alone mountain and river

Chapter 135 The Eve of the Storm

Feng Qinglang hurriedly stuffed a "strawberry fruit" into her mouth and chewed it slowly, trying to get her mood out of the boiling irritability.

This gesture fell into the eyes of everyone, and it was even more inscrutable. At this time, this guy still has the leisure to eat candy.

The strength of the two new teams is only comparable to that of the previous Jinxing representative team. Most of them are at the peak of awakening and have no real martial arts. They recognize the seeded team of Nangong Academy, and even more so, the well-known domineering person under Feng Qinglang's feet. Nangongyu, for a while, put away her thoughts of fishing in troubled waters, and had the intention of retreating.

The woods in front of the right was once again full of wind, and three more representative teams rushed to Wenxiang, breaking the deadlock. Feng Qinglang couldn't help but frowned, knowing that this matter could not be resolved, because among the three teams, there was someone from Lingxiao Academy. exist.

The rolled up smoke and dust covered the green velvet-like beautiful grass, and besides the three teams led by Ling Xiao, there was also strong and undisguised hostility.

In Ling Xiao's representative team alone, there are three real martial arts, and the teams that come with them each have two real martial arts, and their lineup is unparalleled.

Undoubtedly, these three are all seeded teams.

The two civilian teams that arrived first had the intention of retreating, but seeing such a scene, they just stepped aside a few steps to the sides, and turned to wait and see. The situation has changed, and maybe they will fish in troubled waters soon Opportunity.

If it was this time yesterday, Feng Qinglang would naturally lead Mingguang and the others to retreat without saying a word, but not now, the fluctuations in the surrounding space are becoming more and more violent, and looking east, the top of the volcano is already hidden in a thick cloud of smoke In the center, but still can vaguely see the red and black mottled, like the dense scars on the sleeping giant.

There is the source of all spatial trajectory fluctuations, the gradually stronger sulfur breath, and the increasingly intense sense of oppression, which may be difficult for ordinary people to detect, but Feng Qinglang smelled it and felt it.

Or, in the end, nothing happened, but Feng Qinglang didn't want the situation to get out of control. As long as he could get the materials of the golden-scaled elk, plus the previous materials, the points obtained should be no problem. Everyone in Mingguang immediately exited this folding space, away from danger.

Since they trust themselves, they cannot let them down, as many people come in, as many people leave!

Of course, for Ling Xiao and his three new teams, the focus is still in front of them. A big team is working hard to collect expensive materials that will belong to them. It looks really wonderful.

Nangong Yu, who fell at Feng Qinglang's feet, may have a deterrent effect on other people, but to them, they will only think that Nangong Yu, a flashy true martial artist who has not advanced yet, must have fallen to the ground because of the opponent's scheme. , they are completely different from Nangong Yu.

Lao Wugong in Ling Xiao's team licked his chapped lips, and said with a happy smile: "Boss Zhongming, you are right. A fattened lamb will taste particularly sweet when slaughtered."

The other person also smiled and said, "Yeah, I didn't expect Mingguang's waste to bring us such a surprise."

"Haha, we must have qualified..." Everyone in Ling Xiao couldn't help laughing strangely with joy, as if no one else was there.

The two teams coming from the same direction as them immediately lowered their faces. Ling Xiao's posture not only didn't pay attention to the trash in front of him, but also didn't pay attention to them to some extent.

Immediately someone said: "Your Excellency Zhongming, aren't you planning to take it all by yourself?"

Someone from the other team also said in a strange way: "Such a big fat fish, if Your Excellency Zhongming only wants to eat it for himself, won't you be afraid of being choked?"

Ling Xiao's captain named Zhong Ming suppressed his smile, and said calmly: "We are a brotherhood, the friendship has been established by the elders outside, and we have watched and helped each other many times since we came in. Since we happened to come together this time, it is natural to Share it with all of you."

"Boss Zhongming's words are still humane, but how to distribute them?"

Zhong Ming first glanced sharply at the teams on both sides. These two teams were just civilian teams who arrived a little earlier than them. , can run away at the first time, but still did not leave, did not change his determination to fish in troubled waters.

When Zhong Ming's eyes wandered to the people in Nangong, Tuo Baxiang, the captain of Nangong, secretly scolded Ling Xiao for bullying others, but when he looked at Feng Qinglang, who was still calm and calm, his heart moved, and he smiled and said: "We just want to take Master Nangong Yu away. This fish is fat, but not to our liking."

Zhong Ming nodded in satisfaction: "Brother Tuoba is a kind person... It seems that there are only three of us to distribute, and everyone can have enough food."

"Hey, Your Excellency Zhongming, how do you want to share it? You don't plan to share the fish head and tail with us, do you?"


Feng Qinglang saw that there was no conflict between them, and the temporary alliance seemed to be strong, and then listened to them seriously discussing how to distribute, completely treating him and Mingguang and the others as if they did not exist, so she couldn't help yawning, but she was also happy to do so, and simply sat down cross-legged, Once again, I was distracted to think about the final problem of Chapter 4 of the Meditation chapter.

It's a pity that someone has been thinking about him. Lao Wugong still remembers that when he first entered the trial space three days ago, Feng Qinglang broke his ultimate move with one move, which made him lose face. He walked towards Feng Qinglang and said with a grinning smile. : "Boy, I said, we will meet again!"

Feng Qinglang said listlessly: "Can you stop being so ambiguous? I'm not interested in men with beards!"

Among the Mingguang crowd behind him, some people couldn't help laughing out loud.

Lao Wugong's face became more ferocious, and he said coldly: "Your good-for-nothing companions are all busy, I want to find something for you to do."

In Lao Wugong's mind, he couldn't help drawing a picture of Feng Qinglang moaning in pain, which could not only satisfy his desire for revenge, but also just let the temporary allies behind him see their Ling Xiao's strength.

Zhong Ming acquiesced in Lao Wugong's solo action, and Feng Qinglang sat there confidently, just in time for Lao Wugong to explore the bottom line, but Feng Qinglang suddenly yelled at him: "Your Excellency Zhongming, you are all negotiators. It's not kind to let the dog bite people before it's over."

The voice was so loud that everyone around could hear it. As the three teams that had entered the rhythm of fishing in troubled waters, including Nangong Academy, which was still the enemy in front, they were immediately amused, and there was a burst of laughter.

Lao Wugong's face darkened completely, he let out an angry roar, suddenly quickened his pace, and rushed straight towards Feng Qinglang.

Wherever he went, thousands of grass clippings were swept up into the air, gathered into thousands of hidden weapons, and roared towards Feng Qinglang.

Feng Qinglang praised: "That's right, you know how to take advantage of the situation, you are a true martial artist of the Wind Department, you have just started."

This compliment made the evil fire in Lao Wugong's heart burn even more, what kind of a kid are you, to judge me like an elder?The worst thing is, at such a close distance, I feel that the aura of the four-eyed fat man is still at the first level of awakening, and you must pay the price...

The wind was even stronger, and the turf formed a face of a green devil. Chaofeng Qinglang opened his mouth wide, trying to swallow it in one gulp.

Feng Qinglang shook her head and said: "Everything can't be too much, otherwise it will be too much."

Exceeding one's limit strength, the aura is indeed there, and the power of the law is indeed increased, but the control power is greatly weakened.

The weakening of control means that there are more opportunities to take advantage of. Feng Qinglang looked at the wind vortex full of flaws in front of her with satisfaction, and thrust out the wooden stick in her hand, which just blocked the core of the vortex. In that eye of the storm, the whirlwind stopped abruptly, as if it had frozen.

Lao Wugong was horrified, even if he was discussing with the elders in Lingxiao Academy, he had never encountered such a strange thing, his own whirlwind of laws was frozen?The panic in his heart urged him to unleash his potential, once again increasing the power of the vortex, and the vortex of wind was spinning again, but he didn't even have time to smile complacently, the smile that had just bloomed from the corner of his mouth froze.

The whirlwind that was originally rotating clockwise suddenly turned counterclockwise. What frightened him the most was that the whirlwind was rushing in his direction. At such a short distance, he had no way to avoid it, and was caught in an instant. Sweeping into it, the grass clippings immediately scratched his whole body with scars, and the dust also smeared towards him, as soon as he cried out in pain, the dust immediately filled his mouth, making him very embarrassed.

Lao Wugong finally felt the pain of those opponents who lost to him in the past. What puzzled him the most was that the surroundings were still surrounded by the familiar atmosphere of law, but it was completely out of control. For a moment, he finally came to his senses. He was guided by the opponent's rules. This damn fat man finally sensed his breath, which was still only the first-order power of the awakening period.

This bastard actually led me beyond a realm!

The whirlwind passed over Feng Qinglang's head before it dissipated leisurely. Before Lao Wugong had time to savor the humiliation, he was thrown down heavily and passed out. Beside him, he was still lying down and suffered slight burns. Master Nangong.

The Mingguang people who were collecting were very excited. This Ling Xiao genius who is also a little famous in the Zhuri District was given a second by Feng Qinglang just after meeting him.

Even during the collection, they still couldn't stop their enthusiastic cheers and whistles.

The three teams that entered the queue to fish in troubled waters took a breath, and took a few steps back consciously. The idea seemed to be harder than imagined...

However, Ling Xiao's representative team led the spoils alliance, but his face became extremely ugly, and even the sound of negotiations suddenly stopped. From their point of view, Lao Wugong rushed forward aggressively, released his strongest blow, and then As soon as the opponent picks the stick, he picks him up, causing him to fall heavily to his rear.

The whole set of movements was so smooth and smooth that it was as if the two had cooperated many times, so proficient that the four-eyed fat man didn't even need to stand up...

Zhong Ming's always calm smile finally disappeared, and the captain of an ally team said in his eccentric tone: "Your Excellency Zhong Ming, isn't it too early for us to talk about how to share?

Another team leader also said: "Hey, indeed. Your Excellency Zhongming, it seems that we need to re-discuss the distribution plan."

The originally strongest Ling Xiao team has lost one real martial artist, so the strength of the three teams seems to be between the same.

Zhong Ming said with a cold face: "I think it's better to settle that little fat man before talking about other things!"

The voice was obviously very soft, but Feng Qinglang heard it anyway, and hurriedly said: "Don't worry, you continue to talk slowly, we have plenty of time!"

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