alone mountain and river

Chapter 110 Enemy or Friend

These seniors have experienced the baptism of iron and blood in reality, and their overall combat effectiveness is superb. There are only 12 of them, and many of them are also just the peak of the awakening period...

There was a corresponding comment from the side: "It collapsed too quickly."

Xia Kuangtu didn't look at the person next to him, but still stared at the woods and said, "Is this our Ming Guang's competition team this year..." The disappointment could not be concealed in his voice.

The person beside him comforted: "Like Lan Xiaofeng, and those little guys who have been preparing for several years, they performed pretty well, and should be able to reach the average level of players in this region."

Xia Kuangtu said distressedly: "You know, just this is not enough."

The person beside him had no choice but to say: "Isn't there another Feng Qinglang?"

Xia Kuangtu finally regained some anger in his eyes, and wanted to use the condescending advantage to find Feng Qinglang in the woods, while the group of seniors were also doing the same thing, but they all found nothing.

He couldn't help saying: "This guy really has a way of hiding and running."

The person beside him smiled and said, "Don't be discouraged, we Mingguang will rely on you to lead the team this time."

Xia Kuangtu frowned and said, "How far can we go with only one Feng Qinglang?"

"Don't underestimate Feng Qinglang's pursuit of mission center points. He really exerted his full strength, and he might not be much worse than those old guys in the back mountain..."

Xia Kuangtu was moved by it. He asked himself that he had never underestimated Feng Qinglang, but he never thought that for Hou Shan, the evaluation was far higher than his evaluation.

The man said again: "Stop calling, Feng Qinglang doesn't want to come out, they won't be able to find it. If it's later...Griffin's stubborn temper might set fire to the forest."


starry night.

The crowd returned to the tent where they had gathered at the beginning, and the number of them dropped sharply to 25 again. In the previous competition with the seniors, the players whose performance was too unsatisfactory have been eliminated.

The rest were both a little frustrated and a little happy.

Frustratingly, in the afternoon game, they were like fallen leaves drifting by at this time, and their opponents were like autumn winds, they just blew by randomly, and they fell to the ground without any suspense.This dealt a huge blow to them, who had high self-esteem.

Feng Qinglang was the only bright spot on their side. As the last survivor, he escaped the pursuit of the seniors. The seniors almost turned the entire forest upside down, but they couldn't find him.

When Team Leader Xia announced that the competition was over, the guy who was said to be the strongest among the seniors hoped to have a fair fight with Feng Qinglang, so he hoped he could give him some advice...

This shocked the jaws of all the training team members, and also shocked most of the seniors. The attitude of the Griffin at that time was not like facing a rookie junior, but clearly facing someone who was not under him. The opponent's invitation to fight.

But what was even more shocking was that Feng Qinglang only replied three words calmly, and I refused.

Only Xia Kuangzhu sounded very cool. Yesterday he hinted whether the Griffin would come to compete, and that guy also replied the same three words to him so calmly.

Surprisingly, the griffin wasn't angry either.The two sides said goodbye happily at the end, and the seniors put away their cynicism and pointed out some mistakes that everyone made during the battle.Finally left a good impression on the students.

Another gust of autumn wind blew by, making the big bonfire crackle and crackle. The training team members were frustrated, but at the same time a little happy. As long as the performance is not too bad, there is a good chance to stay until the end.

Xia Kuangzi stood by the bonfire, criticizing the mistakes they made today one by one, and pointing out the correct method at the same time. Many times, correcting a little mistake is the difference between life and death. It's not low, but listening carefully, I feel that I have benefited a lot.

Looking at the large notebooks in Xia Kuangtu's hands, everyone understood that during the whole process today, there were countless pairs of eyes hiding in the dark, silently observing them and recording silently.

Only Feng Qinglang had the fewest comments, maybe those tracking "eyes" couldn't find him in many cases, but in order to establish authority, Xia Kuangtu still severely criticized Feng Qinglang's distraction problem, this kind of absent-minded attitude , will make you lose your initiative, lose your life, etc. in a critical moment.

Feng Qinglang had no choice but to obediently agree, and then continued to be distracted. He felt that he was getting closer and closer to solving the bottleneck problem of Chapter 4, and he wished Xia Kuangtu would end the meeting quickly and let him go back to the camp for practice.

The team members naturally have another idea. We are highly concentrated, and he is highly distracted, but he not only saved someone halfway, but also lost his mind in the end, avoiding a group of pursuers... Such a comparison is too shocking... …

Those with tough minds will develop a stronger fighting spirit, while those with weak minds will be devastated.

During this process, Xia Kuangtu also carefully observed and remembered everyone's reactions one by one. He finally had some comfort. Most of the people here are fairly firm in their minds.

When he was about to continue commenting, there was a gust of wind behind him, and a figure followed the wind. He came behind Kuangtu Xia and respectfully saluted: "Leader Xia, Anbu [-] is reporting to you! There are foreign enemies Sneaking into the end of the Luoyun Mountains, please be careful with the team leader. This is a related confidential document."

When Xia Kuangtu was about to accept the secret document, Feng Qinglang suddenly felt alarmed. Apart from handing over the secret document, the Anbu member also handed out a dagger shining with black light to Xia Kuangtu's lower abdomen with his other hand.

There was a muffled collision, and Xia Kuangtu was caught off guard, having already suffered a dark loss, and stepped back quickly, but the sneak attacker followed closely behind, with the dagger still pointing directly at Xia Kuangtu's abdomen, Seeing that there was only a slight difference, he was about to pierce.

At the same time, a dark force also suddenly attacked Feng Qinglang, it was unknown how long it had been hidden in the nearby darkness, and it took this opportunity to attack together.

The law of darkness, the mysterious law of gaining power bonuses in the dark night.

At this moment, this force of law is like a long-lost lover, entangled towards Feng Qinglang, this hysterical madness seems to want to embrace Feng Qinglang into his arms, and become a part of the darkness forever and ever.

Feng Qinglang has always given people the feeling that she is always slow and lazy, but now she is finally moving at full speed, astonishing as the lightning that streaked across the night sky, in just an instant, it has pierced the night and shot towards Xia Kuang In the direction of the gangster, he rushed towards the man who sneaked up on Xia Kuangtu.

The assassin who pretended to be Mingguang Anbu finally slowed down because of the power coming from the flanks, giving Xia Kuangzi a precious breathing time.

The man's reaction was not unpleasant, he immediately gave up Xia Kuangtu decisively, and changed his target to Feng Qinglang, not avoiding or giving in, and also rushed towards Feng Qinglang, immediately forming a front and back attack with that dark force.

Feng Qinglang smiled wryly at it, thinking to Team Leader Xia, there is only so much I can do for you.

Seeing that both sides are indomitable, the two forces of law are about to collide head-on, but when Feng Qinglang is about to touch, her figure makes an unimaginable refraction, refracted to the right within a short distance, and the dark force behind her is about to capture him When the spine is on the back, it is refracted back to the front again, as if a bead hits the invisible space barrier at high speed, just avoiding the front and rear containment, and continues to run forward at high speed.

If it weren't for the wrong occasion, the young people around would have whistled and cheered loudly. It was the first time in my life to see such a pleasing dodge.

In just a blink of an eye, Feng Qinglang had reached the foot of the mountain. The team members who thought that climbing the mountain must be Feng Qinglang's weakness had to correct their thinking at this time, and they couldn't see Feng Qinglang's climbing movements clearly. The cliff seemed to be gliding up at such a high speed, and then when it looked up again, it was completely submerged in the smoke.

What is also shocking is that the cloud of black mist that followed him disappeared at the same astonishing speed in an instant.

In fact, the shock in Feng Qinglang's heart was no weaker than that of the bystanders. The core of that dark power had been hidden all the time, and he didn't know what level his true strength was at the peak, but he knew very well that he had been there all along. In the accelerated state, from the early stage of the awakening period to the peak of the awakening period, even using the law of space, but the black mist is still like a shadow, as if its power can be improved according to Feng Qinglang's promotion.

Feng Qinglang couldn't help thinking silently in her heart, if it was aimed at her own life-and-death enemy, she would never be able to accompany her in such a tolerant way to improve her strength. Could it be that this way of chasing and killing was more like a way to stimulate her own potential?

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