alone mountain and river

Chapter 108 I Found You

The senior who was the leader before hurriedly smoothed things over and said: "Hey, I told you, I haven't seen you for many years, so you don't have to keep arguing as soon as you meet. By the way, Shan Mao, I heard that you joined the Hunter Corps. How are you treated over there?"


In front of the woods at the foot of the mountain, Xia Kuangtu looked back at the people in the training team. Some people were panting, as if they had just finished a life-and-death duel, and they seemed to be fished out of the water. Some people remained calm, and some They pretended to be calm, but to Xia Kuangtu's delight, each of them had a gleam in their eyes. This was to prove their own brilliance. It seemed that the appearance of those seniors really stimulated them.

Of course, Feng Qinglang is a completely different type. She continued to look dull and dull, as if she had nothing to do with her standing at the back of the line. Xia Kuangtu decided to ignore him and not classify him as a normal training team member. .

He said loudly: "Rookies, your seniors hope that I will command this battle and teach you how to ambush. They are worried that you are no match at all, and they will not have enough fun! Please listen clearly, what they said' Play', not competition! Because, in their eyes, you are not qualified as opponents at all."

"I don't know what you guys think, but I'm very angry anyway! This is blatant contempt!" Xia Kuangtu paid attention to everyone's reactions, and felt that the light in their eyes was even brighter, except of course, Feng Qinglang continued.

Xia Kuangtu said ruthlessly, "I won't command you, you want to prove yourself, prove those seniors who speak wild words are wrong, and prove to me that you are qualified to be a member of the official competitive team .Then let’s speak with actions.”

He gave way to the forward position, and a group of students rushed into the woods full of enthusiasm, screaming and screaming, ready to see the contempt.

Feng Qinglang was about to follow slowly, but Xia Kuangtu stopped him with his hand, and asked, "How is it?"

Feng Qinglang was stunned for a moment, and then said: "What's the matter, oh, how was your performance just now? Not bad, I didn't expect you to be so sensational. It seems that you still have the potential to be a team leader, work hard!"

Xia Kuangtu laughed and scolded: "I'm asking how you are?" He felt that getting along with Feng Qinglang was more like a friend than a teacher and a student, but he also let nature take its course and did not force the majesty of the teacher.

Feng Qing said: "I'm not bad."

Xia Kuangtu frowned and said, "You've been wandering around for a long time, is there nothing wrong?"

Looking at Kuangtu Xia's caring face, Feng Qinglang suddenly remembered that he was also a well-known elder in Mingguang, so she couldn't help asking humbly, "Dear leader Xia, have you studied "Meditation Chapter"?"

Xia Kuangtu hastily raised his hand in surrender and said, "Is it the No. 1 chapter that is surrounded by clouds and fog? Let me go, I gave up before finishing Chapter 1..."

Feng Qinglang glanced at Xia Kuangtu and sighed. Xia Kuangtu felt very hurt because the other party's eyes were full of pity, as if looking at a piece of rotten wood that could not be carved. He couldn't help saying angrily: "Although I didn't practice However, some friends around me have studied it and listened to their discussions. Although they don’t know the content, the most they can hear are eight words ‘follow your heart and let nature take its course.’”

"Oh?" Feng Qinglang's heart skipped a beat, as if realizing something, she recited these eight words silently, thinking about the current bottleneck of Chapter 4, she seemed to have grasped some kind of key.

Seeing that Feng Qinglang was about to walk past him again, Xia Kuangtu had no choice but to stop him again, and said in a low voice: "For a while, I think you have two choices. The first one, I hope you keep a low profile. It’s better to hide and let them deal with it by themselves; second, I hope you lead them to win a victory..."

Feng Qinglang carefully analyzed the combat power ratio between the two sides. If he chooses the second option, it will definitely be a thankless coolie job, so he can only say with a straight face: "I choose the first option, because the more they lose, the more they lose. Miserable, the lesson will be more profound, only by recognizing the facts and smoothing their arrogance, can we go further..."

Xia Kuangtu shrugged helplessly, with imperceptible disappointment flashing in his eyes, he said calmly, "The choice is yours."

"Understood, I will hide. Remember to call me when you are done."


After Feng Qinglang entered the woods, she immediately received cheers from her companions. Now that everyone was fighting against each other, Feng Qinglang, a seemingly powerful partner, had already won their initial trust and goodwill.

A tactical meeting was being held. Everyone was holding branches and imitating the tactics carefully on the muddy ground, expressing their opinions, and the atmosphere was very enthusiastic.

Feng Qinglang didn't have any objections at all, but asked for a position at an off-angle when distributing the positions.

No one dared to ignore this partner's voice. He got that remote ambush position. Everyone thought that Feng Qinglang wanted that position because there were more tall trees and a better view, so that he could attack with mobility at any time. Helping the whole team, but I didn't know that Feng Qinglang chose there, just to make it easier for her not to affect herself when the "group is destroyed".


The cicadas in the woods were chirping one after another, echoing the gurgling of the stomachs of some team members. Xia Kuangtu didn't arrange lunch for them. Not everyone has the habit of bringing dry food. Even if they brought dry food, not everyone If you dare to take it out and eat it, who knows when those arrogant seniors will enter the woods. Seeing that the position has just been fixed, they must not act rashly.

Feng Qinglang obviously didn't have any worries about this. She was lying on the branches of a tall tree, chewing dried meat, and continued to think about the balance and movement of the meditation chapter. He doesn't.

But instead of asking for trouble, trouble knocks at the door.

A tall man searched along the periphery of the ambush circle. As the master of the law of the wind system, his speed was quite good, and he had arrived around the big tree where Feng Qinglang was hiding in the blink of an eye.

Seeing that he was about to step on the branches and leaves and pass under Feng Qinglang, he suddenly stopped, his whole body nailed to a thin branch, moving with the wind, looking around, his eyes full of confusion.

Feng Qinglang's heart moved, he had no possibility of finding himself, but he stopped because of his intuition that something was wrong, did this count as "following the heart" as Xia Kuangtu said?

If I can temporarily let go of the shackles of the general outline of the Meditation Chapter, don't take it for granted to conceive the content of Chapter 4, and simply practice Chapter 4 based on the actual content in hand, will the effect be better, so as to achieve the state of moving according to the heart, and finally it will come naturally... ...Maybe in the end, it may be discovered that there is actually no contradiction between the general outline and the specific content of Chapter 4?

This idea made him feel happy. Abandoning preconceived ideas and following his own heart should be the true meaning of practicing Chapter 4.

Seeing that the tall man was about to leave naturally, Feng Qinglang felt that she should give rewards and rewards. The pores of her body relaxed again, and she no longer blended with the surrounding nature, and her whole person was immediately exposed.

The tall man looked up, a look of joy appeared on his face, he saw Feng Qinglang lying on his back leisurely and contentedly, as if he hadn't noticed his existence at all, and he didn't jump up immediately, but first quietly jumped over two trees, and then jumped up from a high place. After jumping back, it just appeared on a branch on the upper left of Feng Qinglang.

This condescending, mysterious feeling gave the tall man a sense of superiority. He looked down at Feng Qinglang and asked softly, "Rookie, is the jerky delicious?"

He thought, this guy might be so frightened that he fell down, and then I will come from behind, catch up and grab him by the back of the neck, just like pinching a kitten or puppy, laughing at him, and pinching him again. Take a look at the Griffin, ha, just such a rookie, you have the nerve to scare everyone...

Unfortunately, Feng Qinglang didn't fall, and didn't even bother to open her eyes, she just smiled and said, "Not bad, would you like a piece too?"

As he spoke, he actually threw a piece of jerky to the other party, but his eyes were still closed, but the jerky flew right into the tall man's hand. The tall man suddenly felt a little embarrassed, and there was a bit of indescribable anger. He appeared mysteriously, Think of it as a kitten or a puppy, why did it suddenly become like a kitten or a puppy?And feed yourself jerky...

However, the jerky looks good... Forgive him for not daring to poison the senior, the tall man felt that his aura was weak, so he immediately stuffed the jerky into his mouth and started chewing hard.

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