Two long-distance ships are sailing in the vast ocean. Standing on the giant ships, looking in all directions, they are all endless dark blue. This is the sixth day that the Yun family fleet has gone to sea.

The process of Feng Qinglang and Nan Xinghun joining this fleet was far smoother than expected. The recruiter of the Yun family saw that both of them had real martial arts strength, and Feng Qinglang boasted that they had served as captains of the long-distance fleet many times. The guards spoke vividly and decently, and the Yun family immediately gave them high-standard treatment, and even gave them their own separate rooms because of their female identities. From this, we can see how the Yun family lacks talents now , especially those who dare to die.

They didn't have to wait long. Three days later, Yun Jialuo couldn't wait to set off again, leaving only a large number of Yun's officials, who continued to stay on the coast to recruit adventurers and sailors. , I heard that they are rushing to Lingyun Harbor... People who don't know the truth, it seems that the Yun family is strong and rich, but in Feng Qinglang's view, it is part of the Yun family's long-term ocean plan, and there may be more A large number of orders are being implemented at the Stigmata Southwest Shipyard in full swing.In other words, as the vanguard of the plan, they are called pioneers if they sound good, or death squads or cannon fodder if they are not good.

Feng Qinglang, who saw the situation clearly and took the initiative to become cannon fodder, was sitting by the window of her room at this moment. Outside she could see the end of the deep sea. A patrolling Zhenwu is already flying at a much lower altitude than yesterday, and his performance is becoming more and more difficult, which means that he is getting closer and closer to the area of ​​the crimson vortex, and the forbidden area is gradually approaching.

Nan Xinghun, who was sitting opposite him, was silently reciting the meditation chapter dictated to her by Feng Qinglang, and opened his eyes and said, "Qinglang, I tried to simulate the whole cultivation process, but I always felt that the ups and downs were too big. You said that you compared the meditation chapter to A symphony, there is a sense of dissonance in many places, like between the scales, the jump is too large..."

Feng Qinglang leaned on the soft pillow a little lazily, her eyes were still looking at the distant ocean outside the window, and said: "If it's just a meditation chapter, maybe it will give you a much more harmonious feeling, but it's not just a meditation chapter, it's also a nighttime chapter. Ditian's Holy Spirit Jue, and even more so, the Phoenix Jue of the Nulang sages... I improved it a bit, and it became what it is now. The key point is the four characters of Phoenix Nirvana. Since it is rebirth, it must be a process of ups and downs to the extreme. The melody is life-and-death, and the diatonic scale has a huge gap..."

Nan Xinghun seems to understand, but his eyes are getting brighter and brighter. To improve the formulas on these great names, what kind of talent must be against the sky...

As if feeling Nan Xinghun's admiring eyes, Feng Qinglang was not complacent, but smiled wryly, "I'm just standing on their shoulders, so I can jump a little higher than them, but they are original Martial arts are truly remarkable."

Nan Xinghun seemed to have thought of something, his expression darkened suddenly, and he said softly: "Qing Qing, do you have no confidence in the future, so you taught me the meditation chapter in advance."

Feng Qinglang turned her head slowly, met Nan Xinghun's concerned eyes, smiled peacefully, and said softly: "When your opponent is likely to be Qiangu No. 1, it's good that I didn't lose confidence. Prepare more..."

He paused, and then said: "I am teaching you the Meditation chapter at this time, more importantly because the memory vortex has too many negative effects on you, it can help you cleanse your mind and regain your peace."

Nan Xinghun nodded vigorously, and said seriously: "Qingliang, I will not disappoint you! One day in the future, I am still waiting to read your memoir, which will praise how great I am..."

Feng Qinglang laughed and said, "There will be such a day..."

At this time, the bell of "Dangdang——" came from the boat, which meant that it was lunch time.

The two giant ships temporarily moored at the edge of a deserted island. The sea was considered to be clear just a moment ago. With the arrival of the rolling dark clouds, it was already pitch black. The storm is officially upon us.

Feng Qinglang looked at the chart and estimated their positions. In fact, they were very close to the island Nan Ling mentioned, but they had to be on a starry night to accurately locate the coordinates. Unfortunately, there were heavy rains in the last two nights, and the whole It's a starless night.

Where there are people, there will naturally be class distinctions. If the class has not yet been formed, then naturally someone will force the division.

Just like the big restaurant where they dine, all the adventurers have always lived in peace and dine separately, but maybe the lightning and thunder outside disturbed the hearts of some people. There are not many women on board, especially those like Su Huolong is such a beautiful and beautiful woman, so trouble comes to knock on the door!

The person who knocked on the door was a large adventure team. The entire adventure team had joined the fleet of the Yun family. The leader of the team had a first-tier combat power in the sky, and Yun's great attention was paid to them. , they also take it for granted that they should be the privileged class on the fleet.

A man with four or five scars on his cheek strode to Su Huolong and Miss Su Lizi's dining table, tried his best to learn how to be a gentleman, bowed slightly, and said, "Miss Su Huolong, is that right?"

In recent days, Feng Qinglang has gotten used to this kind of strike-up. He also knows that during the adventure journey, people will inevitably be lonely. The one-night love between adventurers is not uncommon, but often, as long as he puts on his face, most people will know it. Difficult to retreat...

He said indifferently: "We don't share tables."

Nan Xinghun simply continued to eat with her head down, she was used to this kind of thing, and Feng Qinglang took care of it all.

The scarred man smiled softly, the scars on his face seemed to come alive, like a few wriggling earthworms, he was obviously not the kind of person who knew what to do, and said, "Miss Su Huolong, our boss would like to invite you after dinner, Go to his room and sit down, he has a very good bottle of wine, I would like to invite Miss Fire Dragon to taste it with you..."

Feng Qinglang felt irritated by that pretended knowing smile. She turned her head slightly and could see not far away, the boss of the adventure group was toasting herself from a distance, pretending to be graceful, but her temperament was full of brutal vulgarity.

He couldn't help laughing and said, "I just want to fuck my old lady, why are you talking so elegantly? Go back and ask your boss first, usually you can last for a few minutes, but my old lady will start in eight to ten minutes!"

Nan Xinghun burst out laughing and almost spewed out the noodles.

The adventurers around didn't dare to meddle in their own business, but that didn't mean they didn't have their own voices, so the surroundings were full of mocking laughter.

The scarred man's face darkened, and he said coldly: "Miss Huolong, I'm afraid you don't know what will happen if you offend our adventure group?"

Feng Qinglang smiled and said, "Are you speaking on behalf of yourself, your adventure group, or... the Yun family?"

The scarred man's face was even more gloomy. He didn't expect that Su Huolong was so pungent and his words were so sharp, which was completely inconsistent with the low-key he showed a few days ago... At this time, an official from the Yun family who was in charge of clothing walked into the restaurant and hurriedly Said: "Fleet members above Zhenwu please go to the meeting room on the third floor immediately!"

"..." Two long-distance giant ships are sailing in the vast ocean. Standing on the giant ships, looking in all directions, they are all endless dark blue. This is the sixth day that the Yun family's fleet has gone to sea. .

The process of Feng Qinglang and Nan Xinghun joining this fleet was far smoother than expected. The recruiter of the Yun family saw that both of them had real martial arts strength, and Feng Qinglang boasted that they had served as captains of the long-distance fleet many times. The guards spoke vividly and decently, and the Yun family immediately gave them high-standard treatment, and even gave them their own separate rooms because of their female identities. From this, we can see how the Yun family lacks talents now , especially those who dare to die.

They didn't have to wait long. Three days later, Yun Jialuo couldn't wait to set off again, leaving only a large number of Yun's officials, who continued to stay on the coast to recruit adventurers and sailors. , I heard that they are rushing to Lingyun Harbor... People who don't know the truth, it seems that the Yun family is strong and rich, but in Feng Qinglang's view, it is part of the Yun family's long-term ocean plan, and there may be more A large number of orders are being implemented at the Stigmata Southwest Shipyard in full swing.In other words, as the vanguard of the plan, they are called pioneers if they sound good, or death squads or cannon fodder if they are not good.

Feng Qinglang, who saw the situation clearly and took the initiative to become cannon fodder, was sitting by the window of her room at this moment. Outside she could see the end of the deep sea. A patrolling Zhenwu is already flying at a much lower altitude than yesterday, and his performance is becoming more and more difficult, which means that he is getting closer and closer to the area of ​​the crimson vortex, and the forbidden area is gradually approaching.

Nan Xinghun, who was sitting opposite him, was silently reciting the meditation chapter dictated to her by Feng Qinglang, and opened his eyes and said, "Qinglang, I tried to simulate the whole cultivation process, but I always felt that the ups and downs were too big. You said that you compared the meditation chapter to A symphony, there is a sense of dissonance in many places, like between the scales, the jump is too large..."

Feng Qinglang leaned on the soft pillow a little lazily, her eyes were still looking at the distant ocean outside the window, and said: "If it's just a meditation chapter, maybe it will give you a much more harmonious feeling, but it's not just a meditation chapter, it's also a nighttime chapter. Ditian's Holy Spirit Jue, and even more so, the Phoenix Jue of the Nulang sages... I improved it a bit, and it became what it is now. The key point is the four characters of Phoenix Nirvana. Since it is rebirth, it must be a process of ups and downs to the extreme. The melody is life-and-death, and the diatonic scale has a huge gap..."

Nan Xinghun seems to understand, but his eyes are getting brighter and brighter. To improve the formulas on these great names, what kind of talent must be against the sky...

As if feeling Nan Xinghun's admiring eyes, Feng Qinglang was not complacent, but smiled wryly, "I'm just standing on their shoulders, so I can jump a little higher than them, but they are original Martial arts are truly remarkable."

Nan Xinghun seemed to have thought of something, his expression darkened suddenly, and he said softly: "Qing Qing, do you have no confidence in the future, so you taught me the meditation chapter in advance."

Feng Qinglang turned her head slowly, met Nan Xinghun's concerned eyes, smiled peacefully, and said softly: "When your opponent is likely to be Qiangu No. 1, it's good that I didn't lose confidence. Prepare more..."

He paused, and then said: "I am teaching you the Meditation chapter at this time, more importantly because the memory vortex has too many negative effects on you, it can help you cleanse your mind and regain your peace."

Nan Xinghun nodded vigorously, and said seriously: "Qingliang, I will not disappoint you! One day in the future, I am still waiting to read your memoir, which will praise how great I am..."

Feng Qinglang laughed and said, "There will be such a day..."

At this time, the bell of "Dangdang——" came from the boat, which meant that it was lunch time.

The two giant ships temporarily moored at the edge of a deserted island. The sea was considered to be clear just a moment ago. With the arrival of the rolling dark clouds, it was already pitch black. The storm is officially upon us.

Feng Qinglang looked at the chart and estimated their positions. In fact, they were very close to the island Nan Ling mentioned, but they had to be on a starry night to accurately locate the coordinates. Unfortunately, there were heavy rains in the last two nights, and the whole It's a starless night.

Where there are people, there will naturally be class distinctions. If the class has not yet been formed, then naturally someone will force the division.

Just like the big restaurant where they dine, all the adventurers have always lived in peace and dine separately, but maybe the lightning and thunder outside disturbed the hearts of some people. There are not many women on board, especially those like Su Huolong is such a beautiful and beautiful woman, so trouble comes to knock on the door!

The person who knocked on the door was a large adventure team. The entire adventure team had joined the fleet of the Yun family. The leader of the team had a first-tier combat power in the sky, and Yun's great attention was paid to them. , they also take it for granted that they should be the privileged class on the fleet.

A man with four or five scars on his cheek strode to Su Huolong and Miss Su Lizi's dining table, tried his best to learn how to be a gentleman, bowed slightly, and said, "Miss Su Huolong, is that right?"

In recent days, Feng Qinglang has gotten used to this kind of strike-up. He also knows that during the adventure journey, people will inevitably be lonely. The one-night love between adventurers is not uncommon, but often, as long as he puts on his face, most people will know it. Difficult to retreat...

He said indifferently: "We don't share tables."

Nan Xinghun simply continued to eat with her head down, she was used to this kind of thing, and Feng Qinglang took care of it all.

The scarred man smiled softly, the scars on his face seemed to come alive, like a few wriggling earthworms, he was obviously not the kind of person who knew what to do, and said, "Miss Su Huolong, our boss would like to invite you after dinner, Go to his room and sit down, he has a very good bottle of wine, I would like to invite Miss Fire Dragon to taste it with you..."

Feng Qinglang felt irritated by that pretended knowing smile. She turned her head slightly and could see not far away, the boss of the adventure group was toasting herself from a distance, pretending to be graceful, but her temperament was full of brutal vulgarity.

He couldn't help laughing and said, "I just want to fuck my old lady, why are you talking so elegantly? Go back and ask your boss first, usually you can last for a few minutes, but my old lady will start in eight to ten minutes!"

Nan Xinghun burst out laughing and almost spewed out the noodles.

The adventurers around didn't dare to meddle in their own business, but that didn't mean they didn't have their own voices, so the surroundings were full of mocking laughter.

The scarred man's face darkened, and he said coldly: "Miss Huolong, I'm afraid you don't know what will happen if you offend our adventure group?"

Feng Qinglang smiled and said, "Are you speaking on behalf of yourself, your adventure group, or... the Yun family?"

The scarred man's face was even more gloomy. He didn't expect that Su Huolong was so pungent and his words were so sharp, which was completely inconsistent with the low-key he showed a few days ago... At this time, an official from the Yun family who was in charge of clothing walked into the restaurant and hurriedly Said: "Fleet members above Zhenwu please go to the meeting room on the third floor immediately!"


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