alone mountain and river

Chapter 314: Dance of the Round Shield

The head of the Yuanwu mercenary regiment was also delighted. This guy actually allowed their encirclement to form without any interference. Either he was really at the end of his strength and was unable to make a move, or he was too arrogant and thought that everything was under control. , but no matter which one it is, the leader is confident to kill him on the spot.

However, the faces and moods of the members of the round dance mercenary regiment who shot out in the encirclement are really difficult to match with their regiment leader. The same moves and the same steps have been practiced thousands of times, and they have almost You can close your eyes and shoot accurately, but at this moment, the same move doesn't work!

Because this is a formation based on the power of law, without the law, their formation is the most common siege.

But now, beside Feng Qinglang, there is a world without rules. The power of laws that they are so familiar with usually disappears without a trace here!

At the moment when the power of law disappeared, Feng Qinglang, who had always seemed passive, finally made a move. With a sideways step, she had already arrived in front of the man on the right, and hit the opponent's shield with her shoulder heavily. He also tried to use the law of the earth to defend, but when he activated his power, he realized that the power of the law had disappeared. He hurriedly backed away, but it was too late. He was knocked backwards and flew out. Feng Qinglang snatched the thick shield in the middle and the extremely sharp edges around the arc. He grabbed the edge of the round shield and smashed it out!

The round shield, like a frisbee, followed the trajectory of the man flying backwards. The man was frightened out of his wits, but he was powerless, but he had a burly body that completely blocked the sight of the several companions behind him. Therefore, it was originally a defense. The round shield, a sharp weapon, turned into an astonishingly large killer at once, cutting the big man who was still flying upside down into two pieces. Amidst the flying flesh and blood, the round shield continued to cut at a frantic speed. Companions behind him!

The round dance formation was originally densely packed and positioned to be closely connected, but now it has become the original sin of being slaughtered. The few people behind that person are just a blur in front of their eyes. The companion was split into two, but what was ushered in was an out-of-control round shield. Immediately, it was cut into two parts with different proportions according to their different heights. Following the companion's footsteps, they returned to the arms of the god of death!

And that round shield seemed to use flesh and blood as its energy source, and its momentum continued, but it changed from a straight line to a curved flight, and continued to shoot towards the periphery at high speed. The group members finally came to their senses, and tried to block or fly the round shield with their spears, but within the range of the power of law, their pure body power couldn't stop this side mixed with the power of time and space. Therefore, in the blink of an eye, more than a dozen people died unexpectedly, and the death conditions were extremely tragic. All of them were divided into two, and the splashed blood and minced meat became the most dazzling after the flight path of the round shield. scarlet tail.

When Feng Qinglang hit the big man, the companions on the left and right of the big man immediately instinctively held shields to support, just like usual, trying to attack and defend together, blocking Feng Qinglang's next move, but in the lawless world, their speed seems too slow...

Feng Qinglang's toes were just a little bit of the ground, and he turned sideways again calmly, still using his shoulders as the point of force, and slammed into the two sides, and also sent them flying. His hands were not so fast, but they were just right. Taking the round shield from the opponent's hand is also throwing the round shield towards their respective backward flying trajectories. There is no doubt that it is two new bloody round shield roads.

At this moment, there was a muffled sound behind him, it was the voice of Nan Xinghun, on her side, she was being attacked by the shield bearer, but she was worried about disturbing Feng Qinglang, so she just dodged within a small range, But the space was too narrow, and after being hit by the round shield head-on, she still let out a painful groan uncontrollably.

Feng Qinglang kicked her feet, and the whole person backed up. During the process of backing up, she turned around and pulled Nan Xinghun lightly, pulling her behind her. She kicked out with her right foot, and kicked a shield holder away. , seized the fourth round shield, once again a brand new bloody flight path.

The head of the Yuanwu mercenary group was no longer in the mood of joy for a second, so he could only shout angrily: "Back back first, and regroup."

The remaining two shield holders also wanted to respect their boss' opinion, but Feng Qinglang didn't intend to let them go. It was still the simplest action, but it was so effective. Knocking up, grabbing the shield, throwing the round shield, new A bloody trail.

With Feng Qinglang and Nan Xinghun as the center, a world of killing with flying round shields was formed, and the strong smell of blood spread to the whole world around this center.

Everyone around was stunned, why did the round dance formation suddenly turn into a round shield dance?Moreover, this dance of death seems to be far more amazing than the previous round dance, as if the two sides have rehearsed thousands of times, every single cent is just right!

Especially when the sixth round shield was thrown out, the first round shield thrown earlier just finished its semicircular trajectory and flew back backwards. Feng Qinglang just turned around to catch it, and threw it to another direction again. It was thrown in one direction, and then the second round shield flew back upside down, and Feng Qinglang also took it and threw it...

Like a large-scale acrobatics, Feng Qinglang is constantly catching and throwing shields. The flight trajectory of the round shields is different every time, but they never collide with each other, and they can fly back to Feng Qinglang accurately every time. Surroundings are stunning and dizzying!

However, what is different from acrobatics is that wherever the round shield goes, all the lives are harvested, and many of them are well-known guys who are familiar to everyone, but now, they are only related to the bloody track. Interlaced, it becomes a corpse broken in two, which is really shocking.

The range of the round shield flying was originally full of members of the round dance mercenary group, but their round dance performance failed, and now it has become a place where death is entrenched. All this happened in just a few tens of seconds ...

Some mercenary warriors who still want to fish in troubled waters, but also plan to see the opportunity, maybe the lucky ones who can make a profit, now accidentally rush too far, and become the funeral objects of the Yuanwu Mercenary Group Part of the muddy flesh.

Nan Xinghun was hit by a round shield earlier and suffered a slight injury. He was already depressed for a while, but now seeing the scene of blood and flesh flying everywhere, he almost couldn't bear it anymore. He wanted to bend over and vomit, but remember Following Feng Qinglang's instructions, she kept her waist straight, biting tightly, watching Feng Qinglang's every movement, staring at the flight trajectory of each shield, if she had some insight, but she couldn't grasp the key point, she just felt Clearly, he has completely raised killing to a new level. The simplest movement and the most labor-saving way of shooting have achieved a gorgeous effect, just like an incarnation of art.

The head of the Yuanwu mercenary group is now angry and terrified. He has already begun to regret the stupid decision not long ago, but it doesn't help. His subordinates fell one by one. He can only rely on With solid basic skills, he travels in the world of flying round shields, but he knows that he can't last long, and if he can't retreat, he will also become the prey of death, especially now that he is the only survivor of the mercenary group, Feng Qinglang His eyes had been completely focused on him, and the trajectory of the round shield dancing was still untraceable, but the leader could feel that it was completely centered on himself.

His footsteps were still moving fast, and what he was trampling on was the flesh and blood of his companions, making his feet bloody with blood, but he didn't care about it at all, just staring at every shield...Finally, let him find a place to find If there is a chance, one can escape from the gap of the round shield dance, the head of the group immediately burns his spiritual sea crazily, kicks hard, and rushes to that gap!

Seeing that the exit was imminent, the disappearing power of the law seemed to be returning quietly. The head of the group was ecstatic. He chose the right path and hoped to escape!But a figure shot towards him, just blocking his way, in that gap, it was Feng Qinglang, who he wished to smash into pieces, and there was a spear picked up anywhere in this guy's hand, he went straight to Stab at the leader's throat.

The leader spewed a mouthful of blood towards the front, and slammed into the opponent hard. The person who has the upper hand always has a little psychological advantage and is unwilling to die together. He believes that the opponent is no exception. As long as there is a slight hesitation, that is His chance of survival!

However, to his surprise, the figure became blurred at the moment of impact, and then disappeared without a trace. , That's why you regard the afterimage as the real body?But time has not allowed him to think too much, he only felt a pain in his vest, and reluctantly turned his head, it was still Feng Qinglang and the spear, the spear had already pierced his vest, but Feng Qinglang still had an expression of indifference.

The head of the group whose breath of life is constantly passing away, went mad and thought hard, how did he do it, he shouldn't be there, this is not an ordinary law of space...

At this time, those round shields finally met for the first time at this time, and the intersection was right on the head of the regiment. With a look of shock and panic on his face, the head was cut into pieces by the six round shields, a veritable corpse ten thousand paragraphs.

Feng Qinglang pulled out the spear swiftly, dropped it on the ground, and clasped it tightly with one hand as a support. She bowed slightly, but couldn't hold back any longer, spat out a few mouthfuls of blood, and coughed heart-piercingly. Nan Xinghun hurried up Standing behind him, he looked around vigilantly, but the surrounding enemies were completely intimidated, and no one dared to take the opportunity to step forward. A well-known mercenary group was actually wiped out. Long, a guy who is notoriously difficult to deal with, was also torn into pieces...

So far, it seems that whoever tries to kill this monster will die immediately!

In this dead silence, the six shields fell to the ground, and they happened to be stacked on top of each other. It was the very center of this world of flesh and blood, as if there was a god of death standing on top of the round shield, He raised his head towards the sky, and smiled triumphantly, which was so strange that it was chilling.

Feng Qinglang straightened her back again, raised her head, and smiled at Nan Xinghun, "Have you learned anything?"

Nan Xinghun frowned slightly, and said: "I have some insights, I'm afraid it will take time to digest..."

Feng Qinglang nodded and said: "It's good if you can realize something."

He slightly bent his feet and said to Nan Xinghun: "Xinghun, climb on my back! The warm-up is over, and the real battle is about to begin."

As he said this, the aura of law in the sky fluctuated strongly, and a black figure galloped towards him. Finally, the first strong man from the Chaos Realm arrived here.The head of the Yuanwu mercenary regiment was also delighted. This guy actually allowed their encirclement to form without any interference. Either he was really at the end of his strength and was unable to make a move, or he was too arrogant and thought that everything was under control. , but no matter which one it is, the leader is confident to kill him on the spot.

However, the faces and moods of the members of the round dance mercenary regiment who shot out in the encirclement are really difficult to match with their regiment leader. The same moves and the same steps have been practiced thousands of times, and they have almost You can close your eyes and shoot accurately, but at this moment, the same move doesn't work!

Because this is a formation based on the power of law, without the law, their formation is the most common siege.

But now, beside Feng Qinglang, there is a world without rules. The power of laws that they are so familiar with usually disappears without a trace here!

At the moment when the power of law disappeared, Feng Qinglang, who had always seemed passive, finally made a move. With a sideways step, she had already arrived in front of the man on the right, and hit the opponent's shield with her shoulder heavily. He also tried to use the law of the earth to defend, but when he activated his power, he realized that the power of the law had disappeared. He hurriedly backed away, but it was too late. He was knocked backwards and flew out. Feng Qinglang snatched the thick shield in the middle and the extremely sharp edges around the arc. He grabbed the edge of the round shield and smashed it out!

The round shield, like a frisbee, followed the trajectory of the man flying backwards. The man was frightened out of his wits, but he was powerless, but he had a burly body that completely blocked the sight of the several companions behind him. Therefore, it was originally a defense. The round shield, a sharp weapon, turned into an astonishingly large killer at once, cutting the big man who was still flying upside down into two pieces. Amidst the flying flesh and blood, the round shield continued to cut at a frantic speed. Companions behind him!

The round dance formation was originally densely packed and positioned to be closely connected, but now it has become the original sin of being slaughtered. The few people behind that person are just a blur in front of their eyes. The companion was split into two, but what was ushered in was an out-of-control round shield. Immediately, it was cut into two parts with different proportions according to their different heights. Following the companion's footsteps, they returned to the arms of the god of death!

And that round shield seemed to use flesh and blood as its energy source, and its momentum continued, but it changed from a straight line to a curved flight, and continued to shoot towards the periphery at high speed. The group members finally came to their senses, and tried to block or fly the round shield with their spears, but within the range of the power of law, their pure body power couldn't stop this side mixed with the power of time and space. Therefore, in the blink of an eye, more than a dozen people died unexpectedly, and the death conditions were extremely tragic. All of them were divided into two, and the splashed blood and minced meat became the most dazzling after the flight path of the round shield. scarlet tail.

When Feng Qinglang hit the big man, the companions on the left and right of the big man immediately instinctively held shields to support, just like usual, trying to attack and defend together, blocking Feng Qinglang's next move, but in the lawless world, their speed seems too slow...

Feng Qinglang's toes were just a little bit of the ground, and he turned sideways again calmly, still using his shoulders as the point of force, and slammed into the two sides, and also sent them flying. His hands were not so fast, but they were just right. Taking the round shield from the opponent's hand is also throwing the round shield towards their respective backward flying trajectories. There is no doubt that it is two new bloody round shield roads.

At this moment, there was a muffled sound behind him, it was the voice of Nan Xinghun, on her side, she was being attacked by the shield bearer, but she was worried about disturbing Feng Qinglang, so she just dodged within a small range, But the space was too narrow, and after being hit by the round shield head-on, she still let out a painful groan uncontrollably.

Feng Qinglang kicked her feet, and the whole person backed up. During the process of backing up, she turned around and pulled Nan Xinghun lightly, pulling her behind her. She kicked out with her right foot, and kicked a shield holder away. , seized the fourth round shield, once again a brand new bloody flight path.

The head of the Yuanwu mercenary group was no longer in the mood of joy for a second, so he could only shout angrily: "Back back first, and regroup."

The remaining two shield holders also wanted to respect their boss' opinion, but Feng Qinglang didn't intend to let them go. It was still the simplest action, but it was so effective. Knocking up, grabbing the shield, throwing the round shield, new A bloody trail.

With Feng Qinglang and Nan Xinghun as the center, a world of killing with flying round shields was formed, and the strong smell of blood spread to the whole world around this center.

Everyone around was stunned, why did the round dance formation suddenly turn into a round shield dance?Moreover, this dance of death seems to be far more amazing than the previous round dance, as if the two sides have rehearsed thousands of times, every single cent is just right!

Especially when the sixth round shield was thrown out, the first round shield thrown earlier just finished its semicircular trajectory and flew back backwards. Feng Qinglang just turned around to catch it, and threw it to another direction again. It was thrown in one direction, and then the second round shield flew back upside down, and Feng Qinglang also took it and threw it...

Like a large-scale acrobatics, Feng Qinglang is constantly catching and throwing shields. The flight trajectory of the round shields is different every time, but they never collide with each other, and they can fly back to Feng Qinglang accurately every time. Surroundings are stunning and dizzying!

However, what is different from acrobatics is that wherever the round shield goes, all the lives are harvested, and many of them are well-known guys who are familiar to everyone, but now, they are only related to the bloody track. Interlaced, it becomes a corpse broken in two, which is really shocking.

The range of the round shield flying was originally full of members of the round dance mercenary group, but their round dance performance failed, and now it has become a place where death is entrenched. All this happened in just a few tens of seconds ...

Some mercenary warriors who still want to fish in troubled waters, but also plan to see the opportunity, maybe the lucky ones who can make a profit, now accidentally rush too far, and become the funeral objects of the Yuanwu Mercenary Group Part of the muddy flesh.

Nan Xinghun was hit by a round shield earlier and suffered a slight injury. He was already depressed for a while, but now seeing the scene of blood and flesh flying everywhere, he almost couldn't bear it anymore. He wanted to bend over and vomit, but remember Following Feng Qinglang's instructions, she kept her waist straight, biting tightly, watching Feng Qinglang's every movement, staring at the flight trajectory of each shield, if she had some insight, but she couldn't grasp the key point, she just felt Clearly, he has completely raised killing to a new level. The simplest movement and the most labor-saving way of shooting have achieved a gorgeous effect, just like an incarnation of art.

The head of the Yuanwu mercenary group is now angry and terrified. He has already begun to regret the stupid decision not long ago, but it doesn't help. His subordinates fell one by one. He can only rely on With solid basic skills, he travels in the world of flying round shields, but he knows that he can't last long, and if he can't retreat, he will also become the prey of death, especially now that he is the only survivor of the mercenary group, Feng Qinglang His eyes had been completely focused on him, and the trajectory of the round shield dancing was still untraceable, but the leader could feel that it was completely centered on himself.

His footsteps were still moving fast, and what he was trampling on was the flesh and blood of his companions, making his feet bloody with blood, but he didn't care about it at all, just staring at every shield...Finally, let him find a place to find If there is a chance, one can escape from the gap of the round shield dance, the head of the group immediately burns his spiritual sea crazily, kicks hard, and rushes to that gap!

Seeing that the exit was imminent, the disappearing power of the law seemed to be returning quietly. The head of the group was ecstatic. He chose the right path and hoped to escape!But a figure shot towards him, just blocking his way, in that gap, it was Feng Qinglang, who he wished to smash into pieces, and there was a spear picked up anywhere in this guy's hand, he went straight to Stab at the leader's throat.

The leader spewed a mouthful of blood towards the front, and slammed into the opponent hard. The person who has the upper hand always has a little psychological advantage and is unwilling to die together. He believes that the opponent is no exception. As long as there is a slight hesitation, that is His chance of survival!

However, to his surprise, the figure became blurred at the moment of impact, and then disappeared without a trace. , That's why you regard the afterimage as the real body?But time has not allowed him to think too much, he only felt a pain in his vest, and reluctantly turned his head, it was still Feng Qinglang and the spear, the spear had already pierced his vest, but Feng Qinglang still had an expression of indifference.

The head of the group whose breath of life is constantly passing away, went mad and thought hard, how did he do it, he shouldn't be there, this is not an ordinary law of space...

At this time, those round shields finally met for the first time at this time, and the intersection was right on the head of the regiment. With a look of shock and panic on his face, the head was cut into pieces by the six round shields, a veritable corpse ten thousand paragraphs.

Feng Qinglang pulled out the spear swiftly, dropped it on the ground, and clasped it tightly with one hand as a support. She bowed slightly, but couldn't hold back any longer, spat out a few mouthfuls of blood, and coughed heart-piercingly. Nan Xinghun hurried up Standing behind him, he looked around vigilantly, but the surrounding enemies were completely intimidated, and no one dared to take the opportunity to step forward. A well-known mercenary group was actually wiped out. Long, a guy who is notoriously difficult to deal with, was also torn into pieces...

So far, it seems that whoever tries to kill this monster will die immediately!

In this dead silence, the six shields fell to the ground, and they happened to be stacked on top of each other. It was the very center of this world of flesh and blood, as if there was a god of death standing on top of the round shield, He raised his head towards the sky, and smiled triumphantly, which was so strange that it was chilling.

Feng Qinglang straightened her back again, raised her head, and smiled at Nan Xinghun, "Have you learned anything?"

Nan Xinghun frowned slightly, and said: "I have some insights, I'm afraid it will take time to digest..."

Feng Qinglang nodded and said: "It's good if you can realize something."

He slightly bent his feet and said to Nan Xinghun: "Xinghun, climb on my back! The warm-up is over, and the real battle is about to begin."

As he said this, the aura of law in the sky fluctuated strongly, and a black figure galloped towards him. Finally, the first strong man from the Chaos Realm arrived here.

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