alone mountain and river

Chapter 347 Choose between the present and the past

Wowo didn't even say hello to Huayue, and directly flew down towards the green lake, Huayue frowned, it was rare for Wuwo to be so excited, I'm afraid there must be other unusual people down there besides the light mouse thing……

What the hell is Dongditian doing? I'm afraid something big will happen...

He crouched down next to him, and with a shake of his hand, he shot a firework into the night sky. The golden moon flower pattern condensed in the night sky. It was a special warning signal belonging to the Moon Squad Legion. He believed that they were chasing after him. Everyone here, after seeing this pattern, will definitely rush over as soon as possible.

On that silver-gray door, Dongdi Tianli sensed it, raised his head, narrowed his eyes slightly, then lowered his head again, squeezed Shell's trembling claws, and stuffed it into the hole on the door.

When there is no pain at all, Ke'er can already scream so loudly. When the real pain comes, her voice is so high that it can break through the sky, like a sparrow shot by an arrow, and the voice can continue to rise. If there is glass around The utensils, I am afraid that all of them will be shattered by this sound wave.

The pair of light wings flapped rapidly, and it seemed to turn into a ball of light screaming in Dong Ditian's hands.

Fortunately, Dongditian quickly pulled out its claws again, and threw it to Nan Xinghun casually. Ke'er was sure to save his life, and the painful voice gradually became deeper, but his appearance was sluggish, as if he was seriously ill In one scene, the eyes were full of tears. Its claws would not heal on their own like Dongditian’s. They were bleeding profusely. Nan Xinghun hurriedly took out a bandage to bandage it, and Ke’er instinctively turned his head towards Nanxing in pain. Hun's arm rubbed against each other, and the relationship between a man and a beast seemed to be much more cordial.

The focus of Feng Qinglang's gaze was still on Dong Ditian's body, and he saw that the hole on the door had gradually disappeared after absorbing Ke'er's blood essence, and there were circles of silver-gray ripples rippling past under his feet, returning to silence Without interest, Dongditian stepped on the position in front of the hole with his right foot as the axis, swiped his left foot, and drew one trajectory after another. The whole world seemed to become hazy, and ice hail was vaguely floating in front of his eyes. The forests, faintly passing by the flowers in the spring field, seem to be winding waterways on the mountain wall... Sometimes white, sometimes emerald green, sometimes blue, with a bit of poetic flavor, a bit of a sense of detachment from the mundane... …

Dong Ditian said calmly: "We are going in."

Feng Qinglang realized that she seemed to have been trapped in the mud of the swamp, sinking slowly, melting into the silver ash, sinking into the door, trying to break free, but she didn't need half of her strength, and soon, three people and one beast completely merged into the door. Into that piece of silver ash.

In fact, Feng Qinglang has already made sufficient psychological preparations, even if the world behind the door is a sleeping giant dragon in captivity, or a few legendary devils... it won't shock him too much!But in fact, he was still shocked!

Because after he walked through the door, he fell to the ground immediately, not from a height, but from the same place, like a person standing on his head, suddenly lost his center of gravity and fell to the ground... In other words, the person behind the door The world is a space world turned upside down!

The silver-gray stone on the ground is full of frosted texture. When it sticks to the skin, even through the clothes, it still feels extremely cold. It is so cold that Feng Qinglang and Nan Xinghun immediately bounced up, and their shells became even tighter. It was a scream, and jumped onto Nan Xinghun's shoulder.

Feng Qinglang could recognize them, they were undead stones!

The surroundings of the space are all gray, and with the cultivation bases of Feng Qinglang and Nan Xinghun, they can't feel how big the area is at all.

Only the sky above looks extremely clear, it is countless groups of vortices rotating counterclockwise, they are different in size, they are intertwined, and combined together, they form a huge and incomparable vortex, like a churning nebula, occupying the sky. The entire sky, as if it had been spinning slowly since ancient times, was full of violent power, as if it could devour the world at any time.

Feng Qinglang estimated the position of the space. If this inverted space is just under the gate just now, wouldn't that huge vortex reach the center of the earth?

Dong Ditian looked up at the huge vortex, as if returning to a certain fragment of a certain day thousands of years ago, and said softly: "Above is the complete memory sealed up by me thousands of years ago!"

Feng Qinglang's heart trembled. If Dong Ditian could get back this complete memory, wouldn't that mean that the evil power from the past would come back again?

He was worried that Dong Ditian would look at him, and tried to look puzzled, but he was too worried, Dong Ditian didn't even look at them, still raised his head, and calmly said: "But, I have been Think, I really brought this memory back, so am I still there now?"

At this time, Dong Ditian was not asking questions, he just needed the audience, and continued softly: "I like myself now, and I will feel very sorry if this kind of me no longer exists."

He slightly raised his hand and stretched towards the sky. The vortex seemed to have sensed something and accelerated its rotation. It was so huge and full of suffocating oppression.At the same time, those large and small vortexes are so dense, you will feel a little sick and dizzy if you look at them for a long time.

Even outsiders like Feng Qinglang and Nan Xinghun can feel the pulling force from the vortex. It is a call full of violence. This is a long-lost encounter. The vortex is obviously far away, but it always There is an illusion that it is getting closer, closer and closer, and it is overwhelmingly oppressing.

However, Dong Ditian suddenly withdrew his hand and pulled the corner of his mouth slightly. He didn't know whether he was mocking himself or the whirlpool. He smiled and said, "I've been hesitating whether I should get my memory back. But standing here, I changed my mind, I want to be who I am now, what happened a thousand years ago has nothing to do with me?"

He bit his index finger, and using the silver-gray blood as a guide, he drew towards the sky and said, "Yes, I want to seal this place and bid farewell to the past!" Tian's emotions, that huge and unparalleled swirl nebula, spun wildly, full of violent aura, as if accusing Dong Ditian of his infidelity in a roar!

Feng Qinglang couldn't help but heaved a sigh of relief. In the end, Dong Ditian still chose to be that brand new self. To a certain extent, Ye Ditian's backhand is very beautiful. He successfully merged with Dong Ditian, and even vaguely occupied him. Dominance is the only way to have such a result.

However, if the world is always unsatisfactory, there is a heavy bombardment outside, shaking the whole space to tremble.

Dong Ditian ignored it, and continued to draw towards the sky stroke by stroke. Silver-gray blood kept gushing out from his fingertips, and then quietly hid in the space, but as Dongdi Tianxu's strokes became more and more More, the vortex seems to be farther away, and the sense of oppression is gradually reduced.

However, the impact from outside became more and more urgent, and its strength increased significantly. Obviously, there were more than one strong person coming from outside.

Feng Qinglang felt bitter about it, and I don't know who came outside, but Dongdi Tianzheng intends to change his ways and return to righteousness, and I am a witness!If you just broke in at this time and let his memory return, wouldn't it be terrible?Wowo didn't even say hello to Huayue, and directly flew down towards the green lake, Huayue frowned, it was rare for Wuwo to be so excited, I'm afraid there must be other unusual people down there besides the light mouse thing……

What the hell is Dongditian doing? I'm afraid something big will happen...

He crouched down next to him, and with a shake of his hand, he shot a firework into the night sky. The golden moon flower pattern condensed in the night sky. It was a special warning signal belonging to the Moon Squad Legion. He believed that they were chasing after him. Everyone here, after seeing this pattern, will definitely rush over as soon as possible.

On that silver-gray door, Dongdi Tianli sensed it, raised his head, narrowed his eyes slightly, then lowered his head again, squeezed Shell's trembling claws, and stuffed it into the hole on the door.

When there is no pain at all, Ke'er can already scream so loudly. When the real pain comes, her voice is so high that it can break through the sky, like a sparrow shot by an arrow, and the voice can continue to rise. If there is glass around The utensils, I am afraid that all of them will be shattered by this sound wave.

The pair of light wings flapped rapidly, and it seemed to turn into a ball of light screaming in Dong Ditian's hands.

Fortunately, Dongditian quickly pulled out its claws again, and threw it to Nan Xinghun casually. Ke'er was sure to save his life, and the painful voice gradually became deeper, but his appearance was sluggish, as if he was seriously ill In one scene, the eyes were full of tears. Its claws would not heal on their own like Dongditian’s. They were bleeding profusely. Nan Xinghun hurriedly took out a bandage to bandage it, and Ke’er instinctively turned his head towards Nanxing in pain. Hun's arm rubbed against each other, and the relationship between a man and a beast seemed to be much more cordial.

The focus of Feng Qinglang's gaze was still on Dong Ditian's body, and he saw that the hole on the door had gradually disappeared after absorbing Ke'er's blood essence, and there were circles of silver-gray ripples rippling past under his feet, returning to silence Without interest, Dongditian stepped on the position in front of the hole with his right foot as the axis, swiped his left foot, and drew one trajectory after another. The whole world seemed to become hazy, and ice hail was vaguely floating in front of his eyes. The forests, faintly passing by the flowers in the spring field, seem to be winding waterways on the mountain wall... Sometimes white, sometimes emerald green, sometimes blue, with a bit of poetic flavor, a bit of a sense of detachment from the mundane... …

Dong Ditian said calmly: "We are going in."

Feng Qinglang realized that she seemed to have been trapped in the mud of the swamp, sinking slowly, melting into the silver ash, sinking into the door, trying to break free, but she didn't need half of her strength, and soon, three people and one beast completely merged into the door. Into that piece of silver ash.

In fact, Feng Qinglang has already made sufficient psychological preparations, even if the world behind the door is a sleeping giant dragon in captivity, or a few legendary devils... it won't shock him too much!But in fact, he was still shocked!

Because after he walked through the door, he fell to the ground immediately, not from a height, but from the same place, like a person standing on his head, suddenly lost his center of gravity and fell to the ground... In other words, the person behind the door The world is a space world turned upside down!

The silver-gray stone on the ground is full of frosted texture. When it sticks to the skin, even through the clothes, it still feels extremely cold. It is so cold that Feng Qinglang and Nan Xinghun immediately bounced up, and their shells became even tighter. It was a scream, and jumped onto Nan Xinghun's shoulder.

Feng Qinglang could recognize them, they were undead stones!

The surroundings of the space are all gray, and with the cultivation bases of Feng Qinglang and Nan Xinghun, they can't feel how big the area is at all.

Only the sky above looks extremely clear, it is countless groups of vortices rotating counterclockwise, they are different in size, they are intertwined, and combined together, they form a huge and incomparable vortex, like a churning nebula, occupying the sky. The entire sky, as if it had been spinning slowly since ancient times, was full of violent power, as if it could devour the world at any time.

Feng Qinglang estimated the position of the space. If this inverted space is just under the gate just now, wouldn't that huge vortex reach the center of the earth?

Dong Ditian looked up at the huge vortex, as if returning to a certain fragment of a certain day thousands of years ago, and said softly: "Above is the complete memory sealed up by me thousands of years ago!"

Feng Qinglang's heart trembled. If Dong Ditian could get back this complete memory, wouldn't that mean that the evil power from the past would come back again?

He was worried that Dong Ditian would look at him, and tried to look puzzled, but he was too worried, Dong Ditian didn't even look at them, still raised his head, and calmly said: "But, I have been Think, I really brought this memory back, so am I still there now?"

At this time, Dong Ditian was not asking questions, he just needed the audience, and continued softly: "I like myself now, and I will feel very sorry if this kind of me no longer exists."

He slightly raised his hand and stretched towards the sky. The vortex seemed to have sensed something and accelerated its rotation. It was so huge and full of suffocating oppression.At the same time, those large and small vortexes are so dense, you will feel a little sick and dizzy if you look at them for a long time.

Even outsiders like Feng Qinglang and Nan Xinghun can feel the pulling force from the vortex. It is a call full of violence. This is a long-lost encounter. The vortex is obviously far away, but it always There is an illusion that it is getting closer, closer and closer, and it is overwhelmingly oppressing.

However, Dong Ditian suddenly withdrew his hand and pulled the corner of his mouth slightly. He didn't know whether he was mocking himself or the whirlpool. He smiled and said, "I've been hesitating whether I should get my memory back. But standing here, I changed my mind, I want to be who I am now, what happened a thousand years ago has nothing to do with me?"

He bit his index finger, and using the silver-gray blood as a guide, he drew towards the sky and said, "Yes, I want to seal this place and bid farewell to the past!" Tian's emotions, that huge and unparalleled swirl nebula, spun wildly, full of violent aura, as if accusing Dong Ditian of his infidelity in a roar!

Feng Qinglang couldn't help but heaved a sigh of relief. In the end, Dong Ditian still chose to be that brand new self. To a certain extent, Ye Ditian's backhand is very beautiful. He successfully merged with Dong Ditian, and even vaguely occupied him. Dominance is the only way to have such a result.

However, if the world is always unsatisfactory, there is a heavy bombardment outside, shaking the whole space to tremble.

Dong Ditian ignored it, and continued to draw towards the sky stroke by stroke. Silver-gray blood kept gushing out from his fingertips, and then quietly hid in the space, but as Dongdi Tianxu's strokes became more and more More, the vortex seems to be farther away, and the sense of oppression is gradually reduced.

However, the impact from outside became more and more urgent, and its strength increased significantly. Obviously, there were more than one strong person coming from outside.

Feng Qinglang felt bitter about it, and I don't know who came outside, but Dongdi Tianzheng intends to change his ways and return to righteousness, and I am a witness!If you just broke in at this time and let his memory return, wouldn't it be terrible?

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