alone mountain and river

Chapter 332 Tea Chapter

The viewing platform is actually the top floor of Huayue, the fortress in the sky. The strong wind howling in the sky, under the protection of multiple magic patterns such as windproof magic patterns, is here like a soft wind blowing on the face, gentle and moderate, with the meticulous care The potted flowers and plants are like a starry night in midsummer, full of leisure and leisure.

Feng Qinglang scoffed at this in her heart, only felt that the Di dynasty was indeed rotten to the core, as far as he could see, all the officials traveling, except for Li Yinuo, were not extravagant to the extreme, just like the gorgeous mobile sky garden in front of them, The maintenance cost alone is staggering when you think about it, but for Huayue, it's just an occasional one-night enjoyment... Isn't all this costing the dynasty's money?

The moon is still so gorgeous, the same pink and emerald green, different clothing tailoring, at first glance, it is full of visual impact, when you are willing to pay attention to details, you will find that whether it is the handwork of the belt, or It's the pattern on the laces of the boots...all of them are exquisite to the extreme.

When such a gorgeous creature smiled and sat across from her, Feng Qinglang thought to herself, if I am a gold digger, my heart must be in a turmoil now!

But he can't be completely indifferent like Nan Xinghun, he can only try his best to pretend that his eyes are bright, to show that he does not lack appreciation for this half-male creature, who is exquisite in appearance and costumes.

From Nan Xinghun's point of view, Feng Qinglang's performance was so bad that he almost had the word "disdain" written on his face, but Huayue looked very satisfied, and sat down with his new adjutant, saying a few words After the gossip, I asked Qifeng Qinglang about her physical condition: "Miss Huolong, please forgive me for my shallow words. Is your health not good? Huayue asked himself to be proficient in medical skills. If you don't mind, I would like to feel your pulse... "

Feng Qinglang thought to herself, I despise you very much. Compared with your martial arts skills, your medical skills are at least dozens of blocks behind me...

However, he still stretched out his hand to the other party helplessly, and said calmly: "Then I will thank you, Your Excellency."

Huayue Yixi, conscious of the illnesses under real martial arts, with the large number of precious medicinal materials he collected, there is no one that can be cured by medicine, but after a round of pulse, his brows can't help frowning, such a disordered condition The pulse has nothing to do with those common diseases.

Feng Qinglang gave the other party a step at the right time, and said with a smile: "I have been weak and sick since I was a child, and my old lady is used to it. Your Excellency Huayue has a heart."

Huayue frowned and said: "Miss Huolong, your situation may be more complicated. If you trust me enough, can you open your spiritual sea to me so that I can accurately judge your situation!"

After the words came out, Huayue also felt abrupt. Sharing the sea of ​​spirits requires a very high degree of trust.

Sure enough, Feng Qinglang seemed to be smiling but not smiling, but silently withdrew her hand, stop joking, open the sea of ​​spirits to the moon, let him see the magnificent scene, presumably he will accidentally think of something...

Fortunately, this embarrassment didn't last long. A domineering figure appeared from the end of the sky. When you wanted to capture her figure, she had grown from small to large, and hit the hanging garden like a meteorite. Nan Xing Hun only had an illusion that the entire spacecraft would be smashed into pieces by this figure.

But that figure landed steadily beside Huayue, and the spaceship didn't even tremble at all. Xiaoyin hurriedly stood up and saluted when seeing the adults approaching. grown teenage girl.

Li Yinuo nodded as a response, picked up the pot of hot tea in the center of the coffee table, raised his head, opened his mouth, and poured the whole pot of tea into it.

Huayue said distressedly: "Master Mian, that tea is very expensive, do you drink it like this?"

Master Mian smiled, like the most beautiful flower blooming in spring, the stars are also saddened by it, she said: "No wonder it tastes so good."

She glanced at Nan Xinghun and Feng Qinglang. When Nan Xinghun's eyes met, the whole world seemed to freeze for an instant. She knew that the realms of the two sides were too far apart. Huge gap.Presumably, this tall and majestic person, who looks as sweet as the girl next door, is a warrior of the same height as Huayue.

Now Nan Xinghun's "ordinary" appearance did not attract too much attention from Li Yinuo's face, but when her gaze fell on Feng Qinglang, she couldn't help but pause for a moment, not because of that charming face, but because of the deja vu, but she I quickly browsed through my memory, but couldn't find the corresponding character, so I had to shake my head to shake off this familiarity.

Her eyes fell on Huayue's face again, Huayue, who was making tea again, nodded, and said in stigmata language: "But it's okay to say."

Li Yinuo sat down directly in front of her. She didn't need a chair, but the height she sat down was not too far from the crowd. Seeing that Huayue deliberately didn't avoid suspicion, she also said in the stigmata language: "For the Nan family's matter, listen to it." Did you say it?"

Feng Qinglang only had a heartbeat, but Nan Xinghun was obviously emotionally turbulent. Li Yinuo immediately gave her a suspicious look, and Huayue hurriedly said: "She's just a little girl, don't scare her."

Li Yinuo thought for a while, then smiled gently at Nan Xinghun, and said, "Don't be afraid, I'm just bigger, but I don't eat people."

The sense of disobedience was quite shocking. Nan Xinghun blinked vigorously, but he didn't know how to respond, but the previously turbulent mood was decisively cleaned up. In front of these two people, if any flaws were really revealed, it would be irreparable...

She turned her head and glanced at Feng Qinglang, Feng Qinglang continued to sit indifferently in a magnificent manner, reflecting each other with the outstanding Li Yinuomian and Huayue, no matter how strong he is now, at least in terms of aura, he will not lose the wind in the slightest .

Nan Xinghun secretly took a deep breath, and asked himself that in terms of mood, he must be on par with Qinglang.

Huayue directly returned to the topic and said, "I've heard about the Nan family."

It was just a very ordinary question and answer, but Li Yinuo stopped talking nonsense and said directly: "Then what do you think?"

Huayue smiled wryly and said: "Such a stunning and brilliant performance, with only a real martial artist, led a weak woman to break out of the encirclement, and the pronunciation of his name is also very close..."

The conversation between the two was extremely exciting, but everyone present understood it. Feng Qinglang smiled wryly in her heart. The two identities of him were finally associated by the people of Di Dynasty.

Li Yinuo calmly said: "I went to see Weilin's intelligence backup documents today, in fact, someone has already revealed to us that Feng Qinglang from Nan's family has a very suspicious identity, but Tang Xuan suppressed it forcefully. "

Huayue poured a new round of brewed tea for everyone, and said, "Does such a fact need to be included in the report?"

As a classmate of the genius training camp at the same time, the relationship between Li Yinuo and Tang Xuan has never been bad. If Li Yinuo feels that there is no need to accuse Tang Xuan again, Huayue is also happy to sell a favor. If the family is implicated, it needs to be arrested and accepted for review, but once a traitor is involved, it is another crime to be arrested...

Li Yinuo didn't hesitate at all, and calmly said: "As a soldier, you should report everything truthfully!"

Huayue shrugged, and was unwilling to delve into this topic. As the head of the Dynasty's elite army, he was somewhat sad.He said: "Since the rebels are also in this area, do we need to allocate some people to pay attention?"

Li Yinuo shook his head and said: "According to the original plan, just stare at Mingguang. According to my understanding of Qinglang, he will definitely go back."

This was said firmly, but Feng Qinglang was shocked when she heard it.

Huayue also did related homework, and said with a smile: "I never thought that in a school that was in decline, the meditation chapter would be really effective."

Li Yinuo smiled wryly and said: "The world is unpredictable, but it is the case."

Huayue lowered his voice, and said softly: "You said, it's not too much for us to ask Mingguang for a copy of the meditation chapter, right?" No force dares to underestimate the joint request of two peerless powerhouses.

Li Yinuo said with a serious face: "Don't make extra troubles. Since Mingguang is willing to cooperate with us in arresting Dongditian, we don't want to do anything excessive."

Huayue said regretfully: "Okay, we won't talk about this matter."

He paused, and finally changed the language, using Alan's lingua franca, and said softly, "My lord, in fact, the two of us are really facing each other. Do you really think we have a chance to win?" It is the top floor of Huayue, the fortress in the sky. The strong wind howling in the sky, under the protection of multiple magic patterns such as windproof magic patterns, is like a soft wind blowing on the face, gentle and moderate. With the carefully cared potted flowers and plants, it is like The starry night in midsummer is full of leisure and leisure.

Feng Qinglang scoffed at this in her heart, only felt that the Di dynasty was indeed rotten to the core, as far as he could see, all the officials traveling, except for Li Yinuo, were not extravagant to the extreme, just like the gorgeous mobile sky garden in front of them, The maintenance cost alone is staggering when you think about it, but for Huayue, it's just an occasional one-night enjoyment... Isn't all this costing the dynasty's money?

The moon is still so gorgeous, the same pink and emerald green, different clothing tailoring, at first glance, it is full of visual impact, when you are willing to pay attention to details, you will find that whether it is the handwork of the belt, or It's the pattern on the laces of the boots...all of them are exquisite to the extreme.

When such a gorgeous creature smiled and sat across from her, Feng Qinglang thought to herself, if I am a gold digger, my heart must be in a turmoil now!

But he can't be completely indifferent like Nan Xinghun, he can only try his best to pretend that his eyes are bright, to show that he does not lack appreciation for this half-male creature, who is exquisite in appearance and costumes.

From Nan Xinghun's point of view, Feng Qinglang's performance was so bad that he almost had the word "disdain" written on his face, but Huayue looked very satisfied, and sat down with his new adjutant, saying a few words After the gossip, I asked Qifeng Qinglang about her physical condition: "Miss Huolong, please forgive me for my shallow words. Is your health not good? Huayue asked himself to be proficient in medical skills. If you don't mind, I would like to feel your pulse... "

Feng Qinglang thought to herself, I despise you very much. Compared with your martial arts skills, your medical skills are at least dozens of blocks behind me...

However, he still stretched out his hand to the other party helplessly, and said calmly: "Then I will thank you, Your Excellency."

Huayue Yixi, conscious of the illnesses under real martial arts, with the large number of precious medicinal materials he collected, there is no one that can be cured by medicine, but after a round of pulse, his brows can't help frowning, such a disordered condition The pulse has nothing to do with those common diseases.

Feng Qinglang gave the other party a step at the right time, and said with a smile: "I have been weak and sick since I was a child, and my old lady is used to it. Your Excellency Huayue has a heart."

Huayue frowned and said: "Miss Huolong, your situation may be more complicated. If you trust me enough, can you open your spiritual sea to me so that I can accurately judge your situation!"

After the words came out, Huayue also felt abrupt. Sharing the sea of ​​spirits requires a very high degree of trust.

Sure enough, Feng Qinglang seemed to be smiling but not smiling, but silently withdrew her hand, stop joking, open the sea of ​​spirits to the moon, let him see the magnificent scene, presumably he will accidentally think of something...

Fortunately, this embarrassment didn't last long. A domineering figure appeared from the end of the sky. When you wanted to capture her figure, she had grown from small to large, and hit the hanging garden like a meteorite. Nan Xing Hun only had an illusion that the entire spacecraft would be smashed into pieces by this figure.

But that figure landed steadily beside Huayue, and the spaceship didn't even tremble at all. Xiaoyin hurriedly stood up and saluted when seeing the adults approaching. grown teenage girl.

Li Yinuo nodded as a response, picked up the pot of hot tea in the center of the coffee table, raised his head, opened his mouth, and poured the whole pot of tea into it.

Huayue said distressedly: "Master Mian, that tea is very expensive, do you drink it like this?"

Master Mian smiled, like the most beautiful flower blooming in spring, the stars are also saddened by it, she said: "No wonder it tastes so good."

She glanced at Nan Xinghun and Feng Qinglang. When Nan Xinghun's eyes met, the whole world seemed to freeze for an instant. She knew that the realms of the two sides were too far apart. Huge gap.Presumably, this tall and majestic person, who looks as sweet as the girl next door, is a warrior of the same height as Huayue.

Now Nan Xinghun's "ordinary" appearance did not attract too much attention from Li Yinuo's face, but when her gaze fell on Feng Qinglang, she couldn't help but pause for a moment, not because of that charming face, but because of the deja vu, but she I quickly browsed through my memory, but couldn't find the corresponding character, so I had to shake my head to shake off this familiarity.

Her eyes fell on Huayue's face again, Huayue, who was making tea again, nodded, and said in stigmata language: "But it's okay to say."

Li Yinuo sat down directly in front of her. She didn't need a chair, but the height she sat down was not too far from the crowd. Seeing that Huayue deliberately didn't avoid suspicion, she also said in the stigmata language: "For the Nan family's matter, listen to it." Did you say it?"

Feng Qinglang only had a heartbeat, but Nan Xinghun was obviously emotionally turbulent. Li Yinuo immediately gave her a suspicious look, and Huayue hurriedly said: "She's just a little girl, don't scare her."

Li Yinuo thought for a while, then smiled gently at Nan Xinghun, and said, "Don't be afraid, I'm just bigger, but I don't eat people."

The sense of disobedience was quite shocking. Nan Xinghun blinked vigorously, but he didn't know how to respond, but the previously turbulent mood was decisively cleaned up. In front of these two people, if any flaws were really revealed, it would be irreparable...

She turned her head and glanced at Feng Qinglang, Feng Qinglang continued to sit indifferently in a magnificent manner, reflecting each other with the outstanding Li Yinuomian and Huayue, no matter how strong he is now, at least in terms of aura, he will not lose the wind in the slightest .

Nan Xinghun secretly took a deep breath, and asked himself that in terms of mood, he must be on par with Qinglang.

Huayue directly returned to the topic and said, "I've heard about the Nan family."

It was just a very ordinary question and answer, but Li Yinuo stopped talking nonsense and said directly: "Then what do you think?"

Huayue smiled wryly and said: "Such a stunning and brilliant performance, with only a real martial artist, led a weak woman to break out of the encirclement, and the pronunciation of his name is also very close..."

The conversation between the two was extremely exciting, but everyone present understood it. Feng Qinglang smiled wryly in her heart. The two identities of him were finally associated by the people of Di Dynasty.

Li Yinuo calmly said: "I went to see Weilin's intelligence backup documents today, in fact, someone has already revealed to us that Feng Qinglang from Nan's family has a very suspicious identity, but Tang Xuan suppressed it forcefully. "

Huayue poured a new round of brewed tea for everyone, and said, "Does such a fact need to be included in the report?"

As a classmate of the genius training camp at the same time, the relationship between Li Yinuo and Tang Xuan has never been bad. If Li Yinuo feels that there is no need to accuse Tang Xuan again, Huayue is also happy to sell a favor. If the family is implicated, it needs to be arrested and accepted for review, but once a traitor is involved, it is another crime to be arrested...

Li Yinuo didn't hesitate at all, and calmly said: "As a soldier, you should report everything truthfully!"

Huayue shrugged, and was unwilling to delve into this topic. As the head of the Dynasty's elite army, he was somewhat sad.He said: "Since the rebels are also in this area, do we need to allocate some people to pay attention?"

Li Yinuo shook his head and said: "According to the original plan, just stare at Mingguang. According to my understanding of Qinglang, he will definitely go back."

This was said firmly, but Feng Qinglang was shocked when she heard it.

Huayue also did related homework, and said with a smile: "I never thought that in a school that was in decline, the meditation chapter would be really effective."

Li Yinuo smiled wryly and said: "The world is unpredictable, but it is the case."

Huayue lowered his voice, and said softly: "You said, it's not too much for us to ask Mingguang for a copy of the meditation chapter, right?" No force dares to underestimate the joint request of two peerless powerhouses.

Li Yinuo said with a serious face: "Don't make extra troubles. Since Mingguang is willing to cooperate with us in arresting Dongditian, we don't want to do anything excessive."

Huayue said regretfully: "Okay, we won't talk about this matter."

He paused for a moment, and finally changed his language. Using Alan's lingua franca, he said softly, "My lord, in fact, the two of us are really facing each other. Do you really think we have a chance to win?"

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