In the world created by illusionists, some illusionists like to be high above and overlook everything, and some illusionists like to blend into this world and become a part of it, maybe it is the Holy Spirit, maybe it is a plant, maybe it is a stone, to go quietly wait and see...

But no matter what kind it is, the source of your spiritual power must never be discovered by others. This is the first rule. Once someone finds out where your spiritual source is, you are not far from failure.

Now that Xiaoyaozi is facing a similar situation, the source of his spiritual power is hidden directly above his own planet, it is just a small spot in the vast void, and ordinary illusionists can't find it at all.

But Feng Qinglang just saw his whereabouts, pulled him out of the void, pulled his spiritual origin, and pulled him back to his own mainland. This scared Xiaoyaozi, and he didn't care about shocking He yelled, "What do you want to do, let me go!"

The angry voice of the main god can be heard throughout the chaos, especially for the giant stone civilization under Xiaoyaozi's command, his own main god is shouting angrily, what happened?Is the world about to collapse?

Of course, Feng Qinglang would not pay attention to the opponent's protest, and held on tightly to the spiritual origin of the opponent, and pressed Xiaoyaozi's spirit into the spiritual sea of ​​a newborn baby with one push into the depths of her own continent.

"Xiaoyaozi" only felt a blur of consciousness for a while, and then he heard himself crying, and then gradually growing up, the mother's kind smile, and the father's caring embrace, he gradually understood the world, their homeland was being invaded by alien races, and he gradually grew up. You must grow up quickly and become a real warrior, fighting for your homeland and your own Lord God.

But in his ignorance, he couldn't help but ask himself who I am, where I come from, and what's wrong with this world...

However, as I grow up, and as there are more and more trivial things around me, these problems are gradually wiped away.

He grew up very healthy and became a warrior of considerable strength. He successfully joined the army and became a member of the defending army. When I went back to see my father for the last time, I could only hide in the shadow of a corner of the barracks and cry loudly.

He hated these stone men, and wished that they would be crushed forever and never appear again.

I don't know if his curse has worked. These stone men seem to become weaker and weaker, and their movements become slower and slower until they are unable to fight anymore. It was the sound of the complete shattering of the boulder planet... The main god sent an oracle, saying that the homeland of the boulder invaders had been destroyed, and they had completely perished.

Xiaoyaozi couldn't hide the ecstasy in his heart, cheered together with other soldiers, raised their arms and praised the greatness of God.

Xiaoyaozi retired, just like a normal person, he married a wife and had children, and lived an ordinary life, only in the dead of night, only in extremely free time, only occasionally in extremely low mood, he would re-emerge uncontrollably Those weird thoughts, who am I, what am I doing, what's wrong...

The answers to these questions were not finally found until after his death...

A white ladder descended from the sky, and the translucence was full of water ripples. This was a miracle, and only he in the soul state could see it. He was still full of excitement and devotion to the Lord God, and climbed up the ladder step by step. , and then the memory gradually came back, he finally remembered that it was an illusion competition, he was completely defeated by his opponent, and he was the first one to be eliminated.

That kind of feeling is very strange, even if he has woken up, that kind of feeling like a world away is still shaking his heart, he seems to be able to vaguely feel that he is still the soldier who has lived his life... like a dream just now Awakened people are still unable to fully walk out of the dream.

In the endless chaos, the referee of this competition, the old man in red, was already waiting for him. The old man couldn't help but pity flashed in his eyes, and he said vigilantly: "Xiaoyaozi, your state is not right, wake up quickly! .”

Only then did Xiaoyaozi gradually restrain his mind, and bowed deeply to the old man in red to express his gratitude.

Accompanied by the old man in red, he looked down into the chaos. The war among the gods had reached its climax, and he couldn't help but fix his eyes on the continent of Feng Qinglang, where there was something that he had experienced all his life. That's why, even in the world of illusion, such a situation is not very common.

And the planet and giant stone civilization that belonged to him have long since disappeared. As a senior illusionist, he knows well that when he curses those stone people deep in his consciousness, the world built with his ideas will no longer exist.

"Who is he?" Xiaoyaozi couldn't help asking.

"Wen Ruyu." The old man in red replied.

Xiaoyaozi couldn't help shaking his head, saying that he hadn't heard of it.

He cast his eyes on Feng Qinglang's former homeland on the mainland, and suddenly found an interesting thing that made him very difficult to be happy. Another neighbor of Feng Qinglang, the founder of Zerg civilization, Xiaoyaozi's former cheap Ally, his spiritual origin was also involved in Feng Qinglang's continent.

In the life that Xiaoyaozi experienced not long ago, the joy of having a child in his later years seems to be extremely exciting, but the spiritual source of this son is actually that cheap ally, the main god of the Zerg race, and the hooked nose. guy.

At this moment, Yinggoubi is also going through his life. The death of Xiaoyaozi made the family's life unsatisfactory. Without Xiaoyaozi's generous pension, he has to become independent since he was a child, and then join the army to fight against the Zerg invasion Or, everything is so natural, but logical, the fall of comrades-in-arms one by one, made him hate these Zerg invaders, completely unaware that it was his own spiritual origin that created them, and then this civilization finally came under the control of their main gods. Die under the curse of consciousness...

He also enjoyed the victory excitedly, shouted with thousands of comrades in arms, and spent the rest of his life happily, and then reunited with his cheap father Xiaoyaozi again above the chaos.

The two looked at each other awkwardly and smiled, somewhat mixed feelings.

But the old man in red was inexplicably moved. Illusion is to confuse reality and fantasy, and the practitioner cannot tell the difference between the two, so he will get stuck in it. Just like at this moment, both of them thought that they had come out and returned to reality But if, in fact, they are still in the illusion, they are likely to regard the fantasy as reality from now on. Even if the real world tries to summon him back again, they must be extremely repulsive, thinking that someone will involve them in a terrible Among the illusion.

This thought made the old man shudder, he hurriedly let himself out of this terrible thought, just now he was still waking up the two people not to sink because of it, but he almost lost his mind.

The conversation between Xiaoyaozi and Yinggoubi distracted the attention of the old man in red.

"Another person has been drawn in, hmph." There was a bit of schadenfreude in the hooked-nosed voice. The third illusionist who was drawn into Feng Qinglang's world was not very popular, because this guy just kept going to the competition right after the start of the competition. The man who threw meteorites around.

"It turned out to be your son, how wicked is this damned Wen Ruyu, let that guy occupy your son's consciousness, and mistakenly think that he has traveled through time, and is gradually becoming a man of influence in that continent." Xiaoyao Zi didn't know whether it was shock or admiration, there was always an indescribable flavor in his tone.

The hooked nose also sighed: "My son is not your grandson." After saying this, he regretted it. How could he involve himself in such a statement...

The two looked at each other, but couldn't help laughing out loud.Feng Qinglang would never realize that a competition and a wicked act of her own made a pair of good friends in the world of stigmata and illusion in the future.

Xiaoyaozi's grandson soon came up to accompany them, and then the fourth, fifth...

The continent created by Feng Qinglang has become the most powerful place in the chaos, and has never taken the initiative to attack, but once someone attacks him, in addition to the start of the battle of gods, your spiritual origin will also be involved in this new continent in all likelihood , Start a new life with the identity of a whole body.

At this point in the competition, there is actually no suspense anymore. The guy named Wen Ruyu deserves to be the strongest among them, and the other two survivors may not be stronger than the eliminated ones. In the end, she didn't provoke Feng Qinglang, so she survived.

The old man in red waited for a while, and the three forces in the chaos no longer had any desire to fight, so he waved back the chaos. When everything in the illusion world gradually became blurred, and the real world became clear again, they found that they had regained their strength. Go back to the banquet hall, beside the round table.

Everyone couldn't help but cast their eyes on Feng Qinglang immediately, and they couldn't tell whether it was hatred or admiration, they just hoped that they could remember this person firmly.

Feng Qinglang just had a calm and arrogant face, trying her best to play the role of Wen Ruyu well.

Beatrice was also looking at Feng Qinglang, her beautiful eyes flashed with brilliance. As the person with the highest authority, of course she also witnessed the whole process of the competition. Feng Qinglang's astonishing accomplishments, I am afraid that his level of illusion is not in the slightest. Below the level of the magic pattern ah.

The old man in red announced solemnly: "This selection is over, and the winners are Wen Ruyu, Ximu, and Hei Ku. Do you have any objections?"

What objection can there be?In the end all that was left was the three of them.

But another tall and thin man with an unusually pale face stood up and said coldly: "Your Excellency, I have objections! I don't think Hei Ku is qualified to enter the top three."


"In my confrontation with him, he was at a disadvantage from the beginning to the end..."

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