alone mountain and river

Chapter 480 Assassination

At this time, the white-bearded old man intentionally exposed an opening in mid-air, and attracted the watchtower to attack. The watchtower's long sword was surrounded by the law of the city wall, like a whirlwind of the tower, and rolled straight towards the white-bearded old man.

Just when he was about to hit the opponent, the old man suddenly lowered his head, smiled strangely, and his figure made a strange refraction in mid-air. This is an extremely ancient refraction movement technique, simple and unpretentious, without a lot of changes in later generations, but it is extremely practical. Over the edge of the watchtower, the fist changed from small to big, and hit towards the temple of the watchtower.

Wanglou had to thank Feng Qinglang for the last lesson he had taught him a few days ago. If it was the past, the law of city walls that could advance but not retreat would probably be executed on the spot. But now, his tower whirlwind refracted in mid-air, and the whole The people fell down at the same time, avoiding the premeditated blow of the white-bearded old man.

Coinciding with Liu Feixuan's tassel spear support, Wanglou finally escaped.

All of this happened only in the blink of an eye, and everyone was thrilled to see it, but what Feng Qinglang was more concerned about was that the young Dong Ditian no longer looked around in doubt, but raised his eyes to the sky, and the direction he was looking was exactly what they were looking at. The place where all the spiritual bodies are!

Feng Qinglang couldn't help shouting: "Dong Ditian has already noticed something, change the scene, don't let him wake up, he is in an illusion!"

Anger hurriedly responded, and once again pulled hard into the depths of the memory drawer——

The whole world suddenly fell into boundless darkness again...

real world.

All the people in the Flying Fish Islands who took part in this battle froze in place. At first glance, they thought time had stopped.

Ordinary Chaos powerhouses are not qualified to participate in this level of war. They are scattered around the entire Flying Fish Islands, guarding this place deadly.

Amidst the whistling sounds of the rising and falling monsters, Wanglou and the other three jumped out of the illusion world, like a piece of sculpture solidified by time, suddenly three of them revived...

Su Moyu immediately vomited blood, and his whole body suddenly became depressed.

Beatrice, who had already taken up medical work part-time, hurried to him with a group of medical staff to give Su Moyu emergency treatment.

For many ordinary doctors, their complexion is not much better than Su Moyu's. For the real world, everything is less than a quarter of an hour, and a peerless strong man has already seriously injured and left the field.

Liu Feixuan, who was also tested by nurses, rushed to the stairs and said, "You almost died just now!"

Wanglou caressed the scar between his eyebrows, snorted, and shouted to the monitoring supervisor outside the venue: "There's no need to check, I'm fine, let me go back!"

The monitoring supervisor calmly said in a businesslike tone: "Lord Watchtower, according to Master Qinglang's previous instructions, all those who have been expelled from the battlefield must be checked and approved by the illusionist before they can reopen the return passage." .”

Watchtower snorted again, hearing that it was Feng Qinglang's decision, he couldn't refute it, so he cursed in a low voice: "These monsters keep barking, give them a little trouble, so that they can be quieter!"

"...Yes, my lord!"


Fantasy world.

After Unger took out the memory drawer, he felt mentally exhausted for a while, and wondered if he would disappear at any moment.

But he gritted his teeth and insisted, and reported the timeline: "30 years before the Di Dynasty, the fringe tribes, the central meeting place of Ikunak, the day when the Eastern Emperor Heaven... fell."

Many illusionists frowned at this. Why does Your Excellency Unger always choose some risky time points, and the details are not perfect. Dong Ditian is likely to wake up from the illusion. After all, everything on this day, said Maybe it has been deeply imprinted in his mind.

Feng Qinglang said in a deep voice: "Death is life, we will definitely trap him here! Anger, adjust quickly, we will send him down at any time!"



This is the day thousands of years ago, the golden generation of Alans jointly assassinated Dong Ditian!

The center of the entire venue was in chaos. A gorgeous ancient glazed giant chandelier roared down from the high ceiling and landed on the ground with a bang, splashing out fragments of colored glaze!

The exit of the venue was crowded with fleeing people, screaming and roaring one after another, and the scene was extremely chaotic.

Bunch after bunch of fireworks exploded above the center of the venue. In the cloudy sky, such bright colors are particularly eye-catching and shocking. A large number of human guards are encircling the center of the venue.

Looking down, Di Allen and Dongditian are fighting fiercely, and many strong men are galloping towards them. Everyone has a feeling of witnessing history, and the magnificent pride makes people get goosebumps. , Even foreigners have heard of the legendary battle of Ikunak a thousand years ago in Alans!

Only Nu Lang sighed softly: "Oh, before I knew it, a thousand years had passed..."

It was only now that everyone remembered that among the crowd, there was a member who participated in the war back then.

The angry wave in the memory world below is young and strong, and the soft sword in his hand is dancing with thousands of light spots. He has joined the battle group and pinned Dongditian to death.

The magnificent steps and moves of the group of strong men are like dances and art, and it is refreshing to watch, but Feng Qinglang clearly knows that they are not visitors to the memory, and said in a deep voice: "Let Dong Ditian wake up, and he will It's hard to die on this day!"

As if to confirm Feng Qinglang's judgment, a trace of confusion and bewilderment flashed across Dong Ditian's face. He suddenly stopped attacking, but instinctively dodged, but the powerful men around him disappeared one by one. Di Allen, Munorin, Nu Lang, and a large number of guards outside...

The characters who originally remembered the existence of the world were erased one by one by Dongditian, leaving no trace...

The idea that Feng Qinglang wanted to use these historical celebrities to kill Dongditian together, now it seems that it is definitely unrealistic.

Dong Ditian looked at the sky again, through the glass of the glazed tiles, he looked up at the sky, and the position he was looking at was still where Feng Qinglang and the others were.

As the architect of the world, Shuqi Xiao was the first to realize something was wrong, and lost his voice: "The memory scene is stuck here, Dongditian wants to turn against the guest..."

For illusionists, this means that the next memory drawer cannot be extracted for the time being. For all illusionists, this feeling is extremely shocking. They have so many giants in the illusion world unite to make a move, and the other party is actually trying to turn against the guest!

"He should not have fully recovered all his memories. After all, the time dimension is different from the outside world! He is in an instinctive state now!" the experienced Ximu asserted.

Feng Qinglang made a decisive decision: "We can't let him wake up! Anger, do it... this time, don't make three more!"

Anger bit the bullet and responded, sending a group of peerless powerhouses down.

But the result was still unsatisfactory, only five peerless beings were randomly selected and sent into this memory world in physical form.

Anger's spiritual sea once again bottomed out. Even though the continuous spiritual power around him was being conveyed to him, he still couldn't hide his trembling voice: "I obviously sent it all down!"

"I don't blame you, this is the self-protection of the other party's spiritual world!" Bluefield saw the key.

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