flavonoids in the dormitory.

Shi De always felt a little awkward to distinguish the two flavins by size, so he decided to call the flavins Huang Xiaomei in the future.

"Go, go out to eat." Seeing that there was only Huang Xiaomei in the dormitory, Shi De knew that she had been waiting for him.

Huang Xiaomei was writing a letter, and she was halfway through writing, and when she heard Shi De said she was going out to eat, she cheered.

Go downstairs, the campus is full of people.The school days are always the busiest when new students enter school every year, and it is also a good time for senior brothers to open their eyes and scan the younger sisters.When Shi De saw the smiling faces full of vigor, he knew that his youth was gone forever.

Fortunately, youth is gone, blood and passion are still there, and the picture scroll slowly unfolding in front of him is more colorful than college life.

During the meal, Shi De told Huang Xiaomei some precautions, and left her another 2000 yuan.She didn't want anything, but Shi De pretended to be angry before she accepted it, and said to Shi De solemnly: "Just treat it as a loan from me, and I will pay you back the principal with interest in the future, so you should be a usury. "

Shi De laughed and scolded: "What did you say? Don't talk nonsense in the future."

Huang Xiaomei stuck out her tongue: "I didn't talk nonsense, just wait and see, time is the only criterion for testing the truth."

"Doesn't it mean that practice is the only criterion for testing truth?"

"Practice makes mistakes, but time doesn't." Huang Xiaomei was like a little philosopher, her expression was serious when she spoke.

"I'm going back tomorrow. You have to learn to take care of yourself, and remember to write more letters to your family." Shi De suddenly found himself very nagging, repeating a lot of nonsense, but still talking with relish, feeling that he had to talk.Fortunately, Huang Xiaomei did not show a trace of impatience, on the contrary, she quietly listened to his every word.

After the meal, Shi De sent Huang Xiaomei back to the dormitory, which was a formal farewell to Huang Xiaomei.Fortunately, Li Menghan hadn't come back yet, otherwise he might have been entangled by her and asked endlessly.

The next day, Shi De called Xia Hua before getting on the plane. This time, Xia Hua didn't talk endlessly, only answered two words: "Received."

At noon, Shi De returned to Shimen.As soon as he got off the plane, he saw a group of people pointing around a sign. Shi De was still amused. He thought that there was something to make a fuss about, and what was so good about a sign.It was none other than Xia Hua who held the sign. The key is that it is fine to hold a sign to pick up someone. The problem is that Xia Hua doesn't like to play cards as usual, and there are several big characters written on the sign: "Accept liars and bad people."

Many people whispered around Xia Hua, but Xia Hua looked good and dressed beautifully, and some people whispered: "Did you think of this method after being abandoned by some man?"

"He looks very good-looking, has a good figure, and is in such a good condition that he could hang himself from a tree? Otherwise, just follow me."

"That's right, I think why don't you go and comfort her wounded heart?"

"I think it's okay. This woman is amazing. This time she dares to pick up someone at the airport with a big sign. Next time, maybe she will come with a photo. Whoever talks to her about friends can really be sold by her."

Come on, people are terrifying, Shi De pretended not to see Xia Hua and took a detour.Unexpectedly, Xia Hua had sharp eyes and grabbed Shi De's arm: "Don't run, you will be picked up."

As soon as the words came out, the words shocked everyone, and countless people looked at Shi De like arrows. Shi De was defeated and fled.

He got into his Audi car--Shi De drove by himself, of course--turned on his mobile phone, the phone was empty, and there was no text message. Maybe he and Huang Susu would be separated forever like this. Neither see nor miss.

"It looks like the soul is not holding on, and the soul is left in the river?" Xia Hua said sarcastically, "Shi De, take back your mind and prepare for a new challenge. According to reliable information, Fu Weiqiang is not reconciled to failure and makes a comeback. Tonight at Shimen, I will continue to toss in Shimen..."

Shi De ignored Xia Hua's mockery and put away his phone: "Come on, come on, there are women in a family who ask for everything, engineering is like a daughter to be married, everyone wants to marry and go home... You help me make an appointment with two aunts. , let's take the lead and let Fu Weiqiang come for nothing."

Xia Hua suddenly smiled: "Daughter to be married? You describe it so well! You don't have to worry about the appointment with the two aunties. I have already made an appointment for you. Two hours later, at Shuiyunjian Teahouse 238 Room."

238, Could it be that Xia Hua deliberately hinted that he would be facing two three-eighths?She really has a set, Shi De nodded in response, and drove all the way to the office.

But don't say, when Xia Hua's work has never disappointed him, not only has the office been rented, but the decoration work has also started, the workers have settled in, the decoration drawings have been drawn, and everything is going on in an orderly manner.

Shi De walked around the construction site full of lumber and iron nails, but couldn't see why. He didn't know how to decorate, but he was just a layman watching the excitement. After all, he was the general manager of Binsheng and the legal representative. , the inspection work should also be done.

The phone ding-dong, and a text message came in.

"Walk again and again, parting with Junsheng. We have traveled for more than ten thousand miles, and each is at the end of the world. The road is long and long, can we meet safely? Huma relies on the north wind, and crosses the south branch of the bird's nest... Sijun makes you old, and the years are old. It's too late!"

It is the first of the nineteen ancient poems, "Xing Xing Repeating Xing Xing", and it was one of his and Huang Susu's favorite long poems back then!

Huang Susu finally got a text message, Shi De held the mobile phone in his hand, feeling lost for a while, and stood silent for a while.Good one is parting with Junsheng, and another sentence of thinking about Jun makes you old.Huma is based on the north wind, he is in the north, the south branch of the bird's nest is in the south, and she is in the south.The implication is that each has his destiny, the world is in the south and the north is in the north, and from now on there is only missing.

In fact, why not miss it?Shi De closed the phone and saw Xia Hua was looking at him in surprise, he smiled lightly: "Go, in order to finalize the ownership of the family house project, rush."

Xia Hua rolled her eyes at Shi De: "It's not just two middle-aged and elderly women, why are you so excited? It's inexplicable!"

What Shi De didn't know was that when Huang Susu sent the text message, she was looking north at the airport down the river, tears filling her eyes.After sending the text message, she wiped away her tears and boarded the plane from Xiajiang to Yangcheng.

"Floating life is like a dream, how much is it for joy?" After turning off the phone, Huang Susu muttered to herself. In a trance, she looked at her mother and father who stumbled into the airport, but she didn't look back.After the plane took off, she saw that the airport had been thrown far behind her, and even the tall buildings had become the size of a matchbox, she thought again, Farewell, Mom and Dad, a child who was obedient and did not dare to have a trace of it under the discipline of his parents. The rebellious good girl finally heard that her mother wanted to cancel the engagement and force her to return to Shi De's arms, she was out of anger, and for the first time she felt despair at the home she loved so much.

She wants to escape, she can't stand her mother's almost perverted snobbery and repetition.A person has a face, a tree, and a bark. It doesn’t matter if a person is poor. You have to be poor enough to have ambition and backbone. A daughter is not a commodity.And only the concubine will enter the door alone, and will accept the money from the husband's family.

Because concubines sell and buy.

What a sad mother, what is the difference between letting her daughter marry whoever has money, and selling her as a concubine?What is the right door?The family background is too different. After the daughter passes the door, she will have a status and will be respected?It's just a vassal and a reproductive tool.The wealthy families who are truly loving are mostly entrepreneurial couples who have gone from poverty to wealth.

Huang Susu finally figured out everything. After receiving a call from her fiancé, she was ridiculed by the other party's cold "cancellation of the engagement" and "a mother must have a daughter, not marrying you is the right decision". , she couldn't stay in Xiajiang any longer, she wanted to escape from the family that suffocated her.

Just send a text message to Shi De at the end. She knows that he and Shi De are separated by mountains and rivers and separated by a lifetime of distance. So say goodbye like this, so far apart and never see each other.

Huang Susu knew that only by leaving her parents and facing life alone could she truly face herself.Leaning against the window of the plane, she was still crying, Shi De was the first man she had ever loved, and she loved him deeply and hard, but it was just a trick of fate, and she and him eventually missed out.When I went to Yangcheng, once I entered the south, it was as deep as the sea. From then on, Shi Lang was a passerby. Perhaps, there is no possibility of seeing each other again in this life.

If Shi De was told about Huang Susu's choice, he would definitely be in a turbulent mood, and it would be difficult for him to calm down for a long time, but he didn't know that life is such a joy and sorrow... Accompanied by Xia Hua, he talked and laughed all the way to Shuiyunjian teahouse.

Unexpectedly, Zheng Wenting and Teng Youli have already arrived, which shows how urgent they want to see Shi De.

"Master Shi is here." As soon as she entered the room, Teng Youli greeted her with a smile on her face and warmly greeted him. She even opened a chair for Shi De and held a water glass with both hands, "Master Shi, please have some tea."

(End of this chapter)

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