alone mountain and river

Chapter 381 Challenge Day

In the afternoon, the sun was shining brightly, and it was another hot summer.

Through the teleportation array, Feng Qinglang came from the top of Xingqing Peak to the foot of the mountain, at the junction of the boulevard and the gravel commercial area, on the other side of the arch bridge, there was an endless stream of people, all businesses were flourishing, the previously planned auction house, and the cultural center Wait, everything is established, Feng Qinglang's heart moved, she didn't choose to continue the teleportation, but walked up the stone bridge and walked towards the business district.

The two guards standing by the bridge, while bowing and saluting, noticed that Feng Qinglang did not teleport away as usual, but walked into the crowd. One of them hurriedly said: "Master Qinglang, please pay attention to your own safety!"

Feng Qinglang smiled and said: "No problem!" If a person of the peerless powerhouse level enters the Xingqing Islands, Dongditian will definitely expel them immediately without his help. It's just a chaotic level warrior, he believes that he is enough Handle.

One of them gave his companion a wink, signaling him to stick to his position, and he followed.

Watching him cross the bridge, the spies and killers who were fixed-point surveillance nearby all stared wide-eyed. They claimed to be searching for intelligence or seeking opportunities, but now they have lived for a long time and are used to receiving the salary and salary from the organization. Enjoying a carefree life here, but the rebels suddenly walked in front of them without defense, most of the assassins were not ready to die.

In particular, the eyes of the rebels seemed to be looking over each of their faces, with a smile on their faces, which was calm and under control. The assassins who had planned to fight to the death, couldn't help but retreat temporarily. It is wonderful, but it cannot be compared with life.

All kinds of information transmission methods were immediately disseminated from their hands, and passed on to the corresponding intelligence organizations and assassin organizations.

Feng Qinglang saw it in his eyes and didn't pay much attention to it. Walking among the bustling crowd was a very fresh experience. For a very long time in the past, he was used to wearing a hat wherever there were many people. , lowered the brim of his hat, and hid his entire face in the shadows, but now, he not only showed his true colors, but also walked in the crowd brightly, truly feeling the boiling popularity.

After that feeling of freshness, an emotion called pride arises spontaneously. The business miracle here is created by him alone, and Xingqing is becoming a dazzling bright pearl on the ocean.

Compared with those professionals, people's reactions are always a bit slower, but since the first person discovered Feng Qinglang, the noisy street gradually became quiet, and the crowd automatically separated to the two sides to make way for Feng Qinglang. Bending salutes and greetings excitedly, some people fell to their knees directly, thanking Xingqing for taking them in, and some people directly recited prayers, sincerely praying for His Majesty the traitor...

A white-haired old woman plucked up her courage, came to Feng Qinglang, held Feng Qinglang's hand tightly, and said in a slightly vague dragon bell tone: "Master Qinglang, thank you and Master Xinghun for taking us in, let us If we can survive, we will dedicate the rest of our lives to Xingqing, my lord, do you know? I used to be an alchemist, but when I was young, the experiment failed, which made me a laughing stock. No one dared to invite me again. I have been reduced to a beggar, thanks to Xingqing, I can become a teacher of elementary alchemy here, and I also opened an alchemy equipment store with my friends, it is you who gave us hope in life..."

She stated excitedly, murmured her gratitude endlessly, the guard behind Feng Qinglang was already gripping the hilt of his sword tightly, if something unexpected happened, he was ready to rush up and fight for his life.

Feng Qinglang listened with a smile and softly comforted the tearful old woman, but felt ashamed in his heart. In his original plan to help the weak, he did not think of taking in too many old people like this in the past, and even quarreled with Nan Xinghun for this There must be many old women like the one in front of me in the Xingqing Three Islands and the dotted islands under Xingqing's sphere of influence. Maybe many of them have skills and are passing their skills on to the next generation. Maybe they He was constantly singing praises to him and Nan Xinghun on various occasions, paving the way for them and splashing crowds. If an enemy really came, maybe many of them would really dare to pick up weapons and charge towards them. Enemies, if the enemy wants to spread ideas from the bottom that are not conducive to their rule, they will be the most staunch opponents...

He thinks that every decision has advantages and disadvantages. Maybe, always thinking of seeking advantages and avoiding disadvantages, you will go against your heart unconsciously...

Seeing that more and more people flocked to her, and the number of people who wanted to hold her hand also began to increase, Feng Qinglang knew that it would be difficult to walk to the arena again, so he said loudly: "Thank you everyone, I hope you have a happy life here! Today is challenge day, I'm leaving!"

He nodded to the guard behind him who was so nervous that he was sweating profusely, expressing his gratitude, then went to the nearest teleportation coordinates, and teleported directly to the side door of the arena.

The enthusiastic and reluctant voice seemed to have not dissipated in the ear, but it was immediately replaced by a burst of boiling sound waves, which belonged to the atmosphere of the arena in full swing.

Under the rough stone carving, Jeffrey had been waiting here for a long time. He said distressedly: "My lord, you are late again. The show has been performed for three times. Fortunately, we have prepared more performers, otherwise those wealthy people inside There's going to be another riot."

Only he could complain to Feng Qinglang in such a tone. Behind him, the assistant and the guard guarding the side door bowed and saluted at the same time.

The person next to Jeffrey was also saluting, but the arc was far inferior to others. It was Nan Xinghun's official follower, Nan Yong. In Nan Yong's past, Feng Qinglang was just a talented guy, but he was the same as himself. They are young master Xinghun's retinue, but one is bright and the other is dark, but who would have thought that Feng Qinglang would transform so gorgeously later, not only is she no longer unattractive, but also a legendary rebel, and now it is Xingqing One of the masters of the three islands, the sudden and huge gap between the identities of the two parties always made him a little dazed and helpless.

During the turmoil in the Nan family, he went out to send a letter to Dongfang Pei, and he escaped a catastrophe. He crossed the ocean half a year ago, covered in dust, although he was extremely desolate, but at least he met Nan Xinghun again, and both of them hugged each other and cried After a while, Nan Yong consciously and awkwardly separated. He really never thought that the young master who played with him since he was a child turned out to be a young lady.But fortunately, neither he nor she finally lived up to the master's expectations and finally stood up.

Feng Qinglang smiled at Jeffrey: "Of course you don't need to be patient if you want to see monkeys, but if you want to see world-famous monkeys, then I'm afraid you need a little patience."

Jeffrey smiled wryly: "Okay, my lord, let's go in quickly."

Feng Qinglang still walked at a leisurely pace, turned to Nan Yong and said, "Hey, Nan Yong, how is your mother?"

Three months ago, Nan Yong had brought his family to Xingqing. His mother, who was plagued by injuries, finally received the best treatment and is now gradually recovering. He grinned and said, "It's much better, thank you Qinglang...Master Qinglang for your concern." After all, he was a close partner in the past, but it was still difficult for him to locate the relationship between him and Feng Qinglang. The grown-up yelled somewhat strangely.

Feng Qinglang smiled and said, "Okay, I've said it several times, you just call Qinglang..."

"Yes, lord. Uh, by the way, Xinghun said that she has something to do today, so she won't come."

Feng Qinglang held the corner of her mouth bitterly, nodded and said: "...Yes, I see."


Jeffel looked down and could see that Feng Qinglang was wearing slippers today. The clothes he was wearing were not so much casual clothes, but more like pajamas. Compared with his stunning appearance in the arena for the first time, he was dressed in snow-white samurai clothes and looked down on the world. Appearance, now he pays less and less attention to his own image.

He accompanied Feng Qinglang into the competition channel, looked at the information in his hand and read: "My lord, today's final top ten are as follows, Yin Mo, Gu Xiao, Ye Qingling, Dino Lance, Lu Li..."

After reading the list, Jeffrey asked, "Sir, do you need me to introduce their background information in detail?"

Under normal circumstances, under normal circumstances, Feng Qinglang would definitely yawn and say no need, but today he frowned and asked, "Dinorance and Luli are familiar names, who are they?"

Jeffrey quickly flipped through a few pages, and said, "My lord, they were very good in the qualifiers. In most cases, they beat their opponents in seconds. Their registration information is adventurers, but the information sent by our intelligence department, they used to be It's Arlans' Storm Hunter, codenamed Crazy Fury Wolf, hey, they've hunted you down, my lord!"

There are countless mercenaries and hunters who have pursued Feng Qinglang, which is nothing. In fact, the existence of the arena, to a certain extent, Xingqing is also selecting the talents she needs, because many of these people are free People with status, since they are here for money, if you can’t kill Feng Qinglang, then serve him, anyway, you can be rich, and the welfare here is very good, and you can take care of your family. Power, so now, the arena not only has the purpose of seeking revenge and bounty, but also has the function of selection. This is a shortcut to join Xingqing with a high salary.

Anyway, in the arena, rebels seldom kill competitors. If they can make a turn here, if they are not favored by Xingqing, they will also become popular items of other families. That is the top ten of the month in Xingqing arena. ...

Feng Qinglang cursed secretly in her heart, the duo of Sap really lingered, why did they come after them again? At this moment, don't they still understand that they can't eat my bounty anymore...

Seeing Feng Qinglang frowned, Jeffrey misunderstood what the other party meant, and said in a low voice: "My lord, these two guys are very competitive now. I heard that Yun Jialuo and the others are trying to recruit them in advance, and we have a preliminary plan." We will wait for your final decision, my the way, should we let them join together for today's competition?"

In the history of the Xingqing Arena, Feng Qinglang's most exciting time was in the heavy rain, holding an umbrella and stepping on slippers, one against ten, and finally won the victory without touching the rain, because the game was so wonderful, In the end, of course, there was thunderous applause, and it became a good talk for a while.

But now, Feng Qinglang couldn't help but glared at Jeffrey, what are you kidding, the combined strength of the duo of Sap directly challenged the peerless powerhouse, even Dong Ditian had been beaten by Sap before, so let them go together?

Jeffrey was stared inexplicably, and Mr. Qingqing thinks that I know what to ask again?Unexpectedly, Feng Qinglang said: "They must go one by one, and any form of cooperation is strictly prohibited! Notify the special operations team, and Xingqing Anbu, the whole island is on alert. The arena, in case something unexpected happens!"

Jeffrey felt terrified in his heart, Xingqing had been so vigilant for nearly half a year... In the afternoon, the sun was shining brightly, and it was another scorching midsummer.

Through the teleportation array, Feng Qinglang came from the top of Xingqing Peak to the foot of the mountain, at the junction of the boulevard and the gravel commercial area, on the other side of the arch bridge, there was an endless stream of people, all businesses were flourishing, the previously planned auction house, and the cultural center Wait, everything is established, Feng Qinglang's heart moved, she didn't choose to continue the teleportation, but walked up the stone bridge and walked towards the business district.

The two guards standing by the bridge, while bowing and saluting, noticed that Feng Qinglang did not teleport away as usual, but walked into the crowd. One of them hurriedly said: "Master Qinglang, please pay attention to your own safety!"

Feng Qinglang smiled and said: "No problem!" If a person of the peerless powerhouse level enters the Xingqing Islands, Dongditian will definitely expel them immediately without his help. It's just a chaotic level warrior, he believes that he is enough Handle.

One of them gave his companion a wink, signaling him to stick to his position, and he followed.

Watching him cross the bridge, the spies and killers who were fixed-point surveillance nearby all stared wide-eyed. They claimed to be searching for intelligence or seeking opportunities, but now they have lived for a long time and are used to receiving the salary and salary from the organization. Enjoying a carefree life here, but the rebels suddenly walked in front of them without defense, most of the assassins were not ready to die.

In particular, the eyes of the rebels seemed to be looking over each of their faces, with a smile on their faces, which was calm and under control. The assassins who had planned to fight to the death, couldn't help but retreat temporarily. It is wonderful, but it cannot be compared with life.

All kinds of information transmission methods were immediately disseminated from their hands, and passed on to the corresponding intelligence organizations and assassin organizations.

Feng Qinglang saw it in his eyes and didn't pay much attention to it. Walking among the bustling crowd was a very fresh experience. For a very long time in the past, he was used to wearing a hat wherever there were many people. , lowered the brim of his hat, and hid his entire face in the shadows, but now, he not only showed his true colors, but also walked in the crowd brightly, truly feeling the boiling popularity.

After that feeling of freshness, an emotion called pride arises spontaneously. The business miracle here is created by him alone, and Xingqing is becoming a dazzling bright pearl on the ocean.

Compared with those professionals, people's reactions are always a bit slower, but since the first person discovered Feng Qinglang, the noisy street gradually became quiet, and the crowd automatically separated to the two sides to make way for Feng Qinglang. Bending salutes and greetings excitedly, some people fell to their knees directly, thanking Xingqing for taking them in, and some people directly recited prayers, sincerely praying for His Majesty the traitor...

A white-haired old woman plucked up her courage, came to Feng Qinglang, held Feng Qinglang's hand tightly, and said in a slightly vague dragon bell tone: "Master Qinglang, thank you and Master Xinghun for taking us in, let us If we can survive, we will dedicate the rest of our lives to Xingqing, my lord, do you know? I used to be an alchemist, but when I was young, the experiment failed, which made me a laughing stock. No one dared to invite me again. I have been reduced to a beggar, thanks to Xingqing, I can become a teacher of elementary alchemy here, and I also opened an alchemy equipment store with my friends, it is you who gave us hope in life..."

She stated excitedly, murmured her gratitude endlessly, the guard behind Feng Qinglang was already gripping the hilt of his sword tightly, if something unexpected happened, he was ready to rush up and fight for his life.

Feng Qinglang listened with a smile and softly comforted the tearful old woman, but felt ashamed in his heart. In his original plan to help the weak, he did not think of taking in too many old people like this in the past, and even quarreled with Nan Xinghun for this There must be many old women like the one in front of me in the Xingqing Three Islands and the dotted islands under Xingqing's sphere of influence. Maybe many of them have skills and are passing their skills on to the next generation. Maybe they He was constantly singing praises to him and Nan Xinghun on various occasions, paving the way for them and splashing crowds. If an enemy really came, maybe many of them would really dare to pick up weapons and charge towards them. Enemies, if the enemy wants to spread ideas from the bottom that are not conducive to their rule, they will be the most staunch opponents...

He thinks that every decision has advantages and disadvantages. Maybe, always thinking of seeking advantages and avoiding disadvantages, you will go against your heart unconsciously...

Seeing that more and more people flocked to her, and the number of people who wanted to hold her hand also began to increase, Feng Qinglang knew that it would be difficult to walk to the arena again, so he said loudly: "Thank you everyone, I hope you have a happy life here! Today is challenge day, I'm leaving!"

He nodded to the guard behind him who was so nervous that he was sweating profusely, expressing his gratitude, then went to the nearest teleportation coordinates, and teleported directly to the side door of the arena.

The enthusiastic and reluctant voice seemed to have not dissipated in the ear, but it was immediately replaced by a burst of boiling sound waves, which belonged to the atmosphere of the arena in full swing.

Under the rough stone carving, Jeffrey had been waiting here for a long time. He said distressedly: "My lord, you are late again. The show has been performed for three times. Fortunately, we have prepared more performers, otherwise those wealthy people inside There's going to be another riot."

Only he could complain to Feng Qinglang in such a tone. Behind him, the assistant and the guard guarding the side door bowed and saluted at the same time.

The person next to Jeffrey was also saluting, but the arc was far inferior to others. It was Nan Xinghun's official follower, Nan Yong. In Nan Yong's past, Feng Qinglang was just a talented guy, but he was the same as himself. They are young master Xinghun's retinue, but one is bright and the other is dark, but who would have thought that Feng Qinglang would transform so gorgeously later, not only is she no longer unattractive, but also a legendary rebel, and now it is Xingqing One of the masters of the three islands, the sudden and huge gap between the identities of the two parties always made him a little dazed and helpless.

During the turmoil in the Nan family, he went out to send a letter to Dongfang Pei, and he escaped a catastrophe. He crossed the ocean half a year ago, covered in dust, although he was extremely desolate, but at least he met Nan Xinghun again, and both of them hugged each other and cried After a while, Nan Yong consciously and awkwardly separated. He really never thought that the young master who played with him since he was a child turned out to be a young lady.But fortunately, neither he nor she finally lived up to the master's expectations and finally stood up.

Feng Qinglang smiled at Jeffrey: "Of course you don't need to be patient if you want to see monkeys, but if you want to see world-famous monkeys, then I'm afraid you need a little patience."

Jeffrey smiled wryly: "Okay, my lord, let's go in quickly."

Feng Qinglang still walked at a leisurely pace, turned to Nan Yong and said, "Hey, Nan Yong, how is your mother?"

Three months ago, Nan Yong had brought his family to Xingqing. His mother, who was plagued by injuries, finally received the best treatment and is now gradually recovering. He grinned and said, "It's much better, thank you Qinglang...Master Qinglang for your concern." After all, he was a close partner in the past, but it was still difficult for him to locate the relationship between him and Feng Qinglang. The grown-up yelled somewhat strangely.

Feng Qinglang smiled and said, "Okay, I've said it several times, you just call Qinglang..."

"Yes, lord. Uh, by the way, Xinghun said that she has something to do today, so she won't come."

Feng Qinglang held the corner of her mouth bitterly, nodded and said: "...Yes, I see."


Jeffel looked down and could see that Feng Qinglang was wearing slippers today. The clothes he was wearing were not so much casual clothes, but more like pajamas. Compared with his stunning appearance in the arena for the first time, he was dressed in snow-white samurai clothes and looked down on the world. Appearance, now he pays less and less attention to his own image.

He accompanied Feng Qinglang into the competition channel, looked at the information in his hand and read: "My lord, today's final top ten are as follows, Yin Mo, Gu Xiao, Ye Qingling, Dino Lance, Lu Li..."

After reading the list, Jeffrey asked, "Sir, do you need me to introduce their background information in detail?"

Under normal circumstances, under normal circumstances, Feng Qinglang would definitely yawn and say no need, but today he frowned and asked, "Dinorance and Luli are familiar names, who are they?"

Jeffrey quickly flipped through a few pages, and said, "My lord, they were very good in the qualifiers. In most cases, they beat their opponents in seconds. Their registration information is adventurers, but the information sent by our intelligence department, they used to be It's Arlans' Storm Hunter, codenamed Crazy Fury Wolf, hey, they've hunted you down, my lord!"

There are countless mercenaries and hunters who have pursued Feng Qinglang, which is nothing. In fact, the existence of the arena, to a certain extent, Xingqing is also selecting the talents she needs, because many of these people are free People with status, since they are here for money, if you can’t kill Feng Qinglang, then serve him, anyway, you can be rich, and the welfare here is very good, and you can take care of your family. Power, so now, the arena not only has the purpose of seeking revenge and bounty, but also has the function of selection. This is a shortcut to join Xingqing with a high salary.

Anyway, in the arena, rebels seldom kill competitors. If they can make a turn here, if they are not favored by Xingqing, they will also become popular items of other families. That is the top ten of the month in Xingqing arena. ...

Feng Qinglang cursed secretly in her heart, the duo of Sap really lingered, why did they come after them again? At this moment, don't they still understand that they can't eat my bounty anymore...

Seeing Feng Qinglang frowned, Jeffrey misunderstood what the other party meant, and said in a low voice: "My lord, these two guys are very competitive now. I heard that Yun Jialuo and the others are trying to recruit them in advance, and we have a preliminary plan." We will wait for your final decision, my the way, should we let them join together for today's competition?"

In the history of the Xingqing Arena, Feng Qinglang's most exciting time was in the heavy rain, holding an umbrella and stepping on slippers, one against ten, and finally won the victory without touching the rain, because the game was so wonderful, In the end, of course, there was thunderous applause, and it became a good talk for a while.

But now, Feng Qinglang couldn't help but glared at Jeffrey, what are you kidding, the combined strength of the duo of Sap directly challenged the peerless powerhouse, even Dong Ditian had been beaten by Sap before, so let them go together?

Jeffrey was stared inexplicably, and Mr. Qingqing thinks that I know what to ask again?Unexpectedly, Feng Qinglang said: "They must go one by one, and any form of cooperation is strictly prohibited! Notify the special operations team, and Xingqing Anbu, the whole island is on alert. The arena, in case something unexpected happens!"

Jeffrey felt terrified in his heart, Xingqing has rarely been so vigilant in the past six months...

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