Shen Qianyue sighed: "There must be some who have been lurking in the Holy Spirit for many years, and have even stayed in the Holy Spirit for several generations. It is really not easy for you to plan your bad luck!"

The black-masked man sneered and said, "Shen Qianyue, you are desperate to leave the customs. You must have guessed that there may be a tomb of that person here. Since it is such an astonishing treasure, how can we blame us for deliberate planning?"

The people of the doom tribe were closer to the ancient coffin. Shen Qianyue still didn't intend to make a move, but just sighed: "I believed it a little bit, but now I broke in all the way, but I'm safe. Your Excellency, what do you think if that's true? A tomb that exists, I am a small firmament, can I still live?"

The black-masked man was silent for it. Presumably such a question had been circling in his mind, but soon, he responded coldly: "Anyway, we have come to this point, we never want to return empty-handed!"

Shen Qianyue's voice became more peaceful: "Your Excellency, if you insist on going your own way, the Doom Tribe and the Holy Spirit will become the world's enemies! Since this is not the tomb of that existence, why do you want Doom to have such an enemy? As long as you retreat immediately, we will The Holy Spirit can act as if nothing happened before, your doom lurks in our undercover agents of the Holy Spirit, and we will not punish them and their families!"

Many members of the doom tribe wearing masks suffocated again, and the black masked man couldn't help shouting sharply: "Shen Qianyue, what do you mean, the crime is not as good as the family! Is this the morality of the Holy Spirit that you have always claimed?"

Shen Qianyue was still smiling, but did not respond. Although his eyes were covered, he was always facing the direction of the man in the black mask. Every step he took was exactly when the man in the black mask took a step back.

Seeing that the two sides were about to strike at any moment, a man with a gray mask suddenly said: "Your Excellency Shen Qianyue, since we all suspect that this is not the tomb of that existence, why not open these ancient coffins one by one and see Let's see what's inside. It's war or peace, and we'll make a decision at that time, how about it?"

The black-masked man immediately understood, and said, "Shen Qianyue, these ancient coffins are very weird. If we do it, if there is any accident, you will have more barriers, won't you?"

The intruder suddenly turned his role into cannon fodder, but Shen Qianyue just smiled and didn't respond, but he stopped and made a statement, and everyone behind him also stopped.

At this time, everyone in the Doom Tribe was already leaning against the coffin, and the distance between Shen Qianyue and the man in the black mask was less than ten meters, which was a distance that could be turned against him at any time.

A member of the doom tribe has jumped onto the ancient coffin in the center. He feels the pressure deeply. Not only his own people are watching him, but all the enemies are also staring at him.

The whole world fell silent, and Beatrice said in Feng Qinglang's ear, "The vitality here has started to change again, the materials of these ancient coffins are very special!"

The two of them were almost at the end of the line. Seeing that no one was paying attention to them, Feng Qinglang asked, "What material?"

Beatrice frowned and said, "It should be magic wood, a legendary material."

Feng Qinglang also frowned, he had also heard the name magic wood, this kind of expensive wood is often used in large illusion formations, but now someone used it to make a coffin and put it here.

Beatrice said softly again: "Because magic wood can produce chemical effects with various materials, so the vitality here is also constantly changing."

Feng Qinglang grasped what Beatrice meant, and said in a deep voice: "You mean, there are things like this underground palace master control agency around the coffin, and if the local palace is destroyed or invaded, the master control agency will make corresponding changes." , thus affecting the magic wood and producing different effects?"

Beatrice nodded and said: "Well, it's almost like this. Have you seen the pillars under the ancient coffin? Maybe they are constantly affecting the magic wood. Hey, who knows what will become of the ancient coffin once it is opened?" What does it look like? A weird and unpredictable illusion array..."

The two looked at each other, and took a few steps back consciously.

The member of the doom tribe on the ancient coffin, under the eyes of everyone, pushed the coffin cover hard, but he couldn't shake it. He said with a look of embarrassment: "There is a magic pattern on the coffin cover, it should be another magic pattern question..." The implication Note, that is, I have tried it, and this thing cannot be opened with strength.

The black mask didn't look back, but still looked at Shen Qianyue, but said: "Old Ba, go up and have a look, be careful!"

The man he called the eighth man was their number one magweave master. He wore a brown mask and was a bit stooped. He should be an old man. Under the protection of several members of the doom tribe, he also jumped onto the coffin.

He carefully looked at the patterns on the coffin, and stroked the concave and convex patterns with his hands, without saying a word for a long time.

The black-masked man couldn't help saying: "Old Ba, what's the problem?"

There was a bit of bitterness in the old eight's voice: "Boss, this puzzle is not the same as the key magic pattern we have mastered. I'm afraid it will take some time..."

The black-masked man couldn't help snorting, the group of Holy Spirit people in front of him didn't have that much patience.

Shen Qianyue smiled and said: "If you need help, we also have magic pattern experts here, have you heard of Qinglang?"

Feng Qinglang couldn't help but shuddered inwardly. Of course, the black-masked man had heard of the extremely popular names in this area recently, but he was not one of his own. He was about to answer the other party, but who knew that the old man on the coffin behind him yelled: "If it's sunny, I'm sure we can solve these magic pattern problems faster!"

The black-masked man cursed inwardly, Old Ba is an upright bastard, but he hasn't started a war for the time being, so he really treats him as an ally?

Seeing that another 300-strong Holy Spirit troop arrived behind, Shen Qianyue was even more calm, and said with a smile: "We only send experts up, is that okay? I just want to save everyone's time!"

The black-masked man was furious in his heart, Shen Qianyue looked like he was sure of them, but he shouldn't overestimate himself!He suddenly became arrogant, and said coldly: "Okay, in order to save time, your experts come here!"

The man in the gray mask in front interjected again: "If only Qingqing can play a key role, then he can come alone!"

Shen Qianyue smiled casually: "Why not!"

He turned around, faced Qingming's exact position, and said with a smile, "Little friend Qinglang, please take a walk!"

At this time, Feng Qinglang was very dissatisfied. If I was just an ordinary magic pattern master, wouldn't I let you decide life and death at will?Who knows what will happen if I join the people of the Doom Tribe?The point is, can I come back alive?

He said solemnly, "I refuse!"

People from both camps were stunned at the same time. From the perspective of the Holy Spirit, it was Lord Shen Qianyue's request. You refused it without even thinking about it. Isn't it ignorant?And in the eyes of the doomed people, shouldn't this be the person below Shen Qianyue, who actually refused in a straight-forward manner without any leeway...

Only Beatrice couldn't help laughing.

An old man beside Shen Qianyue immediately lowered his face and said, "Your Excellency Qinglang, may we know the reason for your refusal?"

Feng Qing said: "I'm afraid of death!"

There are only three words, but it is enough to be a legitimate reason. He is just a mercenary, not a direct descendant of your Holy Spirit, so why take risks for you.

The old man's face became more serious, and he said: "Qing Lang, you are our mercenary now, please know your identity." When he said this, even the word "Your Excellency" was naturally omitted.

Feng Qinglang remained calm, and said: "According to our agreement, if I face a very risky task that may endanger my life, I have the right to refuse."

The old man wanted to say anything more, but Shen Qianyue raised his hand to stop him, and said with a smile: "Little friend Qinglang, if you are willing to go, I, Shen Qianyue, will definitely keep you safe. If you do us this favor, I personally owe you a favor. "

The vitality in the deepest part of the underground palace has changed many times. Apart from Beatrice and Feng Qinglang, Shen Qianyue has also noticed it naturally. He really wants to save time and not want to have long nights and dreams.

But the Holy Spirit people around couldn't help being envious for a moment, asking Lord Shen Qianyue to give you a favor, what a glory and face it is.

It's a pity that Feng Qinglang's face is still calm, but the corners of his mouth are twitching, showing it in the image of a fat man with glasses, which is very simple and honest, but Shen Qianyue inexplicably understands the meaning, how much is your favor worth? ?

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