alone mountain and river

Chapter 436 Breakthrough

Feng Qinglang completely turned into an evil god, and forced a bloody path out of the surging torrent of black iron armor, opening and closing her spear, invincible to those who stood in her way!

The heavy cavalry encircled by the flanks are generally powerful in the sky, and there are several Chaos soldiers. Today, they are fortunate to witness the invincible reputation of the rebels at the same level. They have never had a single general under their command. Hundreds of sky heavy cavalry, named Chaos, were all killed by Feng Qinglang's charge.

This ferocious way of trying to kill the opponent with one move caused Feng Qinglang to have more than a dozen wounds, large and small, and blood all over her body when she rushed out of the encirclement. , the rain can not dilute the slightest.

Feng Qinglang's team, although everyone has good martial arts skills, and under such circumstances, they are desperate to kill the enemy, but we are still outnumbered, and nearly half of them fell in this section of the [-]-meter charge On the road, the fighting was extremely tragic.

Feng Qinglang looked back, her eyes turned red, the little fat man who planned to hang out with her in the future, the clansman named Feng Tianle, had also fallen on this charging road, a long arrow pierced through his back, and he When he fell to the ground, he was still staring at his own direction.

However, at this moment, there was no time to cry and mourn, Feng Qinglang gritted her teeth, turned her head, continued to gallop forward, and shouted: "Set off the fireworks, the situation is out of control!"

Jeffrey, who had just finished bandaging, immediately took out the pyrotechnic tube and threw it into the sky. The gorgeous fireworks exploded in the night sky, as delicate and beautiful as a blood-colored rose in full bloom.

Before leaving, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Di Dynasty did give Feng Qinglang's team a lot of firework for help, but Huayue never thought that Feng Qinglang would really use it. Wouldn't these fireworks attract more enemies?

Then, a flash of understanding flashed in his mind, the rebels had arranged backhands, and they might use their bodies as a lure, but he certainly never thought that almost the entire Storm Legion was mobilized, and they really squatted down on him.

Arrows kept flying behind them, their decisiveness, and the vigor of the charging arrows in the queue had already allowed them to pass through the encirclement.

Seeing that he was about to rush into the highland dense forest ahead, and the survival rate would be greatly improved, a majestic figure stood on the highland, with only a hundred riders behind him, but that momentum seemed to be able to overwhelm Feng Qinglang and the others, The opponent intercepts here.

"Fan Ruiqing? He came in person!" Feng Qinglang stared at the old man with a simple face. With the power of chaos, he didn't have the confidence to break through the interception of this veteran and peerless powerhouse.

"This guy is treason, he's crazy! What kind of benefits did Long Harin give him!" Huayue's voice also had a bit of trill.

Feng Qinglang sighed inwardly, folks always say that Huayue is not a master, it is true, it is clearly the same level, but Huayue has not fought, so she is timid.

He said in a deep voice: "We join forces, we will definitely be able to rush over, I will continue to act as the arrow, you assist me!"

But Huayue said: "No, I'll deal with him! If we are all left behind, then there is really no hope at all!"

While speaking, he speeded up the whipping rhythm, and the horse was three points faster, passed Feng Qinglang, and went straight to meet Fan Ruiqing.

Fan Ruiqing's brows were obviously frowned, and he said coldly: "Qingyue, you have no chance at all!"

"You traitor who smeared Fan Diling's sages, I want to see how much you are now, a sick cat!" Huayue jumped up, carrying the desolation of the autumn rain and leading the loneliness of the autumn wind, and swooped towards Fan Ruiqing.

The peerless powerhouse of the new generation of the Di Dynasty collided with the peerless powerhouse of the old generation. The power of the two laws and the surging waves caused many galloping horses to kick their front hooves in panic. , The entire charge formation instantly became chaotic.

Seeing that the colliding airflow became bigger and bigger, it stopped abruptly!Blood overflowed from the corner of Huayue's mouth, and thousands of beams of light, crystal clear like moonlight, sealed Fan Ruiqing in it, and also locked all the air flow, preventing it from leaking out.

"Curse of the moon? You directly use the forbidden technique? You are crazy!" Fan Ruiqing sternly shouted.

"You can be crazy, why can't I?" At this moment, Huayue's nostrils began to bleed, but his tone was exceptionally calm.

"You will die!" Fan Ruiqing couldn't help admonishing Feng Qinglang and others as they were about to pass by the edge of the moonlight cage.

"I'll try my best not to die!" Huayue smiled as she felt the opponent's strength surge again and the corners of her eyes began to bleed.

Burning mental power, you can still use time to practice and gradually make up for it, but Huayue in front of you is burning vitality, and that is the price of longevity. Feng Qinglang did not expect that Huayue has always given people the impression of being lustful and greedy for life. Death, once you make up your mind, you will be so decisive, of course you will receive a miraculous effect. Fan Ruiqing will be trapped after all, after all, Fan Ruiqing must have never thought that Huayue, who has always laughed and scolded you in the confrontation between the strong, can also be violent so far.

Feng Qinglang gritted her teeth again, and when passing by, she turned her head and said, "Your Excellency Huayue, haven't you always wanted to meet Su Huolong again? I promise you!"

Huayue said happily: "Great, let's walk together in the Sky City!"


Without the personal guard led by Fan Ruiqing, it was just an elite light cavalry team. Feng Qinglang stabbed straight with the spear in his hand, killed more than a dozen people in a row, and broke through a gap again.

Looking back, the light behind is full of magic lamps, reflecting each other with the fireworks in the drizzle in the night sky, illuminating the world under the shadow cliff in brilliant scarlet.

"Go northwest and enter the Shadow Moon Mountain Range, our chances of escape will be greatly increased!" Feng Qinglang ordered.

But half of the people behind stopped their horses, they belonged to the Dark Blade's troops!

The leader of Dark Blade, a taciturn middle-aged man, led Dark Blade and his subordinates to give a military salute to Feng Qinglang. The middle-aged man said: "Master Qinglang, you go first, and we are the rear of Dark Blade!" The voice was calm, but unmistakable.

Feng Qinglang looked at the other person's eyes, and knew that this person's determination had been made, and she would never change it. She couldn't help but think of Huayue's judgment on them, that they would defend their promise with their lives!

At that time, I was somewhat skeptical, but I didn't expect that they really did it!

Feng Qinglang silently nodded emphatically to the other party, accelerated her horse again, and galloped towards the darkness ahead. At this time, there were only less than a hundred people left in the team.

The rapid sound of horseshoes stepped out of the billowing dust, and all the horses used a lot of drugs to stimulate their physical strength, which was extremely harmful to the horses, but at this time, they couldn't take care of so much, and everyone maintained an astonishing high speed. Finally, in half an hour Then, came to the foot of the Shadowmoon Mountain Range.

Feng Qinglang said in a low voice: "Wumanela, are you alright?"

Wumanela responded softly, but her voice was weak, and she seemed weak.

Feng Qinglang turned over and fell off the horse, and took Wu Mannei down to hug her. Seeing the bright red behind her, and a small section of bow and arrow protruding from her vest, she couldn't help but tremble, knowing that she had been hit by an arrow in the previous battle, so as not to distract herself, He gritted his teeth all the time, didn't make a sound, and presumably recovered the amputated body of the arrow, so that no one else could see the strangeness...

Thinking of Umanela laughing to himself not long ago, and now that the breath of life is passing away rapidly, he can't help but feel a strong sense of guilt. After all, he is still too arrogant, and underestimated the power of the rebound of the Longharin faction in the Di Dynasty.

He said softly: "Hold on, you'll be fine!"

Feeling her whole body becoming warm again, Wu Mannei cursed in a low voice: "Idiot, what are you doing, are you using your life to continue my life? You were already seriously injured, and if you consume your vitality, you Just die here!"

"No, none of us will die, I promise you!"


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