alone mountain and river

Chapter 50 Just Going to the Bathroom

In the mission center, in the corner of the west side hall, there is an exclusive area belonging to materials science.

A man had been sitting for a day, from fidgeting at the beginning to nervousness later, he suddenly stood up with great excitement, raised his hands, and opened his mouth wide, but he was still extremely restrained and did not make too loud a sound.

Then he warmly hugged his friend who had been with him for a day, and that friend was also very happy for him, embracing him tightly, as if he had won a battle.

The people sitting nearby couldn't help but look at them more. They felt that they were two psychopaths. They must have found some material synthesis formula. Hmph, the two fresh faces, probably low-grade students, don't know the heights of the heavens and the earth...

The two didn't dare to make too much publicity, they hurriedly sat down again, chatting in a low voice and excitedly.

"Brother, congratulations! You will be able to graduate this time! You don't have to worry about uncle's medical expenses anymore."

"Thank you, brother! Hehe, I can finally get a photo taken by an official magwen master, and I can share the burden of the family."

"But having said that, this sunny is really sharp, just a few strokes, it makes people feel like a completely different magic pattern."

"That's right, it's great, even if a mentor pays special attention to me, it's hard to deliberately make things difficult for me."

"Ha, what a night we deserve to have a drink or two!"

"Okay! Hey, wait a minute, Qinglang has completed another mission..."


This is an [-]% task. Coincidentally, it is another roll call task, and the task name is even tougher. It is "Weeping blood on my knees and begging the God of Sunny for help. I am willing to be a slave forever."

The buddy earlier couldn't help but sigh with emotion: "My God, you are even more shameless than me."

His friend said: "Don't say that, this person didn't block the task results..."

At the beginning of the mission introduction, I also told my own story. In the family of the person who announced the mission, there was a magic pattern left by the previous generation. Because this magic pattern was carved on the stone wall, it is now very old, and some of the stone patterns have been worn out and cannot be restored. I asked many magic pattern masters to study, but still had no results, and then begged Qinglang to take action...

The task announcer provided a copy drawn by a first-class artist, claiming to be 100% consistent, and of course there would be no rules.

The task completion degree is still the perfect evaluation level.

Qinglang gave three answers, all of which were magic patterns in three directions, and the laws were completely inconsistent, and one of them was a rare space law.

When people were full of admiration, Qingqing added a rare comment at the end: The magic pattern lacks too many pens, and there are too many possibilities, but these three are the most likely.

Ordinary magic pattern masters and magic pattern students should be even more shocked, but Dongfang Haoran was the shock of shocks. He felt that he had already estimated Sunny with a very high level, but he did not expect to underestimate the other party. Such a task, It would probably take him a whole day to deduce one of the possibilities, and it might not be one of the three that Qing Lang finally thought was the most likely, but he had already completed the answer in just a blink of an eye...

He suddenly felt a strong sense of frustration, and sat on the chair blankly, staring at the incomplete magic pattern on the black crystal and the final answer. When he answered, he didn't pay any attention to it.

It was the people around him who reminded him that when Qingqing completed another task, he regained his composure. He knew that there was a gap between the two sides, but he didn't expect the gap to be so huge. As long as he works hard, he must have a chance to reach that height in the future. "Sunny" is already an old man...

At the same time, he had greater expectations in his heart, and perhaps the questions that had troubled him for many years could be answered tonight.

Feng Qinglang continued to complete those tasks silently. He didn't expect that every time he completed a task, it would attract so many echoes from all corners of the task center. He just glanced at the points from time to time, hoping to reach the points that can be exchanged for Chapter 2 as soon as possible.

Time also passed silently, the sky also changed from darkness to complete darkness, and the entire central square of the garden became more and more quiet. Only the bright crown of the mission center was still eye-catching, but the voices inside gradually decreased. Only the magic pattern corner remained enthusiastic, and some people even came to join the magic pattern event after hearing the news in the middle of the night.

"Hey, you guys found out that most of the tasks Qing Lang completed were roll call tasks, and only a small half were high score tasks..."

"Yeah, it seems that the sunny heart is good. Those who tell touching stories are often finished."

"Ha, I found out earlier, so I also secretly changed the task name!"

"What did you change?"

The man said triumphantly: "Running 720 degrees naked in the ice and snow and then somersaulting with tears on his face, begging for a clear view."

This immediately ushered in boos.

Someone commented: "Because of you, the mission center will probably modify the length of the mission name soon."

Another person also said: "You are not deterrent enough. Look at me, 'If you don't come in Qingming, you will regret it for life!'"

Immediately, someone asked curiously: "Then what story did you make up?"

The man was also very proud: "I didn't make anything up, I just cursed him, if he doesn't do my task, his future wife will be a virgin...and, for the rest of his life!"

Undoubtedly, it was yet another booing session.

At this time, a female voice interjected and sighed: "What are you proud of? Qingqing's rating has reached level two..."

Everyone panicked, seeing Qing Lang's grade evaluation, he was indeed a second-level magic pattern master.

Many people laughed wryly at this immediately. Level [-] tasks can start with five bonus points, level [-] tasks start with [-] bonus points, but level [-] tasks must start with [-] points.

"That friend who ran naked in the snow, do you have enough points to raise your mission to level two?"

The person in front was full of bitterness, but quickly smiled optimistically: "Did we just witness the magic pattern master who rushed to the second-level evaluation the fastest?"

Young people are often optimistic, and everyone thought that they had witnessed miracles before, so they couldn't help cheering again.

Only the administrator aunt nearby, with a tired face, yawned, and silently commented: "A group of lunatics, they are not tired after a night of trouble."

Above the second floor of the mission center, many corners also gave out similar admiration sounds, but the difference was that they tacitly changed the acceptability level of the mission they issued to level two.

Dongfang Haoran is naturally one of them, but he is in a bad mood, because he has not been in Mingguang for a long time, and he is usually arrogant and too lazy to do these low-end tasks. At present, all the points are only 250, and they are all suppressed. Reward yourself for that task.

But in the second-level tasks, there are too many tasks with three or four hundred points rewards, and he doubts whether Qing Lang can see himself...

Do you want to follow the example of those shameless people, create some boring titles, and make up a boring story to attract Qing Qing's attention?

That's too rude...

Sitting behind him was another supervisor of the magic pattern assessor, also full of helplessness. He knew Qingming was there when he first arrived, and he was very excited, but Mr. Dongfang Genius refused to leave. He bowed deeply to himself, with a full face Begging, and then sitting down again, what else can I say.

But he was not willing to leave, so he sat obediently behind Dongfang Hao and went on duty as a bystander.

Suddenly, the atmosphere became a little strange, because Qinglang's name was still on, but for a full 10 minutes, he hadn't completed any tasks, which was unimaginable before.

The speed at which Qing Qing completes tasks has always been extremely fast.

Dongfang Haoran's heart couldn't help beating faster. It must be that Qingming fulfilled his task and was stumped. Can he answer it?Can he answer the confusion in my heart for many years?

Please come on, Your Excellency Qingming, the problem that has puzzled me for many years has its own merits...

at last……

Another completed task was submitted, still exciting, but it was not his task. Then, Qingqing resumed his high speed and continued to submit one in three to five minutes, all of which had nothing to do with him.

Dongfang Haoran came to a complete realization, it turned out that this bastard just went to the bathroom, this bastard, he was teasing me...

He was flushed with rage because of his wishful thinking, and the official on-duty supervisor behind him was full of confusion. These tasks are not so shocking, right? Why is Dongfang Genius so excited?

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