As the night deepened and the chill in the wind became stronger, Nan Xinghun hugged Feng Qinglang even tighter, because she just touched Feng Qinglang's forehead, and it seemed that the temperature had risen a little, she worried: "Qingqing , how about you sleep for a while?"

Feng Qinglang smiled and said, "It's okay, I can't sleep yet. What's the matter? Don't you want to finish listening to this story?"

Nan Xinghun said: "Okay, then you can continue."

Feng Qinglang looked up at the night sky. The stars were like fireflies, twinkling and twinkling, as if they were all the joy and anger left over from that era, the joy and sorrow that could not be retrieved. He said softly: "The rhythm of the law is actually not It's hard to understand, like a wounded firefly, dancing fast in a limited space, I stared blankly for a while, but still couldn't catch the slightest pattern..."

"I suddenly discovered that the female orc seemed to have seen the rhythm of the law. Her eyes moved and she looked confused. We glanced at each other and immediately separated our eyes in a tacit understanding. Let alone the language barrier, even if the language is the same, humans and orcs Let's discuss martial arts together, then let's forget it..."

"Tang Rui also noticed my strangeness and asked me what was going on. I told her the truth, and even sketched out a rhythmic dancing track in the void in front of me, and asked her to help me..."

"What's interesting is that the pair of orcs on the opposite side are doing the same thing, but my memory has always been good. I just glanced at it distractedly, and immediately found something wrong. The trajectory drawn by the female orc was different from mine. The difference is too far, it seems that what we see is not the same thing..."

"This weird feeling made my scalp tingle. But I immediately thought, could it be that the female orc didn't want to share this adventure with her companions, so she just scribbled? But I think this This possibility is extremely low, if this is the case, she can tell her companion that she didn't see anything... Then, why did she see something different from me?"

"I told Tang Rui my thoughts, and Tang Rui pondered, how about we communicate with them and share what we have gained?"

Nan Xinghun couldn't help asking: "Tang Rui is very open-minded, so have you communicated?"

Feng Qinglang couldn't help laughing and said: "Ha, forget it, the orc language that she and I know is only a few sentences in total, and most of them are foul language. If we really speak the orc language we know to them, I'm afraid it will be too late. It's going to be a big fight."

"Coincidentally, the female orc didn't look stupid, and she looked at the trajectory I drew with doubts. It seemed that the doubts in her heart were not far from mine. But we continued to have a tacit understanding and didn't do anything. Communication, just groping for each other like this..."

"Tang Rui tried to raise her body temperature and pretended to be in a state of fever, but she couldn't see what I saw. I remember she laughed at herself at the time that she was not a destined person... In fact, it can be seen that she lacks interest and has been busy for most of the time. At night, she must have wanted to go to sleep, but she didn't want to spoil my interest, so she kept her eyelids open and accompanied me to study the trajectory..."

"That night, after a long, long time, I finally noticed that the rhythm of the law was no longer untraceable, it seemed to return to the original point, and danced again! This was a big discovery, and I hurriedly told Tang Rui , Tang Rui is also very excited, accompanying me to study the so-called origin..."

"However, soon we were disappointed again. It's like we thought that after running a lap of the playground, we felt that we had returned to the starting line. Then the next lap should be the same ellipse. In the end, we found that the next lap was a square. That feeling It's just too frustrating..."

"I remember that Tang Rui hit me directly and said, maybe there is no origin at all, it is still irregular, it is you who insisted on dividing a beginning and an end... This made me very frustrated. I thought it was a game. Such a great adventure, I didn't expect that it might be a bad taste of the owner here, a little joke with the guests..."

"When I was about to give up, I saw the excitement on the faces of the orcs on the opposite side. They seemed to have discovered something amazing, and even kissed each other deeply... Hey, there is a pair of underage human boys and girls opposite you. of!"

"I asked myself that I was so talented, why can the orcs discover the mystery, but I can't do it? But I can't ask them where the mystery is, right? The vulgar language of the orc can't express such a deep content! Thank you Tang Rui earlier If it hit me, a flash of inspiration suddenly flashed in my mind... Yes, if you forget the so-called origin and study according to the original idea, this is a rhythm of laws without loops. What about new windows?"

"At that time, it was already dawn, and the avalanche outside had come to an end, but none of us intended to leave, and continued to stay in the cave, doing our own research. There was no food in the cave, but we had enough Dry food, after Tang Rui ate with me, she only yelled, "I'm not interested in being crazy with you! Then she fell asleep next to me..."

"At this time, my strength has recovered a lot, and I asked myself that I can protect her, so I fell into that crazy thinking while being wary of the opponent... Then, I realized that I was indeed going astray at the beginning. There is no so-called origin, this is more like a way of power operation, irregular and uncertain, unlike most martial arts operations that have a beginning and an end, but it is definitely an extremely amazing way of power operation, I think a One window finally opened in front of me, and walking on, another window opened..."

"After an unknown amount of time, the wind and snow outside stopped, and Tang Rui woke up again. She listened to my detailed description of this new type of power operation method, and her eyes lit up. Finally, she became really interested and accompanied me. Research, to overcome the last difficulty!"

"On the other side, the pair of orcs seem to have completed this step one step ahead of us. They have stood up silently, and then silently cleaned up everything they had messed up by rummaging through boxes and cabinets. Perhaps out of a certain awe, they cleaned up very carefully. , very meticulous, until it was confirmed that there was no problem in the cave, of course, there was no problem on their side, so they stared at us closely, silently exited the cave entrance, and turned around and left quickly until it was confirmed that we would not attack them. "

"Tang Rui smiled at me at the time, we were conceited about our talents, but in the end we were outmatched by a pair of ordinary orcs! I didn't refute at the time, but I was thinking in my heart, that pair of orcs must not be ordinary orcs , should also be the rare pride of heaven in the orc empire..."

"After a while, we finally fully understood the meaning of the rhythm of this law! This really shocked us. Rather than saying it is a way of power operation, it is better to say that it is a solution. It Teach people how to break through the bottleneck, and it is not an ordinary bottleneck, but the bottleneck of the peak of chaos, the bottleneck of entering the hurdle of the peerless powerhouse!"

"That was the first time in my life's journey that I had the feeling of looking up to the mountains. How amazing and amazing the owner must be here to come up with such a way of operating laws to break through that bottleneck. And, the most wonderful thing is , the rhythm of this law can only be understood, it is difficult to explain it in words. After I figured it out, I described it in front of Tang Rui for a long time, and she just realized it, and then she was overwhelmed..."

Hearing this, Nan Xinghun was also shocked. The realm of a peerless powerhouse is too far away from her, but the word "stunning talent and stunning beauty" will surface in her heart from time to time when facing Feng Qinglang, and now, Feng Qinglang even used this word to describe another person, so how high should this person be?

She asked softly: "At this time, you have officially broken through to become a peerless powerhouse?"

Feng Qinglang said: "Not yet, but since the door has already been opened, I only need a little time, and I will definitely be able to pass through."

"We also silently cleaned up the entire cave, then slowly climbed down the mountain along the cliff, looked up, above the vast mist, remembered the hesitation of the day before, and compared the harvest now, the mood is really different... ...but when we climbed to the foot of the mountain, we saw a very shocking scene..."

"The female orc died, leaving a bloody hole in her chest. She just fell down in the snow, her eyes still staring at the sky. It's obvious that she didn't want to rest in peace! But the male orc has disappeared!"

"At first we thought they were attacked by our human hunters, or encountered some ferocious beasts, but after a careful inspection of the scene, we found helplessly that she was attacked by her companions, and she did something in a hurry. counterattack, the male orc should have escaped with serious injuries..."

"This scene shocked us so much that we didn't say anything for a long time. When the female orc was seriously ill, the male orc would never leave, and depended on each other for life and death. He did not hesitate to fight Tang Rui on the plank road. After falling down the plank road, he also guarded him tightly That female orc, but after discovering the astonishing benefits, he attacked and killed the female orc just when she had just recovered..."

"Tang Rui asked me suspiciously, could it be their way of using power, which is only used by one person, so the male orc wants to kill her and take away this quota? I remained silent, I don't know where the orcs are watching What is the rhythm of the law, but what I see is a way to break through the bottleneck without dividing the number of times..."

"After being silent for a while, Tang Rui guessed again, could it be that they are from the same sect, and in the end only one person can inherit the sect, and that person is the first person to become a peerless powerhouse? I can only continue to remain silent, because I I don’t know, I was only 14 years old that year, I just felt very cruel and sad, I was thinking, is this the world I will face in the future..."

"Next, Tang Rui made a lot of speculations, but what is the truth, is it really important? The important thing is that for the sake of profit, he killed the person who was still guarding at the moment!"

"In the end, it turned out that we buried the female orc. I remember that when the nameless stone tablet was erected, Tang Rui asked me quietly, for the very attractive benefits, will you also kill me in the future?"

Seeing Feng Qinglang's silence for a long time, Nan Xinghun couldn't help urging, "Then how did you answer?"

Feng Qing said: "I answer, I promise, I will never."

But when he said this, he recalled that scene in his mind back then, when they made an oath in front of the tombstone at the same time, if you never leave, I will be with you forever!

Many years later, looking back, I don't know if Tang Rui still remembers that oath. Was that oath at that time a promise of friendship, or... As the night deepened, the chill in the wind became stronger, and Nan Xinghun hugged Feng even more tightly. It's sunny, because she just touched Tanfeng Qinglang's forehead, and it seems that the temperature has risen a little, she worried: "Qingqing, why don't you sleep for a while?"

Feng Qinglang smiled and said, "It's okay, I can't sleep yet. What's the matter? Don't you want to finish listening to this story?"

Nan Xinghun said: "Okay, then you can continue."

Feng Qinglang looked up at the night sky. The stars were like fireflies, twinkling and twinkling, as if they were all the joy and anger left over from that era, the joy and sorrow that could not be retrieved. He said softly: "The rhythm of the law is actually not It's hard to understand, like a wounded firefly, dancing fast in a limited space, I stared blankly for a while, but still couldn't catch the slightest pattern..."

"I suddenly discovered that the female orc seemed to have seen the rhythm of the law. Her eyes moved and she looked confused. We glanced at each other and immediately separated our eyes in a tacit understanding. Let alone the language barrier, even if the language is the same, humans and orcs Let's discuss martial arts together, then let's forget it..."

"Tang Rui also noticed my strangeness and asked me what was going on. I told her the truth, and even sketched out a rhythmic dancing track in the void in front of me, and asked her to help me..."

"What's interesting is that the pair of orcs on the opposite side are doing the same thing, but my memory has always been good. I just glanced at it distractedly, and immediately found something wrong. The trajectory drawn by the female orc was different from mine. The difference is too far, it seems that what we see is not the same thing..."

"This weird feeling made my scalp tingle. But I immediately thought, could it be that the female orc didn't want to share this adventure with her companions, so she just scribbled? But I think this This possibility is extremely low, if this is the case, she can tell her companion that she didn't see anything... Then, why did she see something different from me?"

"I told Tang Rui my thoughts, and Tang Rui pondered, how about we communicate with them and share what we have gained?"

Nan Xinghun couldn't help asking: "Tang Rui is very open-minded, so have you communicated?"

Feng Qinglang couldn't help laughing and said: "Ha, forget it, the orc language that she and I know is only a few sentences in total, and most of them are foul language. If we really speak the orc language we know to them, I'm afraid it will be too late. It's going to be a big fight."

"Coincidentally, the female orc didn't look stupid, and she looked at the trajectory I drew with doubts. It seemed that the doubts in her heart were not far from mine. But we continued to have a tacit understanding and didn't do anything. Communication, just groping for each other like this..."

"Tang Rui tried to raise her body temperature and pretended to be in a state of fever, but she couldn't see what I saw. I remember she laughed at herself at the time that she was not a destined person... In fact, it can be seen that she lacks interest and has been busy for most of the time. At night, she must have wanted to go to sleep, but she didn't want to spoil my interest, so she kept her eyelids open and accompanied me to study the trajectory..."

"That night, after a long, long time, I finally noticed that the rhythm of the law was no longer untraceable, it seemed to return to the original point, and danced again! This was a big discovery, and I hurriedly told Tang Rui , Tang Rui is also very excited, accompanying me to study the so-called origin..."

"However, soon we were disappointed again. It's like we thought that after running a lap of the playground, we felt that we had returned to the starting line. Then the next lap should be the same ellipse. In the end, we found that the next lap was a square. That feeling It's just too frustrating..."

"I remember that Tang Rui hit me directly and said, maybe there is no origin at all, it is still irregular, it is you who insisted on dividing a beginning and an end... This made me very frustrated. I thought it was a game. Such a great adventure, I didn't expect that it might be a bad taste of the owner here, a little joke with the guests..."

"When I was about to give up, I saw the excitement on the faces of the orcs on the opposite side. They seemed to have discovered something amazing, and even kissed each other deeply... Hey, there is a pair of underage human boys and girls opposite you. of!"

"I asked myself that I was so talented, why can the orcs discover the mystery, but I can't do it? But I can't ask them where the mystery is, right? The vulgar language of the orc can't express such a deep content! Thank you Tang Rui earlier If it hit me, a flash of inspiration suddenly flashed in my mind... Yes, if you forget the so-called origin and study according to the original idea, this is a rhythm of laws without loops. What about new windows?"

"At that time, it was already dawn, and the avalanche outside had come to an end, but none of us intended to leave, and continued to stay in the cave, doing our own research. There was no food in the cave, but we had enough Dry food, after Tang Rui ate with me, she only yelled, "I'm not interested in being crazy with you! Then she fell asleep next to me..."

"At this time, my strength has recovered a lot, and I asked myself that I can protect her, so I fell into that crazy thinking while being wary of the opponent... Then, I realized that I was indeed going astray at the beginning. There is no so-called origin, this is more like a way of power operation, irregular and uncertain, unlike most martial arts operations that have a beginning and an end, but it is definitely an extremely amazing way of power operation, I think a One window finally opened in front of me, and walking on, another window opened..."

"After an unknown amount of time, the wind and snow outside stopped, and Tang Rui woke up again. She listened to my detailed description of this new type of power operation method, and her eyes lit up. Finally, she became really interested and accompanied me. Research, to overcome the last difficulty!"

"On the other side, the pair of orcs seem to have completed this step one step ahead of us. They have stood up silently, and then silently cleaned up everything they had messed up by rummaging through boxes and cabinets. Perhaps out of a certain awe, they cleaned up very carefully. , very meticulous, until it was confirmed that there was no problem in the cave, of course, there was no problem on their side, so they stared at us closely, silently exited the cave entrance, and turned around and left quickly until it was confirmed that we would not attack them. "

"Tang Rui smiled at me at the time, we were conceited about our talents, but in the end we were outmatched by a pair of ordinary orcs! I didn't refute at the time, but I was thinking in my heart, that pair of orcs must not be ordinary orcs , should also be the rare pride of heaven in the orc empire..."

"After a while, we finally fully understood the meaning of the rhythm of this law! This really shocked us. Rather than saying it is a way of power operation, it is better to say that it is a solution. It Teach people how to break through the bottleneck, and it is not an ordinary bottleneck, but the bottleneck of the peak of chaos, the bottleneck of entering the hurdle of the peerless powerhouse!"

"That was the first time in my life's journey that I had the feeling of looking up to the mountains. How amazing and amazing the owner must be here to come up with such a way of operating laws to break through that bottleneck. And, the most wonderful thing is , the rhythm of this law can only be understood, it is difficult to explain it in words. After I figured it out, I described it in front of Tang Rui for a long time, and she just realized it, and then she was overwhelmed..."

Hearing this, Nan Xinghun was also shocked. The realm of a peerless powerhouse is too far away from her, but the word "stunning talent and stunning beauty" will surface in her heart from time to time when facing Feng Qinglang, and now, Feng Qinglang even used this word to describe another person, so how high should this person be?

She asked softly: "At this time, you have officially broken through to become a peerless powerhouse?"

Feng Qinglang said: "Not yet, but since the door has already been opened, I only need a little time, and I will definitely be able to pass through."

"We also silently cleaned up the entire cave, then slowly climbed down the mountain along the cliff, looked up, above the vast mist, remembered the hesitation of the day before, and compared the harvest now, the mood is really different... ...but when we climbed to the foot of the mountain, we saw a very shocking scene..."

"The female orc died, leaving a bloody hole in her chest. She just fell down in the snow, her eyes still staring at the sky. It's obvious that she didn't want to rest in peace! But the male orc has disappeared!"

"At first we thought they were attacked by our human hunters, or encountered some ferocious beasts, but after a careful inspection of the scene, we found helplessly that she was attacked by her companions, and she did something in a hurry. counterattack, the male orc should have escaped with serious injuries..."

"This scene shocked us so much that we didn't say anything for a long time. When the female orc was seriously ill, the male orc would never leave, and depended on each other for life and death. He did not hesitate to fight Tang Rui on the plank road. After falling down the plank road, he also guarded him tightly That female orc, but after discovering the astonishing benefits, he attacked and killed the female orc just when she had just recovered..."

"Tang Rui asked me suspiciously, could it be their way of using power, which is only used by one person, so the male orc wants to kill her and take away this quota? I remained silent, I don't know where the orcs are watching What is the rhythm of the law, but what I see is a way to break through the bottleneck without dividing the number of times..."

"After being silent for a while, Tang Rui guessed again, could it be that they are from the same sect, and in the end only one person can inherit the sect, and that person is the first person to become a peerless powerhouse? I can only continue to remain silent, because I I don’t know, I was only 14 years old that year, I just felt very cruel and sad, I was thinking, is this the world I will face in the future..."

"Next, Tang Rui made a lot of speculations, but what is the truth, is it really important? The important thing is that for the sake of profit, he killed the person who was still guarding at the moment!"

"In the end, it turned out that we buried the female orc. I remember that when the nameless stone tablet was erected, Tang Rui asked me quietly, for the very attractive benefits, will you also kill me in the future?"

Seeing Feng Qinglang's silence for a long time, Nan Xinghun couldn't help urging, "Then how did you answer?"

Feng Qing said: "I answer, I promise, I will never."

But when he said this, he recalled that scene in his mind back then, when they made an oath in front of the tombstone at the same time, if you never leave, I will be with you forever!

Many years later, when I look back, I don't know if Tang Rui still remembers that oath. Was that oath at that time a promise of friendship, or...

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