alone mountain and river

Chapter 19 7 Seconds of Memory

Situ Enquan was still waiting to say something, but Nan Xinghun waved his hand angrily, and directly concluded: "Since we have experts in material science, we will naturally listen to the experts. Let's go over and talk about it."


Under the bald stone.

Beatrice pointed to a small grass with beard-like leaves and barbs on the edge of the leaves under her feet, and introduced: "Everyone, this is Lianlixu."

Except for Feng Qinglang, no one else knew this kind of plant. Situ Weiyang gave Situ Enquan a flirtatious look. The latter had no choice but to jump into the stream and dive. After a while, he resurfaced with an expression A little pleasantly surprised, but also a little confused, he shouted: "Master, there is really a tribute grass down there, which is exactly the same as the picture in the mission introduction."

"Then why don't you pick up a plant by the way?"

"There are a large group of sharp-billed strange fish wandering around those tribute plants..." Situ Enquan replied cautiously.

Beatrice said: "That's a tribute fish, and it likes to live around water tribute grass."

Situ Weiyang wondered: "What kind of fish is the tribute fish?"

"Herbivorous, silver carp. Stone step beasts, strong attack, low defense, any creature that gets close to the tribute grass will be attacked by them." Beatrice gave the answer.

In the world of beasts, ranks are divided into gold, silver, copper, iron, and stone. According to legend, there is a legendary holy rank above the gold rank. It can be said that the tribute fish that can enter the rank are still powerful, and a large group is enough to scare them.

The expressions of the crowd suddenly became a little ugly. With the protective clothing issued to them by the academy, maybe these tribute fish will surround you. Each of them will kill you, and the blood tank representing your blood volume will go to the end in one stroke, which means that the first One mission is eliminated.

Take off the protective clothing and go into the water, who knows if the academy has done anything to the clothing, and whether there are examiners around to monitor, it is the combat equipment that must be worn at all times in the rules.

Of course, that Beatrice could also be wrong, but who would take that risk?

Everyone looked at each other in blank dismay, and then their eyes gradually focused on Situ Weiyang, who wants him to always be the spokesperson?But now, Master Situ is also speechless, he doesn't have the courage to wave his hand, I can handle all these fish, if everything Beatrice said is true, it may be life-threatening, a large group of stone steps Fishes attacking themselves together, it's a bit scary to think about it...

During the awkward silence, Feng Qing said: "I'll lure those fish away, you hurry up and collect them!"

"..." Someone was willing to be cannon fodder, which surprised everyone in Situ, especially the most hated Feng Qinglang who stood up.

"Okay, next, please listen to my plan clearly..." Feng Qinglang ignored everyone's reactions and began to describe all the steps after everyone got into the water.

Feng Qinglang speaks very clearly, so that everyone understands their responsibilities very concisely and clearly. Everyone present can't help but feel a sense of conviction, including Situ Weiyang, but he feels a little strange because he has an illusion , This kind of understatement will make you look up to him. Master Situ can only experience it from his grandfather.

It seemed that for a while, people almost forgot that the person standing in front of him was not this wretched fat man, but a powerful person who was used to leading others.

Situ Enquan was also a little bit distracted, he hurriedly let himself return to his original role, he protested in a low voice: "Master Xinghun is on the shore to meet him, it seems..."

Feng Qinglang interrupted, "I'm ready to go into the water, are you ready?"

Facing Feng Qinglang's cold eyes, Situ Enquan swallowed all the words in his stomach, and then he realized that he was intimidated by the other party's aura, and he was very shameless, so he hurriedly said that Feng Qinglang was willing to act as a sacrifice at any time. Cannon fodder, let him be majestic for a while.

Seeing everyone nodding their heads, Feng Qinglang smiled and said, "Okay, let's go into the water!"

After all, he took the lead and jumped into the water.

With the sound of "Plop, plop—" the sound of continuous diving, everyone behind him also entered the water. Nan Xinghun stared at the circles and ripples on the water, and couldn't help being stunned. She knew that Feng Qinglang had been trying her best to protect herself, especially just now, in her heart The softest part was also touched, it was very warm... But, did he already know something...

The stream water is clear and cold, not deep, Feng Qinglang only dived a little, and saw those water tribute plants, and the ferocious tribute fish, Feng Qinglang came close without timidity, which made the underwater The rest of the bystanders couldn't help but sweat for him.

Feng Qinglang's right hand started by drawing a circle. After a few quick gestures, her right hand seemed to turn into a small fireball, which was really dazzling. It is known that this is the most basic martial skill "Spark Skill" in the fire system law, but being able to release it so brilliantly in the water can only show that Feng Qinglang is really talented in the fire system law.

Just after releasing the Starfire skill in his right hand, his left hand also swung quickly. Another crystal clear silver ball of light exuding a moist luster had already formed on his left hand. This was the most basic martial skill 'Spa' in the law of water.

It's a pity that in the water, everyone can't make an uproar, and they can release martial arts of two laws at the same time. This can definitely be described as a genius during the body training period.

Then, a miraculous scene happened, the group of tribute fish that had been wandering freely seemed to be attracted by the explosive power of the spark fire ball and the warm hydrotherapy light ball, and they swam towards Feng Qinglang one after another.

Seeing the school of fish approaching, Feng Qinglang went forward instead of retreating, and entered the deepest part of the area to ensure that all the fish were chasing the light ball before slowly retreating. Everyone was terrified and surrounded by dense fish schools With that in mind, they still had the leisure to wink at them, saying that they could do it, and what was really needed was extraordinary courage.

Unless it is a particularly spiritual fish, the memory of ordinary fish is very short, only for a short moment, and Feng Qinglang is not worried that a certain fish will suddenly fall behind and return to the original headquarters, he just swims so slowly.

Beatrice took the lead and dived into the empty tribute grass area. She bowed her head and quickly collected them. Everyone followed up one by one. According to Beatrice's previous instructions, the tribute grass needs to be continuously harvested. Collect the roots, otherwise it will wither quickly and lose all medicinal effects.

In order to ensure that the task can be completed, everyone collected several plants before returning to the shore. The Southern Star Soul, which had been prepared on the shore, put these water tribute grasses into a special mission box, and this mission can be declared perfect. finished.

Seeing that everyone had finished collecting, Feng Qinglang slowly brought the fish back to the original water tribute grass area. With a flick of her hands, the light ball disappeared instantly, and the whole person was blurred for an instant. The targets disappeared, and they naturally returned to the tribute grass area. Soon, they continued to wander around their territory as if they had never changed, and they never found that their territory had been invaded.

Feng Qinglang looked at it silently for a while, thinking in her heart. The instant memory of fish seems scary, but maybe they enjoy it and can guarantee eternal happiness... Situ Enquan still has something to say, Unexpectedly, Nan Xinghun also waved his hand angrily, and directly concluded: "Since we have experts in materials science, we naturally listen to the experts. Let's talk about it in the past."


Under the bald stone.

Beatrice pointed to a small grass with beard-like leaves and barbs on the edge of the leaves under her feet, and introduced: "Everyone, this is Lianlixu."

Except for Feng Qinglang, no one else knew this kind of plant. Situ Weiyang gave Situ Enquan a flirtatious look. The latter had no choice but to jump into the stream and dive. After a while, he resurfaced with an expression A little pleasantly surprised, but also a little confused, he shouted: "Master, there is really a tribute grass down there, which is exactly the same as the picture in the mission introduction."

"Then why don't you pick up a plant by the way?"

"There are a large group of sharp-billed strange fish wandering around those tribute plants..." Situ Enquan replied cautiously.

Beatrice said: "That's a tribute fish, and it likes to live around water tribute grass."

Situ Weiyang wondered: "What kind of fish is the tribute fish?"

"Herbivorous, silver carp. Stone step beasts, strong attack, low defense, any creature that gets close to the tribute grass will be attacked by them." Beatrice gave the answer.

In the world of beasts, ranks are divided into gold, silver, copper, iron, and stone. According to legend, there is a legendary holy rank above the gold rank. It can be said that the tribute fish that can enter the rank are still powerful, and a large group is enough to scare them.

The expressions of the crowd suddenly became a little ugly. With the protective clothing issued to them by the academy, maybe these tribute fish will surround you. Each of them will kill you, and the blood tank representing your blood volume will go to the end in one stroke, which means that the first One mission is eliminated.

Take off the protective clothing and go into the water, who knows if the academy has done anything to the clothing, and whether there are examiners around to monitor, it is the combat equipment that must be worn at all times in the rules.

Of course, that Beatrice could also be wrong, but who would take that risk?

Everyone looked at each other in blank dismay, and then their eyes gradually focused on Situ Weiyang, who wants him to always be the spokesperson?But now, Master Situ is also speechless, he doesn't have the courage to wave his hand, I can handle all these fish, if everything Beatrice said is true, it may be life-threatening, a large group of stone steps Fishes attacking themselves together, it's a bit scary to think about it...

During the awkward silence, Feng Qing said: "I'll lure those fish away, you hurry up and collect them!"

"..." Someone was willing to be cannon fodder, which surprised everyone in Situ, especially the most hated Feng Qinglang who stood up.

"Okay, next, please listen to my plan clearly..." Feng Qinglang ignored everyone's reactions and began to describe all the steps after everyone got into the water.

Feng Qinglang speaks very clearly, so that everyone understands their responsibilities very concisely and clearly. Everyone present can't help but feel a sense of conviction, including Situ Weiyang, but he feels a little strange because he has an illusion , This kind of understatement will make you look up to him. Master Situ can only experience it from his grandfather.

It seemed that for a while, people almost forgot that the person standing in front of him was not this wretched fat man, but a powerful person who was used to leading others.

Situ Enquan was also a little bit distracted, he hurriedly let himself return to his original role, he protested in a low voice: "Master Xinghun is on the shore to meet him, it seems..."

Feng Qinglang interrupted, "I'm ready to go into the water, are you ready?"

Facing Feng Qinglang's cold eyes, Situ Enquan swallowed all the words in his stomach, and then he realized that he was intimidated by the other party's aura, and he was very shameless, so he hurriedly said that Feng Qinglang was willing to act as a sacrifice at any time. Cannon fodder, let him be majestic for a while.

Seeing everyone nodding their heads, Feng Qinglang smiled and said, "Okay, let's go into the water!"

After all, he took the lead and jumped into the water.

With the sound of "Plop, plop—" the sound of continuous diving, everyone behind him also entered the water. Nan Xinghun stared at the circles and ripples on the water, and couldn't help being stunned. She knew that Feng Qinglang had been trying her best to protect herself, especially just now, in her heart The softest part was also touched, it was very warm... But, did he already know something...

The stream water is clear and cold, not deep, Feng Qinglang only dived a little, and saw those water tribute plants, and the ferocious tribute fish, Feng Qinglang came close without timidity, which made the underwater The rest of the bystanders couldn't help but sweat for him.

Feng Qinglang's right hand started by drawing a circle. After a few quick gestures, her right hand seemed to turn into a small fireball, which was really dazzling. It is known that this is the most basic martial skill "Spark Skill" in the fire system law, but being able to release it so brilliantly in the water can only show that Feng Qinglang is really talented in the fire system law.

Just after releasing the Starfire skill in his right hand, his left hand also swung quickly. Another crystal clear silver ball of light exuding a moist luster had already formed on his left hand. This was the most basic martial skill 'Spa' in the law of water.

It's a pity that in the water, everyone can't make an uproar, and they can release martial arts of two laws at the same time. This can definitely be described as a genius during the body training period.

Then, a miraculous scene happened, the group of tribute fish that had been wandering freely seemed to be attracted by the explosive power of the spark fire ball and the warm hydrotherapy light ball, and they swam towards Feng Qinglang one after another.

Seeing the school of fish approaching, Feng Qinglang went forward instead of retreating, and entered the deepest part of the area to ensure that all the fish were chasing the light ball before slowly retreating. Everyone was terrified and surrounded by dense fish schools With that in mind, they still had the leisure to wink at them, saying that they could do it, and what was really needed was extraordinary courage.

Unless it is a particularly spiritual fish, the memory of ordinary fish is very short, only for a short moment, and Feng Qinglang is not worried that a certain fish will suddenly fall behind and return to the original headquarters, he just swims so slowly.

Beatrice took the lead and dived into the empty tribute grass area. She bowed her head and quickly collected them. Everyone followed up one by one. According to Beatrice's previous instructions, the tribute grass needs to be continuously harvested. Collect the roots, otherwise it will wither quickly and lose all medicinal effects.

In order to ensure that the task can be completed, everyone collected several plants before returning to the shore. The Southern Star Soul, which had been prepared on the shore, put these water tribute grasses into a special mission box, and this mission can be declared perfect. finished.

Seeing that everyone had finished collecting, Feng Qinglang slowly brought the fish back to the original water tribute grass area. With a flick of her hands, the light ball disappeared instantly, and the whole person was blurred for an instant. The targets disappeared, and they naturally returned to the tribute grass area. Soon, they continued to wander around their territory as if they had never changed, and they never found that their territory had been invaded.

Feng Qinglang looked at it silently for a while, thoughtful in her heart. The instant memory of fish seems scary, but maybe they enjoy it and can guarantee eternal happiness...

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