Under the blue sky, a few figures galloped past, and the moon was the first to take the lead. The eyes that were usually black and white were bloodshot, and the pink and green clothes were messed up by the wind. It was also messy, but he didn't care about it. He just lay down with one hand hugged tightly and his fist clenched tightly in the other hand, staring at the front, and continued to run wildly.

Li Yinuo, who was following behind him, was not strong in speed, and had been gradually pulled away. She said in a deep voice: "Master Huayue, according to the previous tracking experience, Dongditian has several secret skills for bursting speed. I may not be able to catch up with him." Her voice was still calm and steady, this was not a discouragement, but a statement of fact.

Huayue turned her head slightly, and said, "I may not be able to catch up with him, but I can!"

Wowo in his hand also turned his head sideways at the same time, and meowed in front of Liino, which seemed to be equally full of indignation.

Li Yinuo suddenly realized that it was not Dong Ditian who could be traced, but the Light Mouse. Since Dong Ditian had worked so hard to come here, the Light Mouse was naturally by his side.

A delicate black object was thrown from Huayue's hand, and Liino took it steadily, and found that it was an aura radar, and a red dot was flashing right in front of her, only to hear the voice of Huayue: "That's me. The breath radar, you big troops follow behind, just follow me!"

As soon as he finished speaking, before Li Yinuo could respond, he had already activated some secret technique, and his speed increased a little, disappearing at the end of the sky at high speed.

Li Yinuo simply stopped, and Watchtower and Oslen, who followed her, naturally also stopped.

Oslun narrowed his eyes slightly, stared at the direction where Huayue was leaving, and said in a deep voice, "It's really rare for Huayue to look so serious..."

Li Yinuo recalled that not long ago on the spaceship, Huayue had casually discussed the issue of hunting down Dongditian, and seeing his completely desperate appearance now, he also nodded thoughtfully.

Looking at the breath radar in Li Yinuo's hands, the watchtower saw that the red dot was getting farther and farther away, so he couldn't help but crooked the corner of his mouth, and said, "It seems that Master Huayue attaches great importance to the female companion next to him this time, and it's true that he took the risk of chasing after him." It doesn't look like his style at all... In fact, there is only one possibility!"

Seeing that both of them were looking at him, he explained proudly: "It can only mean that he must not have succeeded yet."

Oslun showed a dazed expression, but remembering that Mr. Mian was by his side, he hurriedly said: "Idiot, it may be that Huayue has finally met true love! A real man will never allow his beloved woman to be with him." He was kidnapped in front of me, and his life and death are unknown..."

These words were full of masculinity and full of masculinity, but Li Yinuo remained expressionless and said, "I'll go back and check on Xiaoxue's situation first. You guys continue to chase with the breath radar, pay attention to saving energy, and support at any time."


At this time, Dongditian was on a fishing boat, steering the helm himself. The wind was not strong, but the sails were swollen, and the boat was able to ride the wind and waves and move forward at high speed.

Feng Qinglang and Nan Xinghun were in the cabin, the big net had been removed, but they could only sit obediently, how could they dare to think of running away?The big net is now only used to trap the shell, and it is suspended in the center of the cabin, like a hanging cage, holding a small pet...

Ke'er also screamed and protested for a while, and finally stopped the unnecessary shouting in frustration, and looked at the master Nan Xinghun pitifully. Nan Xinghun shrugged helplessly, indicating that she would not untie the net, so Ke'er The child looked at Feng Qinglang pitifully again, Feng Qinglang responded with contempt on its face, he didn't want to die, so he wouldn't let it out.

Feng Qinglang looked at the bow of the boat. The man in the legend was standing there straight. His jumper hat had been taken off, revealing his black hair, which was fluttering in the wind. He didn't comb it... He was holding the helm with his right hand and There are a few more small pebbles that can be seen everywhere by the river, they are dancing between his fingers, but they never collide with each other...

Feng Qinglang frowned slightly, only felt that the Dongditian in front of him was a little different from the legendary Dongditian, it seemed a little more casual and unrestrained, at least...he still hadn't thought about killing it for the time being As an insignificant person like myself, when his eyes glanced at him, there was absolutely no ripple, and he would never leave himself alive because of his beauty...

Recalling the cold eyes he had when he stood up on the undead altar when he entered the memory world of Dongditian, and comparing it with the person in front of him, Feng Qinglang always felt that there was something wrong.

Suddenly, his heart moved. Could it be that when Dong Ditian devoured Ye Ditian's soul in the Lianyun Mountains, something went wrong in the devouring of his personality? There is no back hand... What if he opened a certain back door, allowing Dong Ditian's personality to be devoured and turned into a fusion of personalities...

Then maybe, there are two personalities living in Dongditian's body now, maybe they are fighting each other, fighting for dominance?Or maybe, the roots have gradually merged and become a brand new person...

But is such a person still the legendary Dongditian who is synonymous with evil?

At this time, Dong Ditian suddenly turned his head and stared at Feng Qinglang with a half-smile on his face. Feng Qinglang was so frightened that he quickly turned his face away, knowing that he was too engrossed in watching, and that he had sensed it. , killing himself with a single finger, that would be too wronged, but he finally walked on the road of recovery again.

However, Dong Ditian's gaze slowly moved past, he looked up to the northwest, his brows were slightly frowned, because he felt the existence of Huayue.

With a flash of his figure, he disappeared from the spot, came to the cabin, his eyes wandered once, and finally stopped on Ke'er. Ke'er looked at him with horror on his face, trying to put on a pitiful look, but Dongdi With a move from Tianshou, Ke'er connected to the net had already fallen into his hands, Ke'er immediately screamed decisively, but even Nan Xinghun could see that Dong Ditian didn't use any force at all. , just holding it.

He looked at it seriously for a while, then bit his finger, and began to arrange some runes on the net with his own blood as a guide. Magic symbols belong to a symbol system that he has never been exposed to.

Obviously it didn't cause any harm, but Ke'er was still wailing and screaming, her big eyes desperately squeezed out tears, blinking and blinking, still looking at Dong Ditian's actions.

The blood symbol appeared in a flash, flashing silver-gray light, and then the blood color faded away. After a while, the big net no longer had the strange red color, and returned to the original dark gray.

Dong Ditian looked up to the northwest again, and noticed that the power of rowing the moon had stopped at the same place in a daze. He moved his neck in satisfaction, flicked his hand, put the shell back on, and returned to the bow with a flash of his figure. position at the helm.Under the blue sky, several figures galloped past, and the moon was at the head of the horse. His usually black and white eyes were bloodshot, and his pink and emerald green clothes were messed up by the wind. It was also messy, but he didn't care about it. He just lay down with one hand hugged tightly and his fist clenched tightly in the other hand, staring at the front, and continued to run wildly.

Li Yinuo, who was following behind him, was not strong in speed, and had been gradually pulled away. She said in a deep voice: "Master Huayue, according to the previous tracking experience, Dongditian has several secret skills for bursting speed. I may not be able to catch up with him." Her voice was still calm and steady, this was not a discouragement, but a statement of fact.

Huayue turned her head slightly, and said, "I may not be able to catch up with him, but I can!"

Wowo in his hand also turned his head sideways at the same time, and meowed in front of Liino, which seemed to be equally full of indignation.

Li Yinuo suddenly realized that it was not Dong Ditian who could be traced, but the Light Mouse. Since Dong Ditian had worked so hard to come here, the Light Mouse was naturally by his side.

A delicate black object was thrown from Huayue's hand, and Liino took it steadily, and found that it was an aura radar, and a red dot was flashing right in front of her, only to hear the voice of Huayue: "That's me. The breath radar, you big troops follow behind, just follow me!"

As soon as he finished speaking, before Li Yinuo could respond, he had already activated some secret technique, and his speed increased a little, disappearing at the end of the sky at high speed.

Li Yinuo simply stopped, and Watchtower and Oslen, who followed her, naturally also stopped.

Oslun narrowed his eyes slightly, stared at the direction where Huayue was leaving, and said in a deep voice, "It's really rare for Huayue to look so serious..."

Li Yinuo recalled that not long ago on the spaceship, Huayue had casually discussed the issue of hunting down Dongditian, and seeing his completely desperate appearance now, he also nodded thoughtfully.

Looking at the breath radar in Li Yinuo's hands, the watchtower saw that the red dot was getting farther and farther away, so he couldn't help but crooked the corner of his mouth, and said, "It seems that Master Huayue attaches great importance to the female companion next to him this time, and it's true that he took the risk of chasing after him." It doesn't look like his style at all... In fact, there is only one possibility!"

Seeing that both of them were looking at him, he explained proudly: "It can only mean that he must not have succeeded yet."

Oslun showed a dazed expression, but remembering that Mr. Mian was by his side, he hurriedly said: "Idiot, it may be that Huayue has finally met true love! A real man will never allow his beloved woman to be with him." He was kidnapped in front of me, and his life and death are unknown..."

These words were full of masculinity and full of masculinity, but Li Yinuo remained expressionless and said, "I'll go back and check on Xiaoxue's situation first. You guys continue to chase with the breath radar, pay attention to saving energy, and support at any time."


At this time, Dongditian was on a fishing boat, steering the helm himself. The wind was not strong, but the sails were swollen, and the boat was able to ride the wind and waves and move forward at high speed.

Feng Qinglang and Nan Xinghun were in the cabin, the big net had been removed, but they could only sit obediently, how could they dare to think of running away?The big net is now only used to trap the shell, and it is suspended in the center of the cabin, like a hanging cage, holding a small pet...

Ke'er also screamed and protested for a while, and finally stopped the unnecessary shouting in frustration, and looked at the master Nan Xinghun pitifully. Nan Xinghun shrugged helplessly, indicating that she would not untie the net, so Ke'er The child looked at Feng Qinglang pitifully again, Feng Qinglang responded with contempt on its face, he didn't want to die, so he wouldn't let it out.

Feng Qinglang looked at the bow of the boat. The man in the legend was standing there straight. His jumper hat had been taken off, revealing his black hair, which was fluttering in the wind. He didn't comb it... He was holding the helm with his right hand and There are a few more small pebbles that can be seen everywhere by the river, they are dancing between his fingers, but they never collide with each other...

Feng Qinglang frowned slightly, only felt that the Dongditian in front of him was a little different from the legendary Dongditian, it seemed a little more casual and unrestrained, at least...he still hadn't thought about killing it for the time being As an insignificant person like myself, when his eyes glanced at him, there was absolutely no ripple, and he would never leave himself alive because of his beauty...

Recalling the cold eyes he had when he stood up on the undead altar when he entered the memory world of Dongditian, and comparing it with the person in front of him, Feng Qinglang always felt that there was something wrong.

Suddenly, his heart moved. Could it be that when Dong Ditian devoured Ye Ditian's soul in the Lianyun Mountains, something went wrong in the devouring of his personality? There is no back hand... What if he opened a certain back door, allowing Dong Ditian's personality to be devoured and turned into a fusion of personalities...

Then maybe, there are two personalities living in Dongditian's body now, maybe they are fighting each other, fighting for dominance?Or maybe, the roots have gradually merged and become a brand new person...

But is such a person still the legendary Dongditian who is synonymous with evil?

At this time, Dong Ditian suddenly turned his head and stared at Feng Qinglang with a half-smile on his face. Feng Qinglang was so frightened that he quickly turned his face away, knowing that he was too engrossed in watching, and that he had sensed it. , killing himself with a single finger, that would be too wronged, but he finally walked on the road of recovery again.

However, Dong Ditian's gaze slowly moved past, he looked up to the northwest, his brows were slightly frowned, because he felt the existence of Huayue.

With a flash of his figure, he disappeared from the spot, came to the cabin, his eyes wandered once, and finally stopped on Ke'er. Ke'er looked at him with horror on his face, trying to put on a pitiful look, but Dongdi With a move from Tianshou, Ke'er connected to the net had already fallen into his hands, Ke'er immediately screamed decisively, but even Nan Xinghun could see that Dong Ditian didn't use any force at all. , just holding it.

He looked at it seriously for a while, then bit his finger, and began to arrange some runes on the net with his own blood as a guide. Magic symbols belong to a symbol system that he has never been exposed to.

Obviously it didn't cause any harm, but Ke'er was still wailing and screaming, her big eyes desperately squeezed out tears, blinking and blinking, still looking at Dong Ditian's actions.

The blood symbol appeared in a flash, flashing silver-gray light, and then the blood color faded away. After a while, the big net no longer had the strange red color, and returned to the original dark gray.

Dong Ditian looked up to the northwest again, and noticed that the power of rowing the moon had stopped at the same place in a daze. He moved his neck in satisfaction, flicked his hand, put the shell back on, and returned to the bow with a flash of his figure. position at the helm.

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