alone mountain and river

Chapter 40 The Lucky Boy

There are many columns here, such as "Material Collection", "Elixir Section", "Weapon Production" and so on. Feng Qinglang is not interested in going out for the time being, and does not want to expose too much of her strength for a while. Ignored by him, he went directly to the "magic pattern board".

Entering this section, a massive number of missions appeared immediately like stars. He did not hesitate to choose "personally available to receive", his points are zero, and his level is also zero. Those high-scoring missions are very tempting, but for him Currently pointless.

After screening, there are still a lot of tasks. Feng Qinglang smiled satisfied, clicked to enter the first task, glanced at the task content, and immediately clicked "Receive".

The requirement for this task is very simple. An anonymous student needs an ingenious magic pattern of the law of the fire system, which is elegant, atmospheric, and full of inspiration... There are so many requirements, and he has to outline it according to the master picture he provided. It is in this faction. Drawing within the range of the magic pattern should not be outrageous, and the reward is only a pitiful ten points.

This is probably a certain student who has not completed the vacation mission. For the magic pattern that is particularly difficult to complete, he directly came to the mission center to find the shooter. Feng Qinglang couldn't help laughing at seeing it. With so many requests, the average magic pattern master may not be able to help him Finish.

Feng Qinglang smiled proudly. Fortunately, he is not an ordinary magic pattern master.

He took a closer look at the mother picture, and with a few strokes, he sketched a picture of fire-type magic patterns on the black crystal panel. At the end, he quickly wrote down the order of the strokes that make up the magic patterns. , copied exactly the same magic patterns.

Without this order, it would be difficult to see the true meaning of a magic pattern, just like the cliff magic pattern.

Feng Qinglang finished it quickly, and immediately returned to the previous interface to continue with the next task.

Lin Jiayu walked into the mission center with a sad face, and came to the area he was usually familiar with. An acquaintance of his usually couldn't help laughing and said: "Jiayu, haven't you found the shooter yet?"

"No, that bastard Wei Qiuyang must have gone crazy for such a difficult vacation task..." Lin Jiayu angrily reprimanded him.

The acquaintance said with a smile: "I don't know if he is crazy or not, but I think you are not far from crazy. How dare you call Master Wei by his name."

"Whatever, anyway, I guess there is no hope for the credits of the subject of magic pattern composition theory this year..." Lin Jiayu sat down next to his friend with his head downcast.

The man also sighed with him and said, "Everyone in your class has a different question. Master Wei really tried his best to force out your potential. You can't do it even if you want to refer to others... Uh, what are you going to do?" ?”

"What can we do? Tomorrow is the due date for submitting papers. At worst, I will hand in my own papers by then. Hmph, that is also a masterpiece, although it must fail..." Lin Jiayu was stunned suddenly, because the acquaintance in front of him When the latest information was refreshed on the black crystal panel, he seemed to see that someone had already completed his task...

"Someone seems to have finished my task. Let me borrow your black crystal." As he spoke, he pulled out his card and inserted his own, regardless of whether the acquaintance agreed or disagreed.

The acquaintance had no choice but to sit for a while, causing the woman on the other side of him to control another Heijing, and glared at him dissatisfied. Forced to hallucinate? Who would be so stupid to help you complete your ten-point task reward? I told you not to write so many requests..."

While talking, the acquaintance stopped in surprise, because on Lin Jiayu's personal panel, the task he issued was indeed in a completed state.

The task center has a special person in the background to evaluate these tasks. If the task center evaluates as completed, it must be completed. If the quality is between completed and unfinished, the evaluator is not sure, then a "negotiation" will be sent The pattern of , indicating that the decision is based on the wishes of the task issuer.

Lin Jiayu started his task nervously, and the evaluator of the task center rated the completion status as "perfect".

After each task is completed, there is a related rating, from perfect, excellent, good, average... and finally to "bad", but it is still very rare for a perfect rating to appear, even if it is the lowest level task.

Even the acquaintance became excited and urged: "Don't be in a daze, go in and see what it looks like."

Lin Jiayu hurriedly held back his surprise, and entered the relevant interface, and an unusually simple magic pattern came into view. Both of them were students majoring in magic pattern, and the first reaction was stunned, because in imagination, they could be rated as "perfect". The level of magic pattern must be extremely complicated.

Fortunately, this is not a magic pattern that requires them to figure out and study. There is a specific outline sequence next to it. The two of them looked closely at each other, and their eyes couldn't help getting brighter. Within the scope of the original way of thinking about the mother map, a brand new path has been drawn. In other words, based on the study in front of this map, it is very likely that a new small school of magic patterns will be born.

In a way, this is also a mother picture.

Such a precious thing, someone took it out for ten points?

The acquaintance couldn't help exclaiming loudly: "This is a masterpiece of genius, Jia Yu, this time you must be the No.

Lin Jiayu murmured: "I'm already thinking about whether to use it as a graduation project..."

His gaze moved to the lower right corner, where there was the name of the person who completed the task, Qing Lang, who is this, I have never heard of it...

When he thought this way, related discussions came from behind him.

"Qingliang is the code name of whoever is powerful in the mission center? Have you heard of it?"

"No, did those retreat elders come out to let the wind out and change their code names to join in the fun."

"But I'm really amazed, it's indeed a work of genius..."


Lin Jiayu and the two turned their heads, and found that at some point, a group of people were already standing behind them, crowded and looking at the map of magic patterns. In the corner of the east side hall, most of the people gathered were professionals in magic patterns. You can see the hall of fame soon.

Lin Jiayu hurriedly said: "Hey, let me declare first, I am the copyright owner of the magic pattern."

"Understood, lucky kid."

"...Did you see it? It turned out to be a task of ten points, this shit luck boy is really stingy."

"Forget it, that kid seems to want to go berserk..."


When Lin Jiayu was seriously considering whether to pull out his own card, there was an exclamation not far away.

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