alone mountain and river

Chapter 66 The Past of the Holy Spirit

The man continued: "The old ancestor and Master Ye Sheng both worked as mercenaries. They belonged to a large mercenary group, Master Ye Sheng was the boss of the mercenary group, and the other person named Bai Qianqiu was this The second child of the mercenary group, my ancestor was just a small person at the time, and he was a close friend of Master Ye Sheng. Master Ye Sheng always said that he was a descendant of the peerless and powerful Ye Ditian who created the Holy Spirit Art. Nobody believed it."

He paused for a while, and the participants couldn't help but smile heartily. This is the pride of their Holy Spirit people. The Holy Spirit Academy founded by the descendants of the Holy Spirit Yeditian. Think about some things, why they don't have the Holy Spirit Art, the so-called Holy Spirit Art is just another unique school, it has nothing to do with the Holy Spirit Art, and it can't reach the height of the Holy Spirit Art. The real remnants of the Holy Spirit.

The man laughed at himself, and didn't delve into this topic anymore, and said: "But Lord Yecheng once claimed that he found the place where ancestor Ye Ditian once retreated. Everyone was very excited. It is a peerless and powerful retreat place. Leaving some genius treasures, even if they don't, one or two handwritten martial arts experience is enough for them to benefit endlessly.

Therefore, under the mobilization of Ye Sheng, their large mercenary group rarely carried out a large-scale collective action. My ancestors were unable to make the trip because of a sudden illness at the time, but they were lucky to escape.I also don't know what happened to the mercenary group in Yeditian's retreat. I only know that there are more than 2000 people in the group. In the end, only Master Ye Sheng and Bai Qianqiu came back. They were still covered in scars and suffered serious internal injuries.

Moreover, the two turned against each other, and the mercenary group was disbanded.Master Ye Sheng was holding a simple box, which is what we call the ancient box of sages, and told my ancestors that the other box was in Bai Qianqiu's hands, and if there was a chance, he must take it back. "

Another person couldn't help interjecting: "Could it be that the ancient boxes are a pair, one of which hides the key and the entrance location map of the Holy Spirit's Underground Palace, and the other hides the magic pattern puzzle key and the maze map in the Underground Palace? Now these The lurkers are the descendants of Bai Qianqiu, they know the layout of the maze, no wonder these damned lurkers can make such a big mess..."

The person in front shook his head and sighed: "I don't know about that... I only know that after the mercenary group was disbanded, Master Ye Sheng came here with his ancestors and founded the Academy of the Holy Spirit. Bai Qianqiu set up a separate school. , formed the 'Tribe of Doom'."

Everyone in the meeting frowned at the same time. This doom tribe is quite famous. They belong to a dark organization and undertake all gray tasks in private, including investigations, assassinations, framing, etc., and have a very bad reputation. They did not expect that they have such a relationship with the Holy Spirit.

The man continued: "Master Ye Sheng's injury has not improved, and his health is getting worse and worse. He lasted until his old age, but he was assassinated. Together with the heir designated by the Holy Spirit Academy, his eldest son, also suffered an accident. Fortunately, the last one For a few years, Master Ye Sheng no longer carried the ancient box with him, and hid it in a hidden place, so it was not searched by the criminals. Perhaps his eldest son, who was the second dean of the Holy Spirit, also knew how to open the ancient box Yes, but he also died, and the opening method was basically passed down... So this mystery was not solved until our generation...

Do you still remember the records in the history of the school? When our school of the Holy Spirit was founded for a hundred years, we were often visited by thieves, and the number of thefts gradually decreased. If these essays by our ancestors are true, then they are descendants of Bai Qianqiu. special attention to us.

But whether it's a blessing or a curse, we still can't avoid it in the end. In our generation, we finally did what Lord Yesheng always wanted to do, but didn't have the energy to do it. We opened the underground palace and explored deeply.But lurking in the darkness, our greatest enemies, the tribe of Doom, have also come, and they want to take the riches beneath our feet..."

In the end, the man was still extremely cautious, and slowly added: "Yes, if the old ancestor's essays are true, then this is probably the case."

The whole audience fell into a brief silence. Who is right and who is wrong, and different positions will naturally have different answers. There has never been an absolute right or wrong.

"Everyone, we must come up with the most urgent plan, and face this problem just like the Holy Spirit faces life and death. All the powers that are in retreat must be fully invited to participate in this action. We must The wealth under our feet, as well as the fate of our Holy Spirit, are firmly in our own hands!"

"Because, I believe in those essays! I also know some secrets of our ancestors, so I won't go into details here. But I can tell you that there may be the tomb of the peerless Almighty Ye Ditian under our feet. The hiding place of the true Holy Spirit formula."


In the depths of the Holy Spirit Palace.

Feng Qinglang kept going deep and rescued several other groups of people. Naturally, these distressed people were very grateful to Feng Qinglang, and they also persuaded Feng Qinglang to leave with them.

But Feng Qinglang insisted on moving forward, and there were more and more dead creatures on the road. The broken bones and human corpses were everywhere. Some sections of the road where the battle was fierce, even formed potholes of blood, and the stench blended into the haze. The breath pervades the space.

In front of another fork, there were a few temporary soldiers dressed as mercenaries, guarding an old man in the middle. The old man was wearing casual clothes of a non-combat profession, and seemed to be waiting for something. Feng Qinglang was puzzled. The few people in front of them were the calmest, but seeing that they were also wearing the badge of the Holy Spirit's employment on their chests, they didn't doubt it for the time being. Just as they were about to ask questions, one of the other party said first: "Misfortune never walks alone!"

Feng Qinglang was even more puzzled, is this a secret signal?When did the holy spirit come up with the code, he is considered an important person, why didn't he know?

Seeing that Feng Qinglang remained silent, the other party's eyes immediately darkened, but his face was filled with joy, and he smiled: "The bad luck is really terrible... Dude, you are also on the order, damn it, we are trapped here!"

When he said this, he and the people around him had a tacit understanding, and slowly approached Feng Qinglang, only the old man was still sitting quietly, and he didn't even open his eyes.

For Feng Qinglang, who has wandered on the edge of life and death for many times, he is most sensitive to murderous intent, not to mention the acting skills of the people in front of him are too clumsy, so he can only smile wryly: "I don't know who you are , and have no intention of interfering with your plans, I was just passing by, looking for a friend."

The voice and demeanor were very sincere, but they obviously didn't impress the other party. The leader just smiled and said, "Dude, are you overly frightened? Since you met us, you will automatically work together to get out of this maze..."

When he said this, he seemed to pat Feng Qinglang's shoulder in a friendly manner, but when his hand was about to fall to his shoulder, a sharp dagger was added, and it stabbed directly at the artery in Feng Qinglang's neck.

Feng Qinglang smiled wryly. If he could, he really didn't want to waste his energy killing them. Maybe they had some plots about this place or the Holy Spirit, but this was between them and the Holy Spirit. He was just a passerby now, and he only wanted to find Bi. Tracey.

The leader was startled, the dagger actually pierced through, and the most amazing thing was that the little fat man in front of him disappeared, he immediately realized what was happening, and shouted violently: "It's a tough idea, be careful!"

But this reminder is actually meaningless. He and his companions are still in a daze. They just feel a sudden rush of air, and they have already fallen to the ground, completely losing their vitality.

At this time, the old man sensed something, opened his eyes, saw that his companions were all dead, and was not panicked, he just shot at Feng Qinglang with his gray pupils, his breath completely locked on the opponent.

Feng Qinglang felt that the world in front of her suddenly became hazy. The old man in front of her, the corpse under her feet, and the broken bones behind her all slowly disappeared...

Soon, the world became clear again, and he had come to a world of singing birds and fragrant flowers. Under the warm sun, in the blowing wind, there was a strong breath of spring, which made people feel refreshed, and he couldn't help letting go of his vigilance. .

Feng Qinglang took a deep breath and praised: "I can't smell the bloody smell from before at all. It's quite remarkable. You are an excellent illusionist!"

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