alone mountain and river

Chapter 354 Prelude to Resurrection

When the haze fades away, everything returns to clarity...

Feng Qinglang realized that she was standing on top of a huge green leaf. To be precise, it was a high-rise building, but the floor tiles were all green, and the shape of the green leaf was pieced together, just like a green leaf floating above the white clouds.

Such an imaginative architectural structure, combined with the exquisite 24-pointed star table in front of it, and the edges are full of unique artistic patterns of the elf world, Feng Qinglang thought, this must be somewhere in the elf kingdom.

But what attracted him the most was not the fantasy green leafy buildings and the star table, nor the particularly bright starry sky above his head, but the things on the table, which was a silver pocket balance, upright There is a small golden box on the left side of the balance, but there is nothing on the right side, but the balance remains balanced. Several weights, large and small, hang upside down in the middle of the balance, and they are all dark gray on the frosted surface. , like the color of the soul... There is no doubt that it is the number one sacred object in the world of the undead, Farley's holy coffin!

Feng Qinglang couldn't help but frowned, where the hell is this? !

He checked himself quickly, and now it is the body of a female elf. It seems that this green leaf building is similar to some kind of observatory in the elf world. Now the role he wants to play is guarding here.

Feng Qinglang noticed that there was another companion by her side, an extremely beautiful female high elf, who was also observing and sizing up in confusion... This didn't look like a guardian, then, is the other party also a time traveler?

Feng Qinglang whispered: "How many times is it your first time?"

The other party said: "It's the first time. You are too, because your expression is also blank."

If they are both traversers, there is room for cooperation, and Feng Qinglang basically ruled out the possibility of Nan Xinghun because she pays so much attention to details.

He was about to ask who the other party was, but he didn't expect the other party to take the initiative: "I am Dongditian, or you can also call me Yeditian. Are you willing to continue the conversation with me?"

Feng Qinglang's heart shuddered, and she wondered why she was so bad, and let herself meet the worst partner.

He had no choice but to express his sincerity, and said coquettishly, "Your Excellency, I am Su Huolong, I..."

Dong Ditian laughed and interrupted: "If I were outside, I might still be deceived by you, but in this maelstrom of memory fragments, we are all closer to the essence of the soul! So I can see you clearly! Mmm , you are outside, you should have used some ancient and heaven-defying props to dress up as a woman. Your real identity should be that rebel Feng Qinglang, right?"

Feng Qinglang felt chills in her heart, she didn't expect that he would recognize her at a glance, that's right, after all, this is Dongditian's home field, this is the world he remembers... Feng Qinglang thought to himself, when he was first born, he Participated in the attack. At that time, it was completely immortal. I don't know if this guy still holds grudges...

Dong Ditian looked at Feng Qinglang with a half-smile, as if waiting to see whether Feng Qinglang would be lying or being honest.

Feng Qinglang gritted her teeth, and said calmly: "Yes, I am Feng Qinglang, and I have met Your Excellency Ditian. Your Excellency... seems to hate me very much, why?" What he thought of in his mind was, of course, that day by the lakeside of the Lianyun Mountains. When Tian hadn't recovered his original sanity, he chased Feng Qinglang to death in terror.

Dong Ditian smiled and shook his head and said, "How should I say it? If I, as Dong Ditian, really hate you a little bit, I always feel that you have a disgusting smell, but as Ye Ditian, to be honest, I really appreciate it." your."

Feng Qinglang thought, did he admit that he has a dual personality, or is there something wrong with the fusion of personalities?

Seeing that the other party seemed interested in chatting, Feng Qinglang asked decisively: "Your Excellency Ditian, then... are you Dong Ditian or Ye Ditian now?"

Dong Ditian smiled and said: "Half a cup of coffee, half a cup of milk, mix them together, after the fusion, do you think it is milk, or coffee?"

Feng Qinglang felt a little relieved, as long as there is no split personality, then there is no need to worry, there will suddenly be a different person in front of her.

He tentatively said cautiously: "Your Excellency Ditian, you have experienced a lot of memory fragments from the past, right?"

Dong Ditian said indifferently: "Actually, from your standpoint, you want to know how much of my own memory I have regained, right? Believe it or not, I seem to be experiencing other people's stories, which have not affected my present life at all. Personality, I am very pleased with that."

Feng Qinglang breathed a sigh of relief, taking advantage of the creator of this memory vortex right in front of him, he quickly asked his doubts: "Your Excellency Ditian, how should we get out of here, not only this scene, but also the entire memory vortex , how can we get back to the real world.”

Dong Ditian said concisely: "I don't know!"

"...But, you created this place."

"To be precise, it was created by another person thousands of years ago."


Dongditian paused, and then said: "However, according to my guess, it shouldn't take long, because the structure of the memory crystal wall here is much looser than before, which is a precursor to collapse... probably no The power of the seal collided with the properly opened inheritance memory vortex, causing it to collapse!

Feng Qinglang couldn't feel the existence of the memory crystal wall, so he took the time to ask again: "Your Excellency Ditian, how do you make every memory fragment have multiple possible endings, is it possible that every ending will extend out?" A new branch of time and space?" As the controller of time and space, Feng Qinglang couldn't help but ask this temporary companion who seemed like an enemy but a friend.

Dongditian said: "I still don't know... Well, I personally feel that this should be a taboo technique that sealed part of Dongditian's personality and even soul thousands of years ago. As the leader of the entire memory vortex, it can be It makes the memory world vivid and changeable... But there must be something wrong with the sealed part of the personality, or soul, which caused the memory fragments to be so disordered, just like you walked step by step from the memory fragments, did you find that, Is the assumed role exceptionally confusing?"

Feng Qinglang couldn't help nodding. According to normal logic, regaining her memory, the characters she assumed should all be from Dongditian's perspective.

Dong Ditian continued: "I guess, this is just a chaotic memory world, driven by the power of time and space. I can't answer you whether a new branch of time and space can be produced. But what I can tell you is that the personality who presides over here Or the soul, most of them are not very hopeful, Dongditian, who was a thousand years ago, will return to this world!"

A human voice could be faintly heard in the distance, Feng Qinglang hurriedly asked, "Where is this place?"

Dong Ditian couldn't help laughing: "How do I know? As I said at the beginning, it's my first time arriving too! But I can tell you that this memory fragment is different from the previous ones."


"Because the color of the memory crystal wall is different." As if knowing that Feng Qinglang would be confused by this abstract description, Dong Ditian added, "It's like seeing a sunflower in a world of cactus. Everyone is different! This place should not belong to the memory inheritance of Dongditian thousands of years ago, it should be that someone among us intruders activated a certain sleeping memory, or triggered a certain seal. This is the memory fragment of an outsider!"

Feng Qinglang's eyes couldn't help but stay on the silver balance, she couldn't help but feel panic in her heart, her scalp was also faintly numb, deep in her spiritual sea, there seemed to be such a thing...

It just so happened that the voices of people in the distance were getting closer, and two people seemed to come out of the void at the tip of the green leaves, and their voices could be clearly heard.

"...Your Excellency Lan Xueyun, I don't quite understand what you mean, can you be more specific?"

"...If a deceased person is summoned back to this world, is this considered a resurrection, or is it a kind of creation?"

"..." When the haze fades away, everything returns to clarity...

Feng Qinglang realized that she was standing on top of a huge green leaf. To be precise, it was a high-rise building, but the floor tiles were all green, and the shape of the green leaf was pieced together, just like a green leaf floating above the white clouds.

Such an imaginative architectural structure, combined with the exquisite 24-pointed star table in front of it, and the edges are full of unique artistic patterns of the elf world, Feng Qinglang thought, this must be somewhere in the elf kingdom.

But what attracted him the most was not the fantasy green leafy buildings and the star table, nor the particularly bright starry sky above his head, but the things on the table, which was a silver pocket balance, upright There is a small golden box on the left side of the balance, but there is nothing on the right side, but the balance remains balanced. Several weights, large and small, hang upside down in the middle of the balance, and they are all dark gray on the frosted surface. , like the color of the soul... There is no doubt that it is the number one sacred object in the world of the undead, Farley's holy coffin!

Feng Qinglang couldn't help but frowned, where the hell is this? !

He checked himself quickly, and now it is the body of a female elf. It seems that this green leaf building is similar to some kind of observatory in the elf world. Now the role he wants to play is guarding here.

Feng Qinglang noticed that there was another companion by her side, an extremely beautiful female high elf, who was also observing and sizing up in confusion... This didn't look like a guardian, then, is the other party also a time traveler?

Feng Qinglang whispered: "How many times is it your first time?"

The other party said: "It's the first time. You are too, because your expression is also blank."

If they are both traversers, there is room for cooperation, and Feng Qinglang basically ruled out the possibility of Nan Xinghun because she pays so much attention to details.

He was about to ask who the other party was, but he didn't expect the other party to take the initiative: "I am Dongditian, or you can also call me Yeditian. Are you willing to continue the conversation with me?"

Feng Qinglang's heart shuddered, and she wondered why she was so bad, and let herself meet the worst partner.

He had no choice but to express his sincerity, and said coquettishly, "Your Excellency, I am Su Huolong, I..."

Dong Ditian laughed and interrupted: "If I were outside, I might still be deceived by you, but in this maelstrom of memory fragments, we are all closer to the essence of the soul! So I can see you clearly! Mmm , you are outside, you should have used some ancient and heaven-defying props to dress up as a woman. Your real identity should be that rebel Feng Qinglang, right?"

Feng Qinglang felt chills in her heart, she didn't expect that he would recognize her at a glance, that's right, after all, this is Dongditian's home field, this is the world he remembers... Feng Qinglang thought to himself, when he was first born, he Participated in the attack. At that time, it was completely immortal. I don't know if this guy still holds grudges...

Dong Ditian looked at Feng Qinglang with a half-smile, as if waiting to see whether Feng Qinglang would be lying or being honest.

Feng Qinglang gritted her teeth, and said calmly: "Yes, I am Feng Qinglang, and I have met Your Excellency Ditian. Your Excellency... seems to hate me very much, why?" What he thought of in his mind was, of course, that day by the lakeside of the Lianyun Mountains. When Tian hadn't recovered his original sanity, he chased Feng Qinglang to death in terror.

Dong Ditian smiled and shook his head and said, "How should I say it? If I, as Dong Ditian, really hate you a little bit, I always feel that you have a disgusting smell, but as Ye Ditian, to be honest, I really appreciate it." your."

Feng Qinglang thought, did he admit that he has a dual personality, or is there something wrong with the fusion of personalities?

Seeing that the other party seemed interested in chatting, Feng Qinglang asked decisively: "Your Excellency Ditian, then... are you Dong Ditian or Ye Ditian now?"

Dong Ditian smiled and said: "Half a cup of coffee, half a cup of milk, mix them together, after the fusion, do you think it is milk, or coffee?"

Feng Qinglang felt a little relieved, as long as there is no split personality, then there is no need to worry, there will suddenly be a different person in front of her.

He tentatively said cautiously: "Your Excellency Ditian, you have experienced a lot of memory fragments from the past, right?"

Dong Ditian said indifferently: "Actually, from your standpoint, you want to know how much of my own memory I have regained, right? Believe it or not, I seem to be experiencing other people's stories, which have not affected my present life at all. Personality, I am very pleased with that."

Feng Qinglang breathed a sigh of relief, taking advantage of the creator of this memory vortex right in front of him, he quickly asked his doubts: "Your Excellency Ditian, how should we get out of here, not only this scene, but also the entire memory vortex , how can we get back to the real world.”

Dong Ditian said concisely: "I don't know!"

"...But, you created this place."

"To be precise, it was created by another person thousands of years ago."


Dongditian paused, and then said: "However, according to my guess, it shouldn't take long, because the structure of the memory crystal wall here is much looser than before, which is a precursor to collapse... probably no The power of the seal collided with the properly opened inheritance memory vortex, causing it to collapse!

Feng Qinglang couldn't feel the existence of the memory crystal wall, so he took the time to ask again: "Your Excellency Ditian, how do you make every memory fragment have multiple possible endings, is it possible that every ending will extend out?" A new branch of time and space?" As the controller of time and space, Feng Qinglang couldn't help but ask this temporary companion who seemed like an enemy but a friend.

Dongditian said: "I still don't know... Well, I personally feel that this should be a taboo technique that sealed part of Dongditian's personality and even soul thousands of years ago. As the leader of the entire memory vortex, it can be It makes the memory world vivid and changeable... But there must be something wrong with the sealed part of the personality, or soul, which caused the memory fragments to be so disordered, just like you walked step by step from the memory fragments, did you find that, Is the assumed role exceptionally confusing?"

Feng Qinglang couldn't help nodding. According to normal logic, regaining her memory, the characters she assumed should all be from Dongditian's perspective.

Dong Ditian continued: "I guess, this is just a chaotic memory world, driven by the power of time and space. I can't answer you whether a new branch of time and space can be produced. But what I can tell you is that the personality who presides over here Or the soul, most of them are not very hopeful, Dongditian, who was a thousand years ago, will return to this world!"

A human voice could be faintly heard in the distance, Feng Qinglang hurriedly asked, "Where is this place?"

Dong Ditian couldn't help laughing: "How do I know? As I said at the beginning, it's my first time arriving too! But I can tell you that this memory fragment is different from the previous ones."


"Because the color of the memory crystal wall is different." As if knowing that Feng Qinglang would be confused by this abstract description, Dong Ditian added, "It's like seeing a sunflower in a world of cactus. Everyone is different! This place should not belong to the memory inheritance of Dongditian thousands of years ago, it should be that someone among us intruders activated a certain sleeping memory, or triggered a certain seal. This is the memory fragment of an outsider!"

Feng Qinglang's eyes couldn't help but stay on the silver balance, she couldn't help but feel panic in her heart, her scalp was also faintly numb, deep in her spiritual sea, there seemed to be such a thing...

It just so happened that the voices of people in the distance were getting closer, and two people seemed to come out of the void at the tip of the green leaves, and their voices could be clearly heard.

"...Your Excellency Lan Xueyun, I don't quite understand what you mean, can you be more specific?"

"...If a deceased person is summoned back to this world, is this considered a resurrection, or is it a kind of creation?"


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