The woman in front of her felt familiar, but she was not as familiar as Tang Rui, but more like another person...

He asked softly: "You...Aren't Tang Rui?!" The voice trembled slightly when he heard the salute outside, which was the etiquette for facing the head of the Tang family. If the person in front of him was not Tang Rui, who would it be? , is someone impersonating Tang Rui?

The woman in white sighed, and slowly took off her veil, revealing Tang Rui's face, but her voice was full of sorrow: "Yes, I am not Tang Rui!"

The tone was obviously sad, but there was no expression on his face.

Feng Qinglang stood up involuntarily, and he didn't know whether it was because the sunlight that shone in just now was too venomous, or some kind of terrifying truth was approaching, his whole body trembled involuntarily.

The woman in white took off her white velvet gloves, put her Qianqianyu finger on her forehead, and the whole disguise mask was lifted off. Behind the face, there was a completely different face. That delicate and cute oval face was full of tears. , staring at Feng Qinglang.

"Anu?!" Feng Qinglang couldn't help crying.

Anu couldn't suppress her emotions anymore, sobbing, she threw herself into Feng Qinglang's arms, hugged her tightly, and burst into tears.

Wumanela hurriedly gave up her seat, looked at Anu in a little bewilderment, and felt that the world suddenly became ridiculous. Senior Tang Rui, why did she become that dragon girl Anu in the blink of an eye?

Feng Qinglang hugged her back vigorously, her mind went blank, it was definitely a great surprise to meet Anu again, but it should never be in such a situation, several conjectures popped up in her mind involuntarily, all of which were firmly suppressed by him go down.

After a while...

Anucai gradually stopped crying, and whimpered: "Damn Qingqing, you are finally back! If you don't come back again, I don't think even I can hold on..."

Feng Qinglang's heart was full of pity, but at the same time it was sinking infinitely, and she said in a trembling voice: "Tang Rui..."

"Sister Tang Rui has already returned to the depths of the stars, and it was three years ago..."


Feng Qinglang seemed to be hit hard, she felt that the whole world was spinning, and she couldn't stand upright, she just fell to the ground.

After that stormy night, Tang Rui began to plan to avenge Feng Qinglang. In the same year, she secretly participated in a crucial ambush, but was severely injured by Longharin's guards, and most of her vitality was destroyed.

Tang Rui wrote to Anu, hoping to get help from him.

Anu pretended to be in seclusion, sneaked out from the dragon clan, and walked together with Tang Rui to form an alliance.

In the days before Tang Rui returned to the depths of the stars, the main purpose was to let Anu get familiar with everything about herself and successfully inherit the position of the Tang family. , to show people with light gauze.

Tang Rui finally left, and Anu became Tang Rui, continuing to preside over everything in the Tang family...

"So, in recent years, people who have corresponded with me..."

"It's me, discussing how to disrupt the economic order of the Di Dynasty, how to bribe high-ranking's all me!"

"It's no wonder you never write a letter in person, I... thought Tang Rui was secretly resenting me all the time..."

"No, Sister Tang Rui was still thinking about you before she returned to the depths of the stars. Her only wish is that you can regain your glory, and don't let yourself down. Don't blame Tang Xuan, Sister Tang Rui told him not to tell you before she died. The truth, I'm afraid you will be even more depressed..."


Feng Qinglang couldn't hold back her tears. For the genius dragon girl in front of her, she was willing to pretend to be her for herself for several years. What's more, for Tang Rui, she spent her whole life thinking about how to revitalize her family. But he was willing to take risks, and ended up falling into the stars. In the end, he still couldn't forget himself...

He only felt that his heart had been torn into countless small pieces, and all of them fell to the ends of the world, and could never return to wholeness.

"I want to see her grave..."

"We are now on our way."


In a lonely grave thousands of miles away, the autumn rain beats the fallen leaves lightly, only the evening wind listens carefully to this silent desolation.

The desolate fallen leaves swirled with the autumn wind, Feng Qinglang bit her lips tightly, but her whole body was trembling uncontrollably.

Anu and Umanela leave wisely, allowing Feng Qinglang to have some space to be alone.

He looked at the rough stone tablet, which didn't even have a name on it, and couldn't restrain himself any longer, and knelt down in front of the grave, crying on the ground.

He remembered when he was a child, the two walked hand in hand...

He remembered that under the summit of immortality, the two of them looked at the lofty Xingyun Academy, and they used to look forward to the future together...

He remembered that in the Storm Mountain Range, she carried herself on her back, never letting go even if she died...

He remembered in the genius training camp, when he told her that he liked Yue Xiaoyu a little bit, she pretended to be relaxed, but her eyes were full of sadness...

Before the stormy night, she had been walking side by side with him. After the stormy night, when he was down and out, she still missed herself, planned to avenge herself, and hoped that she could regain her strength...

Now, she has been sleeping here forever, and I can no longer see her voice, face, smile, frown and smile, her domineering, and her sorrow, all of which can only be found in memory...

In the blurred vision, Feng Qinglang seemed to see the short-haired girl, still staring and smiling, sitting opposite him, shaking his fingers at him, he whimpered: "Rui girl, I'm back, I'm sorry..."

If Nan Xinghun was here, he would definitely be able to understand this address. It was the name Feng Qinglang murmured in his mouth when the two were on the way to escape when he had a high fever.

Feng Qinglang took out a small box from her closest pocket. The box was very old, the flannelette on it was completely faded, and it was even stained with a lot of blood. Even Tang Xuan didn't know what was in it. .

Feng Qinglang slowly opened it, just like how she couldn't help opening it whenever she was suffering from loss or on the verge of death for many years, it always brought him courage and hope.

There is a photo inside, which is a photo of Feng Qinglang and Tang Rui in front of Xingyun Academy. The two people are full of youth, but full of sunshine and hope, leaning close together. Many years ago, Feng Qinglang always felt that they were the best Dude, but it turns out that they have really been like a couple with a heart-to-heart since then...

There is also a ring inside, the workmanship is rough, and even the precious stones have faded, but it took Feng Qinglang's pocket money for two whole months. He was still a young boy at that year, and he didn't know why he bought it. It has been many years, but it has not been sent out...

He gently buried the ring in the soil in front of the grave, pointed at the tombstone with his finger, and engraved:

His late wife Tang Rui was buried here.

The unworthy husband Feng Qingli stood up.

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