alone mountain and river

Chapter 54 Please Respect

Before they came, the high level of the Holy Spirit specifically told them to always respect Mingguang, because you will never see through the trump cards of those Mingguang people...

But for a long time before they came, they heard more about the contempt for Mingguang from many senior exchange students. It was an old and backward place, and that third-rate institution was always full of unreasonable pride and arrogance. big……

Obviously, the latter has a greater influence on them, which is what the predecessors said after their personal experience.

The Mingguang boy who gambled with them led them to the east side hall very gracefully, and also kindly introduced the mission center and how to rent a temporary black crystal that belonged to them.

The number of black crystals here shocked them a lot. Obviously, they never thought that this third-rate school would have so many expensive ancient equipment.

I would like to thank the high level of the Holy Spirit for attaching great importance to their exchange students this time, allowing them to bring enough items to exchange for points, so that they can have enough points to issue that heavyweight task, and at the same time, the money and treatment on their bodies is also higher than in previous years better.

When they sat down at the corner of the magic pattern, they immediately scolded that Mingguang boy was uneasy and kind. It was a look of hatred. These Mingguang people came to stare at them when they had time, as if they had just done something outrageous.

While everyone in the Holy Spirit was fidgeting, there were acquaintances on the other side of the magic pattern corner cheering for Lin Jiayu.

"Jiayu, great job!"

"Jiayu, I want to apologize to you for calling you a lucky miser some time ago."

"Have courage, Jiayu, you are our pride."


Lin Jiayu's face was full of spring breeze, and he enjoyed the atmosphere very much.

Only his good friend reminded him: "Jiayu, have you ever thought about whether you are too impulsive this time?"

Lin Jiayu thought for a while before saying seriously: "Qing Lang helped me when I was most desperate. When he was looked down upon by others, I will stand up and justify his name!"

The friend smiled bitterly, knowing that Jiayu's temper was like this.

So he sighed and said, "What should I do if I lose? It's been 10 minutes since Qinglang went online, and now I haven't completed a single task."

"..." Lin Jiayu also fell silent. Qinglang has always been able to complete tasks very quickly, usually uploading a completed task in three to five minutes.

But now, he hasn't completed any tasks, which can only show that he is stumped by a certain task, maybe it is the task related to his big bet.

Many people around were faintly worried, but no one expressed their worries.

At this time, Feng Qinglang had just sent Nan Xinghun and Nan Yong away. He took them into the mission center, introduced the card opening process, and went to room No. 16 on the second floor, which he was usually familiar with.

Nan Xinghun was very pleasantly surprised that Feng Qinglang didn't lie to her, as it was facing her apartment, she was very happy for a while, while Nan Yong lamented Feng Qinglang's extravagance for renting such an expensive studio.

After introducing Hei Jing's operation to them and chatting for a while, more than ten minutes have passed.

He was the only one left in the empty room, and he felt that it was time to work hard for Chapter 3 of the Meditation Chapter. That high-scoring task should be completed as a priority no matter what.

Of course, he didn't know that many people were worrying about him now, and they stared at his name for a while from time to time, expecting some changes in his task status.

He didn't pay attention either, and the number of people who followed him surged again, and that number has already surpassed many celebrities in the mission center.

On the black crystal, at the top of the task in the magic pattern area, he didn't need to look for it, he saw that task naturally, because there were many reward points, it was marked with a bright color.

The title is also very dazzling: the problem of the century, please be clear and stop calling yourself a genius.

This is the first time Qing Lang has seen such an arrogant roll call, it's more like a slap in the face.

Especially the content inside, at the beginning of the chapter, it fully expresses its disdain for Qinglang with elegant words, and then vaguely expresses its skeptical attitude towards all Mingguang magic pattern masters, and then it is the introduction of the real mission.

The topic itself is not difficult to understand. The sixteen magic patterns are actually decomposed from a mother picture and a sub-picture. It is necessary to re-outline the mother picture and the sub-picture.

Feng Qinglang filtered these magic lines in her mind many times, and couldn't help but frowned. It was specious, but it was all to mislead the answerer. This is not a regular magic line puzzle.

So he returned to the task itself, the picture was very lifelike, the front of a simple and simple box, a roulette-like circle, on the side of the circle were the sixteen patterns, and in the center was the answer that needed to be filled in.

He stared at it for a long time, and tapped each magic pattern with his finger, clockwise over and over again, and then counterclockwise again, again and again.

In the end, he couldn't help laughing, the answer turned out to be so simple.

It's not that some magic patterns belong to the parent image, while other magic patterns belong to the sub image. If you exhaustively enumerate in this way, you will never find the correct answer.

Because every magic pattern is actually a mother picture, and every magic pattern is actually a sub picture.

When the wheel-like circle rotates rapidly clockwise, those magic patterns gradually form a new pattern, which is the mother image, and when it rotates rapidly counterclockwise, it will form another pattern, which is the sub-image .

While writing the answer, Feng Qinglang wondered why the people of the Holy Spirit could not find the answer, because they had the real box in hand, and the answer would come out naturally when the wheel was turned. Then he suddenly realized that a certain gear of the turntable must have It’s broken, it can’t turn at all, and those Holy Spirit people don’t think about it from the fact that it’s a rotating disc...

So at the end he added the idea that the gear was actually broken.

After submitting the task, he didn't think about it, and then looked at the next task, but he didn't know that the outside was gradually boiling.

First of all, the top floor of the mission center. Today, the magic pattern assessment section is extremely lively. Usually there are four on-duty supervisors. Only Dongfang Haoran is on duty, and the other three are standing or sitting behind him. But today Dongfang Haoran did not occupy other people's positions, because he was indeed on duty now.

As for the ordinary assessors, more than [-] more came, almost filling up the entire area belonging to the magic pattern assessment.

Such a grand occasion made the experts in other assessment areas look sideways.

They have also heard about this matter, the problem that has plagued the Holy Spirit for hundreds of years, the gamble between the Mingguang people and the Holy Spirit people, and most importantly, the magic pattern genius Qinglang has come, and it has been here for a while, these are enough to attract others to be moved by the news.

Even in the rest of their departments, many colleagues came to watch the gossip.

In addition to the on-duty executive officer Luo Jinning, his deputy second executive officer also came. Because the popularity of the mission center soared today, a dispatch had to be made, and many security guards who were resting had to be called back to be on duty urgently.

Dongfang Haoran was absent-mindedly assessing some ordinary magic pattern tasks, but switching the interface to the completed task column from time to time, making people clearly feel that he was not in the state at all, but the several supervisors behind him were very considerate and felt that it should be so .

Just as Dongfang Haoran was still thinking in his heart, was Qing Lang completely stumped by that question, or... maybe he was actually doing his own magic pattern question?

There was an exclamation from a colleague on his left, and then there was an exclamation from the pharmaceutical department. Dongfang Haoran immediately realized what happened, and quickly switched the interface back.

Sure enough, Qinglang had already completed a new task, which was precisely the mother-son magic pattern problem.

He couldn't help clenching his fists, very happy, and after taking a deep breath, he opened the task under the urging of several big brothers behind him.

Very delicate magic lines, but even more subtle is the way of thinking, no one has ever thought in this direction, these magic lines can actually be "moved"!

There is no doubt that this century-old problem has been solved!

This is definitely another task of perfect evaluation, but it's a pity that there is no such thing as perfection, otherwise Dongfang Haoran would give it without hesitation.

Amidst the compliments around him, Dongfang Haoran swiped his fingertips and submitted the evaluation results.

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