alone mountain and river

Chapter 141 Temporary Combination

Lan Xiaofeng hesitated for a while, but still took two steps, came to Feng Qinglang's side, and calmly said: "I would like to go!"

Feng Qinglang was slightly surprised, but still smiled and nodded at Lan Xiaofeng, and said to everyone: "Finally, there is a volunteer, is there any more?"

In the eerie silence, there was another loud bang from the direction of the volcano. It seemed that the lava was ushering in a new wave of climax. A few Zhenwu had a little courage in their hearts, and they were immediately bombarded by this sound. went back.

Feng Qinglang said helplessly: "Okay, the situation is urgent, and there is no time to waste any more, I'll just call the roll!"

Immediately, there was a voice of approval. After all, most of the people present were only in the awakening period. As long as they didn't have to personally take risks, they were willing to support any decision made by Feng Qinglang.

When Feng Qinglang's eyes drifted past, all the normally invincible Zhenwu immediately lowered their heads slightly and lowered their eyelids, like a student who made a mistake and dared not meet the teacher's gaze, but Feng Qinglang quickly found his first target: Chang Kun.

He didn't hit hard before, Chang Kun had already woken up and kept a low profile, but almost blind people could sense the resentment in his eyes.

Feng Qinglang pointed with her hand and said, "Your Excellency Chang Kun, right? I saw you defend Wushuang not long ago, and you are very suitable to walk with me."

Chang Kun Mashan was in a hurry. If I was defensive against Wushuang, how could it be possible for you to give me a second in one move?But such an ugly thing, it's hard for him to say it himself, not to mention, with eyes staring at him, he dared to say "no", and the crowd was raging, where could he hide?

Feng Qinglang frowned and said, "Looking at your expression, you don't want to?"

In order to avoid being beaten by the group, Chang Kun took two steps forward with a bitter face: "My honor, Your Excellency Qingqing!"

"Very good!" Feng Qinglang nodded in relief, her gaze continued to wander.

Soon he discovered a new surprise. Although Zhongming and Lao Wugong tried their best to hide behind, they still couldn't escape Feng Qinglang's eyes. Zhuo Laowugong and Zhongming nodded clearly.

They still wanted to pretend to be stupid, but Feng Qinglang reminded them: "There are only two real martial arts around you, why are you looking around?"

Zhong Ming lightly bumped Lao Wugong's shoulder, indicating that as long as he passed this threshold, he would not worry about not having a chance to avenge his shame in the future.

Seeing the two walk out, but there were no students from Lingxiao Academy among the contestants present, Feng Qinglang asked knowingly, "Your Excellency Zhongming, why don't you see your companions from Lingxiao?"

The faces of Zhong Ming and Lao Wugong were even more ugly. At that time, they chose the wrong direction and underestimated the scale of the volcanic eruption. When they wanted to detour back to the portal, the road was blocked by the beast tide again. Zhong Ming once again A wrong choice leads to their encounter with the first wave of lava.The Lingxiao Academy with three true martial arts is indeed powerful in the trial space, but it is nothing in the face of natural disasters. There is no doubt that it is impossible for three true martial arts to drag the other twelve ordinary companions so far... …

Therefore, Zhongming and Lao Wugong, who had a dark belly, could escape here, and another Zhenwu and other companions were buried in the sea of ​​flames. No matter how to conceive the inside story, it will not be a glorious story. Lao Wugong's face is embarrassing The look on his face further confirmed this point.

Zhong Ming only had a sad face, and said in a calm voice: "They have encountered an accident..."

Feng Qinglang understood: "Captain Zhongming doesn't need to grieve, the living should go on bravely. It seems that choosing the two of you is the right choice!"

Under the scorching gaze of everyone, the two had no choice but to come to Feng Qinglang and join the ranks of volunteers. The most damning thing was that the people around had contemptuous gazes, so that's all. This is Chang Kun's law enforcement officer in black. He even had the nerve to look at them with disdain...

Feng Qinglang's eyes continued to wander, and when she came to the Nangong representative team, she couldn't help but stop. Tuobaxiang, the captain of Nangong Academy, hurriedly said: "Your Excellency Qinglang, our only real martial artist has been seriously injured, and we are really overwhelmed." With the intention of begging, I almost said "Master Qinglang, please let us go, we managed to escape here." This was also said.

Nangong Yu next to Tuobaxiang was no longer as domineering as when he first met him. The boy in white was sitting cross-legged on the ground with his head downcast, even looking at Feng Qingqing with a pleading look. Feng Qingqing's elegance was pinched to death with his fingers.

Feng Qinglang said with a smile: "Okay, just these few volunteers are enough, let's set off immediately."

Before leaving, he did not forget to ask the leading law enforcement officers in black: "Our Mingguang companions depend on you to take care of them."

All the law enforcement officers in black hurriedly agreed, now Feng Qinglang is the only hope to open the space portal, if he is not happy, if he does some tricks on the transmission channel, it will make you get lost in the space, and you will die of pain up.

Forest of life.

The technicians on the platform are still busy, but off the platform, the familiar team leaders from various schools are also discussing together.

Lin Weiyuan, the team leader of Lingxiao Academy, has long since lost his former arrogance. He just shuttles among the crowd, hoping to find some happiness in the "urn" in the hands of others. His small eyes would definitely light up, and he stepped forward to pretend to be comforting, so as to balance his twisted heart. His so-called elite ace team, the seeded team with three real martial arts, had only two light spots left , the suppressed indignation made Lin Weiyuan want to raise his head and growl. Before leaving Ling Xiao, he even boasted to the higher-ups that they will definitely qualify this time, but looking at it now, it is already good that the remaining two true warriors can come out alive...

When passing by Xia Kuangzi's position, Lin Weiyuan wanted to pretend he couldn't see it, and deliberately avoided it. The fifteen light spots in the box in his hand, this country bumpkin he had always looked down upon, were shining neatly, which really stimulated Lin Weiyuan's sensitivity. nerve.

Xia Kuangtu had noticed Lin Weiyuan's actions a long time ago, and he was very ashamed of his actions, seeing him taking a detour now, how could he let him go, and said loudly: "Your Excellency Lin Weiyuan, don't you always think of me as an old friend? Now that you see me, why do you run away again? Could it be that all my team members are alive and cannot satisfy your poor and twisted heart?"

Xia Kuangtu's loud voice immediately attracted many people nearby to look over. Combined with Lin Weiyuan's previous actions, people with discerning eyes knew it clearly, and naturally looked at Lin Weiyuan with a bit of disdain.

Lin Weiyuan's expression changed when someone yelled out his true inner thoughts. While scolding Xia Kuangtu in his heart, he forced himself to go up to him and said with a forced smile, "Xia Kuangtu, can you not speak so eccentrically?"

Xia Kuangtu asked suspiciously: "It turns out that you also know how to speak yin and yang, so why don't you speak well?"

Lin Weiyuan gritted his teeth and said, "Old friend, if there is nothing else, then I'll leave first!"

"Stop!" Xia Kuangtu shouted, "Lin Weiyuan, listen to me, you hypocrite! What happened back then was a matter of feelings. It's all over. I don't care about it anymore. What do you care about? You still use your own The power influences Ling Xiao, and has always been an enemy of our Mingguang! If you have the ability, you can come to me directly in the future, understand?"

Lin Weiyuan's face changed again, as if Xia Kuangtu had also pulled a thorn in his heart. His face was bulging with veins. Seeing that the conflict was about to resume, a technician's voice came from the stage: "Every team leader, please take your place again. Try to open the door of space once and connect to the signal just now."

Lin Weiyuan snorted, didn't even say much about the scene, and left quickly.

Trial space.

The magma has submerged half of the forest, and the volcano in the distance is still trembling and swaying. In the thick, misty black smoke, under the colorful sky, five people are flying fast on the red lava.

Of course, Feng Qinglang would not waste her mental power to continue flying, so she explained in a friendly manner that she was sick and could only show her strength during the awakening period, so everyone had to work hard along the way.

Let Chang Kun and the others take turns to carry it, which is not in line with Feng Qinglang's aesthetics. Therefore, under the guidance of Feng Qinglang, the law power of the three of Chang Kun and the others transformed into a big and comfortable chair. Feng Qinglang sat on it, often Kun, Zhongming, and Lao Wugong were pulling in front. From a distance, they all looked like a peerless expert driving his mount to fly out of thin air.

Chang Kun and the others dared not speak out. After all, if they wanted to leave here, they had to count on Feng Qinglang, so they could only look at Lan Xiaofeng helplessly. Feng Qinglang explained: "She is a girl, you will never want her Shall we pull together?"

So, Feng Qinglan looked at the boiling lava under her feet, tilted her feet, and the three of them gritted their teeth and pulled it. In fact, the three of them worked together, and it didn't take much effort. It was more from the shame in their hearts, especially Feng When Qinglang smiled and invited Lan Xiaofeng to sit up together, the three of them were so angry that they wanted to turn around and bite Feng Qinglang. Fortunately, Lan Xiaofeng declined with a smile, otherwise the three of them might just run away.

When approaching the volcanic area, Feng Qinglang let out a sound of "Woo--", as if yelling to stop his mount, Chang Kun and the three tried their best to greet Feng Qinglang's family, but they had to stop honestly, gritted their teeth in vain Said: "Your Excellency Qinglang, in fact, just tell us to stop."

Feng Qinglang discerned the heat wave ahead and sensed the boiling flame breath. The elements here were not so crazy that they could not be approached. She felt at ease and explained in her mouth: "One word can express the meaning of two words. What's the point?" No way? Your self-esteem won’t be so strong, right? You need to slow down a little ahead! Drive—” Another command to the mount to set off, the three of them had no choice but to continue moving forward through gritted teeth.

Entering the depths of the volcanic area, the thick black smoke was even worse. Fortunately, there were three controllers of the law of the wind system present, who insisted on clearing the smoke from the road ahead with the wind, but the speed of travel had already slowed down without Feng Qinglang's orders. , Explosive lava-wrapped rocks crashed down from the sky from time to time, the closer to the crater, the denser the boulders fell, and listening to the loud noise they made as they passed by and hit the ground, even if it was Zhenwu couldn't help but feel frightened.

Seeing Feng Qinglang behind him still looking at ease, he vaguely hoped that a huge boulder would fall down and kill him in one fell swoop, but also worried that he would be hit by the real one, how to go back and explain, and who would reopen the door of space.

Through the black smoke, I saw the lava gushing through the sky and the earth in front of me, and I felt extremely shocked!

Amid the strong smell of sulfur, Zhong Ming couldn't help but said, "Your Excellency Qinglang, have we arrived at our destination? We've reached the crater."

Feng Qinglang ordered calmly, "Let's go in! Yes, you heard me right, we're going into the crater!"

Everyone was terrified. Although they are real martial arts, they are only real martial arts. Even if their law shields are fully opened, they don't know if they can withstand such high-temperature magma. Is he crazy?To go in...

The first three people stopped in a tacit understanding, and turned to judge Feng Qinglang's mental state, while Lan Xiaofeng just stood firmly beside Feng Qinglang, preventing the three of them from suddenly attacking.

Feng Qinglang said calmly: "We have an earth element and three wind elements, any combination can form a law formation and rush in. Listen carefully, you will do this in a while, and I will direct..."

The positions of the people were changed, and the operation method of the people's laws was also slightly modified for the time being. The only thing that remained unchanged was that Feng Qinglang continued to sit on the chair in the center, and justifiably guided their collective laws.

It is different now, when they were opponents, they were guided by Feng Qinglang's rules in a daze. Now that Feng Qinglang is a companion and wants them to accept the guidance willingly, of course let them know clearly what they are doing.

Witnessing the operation of the law today, the four of them, including Lan Xiaofeng, have to admit that this is indeed an extremely delicate operation method. The most amazing thing is that it is based on their current basis, with a little Correction, the effect can be achieved.If before, they asked themselves that the power of the law could exert 100% of their strength, now they can at least exert 120%.

For people at the real martial arts level, a [-]% increase is a very gorgeous number, enough to give them many advantages when fighting at the same level.

But at the same time, vigilance and awe towards Feng Qinglang also arose in my heart. The two sides have not been in contact for a long time, but the other party is more aware of the details of the operation of his laws than his teacher, and he can even make improvements. This terrible guy, Fortunately, it is a partnership for the time being.

Feng Qinglang didn't bother to take everyone's psychology into consideration, so her position had been re-adjusted. Chang Kun, the master of the soil system law, also known as the unparalleled defense, was naturally at the front, Zhong Ming and Lao Wugong separated, and Lan Xiaofeng was at the back.

With a sound of "Driving——", he led the crowd and rushed straight into the huge torrent of flames that penetrated the sky and the earth.

Chang Kun, who took the lead, saw the boiling crimson getting closer, and instinctively wanted to stop, but just now he realized that under the guidance of the law, he was powerless to resist, and he rushed into the torrent of magma. Tightening his lips, he couldn't help it, so he let out a "wow".

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