alone mountain and river

Chapter 164 Weird

Her voice was like a whisper at the end, as if returning to that magical moment, that magical emotion.

But soon, she woke up, and sighed: "But I didn't expect that this is also the beginning of my regret. After Yuntian witnessed this wonderful scene, he said that he had realized something and wanted to retreat immediately. At first, I didn't think so. But he couldn't sleep, it really made the old man panic, he immediately changed his way and rushed back to Baiyun City, invited countless famous doctors and alchemists, but still couldn't wake him up... Gradually, we also discovered the strangeness At the same time, Yuntian's physical function is declining day by day, but his spirit has been very active all the time. It is very possible that he has fallen into an illusion... The next thing, you also know, will use the best illusion in the whole continent for a high reward. Teacher attracted to solve this problem."

Hei Ku asked: "Madam Bi, how long will the mirage last?"

The old woman had obviously answered such questions many times, and immediately replied, "Two hours."

Hei Ku asked again: "Mrs. Bi, according to your description just now, there are images of the past appearing in the mirage, what is the order between them? Are they arranged according to the timeline of history, or?"

The old woman patiently said: "It's chaotic, there is no law at all."

Feng Qinglang frowned and asked, "Mrs. Bi, you said that the storm came without warning, so why did the fishermen and monster hunters who were in the same sea area as you talk about the storm and the mirage? Do you see the same sight?"

The old woman's eyes lit up, and she said: "Your Excellency Wen Ruyu, the question you asked was something we thought of later. What is shocking is that according to our investigation afterwards, the fishermen and other merchant ships in that area at that time didn't feel anything. Not to mention the presence of a storm, let alone a mirage."

Hei Ku was taken aback and couldn't help but said: "That is to say, you may have been involved in the illusion a long time ago, and the mirage is just a part of the illusion."

The old woman said, "I'm not sure about this, I can only say that there is a possibility."

Feng Qinglang was shocked by it, this old woman's spiritual cultivation is quite good, if she is completely involved in an illusion without knowing it, then how terrifying the cultivation of the caster will be.

He asked, "Where are the crew members accompanying you?"

The old woman nodded and said, "They are the same as us. They experienced the storm and saw the mirage. The content is generally the same."

Next, Hei Ku asked a few more questions, and the old woman answered them one by one, but she looked at Feng Qinglang with more anticipation. the truth.

Feng Qinglang frowned and thought for a while before asking: "Mrs. Bi, Master Yuntian said that after seeing the mirage, he felt something in his heart and needed to retreat, what about you?"

Mrs. Bi smiled bitterly, and said: "I'm not as sensitive as Yun Tian, ​​I can only vaguely feel that the mirage is trying to express a truth about the impermanence of the world, but for more than a year, I have often been in a trance, recalling the past from time to time, Sometimes when I wake up in the morning, my mind is completely at a loss, always thinking about what to do in the future, and I feel very at a loss."

Feng Qinglang shook her head and said, "That's because Master Yuntian fell ill, and it's not necessarily the sequelae of the mirage. Then, what about the accompanying crew members, have they been affected in any way?"

Mrs. Bi said: "Everything is normal for them. From the beginning to the end, they just feel that they have watched an extremely gorgeous visual feast."

Feng Qinglang suddenly changed her mind again, and asked in a deep voice: "Madam Bi, you said that the original intention of going to Haisha Islands was for food, so, do you have something to eat?"

Mrs. Bi was slightly taken aback, obviously no one had asked such a question, but she still replied: "When something like that happens, how can you think about delicious food?"

Feng Qinglang nodded, compared to Hei Ku who has been very dedicated to recording things, Feng Qinglang finally opened his illusionist's notebook for the first time, took a pen and wrote: She is lying.

Everyone has their own spiritual world. Even normal people who have not received any spiritual training will instinctively protect their spiritual world tightly to avoid the intrusion of the outside world. Come out the same.

In the spiritual world, personal privacy and secrets are generally involved.

For a big man like Biyuntian, under normal circumstances, let alone entering his spiritual world, even if you want to get a close look at him, it may be difficult. But now, his spiritual world is like an undefended castle. Fortress, let others enter.

At the beginning of the treatment, Mrs. Bi always sent people to follow these illusionists, worrying that Bi Yuntian's spiritual world would reveal some secrets of the Bi family. After all, the human memory system is connected with the spiritual world.

But later, it turned out that this kind of worry was unnecessary, and it would be good to regain Biyuntian's spiritual origin.The idea of ​​stealing the secrets in memory is too high-end for the current situation.

A stable passage to Biyuntian's spiritual world has been opened up, and it is guarded by an elder of the Bi family who is good at illusion. When the two newcomers Feng Qinglang and Hei Ku were about to enter, the elder reiterated some precautions Requirements and requirements are the basic things to enter other people's spiritual world in the world of illusion, which is not too much.

Feng Qinglang and Hei Ku should be glad that they came late. If it was the first time, the extremely strict requirements would have made most illusionists groan. For example, after entering the spiritual world of the employer, they must not talk to anyone or touch Nothing, must not affect the course of any event in the spiritual world... and so on.

Behind the head of Bi Yuntian's hospital bed, a row of comfortable chairs has been arranged for the illusionist to sit on during his "diagnosis".

At this time, Feng Qinglang and Hei Ku were already in place, and Ximu, as a senior employee, became their tour guide for their first spiritual journey.

Bi's elder illusionist said in a deep voice: "Are you ready? Okay, please follow my spiritual origin and use green as the basic guide for a while!"

As an illusionist, there are many ways to break into other people's spiritual world. The most labor-saving way is that there is a ready-made passage like now, and one only needs to follow the owner of the passage to enter.

In fact, Feng Qinglang would rather open up a channel independently, but remembering that it's only her first day here, even if she plays an arrogant guy, she shouldn't go too far.

In the hazy chaos, there is vaguely a spacious white passageway, a green light spot is like a fluttering dandelion, dancing in front of it, Feng Qinglang devotes most of her spiritual power to follow, leaving only part of her spiritual power behind. Guard yourself tightly, as a warning, if any unexpected situation occurs outside, which will endanger your own safety, you can also withdraw immediately.

After a short journey, the green light gradually dissipated and turned into white light and retreated again. It was Elder Bi who escorted them to their destination and turned back.

This hazy chaos gradually dissipated, and the whole world gradually became clear. This is the center of a bustling city, with people coming and going, and the hustle and bustle is full of lively atmosphere. The yawning sound of the businessman... the hustle and bustle of people, the bustling sound waves, everything is like a real world!

If people with poor spiritual cultivation accidentally blend into this environment and believe that all this is real, then this illusion will have another new victim.

Details determine success or failure, and also determine the level of an illusionist. Feng Qinglang looked around carefully, and couldn't help but praise in her heart. All the details around her were simulated almost perfectly. In a daze, she really thought that she was in a busy pedestrian street in Baiyun City. middle.

Hei Ku blurted out his praise: "Praise the God of Illusion, if you weren't by my side, I really thought that the magister used space magic to teleport me to Baiyun West Street."

This is the first time for Feng Qinglang and Hei Ku to enter the spiritual world of their employer, Biyuntian. As his tour guide, Teacher Ximu told them very conscientiously: "If there is anything unusual, get out immediately! This place is very evil! "

Feng Qinglang's nonchalant demeanor made Ximu couldn't help adding in a low voice: "A few months ago, a colleague encountered an evil situation and didn't leave in time. His real person is still in a coma, and his spiritual origin... ..." Ximu didn't say any more, looked around, then pointed to the door of a tavern, a blind old man was playing the banjo a little dullly, and there was a black top hat turned upside down in front of him.

Hei Ku whispered: "Mr. Ximu, you mean that this busker is our colleague!"

Ximu sighed, nodded slowly and said: "His name is Fan Gao, our poor colleague, he has lost."

Feng Qinglang asked, "Can we talk to him?"

"Yes, but be careful with your words so as not to cause evil." Ximu agreed, but still reminded them to pay attention.

This made Hei Ku a little nervous, and said in a low voice: "Mr. Ximu, you always talk about the situation of the evil sect. What's going on?"

Ximu smiled wryly and said, "I can't tell. Like the last time, the people on the whole street suddenly came to attack you like crazy. It's inexplicable and there is no warning. If your spiritual source is pulled, so that you can't Leave...then Fan Gao is your role model; just like another time, the whole world was suddenly shaken, like landslides and ground cracks, the whole world became like the end of the world, then, if you didn't leave in time, you would also become this illusion part of the..."

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