Fortune Teller.

Chapter 98 Numerology

Chapter 98 Numerology

Xia You has black hair and a suit of home clothes. He has some southern features between his eyebrows and eyes. He is gentle and elegant, and vaguely similar to Xia Hua. In addition to his eyebrows, nose and ears, his temperament is also somewhat different. The points are similar, the daughter is like the father, it is true, Shi Dede admits that Xia You must have been a beautiful man when he was young.

The parents are not good-looking, and it is impossible to give birth to a beautiful daughter.

"Well, good." Xia You just nodded at Shi De, and stopped talking, his eyes were too deep in the news broadcast and couldn't get out.

"As soon as the news broadcast ends, he will be alive." Xia Hua whispered, giggling, "Sit down first, I'll pour the water."

Without Xia Hua busy, Zheng Wenting has already brought water to Shi De, with an apologetic smile on her face: "Xiao Shi, what happened in the afternoon is Auntie's fault. Auntie is too excited, don't take it to heart."

Zheng Wenting's eyes were red and swollen. Although she tried her best to hide it, she could still see that she had just cried. Shi De knew that Zheng Wenting's family affairs had been misunderstood by him, so he politely said: "Aunt Zheng is welcome, I'm a junior, you just scold me. A few words, I have to listen too... There are some things in life that can't be forced, don't be too sad, the old people also have their difficulties, I respect you and consider you, and you should also respect and consider them."

In one sentence, Zheng Wenting's eyes turned red again, and she looked at Shi De with admiration, but she scolded Xia Hua: "Xiao Hua, you can see that Shi is much better at talking than you. It is said that the girl is the mother's intimate cotton jacket, I I never thought you were close to me."

"Mom, I'm your good baby." Xia Hua came over with a smile on her face, hugged Zheng Wenting's arm, pretending to be cute, "What did grandma say?"

"Back then, the family was poor, and after giving birth to me, I wanted to have another son, but it turned out to be a girl, and your grandma gave her away. When I gave her away, I agreed that I would not recognize each other. Where is my aunt now? A little clue, I just remember that the family who took in my aunt was from Beijing, and she went to northern Shaanxi to be an educated youth, and soon after taking in her aunt, she returned to Beijing..." Not to mention, it's okay, as soon as she said it, Zheng Wenting couldn't help but fall again. Tears, "My poor sister, I was only two years old at the time, and your uncle was four years old, and no one remembered anything, but the old people kept it secret. If it wasn't for Xiao Shi, I wouldn't even know that I have a sister, you are amazing. Xiao Shi, thank you."

Shi De was polite again and comforted Zheng Wenting.In fact, it's not that he is magical, but because of the disappearance of his parents since he was a child, when he was studying physiognomy, he focused too much energy on the separated faces of his relatives, which is why he can speak Zheng Wenting's life experience today.

"By the way, Xiao Shi, since you can figure out that my sister and I are separated, can you also calculate the current whereabouts of my little sister?" This thought had been circling in Zheng Wenting's mind for a long time, and now she mustered up the courage to say it. His face waited expectantly for Shi's answer.

It's a pity that Shi De shook his head: "It's hard to figure it out. Maybe I'll be able to figure out her current position in a few years with my knowledge, but now, I can't help you, sorry Aunt Zheng."

"It's okay, it's okay, I don't blame you." Zheng Wenting wiped her tears again, "My little sister was too young when she gave it away, and her family was poor, so she didn't even leave a photo. A piece of birthmark, the size of a copper coin, is because of this birthmark, a fortune teller said that the little girl was born to defeat her parents, so her parents gave her away cruelly."

Shi De secretly remembered it in his heart: "In the future, fate will come, there must be a day to meet."

The news broadcast is finally over, the food has been placed on the table, Xia You sat on the main seat, and then looked up and down Shi Ding a few times, and said calmly: "Xiao Shi, I heard Xia Hua say about you a long time ago, Come home for dinner today, don’t be restrained. It’s all commonplace, so don’t be picky if it’s not to your taste.”

"Thank you Uncle Xia, I have a good appetite and I'm not picky about eating." Shi De responded politely, and gave Xia Hua a meaningful look.Strangely, Xia Hua was surprisingly quiet, sitting upright on the chair, smiling without showing her teeth or eating, she suddenly became a standard lady, and she had a somewhat dignified and elegant attitude, so she couldn't help but do it. Secretly surprised by the changeable summer flowers.

"It's a good thing for young people to have a good appetite. It's good to eat a hundred family meals to broaden your horizons, but how did I hear that you will meet each other? It's not good to engage in feudal superstition at a young age? Tell me, you Partnered with Xia Hua to develop real estate and set up a Binsheng Real Estate Company, what do you rely on to win the market? Do you rely on face-to-face?" Xia You's voice was soft and slow. The questioning meaning in the middle is very strong, just like a sharp sword that suddenly came in the gentle wind and drizzle, stabbed straight at Shi De's throat, intending to seal the throat with a sword.

Zheng Wenting's face changed greatly, but Xia Hua pretended not to hear, and picked up a piece of cauliflower and put it in her mouth, savoring it like a mountain delicacy.

Shi De was not moved by Xia You's aggressive aura, and smiled lightly: "I'm not studying face-to-face, but systematically and scientifically speaking, it should be called life-physics, or numerology. The appearance, temperament, speech and knowledge can be used to make a systematic evaluation of a person, and give a success score in life, so as to infer how much room for development in his future life. Evaluating a person intuitively and quickly can reduce employment mistakes. Whether it is in politics or shopping malls, the heavy losses caused by employment errors are immeasurable. I cooperate with Xiahua to develop real estate, how do we win the market? Just rely on Employ people!"

"The essence of everything is people, people and people, and if you use the right people, things are half successful. If I have the way of people, and the knowledge of people, plus Xia Hua's vision and courage, Uncle Xia, Do you think Binsheng will have a bright future?"

Shi De's answer is just right, and the needle hidden in the cotton not only subtly resolves Xia You's doubts, but also repackages the face-to-face technique, describing it with the scientific term numerology that Xia You can easily accept, and at the same time it is related to the way of employing people. Together, it is difficult for Xia You not to accept it.

Who is Xia You?Deputy Secretary General of the Provincial Party Committee and Director of the General Office, what are his main responsibilities?It is the link between the previous and the next, that is, the intention of the leader is accurately conveyed to the following, and the people below are arranged to implement it smoothly.If he employs people improperly and arranges unfavorably, will he have the current status?Will it be given an important role by the provincial leadership committee?

The way of using people and the knowledge of people are not only the realm that every person in the business world strives to pursue, but also the political wisdom that every person in the officialdom wants to have.

Xia You's chopsticks were held in the air and couldn't fall down for a long time. He looked at Shi De with interest for a while: "Human life psychology, numerology... Interesting, this statement is very innovative, and this alone proves that you are a Brainy young man. But..." He put down his chopsticks again, thoughtfully, "You can figure out that Xia Hua's mother also has a sister who gave her away, this is too amazing, and cannot be explained by science."

"There are too many things that cannot be explained by science. What science cannot explain is classified as superstition, which can only be said to be evasive and ignorant. Chinese traditional culture is broad and profound. How many years has it been since empirical science appeared? And the emergence of so-called science has brought far more disasters than happiness to mankind." Shi can reap the benefits as soon as possible, knowing that today is not the time to discuss the limitations of empirical science with Xia You in depth, "I'm sorry, Uncle Xia made me laugh."

"What are you laughing at? I'm not a stubborn old man who doesn't know how to work around it. I've also encountered many things that can't be explained by science. Even if I don't understand and don't support you, I will accept it objectively to a certain extent." You had a good impression of Shi De, and he didn't want to be good. There were three people in the family, and the two kept talking in front of him about how good Shi De was and how powerful he was. He was also a human being, and he didn't say much to the people closest to him. Immunity, Shi De's image already had a preconceived favor in his heart before he appeared.

From the beginning of the resistance to Xia Hua's resignation to found Binsheng Real Estate Company, to slowly accepting the reality, Xia You also understands and respects Xia Hua's choice, and he is also a middle-level cadre of the provincial party committee after all, knowing that real estate will be a real estate company for a period of time in the future. In the golden age of [-], it is neither too soon nor too late to enter the real estate market at this time.

To understand Xia Hua's choice is to understand, he still has to check it himself, to check Shi De, to see if Shi De is reliable and usable.As soon as he saw it, he had a general impression of Shi De, and felt that Shi De did have some opinions.

As Shi De said, Bin Sheng's future success or failure will not depend on how strong the strength and network are, but whether there is a decision-maker with courage, charm and insight, Yue Qingying and Xia. After all, flowers are all girls, and Shi De, the general manager, is the helm of Binsheng's future.

Fortunately... After a few conversations, Xia You put his heart back into his stomach, Shi De is a good young man, and Xia Hua has a good eye!He always thought that Xia Hua was still young and knew how to play tricks. Where did he have the ability to know people, but his partner was a rare calm young man, and this calm young man also has the ability that ordinary people don't have - knowledge Humanity.

Xia You Ning would rather call Shi De's life physiology or numerology as a man-awareness technique, and he was unwilling to call it a face-to-face technique. After all, what he received was an improved education, and he had a strong sense of face-to-face fortune-telling and other words. Conflict psychology.

A knowledgeable person has unlimited future prospects, no matter whether he is in the business world or officialdom, imagine that for every key person he contacts, he can see the ability and prospects of the other party, so no matter what he wants from the other party. What, isn't it unprofitable?Xia You became more and more interested in Shi De, he smiled and said, "I also want to ask Xiao Shi to judge your theory of life psychology. How many points can I get?"

 ticket ticket!

(End of this chapter)

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