alone mountain and river

Chapter 345 That Familiar Door

A small rocky mountain, inconspicuous. On this deserted island, similar small rocky mountains are everywhere. If there is something special about it, it is that there are a lot of cactuses here. There are obvious traces of being trampled. The yellow-brown cactus was trampled into the mud, mixed with the withered green grass, and there were needle-like needles on the cactus on the mud.

Dong Ditian stopped, looked down, with a blank expression on his face, and then he pushed away the wild vines covering the rocks. They were a little withered and yellow, and they were pushed down because they had been cut down a long time ago and were still hanging. Here, just to continue the cover-up.

The yellow mud on the original stone has been dropped by someone. There are three lines of small characters on it, which seem to be written by hand. The handwriting is drawn with silver hooks. Endless taste.

It says:

shifted the times,

steam away time,

Dreams always come true.

Feng Qinglang suddenly recognized this kind of stone full of texture, it was called magic steel stone, and the sculpture of the founder at the foot of Mingguang Mountain was made of this precious stone.

Dong Ditian stared blankly at the few lines of small characters, stuck out his index finger, followed the strokes, and rewrote them stroke by stroke. When he reached the last stroke, he paused for a long time, as if feeling the mood of a writer thousands of years ago. The whole person seemed to be transformed into a sculpture in an instant. Feng Qinglang and Nan Xinghun followed behind and glanced at each other secretly. Nan Xinghun slightly turned his head, looking in the direction of the fishing boat. Feng Qinglang shook his head slightly, indicating that there was no hope for them to escape. .

The shell in the net in Dongditian's hand knew that the atmosphere suddenly became serious, so he didn't dare to chatter, but he didn't forget to look at his master with contempt, clearly feeling Nan Xinghun's thoughts of running away.

Finally, Dong Ditian sighed silently, and withdrew his finger. He didn't know what technique he used, but it seemed that with such a random push, the magic steel stone was split from the middle, to both sides, one seemed to be made of black The stone road paved with ashes appeared in front of the eyes, all the way down, as if it could lead to the deepest part of hell.

Feng Qinglang noticed that Dong Ditian's hand holding the magic lamp tightened, and then he relaxed again, and then stepped in. The shell in the net continued to look at the two behind with contempt, and there was clearly written in those big eyes: If you are not afraid of death, don't follow!

Both of them were afraid of death, so they followed decisively into the stone path.

The stone gate slowly closed behind him, and the whole world returned to darkness. Only the magic lamp not far in front became the only light source, reflecting the black gray on the ground as if coated with a deep layer of silver, full of silver-gray oppression, Dongdi Tian's figure flickered in the light, sometimes it felt extremely reliable and warm, as bright as a lighthouse on a voyage, and sometimes it seemed to melt into the darkness completely, only the magic lamp was floating out of thin air, leading them to move on.

The further you go down, the colder the temperature becomes, as if the cold and icy wind are imprisoned here. Feng Qinglang's current body is just a body in the training period, so she can't help but hug herself, under the light in front of her, I realized that the air I exhaled was also a cloud of white mist.

After walking for a while, Feng Qinglang guessed that they might have reached the depths of the Flying Fish Islands, and the East Emperor finally stopped.

In front of them is a gate. The magic pattern on this gate is ancient and unusual. The way of starting and ending the brush has the unique gorgeousness of the Guangming Dynasty. Some strokes always seem too redundant, just to highlight a well-proportioned beauty. And added up.

Feng Qinglang shivered, observed carefully, and felt a sudden shock in his heart. He seemed to have seen such a magic pattern before, so he searched his mind, and soon found the corresponding one. Wen vs. Gambling, one of the topics, the task issuer is called Captain Lost, claiming that he took refuge because of the storm, and his sailors accidentally discovered a dungeon, there is no treasure in it, only all kinds of terrible traps, when they want to When exiting, the door of the dungeon suddenly fell down. Only the lost captain and a few people escaped. So, he carved the magic pattern on the door and asked for help everywhere. Only when he met himself did he solve the mystery...

Because, this is actually not a magic pattern question, but more like a geography question.

At that time, I felt that the lost captain was vague, and now it proves that my guess is correct. No sailor can get lost and find this place by accident...

Dong Ditian stared at these ancient patterns, as if confiding, and also as if he was talking to himself: "Back then, there was a person who found the best magic pattern master with stigmata, arranged the magic pattern here, and found another The best underground palace designer, structured everything here, that person kept his promise and didn't kill them, but they didn't keep their promise, left a map, and people finally found this place..."

"When this door opens for the first time, no key is needed, but it will close soon. If they can't escape in time, then stay forever..."

In the center of the gate, there is a blank space, which is the center of all the gorgeous magic patterns. Dong Ditian wiped his waist, and there was an extra pen in his hand, and he quickly sketched in the blank space. The pattern was exactly what Feng Qinglang had on that day. answer.

After the last stroke of the magic pattern in Dongditian, the entire magic pattern began to flicker rapidly, and then seemed to form a vortex, all returning to the center, and the entire door suddenly became bright, and slowly opened back...

What came out of it was not an ancient and decaying smell, but a stench, the stench of corpses. Dong Ditian casually dropped the magic lamp on the ground, flicked his fingertips, and a silver-gray light shot directly at the dome, like sparks meeting hay, and the gate The space behind was suddenly lit up, and multiple luminous pearls lit up at the same time, illuminating this place as if it were daytime.

There are a lot of ancient gold coins here, which should belong to the era of the Guangming Dynasty. They are scattered all over the place, mixed with the smell of dried blood. A large number of putrid corpses are left in the hall, and many people's limbs are still intertwined. Presumably Before they died, there was a fierce fight.

Not far from Feng Qinglang's feet, there was a corpse holding a piece of parchment tightly in its hand. On it was the logo of the Mingguang Mission Center and the magic pattern map of the correct answer. Feng Qinglang felt bitter about it. Is that the lost captain?That day, he just acted according to his heart, and just happened to complete this task, which can be regarded as helping the other party by the way, but he didn't expect this person to die because of it.

He must have left and came back a second time, but he was still dead...

He was stabbed with a dagger in his vest, and with his other hand, he was pinching the neck of another corpse...

Looking around, there are all similar pictures, presumably this is a disgraceful story, a story about wealth, spoils and life...

Seeing Nan Xinghun's eyes trembling with confusion, Feng Qinglang couldn't help holding her hand, and said softly, "It happens sometimes, but it won't always be like this."

What he was talking about was human nature. He believed that Nan Xinghun understood what he was talking about. Nan Xinghun understood what he was talking about, but he still couldn't understand. There is so much money here, and each of them can get enough money. Why are they still killing each other? Woolen cloth?

Dong Ditian was not surprised at all by this. With a wave of his hand, the silver-gray flames washed the world, and all the corpses were reduced to ashes, and the stench was gone.

He continued to walk towards the next door at the end of the hall, and continued to say in that tone of self-talk: "Even if they leak the secret, they will never be able to open the last door..." A short rocky mountain, Inconspicuous, on this deserted island, there are similar small rocky mountains everywhere. If I really want to insist that there is something special, there are so many cacti here. On the side of the small rocky mountain, the cacti there are obviously trampled. The yellow-brown cactus was trampled into the mud, mixed with the withered green grass, and there were needle-like needles on the cactus on the mud.

Dong Ditian stopped, looked down, with a blank expression on his face, and then he pushed away the wild vines covering the rocks. They were a little withered and yellow, and they were pushed down because they had been cut down a long time ago and were still hanging. Here, just to continue the cover-up.

The yellow mud on the original stone has been dropped by someone. There are three lines of small characters on it, which seem to be written by hand. The handwriting is drawn with silver hooks. Endless taste.

It says:

shifted the times,

steam away time,

Dreams always come true.

Feng Qinglang suddenly recognized this kind of stone full of texture, it was called magic steel stone, and the sculpture of the founder at the foot of Mingguang Mountain was made of this precious stone.

Dong Ditian stared blankly at the few lines of small characters, stuck out his index finger, followed the strokes, and rewrote them stroke by stroke. When he reached the last stroke, he paused for a long time, as if feeling the mood of a writer thousands of years ago. The whole person seemed to be transformed into a sculpture in an instant. Feng Qinglang and Nan Xinghun followed behind and glanced at each other secretly. Nan Xinghun slightly turned his head, looking in the direction of the fishing boat. Feng Qinglang shook his head slightly, indicating that there was no hope for them to escape. .

The shell in the net in Dongditian's hand knew that the atmosphere suddenly became serious, so he didn't dare to chatter, but he didn't forget to look at his master with contempt, clearly feeling Nan Xinghun's thoughts of running away.

Finally, Dong Ditian sighed silently, and withdrew his finger. He didn't know what technique he used, but it seemed that with such a random push, the magic steel stone was split from the middle, to both sides, one seemed to be made of black The stone road paved with ashes appeared in front of the eyes, all the way down, as if it could lead to the deepest part of hell.

Feng Qinglang noticed that Dong Ditian's hand holding the magic lamp tightened, and then he relaxed again, and then stepped in. The shell in the net continued to look at the two behind with contempt, and there was clearly written in those big eyes: If you are not afraid of death, don't follow!

Both of them were afraid of death, so they followed decisively into the stone path.

The stone gate slowly closed behind him, and the whole world returned to darkness. Only the magic lamp not far in front became the only light source, reflecting the black gray on the ground as if coated with a deep layer of silver, full of silver-gray oppression, Dongdi Tian's figure flickered in the light, sometimes it felt extremely reliable and warm, as bright as a lighthouse on a voyage, and sometimes it seemed to melt into the darkness completely, only the magic lamp was floating out of thin air, leading them to move on.

The further you go down, the colder the temperature becomes, as if the cold and icy wind are imprisoned here. Feng Qinglang's current body is just a body in the training period, so she can't help but hug herself, under the light in front of her, I realized that the air I exhaled was also a cloud of white mist.

After walking for a while, Feng Qinglang guessed that they might have reached the depths of the Flying Fish Islands, and the East Emperor finally stopped.

In front of them is a gate. The magic pattern on this gate is ancient and unusual. The way of starting and ending the brush has the unique gorgeousness of the Guangming Dynasty. Some strokes always seem too redundant, just to highlight a well-proportioned beauty. And added up.

Feng Qinglang shivered, observed carefully, and felt a sudden shock in his heart. He seemed to have seen such a magic pattern before, so he searched his mind, and soon found the corresponding one. Wen vs. Gambling, one of the topics, the task issuer is called Captain Lost, claiming that he took refuge because of the storm, and his sailors accidentally discovered a dungeon, there is no treasure in it, only all kinds of terrible traps, when they want to When exiting, the door of the dungeon suddenly fell down. Only the lost captain and a few people escaped. So, he carved the magic pattern on the door and asked for help everywhere. Only when he met himself did he solve the mystery...

Because, this is actually not a magic pattern question, but more like a geography question.

At that time, I felt that the lost captain was vague, and now it proves that my guess is correct. No sailor can get lost and find this place by accident...

Dong Ditian stared at these ancient patterns, as if confiding, and also as if he was talking to himself: "Back then, there was a person who found the best magic pattern master with stigmata, arranged the magic pattern here, and found another The best underground palace designer, structured everything here, that person kept his promise and didn't kill them, but they didn't keep their promise, left a map, and people finally found this place..."

"When this door opens for the first time, no key is needed, but it will close soon. If they can't escape in time, then stay forever..."

In the center of the gate, there is a blank space, which is the center of all the gorgeous magic patterns. Dong Ditian wiped his waist, and there was an extra pen in his hand, and he quickly sketched in the blank space. The pattern was exactly what Feng Qinglang had on that day. answer.

After the last stroke of the magic pattern in Dongditian, the entire magic pattern began to flicker rapidly, and then seemed to form a vortex, all returning to the center, and the entire door suddenly became bright, and slowly opened back...

What came out of it was not an ancient and decaying smell, but a stench, the stench of corpses. Dong Ditian casually dropped the magic lamp on the ground, flicked his fingertips, and a silver-gray light shot directly at the dome, like sparks meeting hay, and the gate The space behind was suddenly lit up, and multiple luminous pearls lit up at the same time, illuminating this place as if it were daytime.

There are a lot of ancient gold coins here, which should belong to the era of the Guangming Dynasty. They are scattered all over the place, mixed with the smell of dried blood. A large number of putrid corpses are left in the hall, and many people's limbs are still intertwined. Presumably Before they died, there was a fierce fight.

Not far from Feng Qinglang's feet, there was a corpse holding a piece of parchment tightly in its hand. On it was the logo of the Mingguang Mission Center and the magic pattern map of the correct answer. Feng Qinglang felt bitter about it. Is that the lost captain?That day, he just acted according to his heart, and just happened to complete this task, which can be regarded as helping the other party by the way, but he didn't expect this person to die because of it.

He must have left and came back a second time, but he was still dead...

He was stabbed with a dagger in his vest, and with his other hand, he was pinching the neck of another corpse...

Looking around, there are all similar pictures, presumably this is a disgraceful story, a story about wealth, spoils and life...

Seeing Nan Xinghun's eyes trembling with confusion, Feng Qinglang couldn't help holding her hand, and said softly, "It happens sometimes, but it won't always be like this."

What he was talking about was human nature. He believed that Nan Xinghun understood what he was talking about. Nan Xinghun understood what he was talking about, but he still couldn't understand. There is so much money here, and each of them can get enough money. Why are they still killing each other? Woolen cloth?

Dong Ditian was not surprised at all by this. With a wave of his hand, the silver-gray flames washed the world, and all the corpses were reduced to ashes, and the stench was gone.

He moved on, walked towards the next door at the end of the hall, and continued in that tone of self-talk: "Even if they leak the secret, they will never be able to open the last door..."

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