alone mountain and river

Chapter 5 That year was also stormy

That night, Feng Qinglang turned back, with only one goal, destroying the poisonous dragon army.

In the era when he was always full of enthusiasm, this kind of thing was not uncommon. He drew his sword in anger, wiped out a family, intercepted a mercenary group, and destroyed a fortress...

But during his life of escape, the moments of passion became less and less, and he even began to be a little indifferent, looking at the world indifferently like a passerby.

Feng Qinglang didn't feel disgusted when her blood was rekindled for a moment, and what she was going to do next was just like what she did back then.

There will definitely be a certain degree of wear and tear in the spiritual sea, but a local force in a seventh-class principality will not be able to fly to the sky even if they have wings. Feng Qinglang has reason to believe that even the wear and tear is limited.

Of course, he wants to minimize this loss.

Thick clouds covered the bright moon, plunged the whole world into deep darkness, and the mountain birds stopped singing. The world seemed to be only the sound of rumbling horseshoes. At that time, the thick cloud turned into a torrential rain, drenching him into a drenched chicken.

Now it's not the same as in the past, he doesn't have so much energy to squander, and evaporates the moisture from his body at any time to keep his body dry. Feng Qinglang can only endure the coldness, curse, and speed up to the destination.

The poisonous dragon army was established on the middle of the mountain. After years of operation, the defense facilities have been perfected, and the back mountain has been cut into a cliff, which leads to only one road for them to go up and down the mountain. , finally felt a little relieved, which means that he only needs to arrange one place for his magic pattern defensive array.

Tether the horses to an outer sentry camp. Of course, these outer whistles were also pulled out by Feng Qinglang along the way.

The city wall built of rough stones is more than 30 meters high. Coupled with the buildings built along the mountain, it really looks like a centipede crawling on the hillside in the dark.

During the silent evaluation, the chill caused Feng Qinglang to yawn. This night, she should have fallen asleep soundly under a thin quilt, listening to the sound of rain outside the window. As long as you always feel that it is correct, then you must stick to it.

On a narrow road outside the city gate, he took off his glasses and carefully put them into the deepest inner pocket of his clothes. Then, he held the umbrella he took from the sentinel camps in one hand and the magic weapon in the other. Wenbi, bowed his head and began to draw.

A huge lightning flashed across the night sky, plunged the world into a flash of light, and also made the poisonous dragon soldiers on duty on the city wall see this weird scene clearly. They were still talking about the poor woman they ruined yesterday with great interest, but they suddenly stopped. But it stopped.

"Did you see it?"

"See, he is a peripheral person?"

Another bolt of lightning struck, answering their questions.

"Damn it! What's the matter, he's not one of us?"

"Could it be a relative of the guy on duty at the outskirts, something like nocturnal excursion?"

One of the poisonous dragon guards shouted in Feng Qinglang's direction: "Hey—boy below, who are you from?"

The sound was completely covered by the thunder that came at the same time, but the boy below seemed to have heard it. He turned his head, glanced at them, ignored them, and then lowered his head and scribbled something.

"What is this kid drawing, it's a little weird?"

"It looks like some kind of pattern, it's so strange, the rain can't wash it away..."

"Take the bow and arrow and stop him! I don't want to take any responsibility."

"What if he is really one of us and accidentally shoots him to death?"

"Stupid, when did we hit the bull's-eye in the bow and arrow assessment?"


"嗖——嗖——" The bow and arrow flew out of the string. Maybe it was because the wind was too strong, or maybe it was because the raindrops were too dense, or maybe it was some other reason. Anyway, it was shot half a meter away from Feng Qinglang, and it was nailed to the mud. On the flagstone road.

"嗖—嗖——" Accompanied by a few curses, the bows and arrows on the city wall began to shoot out one after another. They thought they couldn't hit the bull's-eye, but hitting the target shouldn't be a big problem.

Unfortunately, these arrows seemed to move with Feng Qinglang's movement, and stopped half a meter away in front of him.

The emotions of the two poisonous dragon soldiers also changed from doubt at the beginning, then to resentment, and then to shock. The bows and arrows they shot were actually lined up in a straight line in front of the man. The straight line continued to extend, and they asked themselves that they didn't have such amazing archery skills. That could only show that the weirdness ahead was not an illusion, and the guys under the city were really evil...

The fireworks of the alarm finally bloomed on the top of the city!

The gathering speed of Dulong's people was also amazing. In just a short moment, the city was full of people, and the fire and various magic lamps illuminated this small piece of world.

The wind and rain became more precarious, Feng Qinglang didn't get distracted, he wiped the rainwater off his face, and continued to concentrate on finishing the drawing of the magic pattern, but how many years did he draw the magic pattern in front of so many people? Was it the genius battle between Di Dynasty and Dragon Island years ago...

"嗖—嗖——" Countless bows and arrows passed through the heavy rain and shot straight at Feng Qinglang. This was the awakened poisonous dragon army's call to Feng Qinglang, but there was no surprise, they were still lined up in front of him. , what has changed is that the straight line becomes thicker.

Feng Qinglang didn't waste any power to defend. The only thing that can resist these physical attacks is this unfinished magic pattern.

The defense of the Dragon Clan really deserves its reputation... Thinking of the girl Anu who taught me to draw this magic pattern back then, Feng Qinglan's eyes couldn't help but soften a lot.

The reminder on the eve of the storm back then, she must have taken a great risk, but unfortunately, I didn't believe her, thinking that being upright would naturally bring me back to the light, but I didn't expect that what I got in exchange was boundless darkness.

Anu, I'm sorry... so many years have passed, you must have forgotten the human man in that season, and you must have forgotten the fireworks at that time, heh, you often praise how beautiful human fireworks are, presumably after many years, You also understand that the reason why it is so breathtakingly beautiful is because it is fleeting...

The fireworks above his head exploded again. For Dulong's captain on duty, the danger level of the person downstairs has soared from weird to weird. , So without hesitation, he sprayed out the highest danger signal fireworks that his level can emit.

Finally, Feng Qinglang couldn't help but pause, and looked up at the blossoming fireworks in the rainstorm. Suddenly, he remembered the name of another woman, and he felt a habitual pain in his heart. Yes, the night before the storm, that firework After the night of continuous blooming, the next was the stormy night that changed his life.

The rain that night was much heavier than tonight...

I don't know how she is doing now, whether she will feel guilty about that incident back then, or has already forgotten it completely...or she is already a married woman, and she is coaxing a child who was awakened by thunder in the middle of the night, even if she is not careful. Open the drawer in the deepest part of my memory, and when I think of myself, I will naturally smile mockingly, that idiot who once fooled me...

The soreness rising from the bottom of his heart made his hands tremble, and the entire magic pattern was distorted indistinguishably by the naked eye. The elements in this small world were also torn into chaos, and even the raindrops seemed to freeze moment……

Feng Qinglang frowned, and stretched out his feet to wipe off the wrong place. Even the endless raindrops could not wipe away even a single bit of the magic pattern, so he just wiped it off with his feet, and the suffocating disorder of the elements disappeared.

He shook his head, waved away distracting thoughts, let his hand regain stability, and let the magic pattern continue.

The vice-head of Dulong, who was full of impatience, happened to see this scene when he rushed to the top of the city in the rain, and the impatience on his face immediately disappeared, and he couldn't help cursing: "Damn, this He is a magic pattern master, what does he want to do?"

This curse immediately aroused a buzzing discussion all around. The magic pattern master is a valuable and rare profession, but according to the legend, isn’t there only a small section of the magic pattern, and the guy below seems to have drawn a long section.

The force value of the magic pattern master is generally very low. Looking at the arrangement of those bows and arrows, it must be resisted by the effect of the magic pattern. Go down and stop him.

In fact, the deputy head did not dare to go down easily, he said loudly: "Dear Lord Magwene Master, what are you doing here?"

Feng Qinglang ignored him, as this magic pattern had already reached the final stage.

The deputy leader pursed his lips. He had a bit of vision, and he could naturally tell that the elements were starting to be extremely restless. What the hell is this damn magic pattern master trying to do?

He said loudly again: "Your Majesty, the Magiweave Master, I am the deputy head of the Poisonous Dragon Legion. Please stop your Magiweave immediately, or we will take action."

Feng Qinglang didn't answer, but the speed of writing was getting slower and slower, as if some power was preventing the formation of this magic pattern.

Every formed magic pattern structure will temporarily reorganize the vitality of the world, the larger the size, the more so, and often when it is about to take shape, the elements that are unwilling to be changed will unite to resist the formation of the magic pattern.

The deputy head gritted his teeth and didn't dare to hesitate any longer. He shook the awning, revealing a burly and majestic figure. He just jumped off the 30-meter-high city wall against the wind and rain.

Amid the exclamation of the crowd, he had already stood firmly under the city wall, and the crowd quickly turned their voices into cheers.

"My lord is worthy of being a martial artist at the pinnacle of the awakening period!"

"My lord will do it himself, and that kid can die in peace."


The deputy head adjusted his breathing a bit, then leaned over and shot at Feng Qinglang. As the distance between the two of them approached, Feng Qinglang still ignored them and continued to concentrate on lowering his head to complete the last strokes.

When he saw Qingfeng Qingliang's appearance, the deputy head was surprised for a while, he didn't expect that the other party was so tender, and the faint bookish look between his brows, if he was in another place, he would think he was from a family.

But as the distance got closer, the deputy leader's expression became extremely dignified. Damn, what kind of magic pattern is this? How much can you play?

Hmph, but even if it's only [-]%, considering that guy's thin body, it's probably enough.

There wasn't any breathing around, which was great, the guy had no wings.After a while, I can crush his neck bone, just like when I crushed a little white face's tender neck bone a few days ago, the sound of the cracking is very memorable.

As the distance got closer, the deputy head could even clearly see the drops of water falling from the young man's face, as well as the splash of water splashed when his eyelashes trembled slightly. He still lowered his head... Hmph, is it because he was too focused and carried away? ?

The deputy head wiped his waist, and there were already five fingertips on the five fingers of his right hand. Just as the lightning struck, his right hand reflected a sharp cold light, as if it were the sharp claws of a vulture.

With a roar, he jumped over the row of neat arrows. In mid-air, he finally sensed the fluctuation of the law of the fire system strongly, and he was overjoyed. He shouted and cheered, but he didn't carefully discern that this elemental law seemed to be more violent and violent than the law of fire he usually sensed.

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