alone mountain and river

Chapter 173 Red Clothes Ku Feixi

When everyone's attention was focused on the man in gray, there were a few ordinary-looking men and women under the east window, who had always been low-key and honest. Flee to the suburbs.

At this time, the gray-clothed man in front had been taken down. Even though he was pinned down firmly on the ground, his eyes were always focused on the east. In his opinion, sacrificing himself to let a few companions leave was still a fortune. Good deal.

Feng Qinglang saw everything in her eyes, and sighed silently in her heart. Don't they think it's a bit weird that there are no guards outside these windows?This is to create an environment that allows them to escape...

Perhaps, they also vaguely thought of it, but they can't control so much anymore.

The shards of glass from the broken window in the east have not yet completely landed, and the arrow rain like a gust of wind has already shot from the dense forest over there. Amidst the humming, these people were hit by arrows in their thighs and fell down one after another.

Pain flashed in the eyes of the gray-clothed man, but he did not despair, he still stared at the east.

When the shards of glass finally fell to the ground and the arrow rain had just ended, another figure shot out from the window. This person was not standing with other fugitives in front of him. He chose the right timing. It happened to be the archer. At the time of rewinding, moreover, his speed was far higher than others, obviously the one with the highest martial skill among them.

He had passed the forerunner's fall to the ground, peeped out the breakthrough of the outer defensive net, and with both hands and feet, he slapped down dozens of bows and arrows that were fired in a hurry. In the blink of an eye, he had already broken into the dense forest. It was heard that there was still the man's loud and long laugh, and he was flying away.

Everyone in the hall felt a blur in front of their eyes, as if another burly figure flashed through the hall of the teleportation array, vaguely it was the general of Thunder Dragon City, he shot towards the direction of the fleeing people, and after a short while, Yes, the burly figure had walked back from the direction of the dense forest, and returned to the side of the broken glass, but he was still holding a person in his hand, who was the one who escaped last.

The long and loud laugh in front of that guy seems to be still in his ears, but now, he must not be able to laugh no matter what, Thunder Dragon City seems to have done a trivial thing, throwing that person to the ground casually, and has its own guards tie him up.

Thunder Dragon City returned to the hall, looked around at everyone, and said indifferently: "Everyone, don't choose a stupid way to fight against the Royal Guards, otherwise, death is not your only end!"

The awe-inspiring eyes of everyone was the best answer for Thunder Dragon City. Thunder Dragon City nodded in satisfaction, and walked back to the blue-rayed teleportation hall.

Feng Qinglang secretly praised him. After all, he is a general of the imperial guard who is rated at the imperial level. This skill is far beyond the comparison of ordinary people. If it is an ordinary country, this guy is enough to become the guardian of a country.

But this guy has a soft spot for the teleportation array now, how can I get in it...

With such an episode, the people who were originally full of resentment were completely honest, and those who were thinking about how to cover up their identities by flashing their words, are now obediently cooperating and answering every question. The personnel related to the fake emperor are not interested in any blacklisted speculators or wanted criminals in other serious cases.

Seeing that this kind of investigation was about to end peacefully, a melodious flute sounded indistinctly. At first, it seemed to be coming from the edge of the sky. While playing, the sound of the flute is surprisingly pleasant, which resonates with your whole heart and soul.

A guard chief first discovered something was wrong. This place is surrounded by many, how can there be music for no reason, and the sound seems to be lingering in your mind, lingering, so evil, he didn't dare to hesitate, and immediately took a big step Go to the teleportation hall and report Thunder Dragon City.

Who would have thought that Thunder Dragon City had taken the initiative to walk out from the inside, and that always majestic face was no longer indifferent to before, his brows were tightly frowned, he was staring at the east, facing the report of his cronies, he raised his hand to stop him: "I know, not only that, our brothers in the dense forest to the east have all fallen, and their lives and deaths are unknown."

The chief guard's heart tightened, and he said in a low voice, "How many people attacked?"

The sound of the flute faded away, and there was no need for Thunder Dragon City to answer this answer. A woman in red was coming from the east. She was tall and tall, wearing a long crimson dress, which matched her short red hair like a flame. , making her snow neck even more slender.

Her facial features are all beautiful, with a high nose bridge, plump red lips, and a pair of charming phoenix eyes. This should be a beautiful face, but no one finds it amazing, because her expression is so beautiful. You have suffered a lot, and when you see her expression, the first thing you think of is whether you have done something harmful to her. She is like a woman who has been exterminated. When she looks at you, you always You will feel whether you are the culprit who destroyed the family.

Such a resentful woman who would destroy everything could attract attention no matter where she appeared, let alone in a place where she should not have appeared, on a lawn that had been blocked by heavy troops.

"She's the only one..." Thunder Dragon City said in a deep voice, as if answering his subordinates, but also as if he was talking to himself in confusion, he couldn't tell the level of that woman's strength!This may be because the woman is good at hiding her aura, but it is more likely that the woman's level is still above her own.

If there was anyone present who was more shocked than Leilongcheng, when the phoenix was clear, in fact, when the sound of the flute sounded, his back was already chilled. When he saw and confirmed that it was the woman in red, his whole body felt The hairs immediately stood on end.

During his long escape career, countless wanted people appeared behind him, but if he was asked to make a list and write down the names of some wanted people he hated the most, her name would definitely be included in it:

Ku Feixi, always dressed in red, is most likely to be the number one candidate for the future guardian of the Xia Dynasty.

When they met for the first time, Feng Qinglang almost thought she was an interesting person when she claimed to be a musician who liked to refine medicine, but later she proved with facts that her self-introduction was just a fact, and others tracked her down. I may be doing it for the bounty, for the order of the family, but this woman tracking her is a kind of experience on the road to the strong.

Feng Qinglang once protested angrily, and even suggested that the other party might as well use the assassination of Emperor Di Dynasty as an experience, but it didn't help, they just locked you.

Now, this woman has appeared again. His luck is really unlucky. He can't control so much anymore. Seeing that Thunder Dragon City has left the teleportation hall and came to the main hall, everyone's attention is completely focused on Ku Feixi. On his body, he quietly dodged, and then dodged into the teleportation hall, directly using the power of real martial arts, and flashed past the blind spot of the two guards at the door.

At the entrance of the teleportation hall, there are several giant screens that block the location of the teleportation array, and the blue light is faintly transmitted through the frosted screen.

Feng Qinglang crossed the screen, and behind the screen, the few magic pattern masters who were frowning and discussing, immediately looked at her in surprise.

Feng Qinglang hurriedly said: "I am a special consultant invited by Lord Thunder Dragon City. I am good at magic patterns. Let's see if I can help you."

He immediately looked at Feng Qinglang suspiciously, is this... a magic pattern master dressed in the professional costume of an illusionist?

Feng Qinglang took a quick look at the teleportation array, it wasn't too big, it was a circular device that was one level above the ground, about 20 meters in diameter, covered with dense magic patterns, and the round base was inlaid with various ancient magic patterns. device to assist the space transmission function of the magic pattern.

"Is there something wrong with the loop pattern in the southwest corner?" Feng Qinglang frowned.

As soon as they opened their mouths, they knew they were experts, and with a quick glance, those magwen masters were immediately refreshed. Now both the government and the public are asking them to fix it as soon as possible. These people only feel that the pressure is infinite When it is time, it is best to have experts join in!Immediately someone responded: "Yes, the loop pattern is not simply damaged, then... when His Majesty left, he added some new magic pattern, and it was initially integrated with the original system..."

Feng Qinglang understood that this kind of disordered magic pattern was equivalent to a set of chess pieces with an extra piece in it for no reason, and now it was necessary to find the extra piece before repairing the chessboard.

He immediately responded: "Is it because the extra magic pattern is not added in the southwest corner?"

Another magic pattern master excitedly said: "That's right, we wasted two hours before we discovered this, so we don't know where it is?"

"Can I go up and have a look?"

"of course can!"


Among magic pattern masters, strength is the best language of communication. Feng Qinglang won their initial trust, and the abrupt illusionist robe on her body was no longer so important.

What's more, Feng Qinglang was already inspecting, taking off her clothes and changing into a pair of unremarkable casual clothes. She even took out special dyes and essential oils from her backpack, and began to apply them on her face. The original domineering illusionist has two appearances again.

Facing the questioning eyes of his peers, he had no choice but to explain: "I often dress myself up to be more inspired."

Although Lord Thunder Dragon City's special advisor was a bit weird, he did have real materials, and they stopped asking. Under the guidance of the other party, the restoration progress began to accelerate rapidly, and a new restoration plan was quickly drawn up.

Everyone here is fully focused. After all, there is a lot of pressure. Of course, they are under work pressure, and Feng Qinglang is directly related to life and death.

Outside, Ku Feixi has already passed through the broken glass window and gently jumped into the hall. People consciously gave way. She looked at every expression seriously. The jade flute that can shake the soul, It has been tied around her waist, and in her hand is a palm-sized ancient magic weapon, extremely exquisite, a bit like a radar in ancient times, it seems that she is searching for something.

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