alone mountain and river

Chapter 191 Sweet Water Romance

He finally figured it out that he was here for Nan Xinghun!

So, there was a burst of indignation in his heart, okay, when he saw my face, he picked up the weapon excitedly, and when he saw Xing Hun's face, he blushed shyly!On behalf of the Sap duo, I despise you fiercely, and come here during working hours to pretend to be a girl...

Fortunately, Ku Feixi returned to normal very well, and even smiled, and the smile was far less far-fetched than before: "Actually, it's okay, maybe because I have a goal in my heart, I keep moving towards it, and I don't feel like it difficult."

When Ku Feixi stopped bitterness and hatred, and showed a slight smile, and it was so natural, everyone present was amazed!Before that, no one associated her with the word "excellent beauty".

Nan Xinghun exclaimed in admiration: "Miss Ku Feixi, you look so beautiful when you smile!"

Ku Feixi took a serious look at Nan Xinghun, and realized that the other party was not flattering, but sincerely admiring him, blushing again, and said softly: "You should call me Ku Feixi from now on."

Feelings of contempt arose spontaneously in Feng Qinglang's heart again.

What is very rare is that he and Shen Qianyue looked at each other with a tacit understanding, and they could see a strange emotion in each other's eyes.If the Nan family in the declining Western Mountains has the favor of a Chaos powerhouse...

Nan Xinghun smiled and said: "Well, Ku Feixi! However, I think you should smile more in the future, the world will be different because of you."

"Well, it's hard, but I'll try my best..."


Ku Feixi chatted with Nan Xinghun for a while, then left.

What left Feng Qinglang speechless the most was that she actually returned to the sky above the bell tower, and continued to conscientiously look at the passers-by.

Originally, Shen Qianyue planned to take advantage of this chance encounter to test whether Feng Qinglang was the last opponent of the illusion that day, but with someone like Ku Feixi coming in and stepping on the field, his momentum was a bit unsustainable.

Thus, the meal ended in a hurry in the last harmonious atmosphere.

Feng Qinglang kept her promise and accompanied Nan Xinghun to Shanquan Bookstore to buy a few fantasy novels before leaving Tianshui Town.

When parting, Nan Xinghun turned his head and waved goodbye to Ku Feixi who was above the clock tower, and the other party also responded enthusiastically, attracting all kinds of attention from passers-by, and the joy of disobedience could not help but surge into Feng Qinglang's heart.

He suddenly sketched out such a plot in his mind:

One day in the future, Ku Feixi's animal nature will become violent, and he will forcibly push Nan Xinghun back. Nan Xinghun would rather die than follow, and shouted, I misread you!Then, at the critical moment, Ku Feixi suddenly discovered that Nan Xinghun was actually a woman... Her movements were frozen in the millennium, and then, silently weeping, Ku Feixi actually shed tears, how shocking it was! ...

Then, Ku Feixi put on his clothes like a walking corpse, hummed an ancient song of the Xia Dynasty sadly, and gradually went away...

Reminiscent of all the heart-pounding and struggling details, Feng Qinglang feels chills and chills, but also has an indescribable sense of disobedience and joy...

Nan Xinghun stopped in his tracks strangely, looked at Feng Qinglang and said, "Qinglang, your smile suddenly became very obscene, what are you thinking?"

"'s nothing!" Feng Qinglang's face turned red rarely, he couldn't say, I just thought of the ridiculous situation where you were pushed back by Ku Feixi.


Under the stars, on a beautiful day, Ku Feixi silently watched Nan Xinghun's departure.

Perhaps, in her heart, this was a romantic encounter.But if she allows Feng Qinglang to make a comment, then the subsequent comment is destined to be: it is also the beginning of a bad relationship!

And at this time, a controversial meeting is being held in the conference hall of the Headquarters of the College Alliance...

There weren't many people present, but they were all the people at the top of the pyramid in the alliance.

"The mine vein provided to us by the Bi family does contain a lot of psychedelic elements, which can make people fall into a state of confusion. In a short period of time, the realm of mental power can be greatly improved. However, after many studies, we have even After sacrificing a lot of people, it was finally determined that this element cannot be diluted and used..."

There were small discussions around the round table. More than a year ago, the alliance obtained this unique mineral lode, and was delighted by it. I didn't expect that those violent psychedelic elements could not be used at all.

Someone couldn't help interjecting: "Hmph, Bi Shi gave us this mineral vein, and we also gave enough benefits in exchange! But because of this mineral vein, that old guy Bi Yuntian is still half-dead, and thinking about it now, Bi Shi may be uneasy Kindly."

Another person responded: "Bi Yuntian woke up some time ago, I heard that his illusionist team finally came with a powerful person, and rescued him..."

"According to old man Bi's temperament, if he has been awake, this mine vein may not be willing to be handed over to us."

"Of course, he must have researched it himself, and he really couldn't use those psychedelic elements, so he used it to entrap us..."


The spokesperson at the front raised his hands slightly to subdue the voices of discussion, and said: "We should be glad to have obtained this mine, everyone, after extracting these psychedelic elements, in the preparation stage of mining work, we unexpectedly found that in the mine vein In the depths, we found the entrance of a relic, and we have preliminarily determined that it is a relic of the ancient times."

At the end of this passage, the speaker's voice was also tinged with excitement. There is no doubt that the people below immediately boiled up. As long as the remaining relics can obtain a piece of ancient technology inheritance, or a If there is a weapon, or some ancient magic weapon that can be used, etc., they will benefit endlessly.

For example, "Thunder God's Wrath", at the beginning of the establishment of the school alliance, it was lucky to obtain this ancient artifact from an ancient relic, so 2000 years ago, a sea beast riot occurred on the south coast of the Stigmata Continent, and the school alliance relied on This Thunder God's Wrath killed hundreds of giant sea beasts in one shot, and blasted out the thousand-year prestige of the academy alliance...

In the ruins back then, the ancestors competed with countless big forces, and finally got the "Wrath of Thunder God". Now the spokesperson actually told them that they discovered an ancient ruin, and it only belonged to them?No wonder the steady speaker was so excited.

"Everyone, please be quiet!" The speaker had to raise his hand again.

After the excited voices subsided again, the spokesperson continued: "The mopping up work on the first floor of the ruins has been basically completed, the risk factor is small, and the harvest is minimal, but judging from various clues, this ruins should be an ancient The experimental base, the subject of the research should be the purification of the spiritual sea..."

As a matter of course, there is naturally another burst of excited discussions. With the continuous improvement of the level of warriors and the continuous expansion of the spiritual sea, more and more filth is left behind. , there will be more filth related sequelae. Among the research topics of the contemporary spiritual sea, how to condense and purify the spiritual sea has always been the most important topic.

Martial artists of the same level sometimes have obvious strengths and weaknesses, and the gap in strength is like crossing a gap. In addition to their own understanding and martial arts strength, there is also the degree of concentration and purification of their spiritual seas.

Now that I have the opportunity to obtain relevant technologies from the ancient times, why don’t you be delighted? This is the best opportunity to greatly improve your strength, and it can also clear obstacles for your future cultivation path, not to mention cultivating for the alliance in the future. How many elites have been produced, because of this incident, they have left their names in the history of the league...

The spokesperson was excited for a while before continuing: "Given the importance of this ancient relic, we this time, the Alliance Council will remove all the elites, leaving only some important members to preside over daily related affairs."

Some people immediately expressed their doubts: "Speaker, if we make such a big move, will it attract the attention of other big forces?"

Another person also said: "If it is not handled carefully and attracts a large number of competitors, that is not a good thing."


The spokesperson raised his head slightly, and said calmly: "Our school alliance competition this time will be held in the Sea Sand Islands, and at the same time, the internal affairs of the hermit family immediately after the main competition of the alliance will also be held in the Northern Kingdom area. , we, as the referee of their internal attack this time, to show our importance, so it is reasonable to send a large number of important officials..."

"Speaker, in the process of opening the ancient ruins, according to historical experience, quite a lot of noise is often made, how can we cover it up?"

"If we change the location of the main game of the alliance to the first floor of the ruins, there will be no such problem. The first floor of the ruins has been transformed into the appearance of a sage's experience. Of course, many clues of the ancient ruins are It cannot be erased, but even if some participating members discover the clues and report to their relevant families afterwards, our exploration work must have been completed."

An older member of the alliance could not help raising his hand and said: "I understand what your Excellency the Speaker means. When the alliance competition is held on the first floor, we will explore on the second floor of the ruins at the same time, but if there is a contestant The students accidentally entered the second floor..."

The spokesperson interrupted lightly: "Theoretically not, but if it really happens...that is his bad luck."

The meaning of these words is the most obvious. This kind of bad luck may directly kill people.

At the same time, some members of the Alliance Council felt chills. The arrangement of the speaker must not be a matter of a day or two, but it is only announced to them now. Apart from the need to keep it secret, it is hard to say whether the speaker has his own selfish intentions on the ruins?

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