alone mountain and river

Chapter 444 The King Killer

The autumn wind was blowing, and Feng Qinglang felt the smell of alcohol welling up, and the sadness that was suppressed deep in her heart surged again. If it wasn't for Long Halin's selfishness, she would have been imprisoned at most, and there would be no Di Dynasty later. Chasing thousands of miles away, without those ups and downs, and without Tang Rui's return to the stars...

He didn't want to look at Yue Xiaoyu's embarrassing expression anymore, he just wanted to end everything in front of him quickly. With a flick of his hand, the bright yellow silk scroll opened behind him and floated in the air one meter behind him. The old emperor's handwriting clearly read:

Long Harin colluded with the undead and plotted to usurp the throne. At the moment of my life and death, Ren Fengqing was the king of the Di dynasty, Nie Zheng, to bring order out of chaos and reset the universe!

At the end of the handwriting, it is a bit scattered, which makes it easy to think of the anger of the first emperor and the critical situation!

Immediately someone tremblingly said: "This is indeed the late emperor's handwriting!"

"This is the late emperor's edict..."


Hearing that the public opinion started to turn in a bad direction, Long Halin suddenly understood that it was hard to get along between him and Feng Qinglang today, so he immediately tossed the reins and shouted violently: "This is a false edict! Feng Qinglang, you rebellious minister! Thief, at the moment of the national funeral, what is your intention to deceive the public with your demonic words? Someone come and take him down!"

The royal guards watched from afar, and were indifferent to this order. Only Longharin's personal guards came rushing in, and before reaching Feng Qinglang's body one foot, there was no need for the cavalry behind Feng Qinglang to do anything. Several people were all killed!

The dripping blood caused the crowd to be in an uproar again. Such a result of the battle can only show that the rebel has returned to the peerless powerhouse, and with the main forces of the two major legions of the dynasty behind him, the attitude of the imperial guards is ambiguous. It doesn't really matter whether the edict fluttering in the wind is true or not...

Long Harin knew that the general situation in this place was over, and it was obviously irrational to break through by force. It would be a good choice to take Wumanela not far behind Feng Qinglang as a hostage. As long as he can escape, there will be a chance to make a comeback!

He had an expression of resignation that was more sorrowful than death, but suddenly he slapped Yue Xiaoyu on the back. As long as he slaps Yue Xiaoyu to Feng Qinglang, this evil person will definitely be distracted!

Unexpectedly, Yue Xiaoyu had been prepared for a long time, and immediately stepped aside. After all, he was also a student of the genius training camp at the same time, so he easily gave way to Long Harin's sneak attack, which made Long Harin bear the brunt. He directly confronted Feng Qinglang.

Feng Qinglang watched the couple's momentary scheming indifferently, and couldn't help sighing softly: "The sages of ancient times once said that husband and wife are originally birds of the same forest, and when disaster comes, they fly separately... Do not deceive me!"

He raised his hand and swiped lightly. Almost no one could see his movements clearly. Long Harin, who wanted to jump over Feng Qinglang, was directly removed from one of his thighs. The most shocking thing was that the blood The color of it turned out to be silver-gray, which belonged to the high-level undead demons, and it was extremely shocking!

When everyone thought of the "Emperor's Last Edict" again, many officials from the Longharin camp turned pale, knowing that there was no chance of a comeback, and some fainted on the spot.

Feng Qinglang finally dismounted, looked down at Long Harin, and said: "For the sake of the throne, you did not hesitate to collude with the undead, causing harm to you for life! Since the late emperor was ordered to join me in danger, I naturally want to put things right."

Long Halin was still waiting to curse, Feng Qinglang's long sword was out of its sheath, and Long Halin's head fell to the ground amidst the gushing silver-gray blood!

Under the eyes of everyone, everyone was shocked. This man was the emperor of the Di dynasty a moment ago, but now he was beheaded in front of the capital city!

Feng Qinglang seemed to have done a trivial matter, casually threw the sword back to the guarding knight behind her, and said calmly, "Hang it on the tower to sacrifice to the late emperor!"

He strode towards the city gate, and the officials hurriedly gave way. They finally realized that they had to do something, and they bowed down and prostrated themselves on the ground.

Feng Qinglang's azure blue cloak that moved with the wind just passed before their eyes. No one dared to look up. Only in his breath could he smell the strong smell of wine and blood.

"Everyone, from today onwards, the Di Dynasty will enter a new era!" That was Feng Qinglang's sentence echoing in the sky of the entire Sky City.

"Before the new emperor ascends the throne, I, Feng Qinglang, will take over the world temporarily!"

In a courtyard of the imperial palace, Feng Qinglang finally saw his clansmen, looking at familiar faces, reunited after a long absence, Feng Qinglang couldn't help herself, finally couldn't bear it anymore, and cried with all the clansmen.

Longharin had arranged for descendants to die if something unexpected happened, but the Royal Guards betrayed their favor and did not carry out that cruel order. recognize this situation.

These years have passed, some clansmen were no match for birth, old age, sickness and death, and have returned to the depths of the stars forever, and some newborn children came to the world, when a child timidly called "Brother Qinglang", Feng Qinglang really felt like a lifetime away, Unknowingly, so many years have passed, the baby born when he left that year has passed the stage of babbling and toddling, and in a few years, they will be a warrior of the Feng clan again.

When kneeling in front of the old patriarch, Feng Qinglang was really ashamed. His parents passed away accidentally when he was a baby. The family has brought countless troubles.

The old patriarch was in his dying years, his face was full of dense wrinkles like old tree bark, he was still as loving as before, caressing Feng Qinglang's hair, he didn't blame him a word, but said with tears in his eyes: "Good boy, just come back , I have always been proud of you!"


On this day, the world of Di Dynasty changed!

Countless families and people acted because of the change of the sky. Countless deals were concluded on this day.

All of this is naturally handled properly by the Tang Clan led by Anu. No matter what happens next, what needs to be guaranteed is the stability of the political situation and the military power firmly in hand to avoid civil war. The future emperor must be them Hope for that one person.

The next day, in the newly opened study of King Nie Zheng, Feng Qinglang received the planned first-in-line heir, Long Halin's younger brother, Di.Yagasi!

His appearance is somewhat similar to Long Harin's, but his curves are much softer. Perhaps in order to win Feng Qinglang's favor, he brought his fiancée, Ivy, along with him.

Even though Jagassi tried his best to hide it, it was still difficult to hide the joy in his brow.

The atmosphere between the two parties was very harmonious, but before parting, according to various clues, Feng Qinglang couldn't help asking out the doubts in her heart: "Actually, the sudden death of the late emperor is not entirely in the interests of Longharin, Your Highness Jagasi, you Do you understand what I'm saying?"

Jagasi's face finally changed drastically, and he shook his head firmly and said, "My lord Nie Zheng, I understand your doubts, but I must say that my father has treated me with great kindness, and I am definitely not a kingslayer!"

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