After all, the fake emperor was once the king of a country, so he was not angry, and after a few polite words, he left with the old man in white.

When the spaceship was about to reach Innocence City, the middle-aged man finally woke up and understood his situation, so he was naturally grateful to Feng Qinglang and the others.

Bai Shaoyou has a deep friendship with Feng Qinglang, and kindly invites her to go back to his family for a sit-down. Feng Qinglang can only choose to reject his kindness. No matter how powerful his family is in the city of innocence, once he is imprisoned by him , I am afraid that he will be uprooted in an instant.

After bidding farewell to Bai Shaoyou, Feng Qinglang quickly went deep into the city of innocence. He was no stranger to the city of innocence. He had left footprints in several innocent cities in the central and southern parts of St. Mark Continent , but among the most unwelcome guests of the Innocence City Alliance, he should be at the forefront. So far, the Innocence City Alliance is still looking for the mercenary named Moon Eclipse.

Of course, for Feng Qinglang's long wanted list, the intensity of the wanted list of the Innocence City Alliance is like the kindest big brother next door.

Passing through a dark alley, a cheeky man was being severely beaten by a group of people in cloaks. Feng Qinglang walked sideways. Similar things happened in all the dark corners of Innocence City at the same time. , or seeking revenge, or collecting debts, or stealing... Countless possibilities can constitute crimes. As long as you don't expose these crimes to the streets outside, then you can still bask in the sunshine of the innocent city once you go out again. Down.

Feng Qinglang asked himself that he was not a moralist, and he didn't have the energy to investigate these crimes one by one. He could only pass by like a passerby...

He could feel that there was a tail behind him, and he had gone around several alleys, and the normal tail had been thrown away, but there was still one tail following him, which showed that the tracking technology was good.

But Feng Qinglang couldn't control so much anymore, he felt that the effect of the special essential oil on his body was about to pass, once the breath was exposed, that would be the most terrifying result.

He planned to go through this alley, find a random hotel in this corner of the city of innocence, open a room, and carry out a new round of dressing.

But when he was about to pass through the end of this alley, several burly men were beating an old man, but the old man was protecting the baby in his arms so that the baby would not be harmed. Can't help feeling pity, and finally stopped.

"Boy, the Iron Head Gang is working, if you are sensible, get out!" A big man with a scar on his face glared at Feng Qinglang angrily, obviously the other party's stop made him feel unhappy.

Seeing that there might be a turning point, the old man hurriedly shouted in a hoarse voice: "Save us! Young master, please save us!" The voice was like a night owl, echoing in the narrow alley, full of mournful flavor.

"Fourth Lu, pay off your debts! Do you think a passing boy can help you..."

Before the words were finished, a fist with a silver ring came towards Feng Qinglang's face. This place belongs to the dark area, and I don't know how many young people have been lost. Maybe they all came to Innocence City for a last resort reason, maybe They still have dreams, but if they go the wrong way, it means that their lives will come to an end.

Like the young man in front of him, he will soon become one of those obliterated ones, and will disappear silently in a corner of the city of innocence.

However, Feng Qinglang didn't have the consciousness to drown in this. For him, there were too many similar episodes in his life, so many that he didn't have the patience to listen to the rhythm of this episode. People, he didn't need to exert any effort at all, his figure just shook, and the dagger at the waist of one of the big men had already come into his hands, and he waved his hand a few times, and only he, the old man and the baby were left alive .

Amidst the faint smell of blood, the old man's eyes were twitching rapidly, and he was thinking about it. He was holding the baby in one arm, and the other hand was hanging down to his feet, trembling slightly, and he didn't know what impulsive decision he was thinking of. .

Feng Qinglang frowned and said, "Don't try to make up any stories to deceive me for sympathy, let alone use the dagger you hid in your boot to assassinate me. I saved you only because the child is innocent. Yes, you defended him so much just now, you probably don't want him to die like this, do you?"

Throwing a small purse in front of the old man accurately, Feng Qinglang continued: "Here is a little money, enough for you to leave Innocence City and start your life again, the child is just a common cold, don't be fooled by others just because you are impatient. "

Feng Qinglang turned to leave, and the old man's eyes fell on those big men who fell to the ground. Feng Qinglang didn't turn her head, but her voice came from afar, with a bit of helplessness in her voice: "Don't make up your mind, leave quickly. .Someone is following me, and I don't think you want to be a living victim of interrogation..."

The old man was startled, and hurriedly followed Feng Qinglang's back, and staggered out of this alley. If he could escape, the snow that had been swept up on both sides of the street looked very cute under the sun at this moment. He looked around Looking around, Feng Qinglang was nowhere to be seen. He patted the baby on the back, coaxed a few words in a low voice, opened the money bag as he walked, and took a peek at it. There were hundreds of gold coins in it, enough for him to take a spaceship Leaving Innocence City, returning to the long-lost hometown, and doing some small business again.

For a while, he was also excited, but he remembered the power of the iron stick, and even more the warning of the young man just now. He hurriedly lowered his head again, hugged the baby tightly, and walked quickly towards the spaceship station.

Perhaps for them, Feng Qinglang is the most memorable person in their lives, but for Feng Qinglang, they are like passers-by in a hurry. After passing by, they quickly become a glimpse of time and become a memory deep in the memory. fuzzy zone.

He walked into a small hotel by the side of the road, opened a room with a false name, and arranged a magic pattern after entering the room, then immediately went to the dressing table, and began to quickly wash off the disguise skillfully.

At this time, the door lock was opened with two clicks, which showed his proficiency in unlocking.

Feng Qinglang couldn't help frowning, she didn't expect to find her so quickly without shaking off her tail, and she was so impatient.

Fortunately, the other party agreed with him, and closed the door on his own initiative.

In this way, no matter what happens inside, it will not disturb the outside.

During this process, Feng Qinglang didn't stop what she was doing, and was still very carefully adjusting the new round of washing potion for facial cleansing. After making adjustments, she soaked the potion with a towel, and then applied it on her face for the second round of washing. washing.

The person who came in was an unremarkable young man, but his lips were as thin as a blade, endowing him with a hazy aura and revealing his cold nature.

Thin Lips discovered that there was a magic pattern imprint behind the door, which seemed to be the type that could isolate the sound, but the handwriting was very sloppy, and he couldn't see the depth of the other party for a while. He was stunned. Did the other party know that he was coming and already Are you sitting on the sidelines?Or maybe it's habitual caution, that's fine, no matter how much noise you make when you torture him later, it won't spread.

But the thin lips were not at ease, and quickly arranged a sound-proof magic pattern that belonged to him.

What made him most dissatisfied was that Feng Qinglang was still concentrating on doing her own things, and even made him wonder if the other party didn't see him coming in...

When her thin lips were about to do something to prove her existence, Feng Qinglang said, "Wait a minute, I'll be done soon!"

Bastard, you must have thought I was a friend visiting, didn't you?

Thin lips said coldly: "Do you know what mistake you made?" His voice was as cold as the cold wind blowing outside the window. For many people, this voice is like a nightmare.

But Feng Qinglang didn't seem to feel the chill in this voice, and she still spoke in a steady tone without even looking at her thin lips: "You were the one who cast the curse pattern on the middle-aged man on the spaceship? On the spaceship, second seat by the window in the back row, right?"

Thin lips couldn't help being startled, and blurted out, "You're actually paying attention? Do you know who I am?"

Feng Qinglang smiled and said: "I don't know! All I know is that if it was really aimed at me, how could it be a little guy like you?"

This sentence deeply hit the self-esteem of the thin lips, and I don't know how many people fell at his feet and howled and begged for mercy. How dare this guy call himself a little guy?

"Because of your inappropriate speech, when I torture you later, I will add three related procedures." The thin lips smiled crookedly, which made his lips appear even thinner, like a sharp knife.

After completely washing off the disguise on the face, Feng Qinglang looked more refreshed. The point is that the overall temperament seems to have changed, just like the winter sun, which makes people extraordinarily warm. Thin lips ask themselves, if you don't pay attention Look, it's really hard to tell whether the doctor on the spaceship is the same person just now.

He couldn't help but sneered and praised: "It turns out that you had a disguise before, a good method! If you are willing to teach me this disguise technique, I can reduce one of the procedures that will torture you later."

Feng Qinglang couldn't help smiling and shaking her head, she didn't know if she was mocking the price, or mocking the other party's death.

He began to pack all the props related to disguise around him, all the discarded medicine bottles, and towels were wrapped into a small bag, tied carefully, but not thrown into the trash can.

Then, he began to take off his coat, stuffed it into another garbage bag prepared, and changed his hairstyle along the way.

Thin lips felt that an indescribable depression was rushing towards him. In his previous revenge career, no one was as calm as the guy in front of him.

He felt that he needed to say something. Anyway, he couldn't find someone to talk to. A dying person is a suitable person to talk to. He said coldly: "My father was once the head of a large mercenary group. , there are more than 1000 people under his command..."

"There are only more than 1000 people, so it's not too big." Feng Qinglang said casually. At this time, he was quickly combing his hair into another shape, changing from the original fashion to an ordinary hairstyle, even combing his bangs. down.

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