Feng Qinglang quietly pulled out the spear on the ground and threw it with her hands. The spear immediately shot towards the throat of one of the necromancers, as if protected by an invisible layer of armor. The spear reached an inch in front of the necromancer's throat. It's hard to get in, and it just freezes in the void.

"Rebels, don't make unnecessary resistance, the ultimate ceremony can change all rules!"

Beatrice, who had already closed her eyes and saw the fragrance of the jade dying, breathed rapidly again. Feng Qinglang was shocked, knowing that the ultimate undead ritual was also affecting Wumanela, and she didn't know how to let this "miracle" happen for a while. "Go on, let's end Umanela's life with my own hands, lest she might become an ignorant walking dead...

He still wanted to fight again, but the voice of the undead hymn suddenly became louder, turning into a boundless wave, completely submerging them, the whole world kept becoming blurred, and then regained clarity, blurred and clear again, every time it was different The same scenery seems familiar, but it feels very strange.

Until... the whole world trembled, as if it was about to be destroyed, a familiar sculpture stood in front of him. It was a huge sculpture of Di Allen, and not far away was Di Allen himself, leaning on the sculpture , holding a silver-gray scale in his hand, looking at the front sadly.

Feng Qinglang is most familiar with this scene, it is the existence in the deepest part of his spiritual world.

However, this time, it was different from any previous meeting!

Di Allen's eyes shifted and moved to Feng Qinglang's face, staring deeply.

Feng Qinglang blinked vigorously, thinking it was just an illusion, but the corners of Di Allen's mouth turned up slightly, showing a kind smile, and said, "Oh, I finally woke up..."

Feng Qinglang had imagined many times that Di Allen might wake up, what kind of situation it would be, but she really didn't expect that it would be in such a special situation...

He tentatively asked, "Aren's ancestor?"

Di Allen smiled and said, "It's sunny, right? I don't intend to peek into your memory world, but I'm already in the depths of your soul, so I can directly understand your life." It was that magnetic voice that After Dongditian's memory vortex, Feng Qinglang heard it for the second time.

Feng Qinglang thought of the No.1 in front of her who was proud of the millennium, and immediately asked for help: "Ancestor A Lun, I am in trouble, please help me!"

"The number of times I can awaken is very few, and each time is very short..." Di Allen's smile was filled with sadness, "So, don't ask questions for now, I will tell you some important information first!"

Although Feng Qinglang was very anxious, she had no choice but to nod silently.

"Devil's bloodline refers to those who can awaken special bloodlines among the descendants of my bloodline. Once they become undead, they are by no means comparable to ordinary high-level undead demons! Most intuitively speaking, people with devil's bloodlines, in the spiritual sea world , I will appear."

"From the world you remember, I saw the names of several descendants. They are all victims of the devil's blood..." Di Allen showed deep sadness and sadness on his face, "Actually, they have been They can only see me but cannot communicate, maybe they have thought of many ways to wake me up, but they are all in vain..."

"Because only the blood of the undead can awaken the spiritual imprint I left behind!"

Feng Qinglang's whole body trembled uncontrollably, and she said in a trembling voice, "You mean..."

"Yes, Sunny! You are already a high-level undead demon. At the moment when your life form transformed, the spiritual imprint I left behind also awakened! It is the me you see now!"

"Don't worry about the outside, no one can enslave you! If they really try to enslave by force, they will all reach the silver boiling point ahead of time."

Feng Qinglang couldn't help but interjected again and asked, "That girl..."

"She is very talented, but whether she can transform into a high-level undead depends on luck. I can't answer you."

"I don't have much time to wake up this time, Sunny, please listen to me." Di Allen's tone quickened a bit, "The silver-gray scale in my hand has had many names in the history of the undead, for example, As you know, the 'Fari Sacred Coffin'! Since the time of Dongditian, it hasn't changed its shape again, that's because Dongditian tampered with it, leaving an extra way out for itself!

Later, he did use this back route. In order to revive Feng Yaling, I had to revive him at the same time!However, even he did not expect that this artifact of the undead, its creator, the first undead born in this world, created it for the purpose of resurrecting himself in the future!

It's just that since the ancient times, for countless years, no one has been able to meet such harsh conditions!Until my appearance..."

Speaking of this, Di Allen's eyes once again flashed intense sadness, and Feng Qinglang was also shocked by it. On the elf altar, Di Allen was actually going to be resurrected, not just Feng Yaling, but three people. What kind of power did Di Allen possess at his peak...

Di Allen's voice only paused for a moment, and he continued: "When I paid a great price and finally completed the resurrection ceremony, I realized that a big mistake has been made and cannot be undone!

But I can still delay the arrival of this time as much as possible!

If resurrection is a door, I am the key!

If I cease to exist, even if the door has appeared, it still cannot be opened without the key!

So, I have to choose to end my life!

However, the problem appeared again. The key to life may be passed on to my offspring. Therefore, I made an agreement with Witch Sheila, hoping that her research association can help me, as a third-party force, to supervise forever My offspring!

Unfortunately, this day has finally come...

You still became the key, and they will all return, the first undead in the world will continue his unfulfilled wish to completely turn the world into a land of the undead..."

Feng Qinglang saw that Di Allen's face was full of loneliness, and her voice was getting weaker, so she couldn't help saying: "You mean, as long as I end my life, I can stop all this from happening? Patriarch Allen, let me explain in advance that I Far from having such a high level of ideological awareness!"

Allen couldn't help laughing: "Even if you have it, it won't help! The key is just a metaphor. I can make another metaphor. Life and death are opposite each other. Time and space are rivers. They have left the other side of death and boarded the boat." The key to life is like a lighthouse, allowing them to see the channel clearly, pass through the rapids of time and space, and return to the other side of life."

His smile gradually added bitterness: "In the latter part of my life, basically most of the power was used to cover up the light of the lighthouse. But you, Qing Qing, the difference in power is too far, you can't cover up, so the light is leading the dead Come back!"

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