alone mountain and river

Chapter 64 Unpredictable Danger

Seeing Tusang hesitant to speak, Feng Qinglang frowned and said, "Then what? Are they all locked in?"

"Yes... yes!" Tusan was so sad that he was about to cry.

"Including Beatrice?"

"Your Excellency Beatrice went there voluntarily." Tucson tried his best to explain something. Beatrice was also a non-combatant, so she could not go to the front line in an emergency.

He naturally saw that Master Qinglang and Your Excellency Beatrice had a good relationship on weekdays, and was about to carefully look at Feng Qinglang's expression again, but Feng Qinglang immediately fully expressed his feelings with a voice: "Damn it!"


As they walked quickly, they had already arrived at the first three-way intersection. The magic pattern wall had not yet appeared here. I was in charge of the central one. There was no problem, so I don't know where Beatrice and the others went...

Feng Qinglang and Tusang walked through the densely fortified crowd, and nodded and greeted some high-ranking Holy Spirit officials who also rushed here with a positive face. He whispered to Tusang: "Which side?"

"Left!" Toussaint replied.

Feng Qinglang said: "It is important to ensure that the central passage is unobstructed. In the worst case, people who get lost inside may still have a chance to come back from the fork in the central passage."

"Yes, I'll tell them right away!" Tusan hurriedly ran to the captain of the guard here, and soon recruited a 20-member emergency rescue team to go with him.

Left channel.

The magic lamp could not illuminate the hazy atmosphere on the road ahead. Feng Qinglang and the others soon came to the original position of the first magic pattern wall. The defenders here consciously retreated behind the magic pattern wall. After several hours of terrifying experience, no one knows when the thing will suddenly close.

Feng Qinglang carefully inspected the gaps in the magic pattern wall. The interface of the mechanism is very tight, and it is not clear whether it belongs to the correctly opened magic pattern wall.

He gritted his teeth and continued walking, before another three-way intersection, he asked, "Which side?"

Tucson hurriedly said, "This time it's on the right."

"Very good!" Feng Qinglang nodded, and took the lead to enter the passage on the right.

Tusang felt inexplicably tense, and couldn't help asking, "Master Qinglang, why did you say it's good!"

Feng Qinglang smiled wryly: "If we are unfortunate enough to be locked inside, the right side will be closer to the central aisle, so the possibility of us being able to circle back is greater, and the probability of our survival is also higher."

To have used such a profound word as "survive", not only Tusang, but even the soldiers who accompanied him couldn't help but shiver in their hearts.

It was another location where the magic pattern wall used to be. The complexions of the troops stationed here were obviously much uglier than those in front. After all, they didn't know when the magic pattern walls in front of and behind them would be closed again.

Feng Qinglang stopped to examine carefully again, but he still couldn't see any clues, but he still tried his best to remember every detail, if something dangerous happened, maybe those details in his memory would save them.

After passing through several forks in a row, they must have reached the depths of the underground palace, and they finally came to the first automatically closed magic pattern wall.

There are more than [-] magic lines on the wall, forming a huge palm, but the thread of the five fingers is blank, and there is a place to fill in the answer.

The strange thing is that if you stare at this palm for a long time, you will have an illusion, as if there is an eagle flapping its wings slowly, or as if it is a sea cucumber that is breathing...

This is a magic pattern puzzle mixed with illusion.

Under this wall, there are only a dozen or so guards stationed, and everyone's face is ugly. Among them, the man wearing the uniform of the Holy Spirit Illusionist is staring at the palm and muttering something in his mouth. Trying to solve the problem, it would be better to say that he started to lose his mind.

After a brief exchange, it turned out that this group of people was one of the teams in charge of the left passage. Most of their team members were locked in, and only they were kept outside. Their remaining sense of responsibility prevented them from leaving without authorization, but the poor However, the illusionist couldn't solve the riddle mainly based on magic patterns.

Feng Qinglang felt a little sympathetic to this poor illusionist, but now is not the time to be overwhelmed with sympathy, he shook him a few times very rudely, and said in a deep voice, "Wake up, friend, we need you!"

The illusionist's eyes gradually drifted away from the haze, and Feng Qinglang said again: "Very good, I want to know what you originally filled in on it."

The illusionist said with a mournful face, "I can't remember the original answer to the magic pattern. Give me some time. I'm trying to remember. I'm sure I can remember it."

Feng Qinglang said unhappily: "Who wants you, an illusionist, to recall the formation of magic lines? What was your original thinking for answering the question?"

The illusionist frowned, and recalled: "We assume that this palm can be transformed into five shapes, so we use these five shapes to outline the magic pattern mother map, to fill in the blanks of the five fingers..."

Feng Qinglang asked suspiciously: "What about the palm, did you not fill in the palm?"

The illusionist said in astonishment, "What do I need to fill in the palm?"


Feng Qinglang understood, it turned out that they were very close to the correct answer, so the magic pattern wall was opened, but the most frightening thing was the short-term opening of this trap...

He climbed up the ladder, and quickly filled in the magic patterns in the blank spaces of the five fingers. After filling in, there was a blank space in the palm of his hand. Feng Qinglang slid down several spaces on the ladder, came to the corresponding blank space, and filled in Another kind of magic pattern.

The magic pattern wall suddenly rumbled, and slowly separated to the two sides.

The low morale below was finally picked up, and there were enthusiastic cheers in response.

The illusionist stared blankly, recalling their operations two days ago. No wonder it took a while to open the magic pattern wall after filling in the magic pattern. It turned out that the filling was not completed at all...

Then, he was secretly amazed again, this person never asked himself from the beginning to the end, what kind of illusion appeared in this riddle, how could he know the correct answer?

So, he couldn't help asking: "Tusan, who is he?"

Tucson said proudly, "He is Sunny!"

The illusionist suddenly realized that it was him!However, isn't he a magic pattern master? Why is he so skilled in illusion... I remember that I analyzed these illusions for a long time before I could distinguish them...

Behind the wall, many soldiers and mercenaries waiting for rescue also cheered at the same time.

Many familiar people couldn't help hugging each other excitedly after removing a wall.

Feng Qinglang looked at the group of people, but found no familiar figure. She couldn't help but look at Tusang suspiciously. Tusang said with an ugly face, "Our team members have to go deeper, this time it's the side road on the left."


After passing through many magic pattern walls, some were closed and re-opened by Feng Qinglang, while some were always open. Every time Feng Qinglang passed through them, she kept the habit of observing carefully.

What he is most worried about is the latter, which is a potential and unpredictable danger. If he closes it again casually, he will also fall into the maze, and then he does not know who can come to save him.

As it got deeper and deeper, the situation began to gradually worsen. Some dead creatures that slipped through the net began to attack their group of intruders, and their levels were getting higher and higher.

In front of a re-closed magic pattern wall, everyone stood far away, but they didn't dare to take a step forward.

A few dead creatures were wandering around unconsciously, most of them were awakened combat power, and the tallest skeleton had a faint golden light shining from its bones, giving everyone a sense of oppressive suffocation, no doubt , This is a dead creature of the true martial rank, it would be a disaster for it to break out, and it would be a death for it to find itself.

The soldiers of their elite squad have only the eighth rank in the awakening period. There is no doubt that the balance of combat power is completely unbalanced. The soldier captain guarded the front of the crowd, full of bitterness, and managed to get here. I'm afraid I can only go back.

Unexpectedly, Master Qinglang said: "Let's get rid of them together!"

The team leader hurriedly took a silent posture, thinking that you, a non-combatant, can say it easily, and we, twenty awakened warriors, might not be able to kill this real martial-level necromancer with our lives.

Feng Qinglang has already calculated how much power of the spiritual sea will be consumed if she participates in the battle. Even the consumption of the spiritual sea will be used as much as possible. If she grasps it well, it will only be the energy that the spiritual sea has shrunk for half a day. In short, it's just half a day off your life.

Moreover, according to the current effect of the meditation chapter, he may still heal his injuries...

Beatrice regarded herself as a friend and helped herself, so he couldn't just watch her being locked up inside.

The team leader was about to explain the horror of this true martial-level undead creature, and asked Master Qinglang to dispel his irrational thoughts, but found that Feng Qinglang had already pulled out his waist knife.

Then, Master Qinglang, who had never participated in battles, took the lead and rushed over with a knife. The speed was astonishingly incomparable. Everyone just had a blur, and Master Qinglang had already killed the real martial arts skeleton.

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