alone mountain and river

Chapter 484 Homologous

"You forgot one thing, we are from the same source, the power you can absorb, I can do the same!" Baiyi Dong Ditian said calmly, "After I was reborn, I have always been confused, the purpose of my existence... until Today, I suddenly realized that I came here for you..."

The black mirror surface began to change, just like boiling water, with large and small black bubbles rising and falling, making gurgling sounds.

Dong Ditian in black poked his head out of the air bubbles, and said coldly, "Are you crazy?" There was a hint of tremor in his voice.

"We are both the deceased, so why should we be nostalgic for the past and be stained with dust!" Dongditian in white rushed towards Dongditian in black, and the two black and white figures quickly entangled together, and in the dense boiling bubbles, a bigger and bigger one rolled up. swirl.

Feng Qinglang and the others looked down from the sky, the scene was exceptionally magnificent, the entire memory world began to collapse, and the incomparably vast ground completely turned into a boiling black sea, like a tsunami, like thousands of drums beating at the same time. All I heard was deafening noises!

On the sky, the crystal wall began to crumble, like a house on fire, pieces of the crystal wall fell from the head one after another, and the whistling sound was like ten thousand horses galloping!

In such a frightening scene, Dong Ditian's voice in white resounded throughout the world: "You can't escape..."

With the complete destruction of this memory world, the world gradually fell into boundless darkness...

Feng Qinglang didn't know whether they would continue chasing in the shattered void, or perish together. Everyone was ejected from this memory world.

But he has no time to be sad, because back on the boundless blue ocean, the endless wooden doors are all opened!

The most shocking thing is that there seems to be a world behind each wooden door, and they see pictures in those worlds...

In some pictures, the whole world has become a world of undead, walking dead everywhere, and the sky of undead spread to the end of the sky...

In some scenes, Feng Qinglang, Dongfang Pei and the others died in battle, and the Flying Fish Islands became a dead zone...

In some scenes, Tang Xuan is ruling the world, Alans is singing and dancing, and the Orc Empire has returned to the Di Dynasty...

In some scenes, it was vaguely the same as the previous year. The sages of the stigmata did not notice the existence of Trisia at all, and the entire stigmata continent was slowly sinking...

In some pictures, the dark red vortex is completely out of control, it has become infinite, and it is crazily swallowing the whole world...


"Is this... the past and future of countless parallel worlds?" With Dongfang Pei's calmness, his voice began to tremble at this time.

"Trisia is about to recover!"

"What the hell is it?"

"A monster returning through time and space?"

"Shouldn't it be an undead demon?"

"Could it have never died at all, but just opened the door of time and space in this world to harm other time and space, and now that the seal is lifted, it can finally come back..."

"What do we do next, without any spirit body, how do we extract the memory drawer?"


Everyone was discussing and guessing, and they couldn't even judge whether this was another form of illusion, or seeing the past and future of other parallel time and space!

This is their time and space, and no one knows what the future will be waiting for them!The most frightening thing is that they haven't even seen Trisia yet!

"Trisia hasn't arrived yet..." Brufeld's voice was full of bitterness, the Lord hadn't really come yet, but the prelude was already so terrifying.

Nu Lang said in a deep voice: "We have all underestimated the existence of Trisia... the real Trisia cannot be allowed to return to our time and space! However, its source has been exposed, it is from the ocean of time and space below... This gives us the opportunity to reseal it!"

Looking at the endless world of time and space behind this endless wooden door, what kind of spiritual power is needed to seal such a spiritual body?

Feng Qinglang said: "The large magic pattern we prepared originally, and all the mental power of the millennium in a blink of an eye, plus..."

He took out the ancient dragon scroll that Anu had prepared for him in advance. It looked like a roll of bamboo slices rolled into a cylinder. Simple and ordinary, but in this spiritual world, it exudes an extremely dazzling brilliance, which faintly confronts the brilliance of this world, and even the image coming from behind the wooden door is much darker and hazy.

Nu Lang said: "I have the Book of Time in the elf world..."


Several artifacts from various continents were released. Usually they were in a lifeless state, but now all of them are shining brightly, as if the souls in these artifacts have awakened, and they are fighting against the majestic breath from the space-time ocean below like an enemy.

Feng Qinglang's voice was as calm as possible: "Now, the target is exposed, and we have the opportunity to seal it directly. We use a few artifacts as spiritual introductions, burn our respective spiritual seas, and completely seal the bottom!"

The world is dead silent, and no one knows how much spiritual power these artifacts will need. If the external supply is insufficient, the group of people they stay will bear the brunt of the brunt. If you are lucky, your lifespan will also be greatly reduced...

The azure ocean, which has been calm for a long time, is gradually moving. Drops of seawater are rising up. They reflect the world of time and space behind the endless wooden door. It looks very poignant. Every drop of water is a world, just like a A rain of time and space that rolls back and forth, from the ground to the sky...

"He is going to reverse time and space and come..." At such a moment, Feng Qinglang could no longer democratically solicit opinions from everyone, "Everyone, prepare to seal it! This is our moment!"

Feng Qinglang threw all the artifacts into the ocean, and as they fell, they huddled together as one, as if they knew what they were about to face. The beginning of life, the first evening drum and morning bell for human beings.

Nulang and Dongfangpei responded first, and their spirits fell following the brilliance of the artifact. The sea of ​​spirits burned rapidly just after touching the artifact. If the light of the artifact was a fallen star, they were a bit like a huge meteorite following behind!

Brufeld hesitated for a while, and finally chased after him. In terms of light alone, he became the most dazzling place.

The entire sea of ​​time and space, as if being provoked, completely boiled, as if there were countless ancient beasts roaring in unison at this time, making the entire space tremble, and all the wooden doors of time and space, light and shadow were also one of them. dark.

When Tang Xuan also wanted to follow the artifact Guanghua away, a huge force pushed towards him. Connected to him, there were illusionists and mariners with weaker mental powers, as well as Yinan Xinghun who was in charge of transmitting communications. The lead observers all rolled out of this piece of space world.

I only listened to Feng Qinglang's instructions: "You are too weak to help, notify the outside and evacuate from the Flying Fish Islands immediately!"

Although Tang Xuan knew that his mental power was indeed weak at the level of Peerless, but as a member who needed to retreat, he couldn't help protesting, but this space had been completely closed, and they had returned to the real world.

"Let me go back!"

"...the space channel has been blocked by Mr. Qinglang!" The supervisor outside also turned pale, because according to the plan made in advance, once the space channel is blocked, they will evacuate immediately, which means that the worst possibility is already happened……

In the depths of the ocean of time and space, there is endless silence all around!

The brilliance of the divine weapon became the only guiding lighthouse for everyone, and it kept falling, and I don't know how many thousands of miles it sank!

It seems that after tens of millions of years, and it seems that it is only a short moment, some people's spiritual power is completely exhausted halfway, and they fall behind and fall into the endless depths of time and space, and some people are finally afraid and return to the top...

Finally, at the end of the seabed of time and space, a group of pitch-black vortexes came into view. Its center was red like a blood moon. It should look strange, but it didn't have a trace of ferocity. Instead, it was full of peace and tranquility. It could be seen with the naked eye. The speed of discrimination has expanded rapidly, and it has the potential to swallow the world!

The brilliance of the artifacts became even stronger, and they smashed down, heading straight for the center of the crimson red!

At this time, some people want to leave, but they can't do it. The spiritual power required by the artifact has become infinite. Not only them, but also the huge magic pattern, sea art system, and various monsters in the outside world... all the spiritual power has been suppressed. Empty.

This was a completely shattering blow that ended together, and did not make any earth-shattering loud noises. The slight sound was like the sighs of the gods...

But in the outside world, it caused the entire stigmata to shake violently, and the dark red vortex also condensed, and even the shock wave was transmitted to Alans, the ancient continent, and Dragon Island... The sleeping people woke up with a start, feeling terrified, They took to the streets one after another, only to find that it didn't seem like an earthquake was coming!

The joint troops who had just evacuated from the Flying Fish Islands, after the turmoil in this world, looked back one after another, only to feel that the scene in front of them was really shocking to the extreme!

The entire Flying Fish Islands are slowly sinking into the earth!

Nan Xinghun and Anu screamed for it, and they were about to turn back, but were held tightly by Tang Xuan...

Beatrice's eyes were also full of sadness. As the temporary logistics supervisor, she said in the calmest voice possible: "The sinking is spreading, we must continue to evacuate!"

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