alone mountain and river

Chapter 408 Fire and Flame

On the sea, the flames will meet in the living room.

Feng Qinglang has already set foot in the center of the flame carpet, the core of the blazing flame pattern. In his sensory world, everything in the whole world has been taken away, only the endless flames are left to surround him. Only the small pool of clear spring under his feet allowed him to feel the heat of the flame for the time being, but he didn't have to be burned by the flame.

The location of the clear spring is precisely the hottest point of the flame, the source of all the heat, but the dead point is the birth point. He is still standing unharmed, watching the giant beast in the deepest part of the flame, rolling the flames, coming Going to the edge of the clear spring, I looked at myself with great interest.

Feng Qinglang narrowed her eyes slightly, and the gigantic flame monster had already transformed into Zhao Qin. The other party smiled and looked at the clear spring under Feng Qinglang's feet, as if she could see the mystery in it.

Feng Qinglang sighed: "The power of the law alone can create the effect of illusion. Mr. Zhao Qin, your comprehension of the law of fire is the best in the world!"

Zhao Tan said: "When I was seven years old, I fell into Wuyang Lake. It coincided with the volcanic eruption at the bottom of the lake. I thought I was going to die. Who would have thought that I would get the most essence of the lava from the volcano? I remember that at that time, my whole body was burned into coke, and I was killed by someone. When I was rescued, I was still preparing to bury my body, but I broke out of the cocoon from the coke, and I no longer feared the flame. Soldier Zhao Tan!"

His expression unabashedly showed nostalgia, and Feng Qinglang knew that although he said it lightly, the process of that adventure was absolutely thrilling, and it took a narrow escape to achieve the Zhao Tan in front of him today.

Feng Qinglang smiled wryly and said, "Lord Zhao Qin, I admit that you have trapped me, but what do you want to do? If you just wanted to kill me, you would have already slapped me to death; if you just wanted to test me, I think my performance is enough to satisfy you, right?"

Zhao Qin pondered and said: "To be honest, although I am sure to kill everyone on your boat, I am not 100% sure to kill you. After I learned your route, I have thought about whether to choose The forbidden sea area near the dark red vortex came to intercept you, but later I changed my mind and chose the current location, because I thought about it carefully, and in case of any accident, I can retreat completely!"

Feng Qinglang laughed dumbly and said, "Master Zhao Tan, you think too highly of me!"

Zhao Qin said seriously: "After all, you have created too many miracles, from the miracle of escaping from the Di Dynasty, to the legend of the most wanted criminal later, and now to the legend of Xingqing, every case seems to be different. It could be done, but you did it!"

Feng Qinglang said: "Hearing what Mr. Zhao Qin said, I suddenly felt that I was quite amazing! Then why did your lord make a move? If I remember correctly, Xingqing and the flame mercenaries also have quite contacts. It also gave the flame mercenaries a certain amount of discounts, which can barely be regarded as the establishment of an ally relationship."

Zhao Tan nodded and said, "Yes, Qingliang, I really recognize your affection, and even in our high-level meeting, we have already started discussing how to further cooperate with you, and plan to establish a branch of the Flame Mercenary Association on Xingqing... "

Feng Qinglang smiled and listened. He knew that Zhao Tan's words were not finished. Before the word "but" appeared, those words had little meaning. Sure enough, Zhao Tan said: "But, we recently received a commission, a flame mercenary The biggest entrustment since the establishment of the association! The other party promised to kill Dongditian, but we must kill you. Then, Xingqing will be one and half!"

Feng Qinglang praised: "It really is a big deal!" His tone seemed as if he was not one of the parties at all.

Zhao Qin smiled brightly and said, "Yeah, the business is too big, people just can't help being greedy! At that time, I was very glad that I didn't become friends with you, so that I could plan the whole thing without any scruples and swallow Xingqing! But when I saw you, I regretted why I didn't become friends with you, so that I don't have to face such a difficult choice."

Feng Qinglang agreed, "Yes, Mr. Zhao Qin, if you don't let me stay, I will face endless revenge in the future."

Zhao Tan sighed, "That's why I showed mercy and confessed the whole thing to you."

Feng Qinglang said with a smile: "It sounds like Master Zhao Qin has already made a choice, so why don't you let me out? It's so hot to stay here, and I feel uncomfortable all over."

Zhao Tan shook his head slightly, and said, "Qing Qing, being friends with you is not just a simple friendship, but also an investment! Like Dongfang Pei and the Dongfang family, they take advantage of you and Xingqing's momentum to develop now. Very fast, faintly has the potential to become a super family at the top of the stigmata pyramid!"

Feng Qinglang frowned and said, "But?"

Zhao Qin said: "But everything is based on you, if you really die, the consequences of investment failure will be very serious, and you will face revenge from superpowers such as Di Dynasty, Xia Dynasty, Dragon Clan, etc. It was a political, economic, cultural, etc. all-round encirclement and killing, and even a bloody pursuit that directly used force..."

Feng Qinglang smiled wryly, "It does sound serious."

Zhao Tan smiled and said, "So, before I become friends with you, I have to consider whether you can live for a long time."

Feng Qinglang wondered, "Isn't that enough?"

Zhao Qin said in a deep voice, "I heard that you are a genius of all laws, Qinglang. If you transform the laws, you can fight me with the laws of the fire system. What do you think?"

The laws of the water system and the laws of the fire system naturally have the power of attribute restraint, but now Zhao Qin is seriously inviting Feng Qinglang to transform the law into a battle.

Feng Qinglang couldn't help laughing and said, "Lord Zhao Tan, I just praised you as the No. 1 in comprehension of the laws of the fire system. I can't compare to you in this respect."

Zhao Tan shook his head and said, "This is just flattery, I don't think it's accurate."

Feng Qinglang had no choice but to say: "But you are a peerless powerhouse, known as a god-level powerhouse in Stigmata."

Zhao Qin smiled and said, "I can suppress the power, descend to the sky, and fight with you."

When he said this, his strength really dropped rapidly, and the surrounding flames immediately softened a lot, but outside the clear spring, the dancing flames were still full of death traps everywhere.

"Okay, it's fair!" When these words came out, Feng Qinglang suddenly jumped out of the spot and shot straight at Zhao Tan. The clear spring under her feet disappeared without a trace, replaced by a ball of hot flames, which swept Feng Qinglang away. Surrounded tightly, merged into Zhao Tan's endless flames.

As soon as the flames of the two sides came into contact, thousands of collisions immediately occurred, trying desperately to devour each other, but in the blink of an eye, Feng Qinglang's obviously different-colored flames were already quietly changing, and they quickly turned into Zhao Tan's flames. It is a bright yellow color, and the collision of the power of the law is rapidly reduced, but a lot of friction is still happening on the edge of the flames of the two, but Zhao Qin's flames are obviously suspicious, and the number of shots is constantly decreasing to avoid accidental injury to the source. However, As the foreign flame continued to deepen, it became more and more similar to our own. When Feng Qinglang shot towards Zhao Tan, the rules of operation of the flame belonging to Feng Qinglang were basically the same as Zhao Tan's flame. Immediately As a result, Zhao Qin's world of flames was difficult to distinguish between the real and the fake. Under the indistinguishable difference between the enemy and the enemy, it suddenly became chaotic!

Zhao Qin suddenly lowered his power level, and at the moment when his energy was weakened, he did not expect to be firmly grasped by Feng Qinglang, and he hit him as soon as he said it. To be guided by the law, Zhao Qin couldn't help praising: "Good! The rebel really lives up to his reputation!"

Facing Feng Qinglang breaking through the flames, and his fists full of flame power hit, Zhao Qin went straight up with both palms, but in an instant, the fists and palms had collided countless times, and Feng Qinglang's attack carried a madness of burning all stones. , hit Zhao Qin back step by step, but in the world of laws, it is full of delicate movements. Although the flames surrounding him are far less domineering than Zhao Tan's flame world, they are eating away at each other step by step, trying to The opponent's flame world is completely guided into a new flame order.

Zhao Tan, known as the No. 1 mercenary, had to deal with it with all his strength, and he had no chance to fight back, so he could only retreat steadily. The old man in green shirt outside the hall couldn't help frowning, wondering if the master was a little underwhelmed. Chaos, presumably wouldn't be so embarrassed, but the rebels have been famous all over the world for many years, and they really are worthy of their reputation...

Feng Qinglang, who was in the middle of the game, did not completely overwhelm Zhao Qin's happy mood at all. Zhao Qin's seemingly simple palm slaps were all the essence of the law of fire that he had comprehended all his life, especially when he had already arranged In the world of good flame law, the unchanging simplicity is just the purest and fiercest counterattack, fierce and unparalleled. Feng Qinglang faces the front every time, seemingly suppressing the opponent, but in fact the risk is getting higher and higher. The bigger it is, it's like forcibly pressing down a spring with amazing elasticity. If the stamina is insufficient, or if you lose your mind a little, once the spring rebounds, the power will be devastating.

With each palm strike by Zhao Qin, Feng Qinglang felt that the surrounding space seemed to be sunken, and the flame vortices crazily swirled in those dents, and slowly formed a shroud around herself, organizing The binding of a flame space is the prelude to Zhao Qin's most fierce counterattack at any time.

Feeling that the spring has gradually reached its peak, but the guidance of the law has not been successful, and has always maintained the illusion that the guidance will succeed at any moment, Feng Qinglang dare not hesitate any longer, and with a muffled snort, she gave up everything she seemed to have obtained in front of her eyes. Taking advantage, retreating quickly, without delay, just as decisive and crazy as in the previous attack.

The moment he retreated, the color of all the flames belonging to Zhao Tan suddenly changed from bright yellow to deep red. Feng Qinglang's flames mixed in it immediately became extremely eye-catching and became the target of everyone's criticism. The crimson flames immediately rushed towards Feng Qinglang's flames, devouring and biting!Zhao Qin also turned from defense to offense at this moment, turning his palm into a fist, one punch was heavier than the other, forming a flame-like sea wave tide, blasting towards Feng Qinglang.

Feng Qinglang called it a fluke in her heart. If he was a little reluctant to fight, and he was reluctant to give up the previous advantage, even if he hesitated, now he could only be defeated. Zhao Qin might have been a little bit at a loss when they first confronted, but later he could not help himself. It was to carefully weave a beautiful trap, to convince myself that he could take down the opponent at any time, attacking violently, and then the strength Zhao Tan accumulated could give him a fatal blow.

As he backed away, the flames around him were constantly changing, and he was also adapting to the change of Zhao Qin's flames. He tried to keep up with the opponent's rhythm, but he still had no intention of giving up the guidance of the law. Feng Qinglang smiled and said: "Master Zhao Qin It’s so calculated, I almost felt jealous.”

Zhao Qin said with a hearty smile: "Next, you have to be careful, my wave of flames has just begun. With this wave, I have leapfrogged and killed Chaos when I was in the sky!"

Feng Qinglang's heart trembled, and she found that the color of the flames in front of her eyes had changed again, turning into a blood-colored scarlet, and she could still smell blood faintly. The bloody fire wave of ten feet also hit his face.On the sea, the flames will meet in the living room.

Feng Qinglang has already set foot in the center of the flame carpet, the core of the blazing flame pattern. In his sensory world, everything in the whole world has been taken away, only the endless flames are left to surround him. Only the small pool of clear spring under his feet allowed him to feel the heat of the flame for the time being, but he didn't have to be burned by the flame.

The location of the clear spring is precisely the hottest point of the flame, the source of all the heat, but the dead point is the birth point. He is still standing unharmed, watching the giant beast in the deepest part of the flame, rolling the flames, coming Going to the edge of the clear spring, I looked at myself with great interest.

Feng Qinglang narrowed her eyes slightly, and the gigantic flame monster had already transformed into Zhao Qin. The other party smiled and looked at the clear spring under Feng Qinglang's feet, as if she could see the mystery in it.

Feng Qinglang sighed: "The power of the law alone can create the effect of illusion. Mr. Zhao Qin, your comprehension of the law of fire is the best in the world!"

Zhao Tan said: "When I was seven years old, I fell into Wuyang Lake. It coincided with the volcanic eruption at the bottom of the lake. I thought I was going to die. Who would have thought that I would get the most essence of the lava from the volcano? I remember that at that time, my whole body was burned into coke, and I was killed by someone. When I was rescued, I was still preparing to bury my body, but I broke out of the cocoon from the coke, and I no longer feared the flame. Soldier Zhao Tan!"

His expression unabashedly showed nostalgia, and Feng Qinglang knew that although he said it lightly, the process of that adventure was absolutely thrilling, and it took a narrow escape to achieve the Zhao Tan in front of him today.

Feng Qinglang smiled wryly and said, "Lord Zhao Qin, I admit that you have trapped me, but what do you want to do? If you just wanted to kill me, you would have already slapped me to death; if you just wanted to test me, I think my performance is enough to satisfy you, right?"

Zhao Qin pondered and said: "To be honest, although I am sure to kill everyone on your boat, I am not 100% sure to kill you. After I learned your route, I have thought about whether to choose The forbidden sea area near the dark red vortex came to intercept you, but later I changed my mind and chose the current location, because I thought about it carefully, and in case of any accident, I can retreat completely!"

Feng Qinglang laughed dumbly and said, "Master Zhao Tan, you think too highly of me!"

Zhao Qin said seriously: "After all, you have created too many miracles, from the miracle of escaping from the Di Dynasty, to the legend of the most wanted criminal later, and now to the legend of Xingqing, every case seems to be different. It could be done, but you did it!"

Feng Qinglang said: "Hearing what Mr. Zhao Qin said, I suddenly felt that I was quite amazing! Then why did your lord make a move? If I remember correctly, Xingqing and the flame mercenaries also have quite contacts. It also gave the flame mercenaries a certain amount of discounts, which can barely be regarded as the establishment of an ally relationship."

Zhao Tan nodded and said, "Yes, Qingliang, I really recognize your affection, and even in our high-level meeting, we have already started discussing how to further cooperate with you, and plan to establish a branch of the Flame Mercenary Association on Xingqing... "

Feng Qinglang smiled and listened. He knew that Zhao Tan's words were not finished. Before the word "but" appeared, those words had little meaning. Sure enough, Zhao Tan said: "But, we recently received a commission, a flame mercenary The biggest entrustment since the establishment of the association! The other party promised to kill Dongditian, but we must kill you. Then, Xingqing will be one and half!"

Feng Qinglang praised: "It really is a big deal!" His tone seemed as if he was not one of the parties at all.

Zhao Qin smiled brightly and said, "Yeah, the business is too big, people just can't help being greedy! At that time, I was very glad that I didn't become friends with you, so that I could plan the whole thing without any scruples and swallow Xingqing! But when I saw you, I regretted why I didn't become friends with you, so that I don't have to face such a difficult choice."

Feng Qinglang agreed, "Yes, Mr. Zhao Qin, if you don't let me stay, I will face endless revenge in the future."

Zhao Tan sighed, "That's why I showed mercy and confessed the whole thing to you."

Feng Qinglang said with a smile: "It sounds like Master Zhao Qin has already made a choice, so why don't you let me out? It's so hot to stay here, and I feel uncomfortable all over."

Zhao Tan shook his head slightly, and said, "Qing Qing, being friends with you is not just a simple friendship, but also an investment! Like Dongfang Pei and the Dongfang family, they take advantage of you and Xingqing's momentum to develop now. Very fast, faintly has the potential to become a super family at the top of the stigmata pyramid!"

Feng Qinglang frowned and said, "But?"

Zhao Qin said: "But everything is based on you, if you really die, the consequences of investment failure will be very serious, and you will face revenge from superpowers such as Di Dynasty, Xia Dynasty, Dragon Clan, etc. It was a political, economic, cultural, etc. all-round encirclement and killing, and even a bloody pursuit that directly used force..."

Feng Qinglang smiled wryly, "It does sound serious."

Zhao Tan smiled and said, "So, before I become friends with you, I have to consider whether you can live for a long time."

Feng Qinglang wondered, "Isn't that enough?"

Zhao Qin said in a deep voice, "I heard that you are a genius of all laws, Qinglang. If you transform the laws, you can fight me with the laws of the fire system. What do you think?"

The laws of the water system and the laws of the fire system naturally have the power of attribute restraint, but now Zhao Qin is seriously inviting Feng Qinglang to transform the law into a battle.

Feng Qinglang couldn't help laughing and said, "Lord Zhao Tan, I just praised you as the No. 1 in comprehension of the laws of the fire system. I can't compare to you in this respect."

Zhao Tan shook his head and said, "This is just flattery, I don't think it's accurate."

Feng Qinglang had no choice but to say: "But you are a peerless powerhouse, known as a god-level powerhouse in Stigmata."

Zhao Qin smiled and said, "I can suppress the power, descend to the sky, and fight with you."

When he said this, his strength really dropped rapidly, and the surrounding flames immediately softened a lot, but outside the clear spring, the dancing flames were still full of death traps everywhere.

"Okay, it's fair!" When these words came out, Feng Qinglang suddenly jumped out of the spot and shot straight at Zhao Tan. The clear spring under her feet disappeared without a trace, replaced by a ball of hot flames, which swept Feng Qinglang away. Surrounded tightly, merged into Zhao Tan's endless flames.

As soon as the flames of the two sides came into contact, thousands of collisions immediately occurred, trying desperately to devour each other, but in the blink of an eye, Feng Qinglang's obviously different-colored flames were already quietly changing, and they quickly turned into Zhao Tan's flames. It is a bright yellow color, and the collision of the power of the law is rapidly reduced, but a lot of friction is still happening on the edge of the flames of the two, but Zhao Qin's flames are obviously suspicious, and the number of shots is constantly decreasing to avoid accidental injury to the source. However, As the foreign flame continued to deepen, it became more and more similar to our own. When Feng Qinglang shot towards Zhao Tan, the rules of operation of the flame belonging to Feng Qinglang were basically the same as Zhao Tan's flame. Immediately As a result, Zhao Qin's world of flames was difficult to distinguish between the real and the fake. Under the indistinguishable difference between the enemy and the enemy, it suddenly became chaotic!

Zhao Qin suddenly lowered his power level, and at the moment when his energy was weakened, he did not expect to be firmly grasped by Feng Qinglang, and he hit him as soon as he said it. To be guided by the law, Zhao Qin couldn't help praising: "Good! The rebel really lives up to his reputation!"

Facing Feng Qinglang breaking through the flames, and his fists full of flame power hit, Zhao Qin went straight up with both palms, but in an instant, the fists and palms had collided countless times, and Feng Qinglang's attack carried a madness of burning all stones. , hit Zhao Qin back step by step, but in the world of laws, it is full of delicate movements. Although the flames surrounding him are far less domineering than Zhao Tan's flame world, they are eating away at each other step by step, trying to The opponent's flame world is completely guided into a new flame order.

Zhao Tan, known as the No. 1 mercenary, had to deal with it with all his strength, and he had no chance to fight back, so he could only retreat steadily. The old man in green shirt outside the hall couldn't help frowning, wondering if the master was a little underwhelmed. Chaos, presumably wouldn't be so embarrassed, but the rebels have been famous all over the world for many years, and they really are worthy of their reputation...

Feng Qinglang, who was in the middle of the game, did not completely overwhelm Zhao Qin's happy mood at all. Zhao Qin's seemingly simple palm slaps were all the essence of the law of fire that he had comprehended all his life, especially when he had already arranged In the world of good flame law, the unchanging simplicity is just the purest and fiercest counterattack, fierce and unparalleled. Feng Qinglang faces the front every time, seemingly suppressing the opponent, but in fact the risk is getting higher and higher. The bigger it is, it's like forcibly pressing down a spring with amazing elasticity. If the stamina is insufficient, or if you lose your mind a little, once the spring rebounds, the power will be devastating.

With each palm strike by Zhao Qin, Feng Qinglang felt that the surrounding space seemed to be sunken, and the flame vortices crazily swirled in those dents, and slowly formed a shroud around herself, organizing The binding of a flame space is the prelude to Zhao Qin's most fierce counterattack at any time.

Feeling that the spring has gradually reached its peak, but the guidance of the law has not been successful, and has always maintained the illusion that the guidance will succeed at any moment, Feng Qinglang dare not hesitate any longer, and with a muffled snort, she gave up everything she seemed to have obtained in front of her eyes. Taking advantage, retreating quickly, without delay, just as decisive and crazy as in the previous attack.

The moment he retreated, the color of all the flames belonging to Zhao Tan suddenly changed from bright yellow to deep red. Feng Qinglang's flames mixed in it immediately became extremely eye-catching and became the target of everyone's criticism. The crimson flames immediately rushed towards Feng Qinglang's flames, devouring and biting!Zhao Qin also turned from defense to offense at this moment, turning his palm into a fist, one punch was heavier than the other, forming a flame-like sea wave tide, blasting towards Feng Qinglang.

Feng Qinglang called it a fluke in her heart. If he was a little reluctant to fight, and he was reluctant to give up the previous advantage, even if he hesitated, now he could only be defeated. Zhao Qin might have been a little bit at a loss when they first confronted, but later he could not help himself. It was to carefully weave a beautiful trap, to convince myself that he could take down the opponent at any time, attacking violently, and then the strength Zhao Tan accumulated could give him a fatal blow.

As he backed away, the flames around him were constantly changing, and he was also adapting to the change of Zhao Qin's flames. He tried to keep up with the opponent's rhythm, but he still had no intention of giving up the guidance of the law. Feng Qinglang smiled and said: "Master Zhao Qin It’s so calculated, I almost felt jealous.”

Zhao Qin said with a hearty smile: "Next, you have to be careful, my wave of flames has just begun. With this wave, I have leapfrogged and killed Chaos when I was in the sky!"

Feng Qinglang's heart trembled, and she found that the color of the flames in front of her eyes had changed again, turning into a blood-colored scarlet, and she could still smell blood faintly. The bloody fire wave of ten feet also hit his face.

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