alone mountain and river

Chapter 398 The Road Ahead

The doomsday dragon resisted the heart-piercing pain, and its huge dragon body plunged down. Seeing the sea water approaching, Fen Tianyan was still trying to pry his back scales, as if he would not give up if he didn't pry a piece off. , the dragon of doomsday was finally ecstatic about it, once in the water, even though Fen Tianyan can change ever-changingly, you have to let me fish!

But at the moment of entering the water, the severe pain suddenly disappeared completely. Fen Tianyan's figure stuck to his neck gradually became blurred. The doomsday dragon that sank into the sea looked down through the blue water waves , found that at some point, Fen Tianyan was sticking to the cliff again, looking at him jokingly.

The doomsday dragon rushed out of the sea and roared: "Fen Tianyan, you touch my reverse scale, you and I will never die!"

However, Fen Tianyan said disdainfully: "A chaste girl, of course, cannot allow others to touch her breasts, but you are like a capable bitch, why not be touched? Your reverse scales are like ..."

The doomsday dragon was furious over it, and before the other party finished speaking, it slapped out another claw fiercely, and the cliff fell again, and the sky was filled with rubble. Fen Tianyan sneered, and jumped to a high place again. He seemed to be calm and contemplating the next round of shifting and attacking, but his chest heaved rapidly, showing that in this battle, he was by no means as easy as it seemed.

Beatrice and the others watched the battle between the two ancient creatures, and felt that the vitality of the surrounding world was completely chaotic. Like a child holding a palette and messing around with paint, scribbling all over the sky.

They really wanted to take advantage of the chaos and escape, but the two invisible lawful auras had completely surrounded them, and it seemed that neither of the two fighting parties intended to let them go, so they had no choice but to stay obediently in that invisible cage. In the movie, watching the whole world collapse, the two old monsters scolded each other like hooligans, fought, and then scolded each other...

When the Doomsday Giant Dragon and Fen Tianyan were in full swing, thousands of miles away, on the peak of Xingqing Island, Nan Xinghun was staring at a mountain of documents in a daze. It cannot be said that she was not diligent. It's the second morning of sitting, but I found that the documents to be processed on the desk have not decreased, but piled up higher and higher. This is because Feng Qinglang has delegated a lot of authority to the bottom, and it is not the most important decision. I won't put the workload here...

She suddenly remembered that Feng Qinglang had been facing these terrifying piles of documents for the past year, and she couldn't help but feel emotional. She often complained that he didn't pay enough attention to herself. Taking time to eat and chat with myself is already very good...

Seeing Nan Xinghun stunned, Nan Yong, who was holding his eyelids beside him, immediately woke up, and said softly: "Master Xinghun, why don't you sleep for a while?" After calling for almost 20 years, Master Xinghun, Nan Yong Yong couldn't change his words in a short while, at first he always called wrongly, Nan Xinghun simply asked him to call himself Master Xinghun in the future.

Nan Xinghun smiled wryly: "I also want to sleep, but when I wake up, there will only be more documents piled up here. How can I sleep..."

Nan Yong scratched his head and said, "If not, you don't have to read it so carefully. Anyway, all the documents have already been reviewed by relevant high-level officials and experts. Why don't you adopt a compromise opinion?"

Nan Xinghun said solemnly: "How can this be done? Every decision I make may affect the fate of thousands of people. How can I be casual?"

Nan Yong scratched his scalp even more forcefully: "Actually, that's about the same as what Qing Lang told you before he left, right?"

This remark made Nan Xinghun feel discouraged again, and said angrily, "I know, but as a great person who will shake through the ages in the future, how can you be perfunctory in the initial stage? How should you write your memoirs in the future?"

Nan Yong was immediately speechless. He never thought of writing the memoir that Nan Xinghun often talked about.

When Nan Xinghun saw Nan Yong's stupid appearance, he became angry again, and said, "It's all your fault. You don't work hard at ordinary times, but now you can't help me with anything! It's all your fault, you're too lazy!"

Nan Yong said with a bitter face: "Master Xinghun, it's not that I'm not industrious, I'm just on the way to become a model worker, and on the way to catch up with you, I've become more and more lazy..."

He was even more upset when he saw Nan Xinghun. He stared at the mountain of documents in a daze again, as if after staring at them for a long time, he could understand all the problems in his chest. Nan Yong tentatively said: "Master Xinghun, how about you go down the mountain?" Come on, look at Xingqing, maybe change your mood and be full of energy again?"

Nan Xinghun's eyes lit up immediately. Before Feng Qinglang left, her favorite thing to do every day was to disguise herself and go to the folks to investigate. But after Feng Qinglang left, she hadn't left the Amber Garden for almost a month. .

She nodded and said, "Okay, that's it! Wait, you don't have to follow, I want to walk by myself today!"


Half an hour later, in a side alley of Xingqing Commercial Street, Nan Xinghun's mood not only didn't get better, but even worse. Two and a half-year-old children, pushing an old man in a wheelchair, brushed shoulders with her. When the time passed, the absent-minded Nan Xinghun just rubbed against them, and they all fell to the ground, screaming so terribly. Even Nan Xinghun, who had regained his senses, wondered if he had done something unreasonable to them at first. things.

"My grandma was seriously injured by you!" one of the children asserted.

"The wheelchair we bought is completely ruined by you now, you are too much!"

"Hmph..." The old man didn't need to say anything, he just hummed.

Seeing the astonishment on Nan Xinghun's face, the other party thought that Nan Xinghun had shown timidity, and his expression was even more fierce. A child directly grabbed Nan Xinghun's clothes and shouted: "Don't try to sneak away!"

Nan Xinghun looked at the other party blankly, and he saw the corner of the shirt protruding from the other party's collar. It was the clothes of the orphanage, and there was also a printed pattern designed by himself.

She looked down at the old man again, and the cuffs exposed under the old man's coat also showed the logo pattern of the nursing home.

Both the orphanage and the nursing home are the most critical entities in the plan to help the weak. Obviously, they are all insiders. They conspired together during the rest time to blackmail the tourists on Xingqing. , Nan Xinghun read a report before, which claimed that some people in the courtyard were unruly. Nan Xinghun didn't think so at the time, but he didn't expect to become a victim today.

When people saw her staring at those printed patterns, they didn't even try to hide it, and said sternly: "We are all people from Xingqing's yard, that is Lord Nan Xinghun's territory, we are all people under Lord Xinghun, what are you doing?" Hurt us, and the guards will come later, let's see how you end up!"

Another person also shouted: "This is not a problem that can be solved by losing money, just wait!"

The old man snorted in pain at the right time: "Forget it, she probably didn't do it on purpose, let her go after asking her to compensate for some losses."

Immediately one child complained: "Grandma, you are always so kind."


Seeing more and more people onlookers, facing all kinds of pointers, the bodyguards who protect him from afar are also slowly approaching, Nan Xinghun smiled bitterly, and slowly took off his jumper hat. With such a disguised face, it is easy for people to recognize that she is one of Xingqing's masters, Nan Xinghun!

Some people around immediately bowed to salute, some turned around and left immediately, so as not to cause trouble, and some people hurriedly reprimanded the three liars to please Nan Xinghun... The two half-grown children and the injured old man had the most wonderful expressions , Shock, fear, awe, hesitation, etc., all concentrated on these three faces. As one of the recidivist teams in this area, they really never thought that their luck would be so bad that they would deceive Nan Xinghun. The patron saint of their rice class is on the head.

The two bodyguards had already quietly guarded Nan Xinghun's sides, in case someone took advantage of the chaos and made a surprise attack. Nan Xinghun asked blankly, "They already have food and clothing, why should they do this?"

The bodyguards glanced at each other, and one of them said in a low voice: "Master Xinghun, with food and clothing, people want to get more, for example, money."

Nan Xinghun looked at the bodyguard thoughtfully, and asked softly, "What's your name?"

The bodyguard's spirit was immediately lifted. Facing the world-shaking face, he hurriedly lowered his head, bowed slightly and said, "Pu Che, a lowly class!"

Nan Xinghun nodded, and turned his eyes back to the three liars. The three of them neither stood nor knelt. They lowered their heads and did not dare to look at Nan Xinghun. They only wished that everything in front of them was an illusion...

She looked up at the sky, it was a beautiful morning.She suddenly remembered that the council headed by Feng Qinglang always emphasized the detailed investigation of the people in the poverty alleviation plan. In the past, she always felt that they were a little utilitarian and lacked some humanistic care. After what happened tonight, it seems...they are more correct one side...

Nan Xinghun sighed silently. In terms of government affairs alone, and only in terms of effectiveness, I am afraid that Pu Che beside him is much better than himself...

She thought, to walk side by side with him, to make every morning only belong to beauty, she still has a long way to go... The doomsday dragon resisted the heart-piercing pain, and its huge dragon body was in a hurry. Falling down, seeing the sea water approaching, Fen Tianyan was still prying his reverse scales, as if he would not give up if he did not pry off a piece, the doomsday dragon was finally ecstatic about it, once in the water, even though Fen Tianyan could change a thousand things , you have to let me fish!

But at the moment of entering the water, the severe pain suddenly disappeared completely. Fen Tianyan's figure stuck to his neck gradually became blurred. The doomsday dragon that sank into the sea looked down through the blue water waves , found that at some point, Fen Tianyan was sticking to the cliff again, looking at him jokingly.

The doomsday dragon rushed out of the sea and roared: "Fen Tianyan, you touch my reverse scale, you and I will never die!"

However, Fen Tianyan said disdainfully: "A chaste girl, of course, cannot allow others to touch her breasts, but you are like a capable bitch, why not be touched? Your reverse scales are like ..."

The doomsday dragon was furious over it, and before the other party finished speaking, it slapped out another claw fiercely, and the cliff fell again, and the sky was filled with rubble. Fen Tianyan sneered, and jumped to a high place again. He seemed to be calm and contemplating the next round of shifting and attacking, but his chest heaved rapidly, showing that in this battle, he was by no means as easy as it seemed.

Beatrice and the others watched the battle between the two ancient creatures, and felt that the vitality of the surrounding world was completely chaotic. Like a child holding a palette and messing around with paint, scribbling all over the sky.

They really wanted to take advantage of the chaos and escape, but the two invisible lawful auras had completely surrounded them, and it seemed that neither of the two fighting parties intended to let them go, so they had no choice but to stay obediently in that invisible cage. In the movie, watching the whole world collapse, the two old monsters scolded each other like hooligans, fought, and then scolded each other...

When the Doomsday Giant Dragon and Fen Tianyan were in full swing, thousands of miles away, on the peak of Xingqing Island, Nan Xinghun was staring at a mountain of documents in a daze. It cannot be said that she was not diligent. It's the second morning of sitting, but I found that the documents to be processed on the desk have not decreased, but piled up higher and higher. This is because Feng Qinglang has delegated a lot of authority to the bottom, and it is not the most important decision. I won't put the workload here...

She suddenly remembered that Feng Qinglang had been facing these terrifying piles of documents for the past year, and she couldn't help but feel emotional. She often complained that he didn't pay enough attention to herself. Taking time to eat and chat with myself is already very good...

Seeing Nan Xinghun stunned, Nan Yong, who was holding his eyelids beside him, immediately woke up, and said softly: "Master Xinghun, why don't you sleep for a while?" After calling for almost 20 years, Master Xinghun, Nan Yong Yong couldn't change his words in a short while, at first he always called wrongly, Nan Xinghun simply asked him to call himself Master Xinghun in the future.

Nan Xinghun smiled wryly: "I also want to sleep, but when I wake up, there will only be more documents piled up here. How can I sleep..."

Nan Yong scratched his head and said, "If not, you don't have to read it so carefully. Anyway, all the documents have already been reviewed by relevant high-level officials and experts. Why don't you adopt a compromise opinion?"

Nan Xinghun said solemnly: "How can this be done? Every decision I make may affect the fate of thousands of people. How can I be casual?"

Nan Yong scratched his scalp even more forcefully: "Actually, that's about the same as what Qing Lang told you before he left, right?"

This remark made Nan Xinghun feel discouraged again, and said angrily, "I know, but as a great person who will shake through the ages in the future, how can you be perfunctory in the initial stage? How should you write your memoirs in the future?"

Nan Yong was immediately speechless. He never thought of writing the memoir that Nan Xinghun often talked about.

When Nan Xinghun saw Nan Yong's stupid appearance, he became angry again, and said, "It's all your fault. You don't work hard at ordinary times, but now you can't help me with anything! It's all your fault, you're too lazy!"

Nan Yong said with a bitter face: "Master Xinghun, it's not that I'm not industrious, I'm just on the way to become a model worker, and on the way to catch up with you, I've become more and more lazy..."

He was even more upset when he saw Nan Xinghun. He stared at the mountain of documents in a daze again, as if after staring at them for a long time, he could understand all the problems in his chest. Nan Yong tentatively said: "Master Xinghun, how about you go down the mountain?" Come on, look at Xingqing, maybe change your mood and be full of energy again?"

Nan Xinghun's eyes lit up immediately. Before Feng Qinglang left, her favorite thing to do every day was to disguise herself and go to the folks to investigate. But after Feng Qinglang left, she hadn't left the Amber Garden for almost a month. .

She nodded and said, "Okay, that's it! Wait, you don't have to follow, I want to walk by myself today!"


Half an hour later, in a side alley of Xingqing Commercial Street, Nan Xinghun's mood not only didn't get better, but even worse. Two and a half-year-old children, pushing an old man in a wheelchair, brushed shoulders with her. When the time passed, the absent-minded Nan Xinghun just rubbed against them, and they all fell to the ground, screaming so terribly. Even Nan Xinghun, who had regained his senses, wondered if he had done something unreasonable to them at first. things.

"My grandma was seriously injured by you!" one of the children asserted.

"The wheelchair we bought is completely ruined by you now, you are too much!"

"Hmph..." The old man didn't need to say anything, he just hummed.

Seeing the astonishment on Nan Xinghun's face, the other party thought that Nan Xinghun had shown timidity, and his expression was even more fierce. A child directly grabbed Nan Xinghun's clothes and shouted: "Don't try to sneak away!"

Nan Xinghun looked at the other party blankly, and he saw the corner of the shirt protruding from the other party's collar. It was the clothes of the orphanage, and there was also a printed pattern designed by himself.

She looked down at the old man again, and the cuffs exposed under the old man's coat also showed the logo pattern of the nursing home.

Both the orphanage and the nursing home are the most critical entities in the plan to help the weak. Obviously, they are all insiders. They conspired together during the rest time to blackmail the tourists on Xingqing. , Nan Xinghun read a report before, which claimed that some people in the courtyard were unruly. Nan Xinghun didn't think so at the time, but he didn't expect to become a victim today.

When people saw her staring at those printed patterns, they didn't even try to hide it, and said sternly: "We are all people from Xingqing's yard, that is Lord Nan Xinghun's territory, we are all people under Lord Xinghun, what are you doing?" Hurt us, and the guards will come later, let's see how you end up!"

Another person also shouted: "This is not a problem that can be solved by losing money, just wait!"

The old man snorted in pain at the right time: "Forget it, she probably didn't do it on purpose, let her go after asking her to compensate for some losses."

Immediately one child complained: "Grandma, you are always so kind."


Seeing more and more people onlookers, facing all kinds of pointers, the bodyguards who protect him from afar are also slowly approaching, Nan Xinghun smiled bitterly, and slowly took off his jumper hat. With such a disguised face, it is easy for people to recognize that she is one of Xingqing's masters, Nan Xinghun!

Some people around immediately bowed to salute, some turned around and left immediately, so as not to cause trouble, and some people hurriedly reprimanded the three liars to please Nan Xinghun... The two half-grown children and the injured old man had the most wonderful expressions , Shock, fear, awe, hesitation, etc., all concentrated on these three faces. As one of the recidivist teams in this area, they really never thought that their luck would be so bad that they would deceive Nan Xinghun. The patron saint of their rice class is on the head.

The two bodyguards had already quietly guarded Nan Xinghun's sides, in case someone took advantage of the chaos and made a surprise attack. Nan Xinghun asked blankly, "They already have food and clothing, why should they do this?"

The bodyguards glanced at each other, and one of them said in a low voice: "Master Xinghun, with food and clothing, people want to get more, for example, money."

Nan Xinghun looked at the bodyguard thoughtfully, and asked softly, "What's your name?"

The bodyguard's spirit was immediately lifted. Facing the world-shaking face, he hurriedly lowered his head, bowed slightly and said, "Pu Che, a lowly class!"

Nan Xinghun nodded, and turned his eyes back to the three liars. The three of them neither stood nor knelt. They lowered their heads and did not dare to look at Nan Xinghun. They only wished that everything in front of them was an illusion...

She looked up at the sky, it was a beautiful morning.She suddenly remembered that the council headed by Feng Qinglang always emphasized the detailed investigation of the people in the poverty alleviation plan. In the past, she always felt that they were a little utilitarian and lacked some humanistic care. After what happened tonight, it seems...they are more correct one side...

Nan Xinghun sighed silently. In terms of government affairs alone, and only in terms of effectiveness, I am afraid that Pu Che beside him is much better than himself...

She thought, to walk side by side with him, to make every morning only belong to beauty, she still has a long way to go...

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