Ling Qiancheng still took it, and an image immediately flashed into his mind...

He has turned into a young man, the river water can reflect the appearance of "him" at this time, it should be the appearance of Ye Ditian when he was young.

With previous experience, Ling Qiancheng understood that he entered Ye Ditian's first perspective to experience Ye Ditian's story.

There was another beautiful girl reflected in the river, puffing her cheeks and looking very angry.

The boy Ye Ditian kicked the stones by the river, his tone was a little guilty, but he was firm: "I'm stuck in a bottleneck, I have to go out, I want to break through, I want to become the strongest person under this starry sky!"

The girl beside him said in a huff: "Bastard, big bastard, what should I do if you are gone? I want to go with you!"

The boy sighed and said, "Your father won't allow it, and he will chase us from thousands of miles away! I don't want what happened a year ago to happen again... This time, I will go alone!"

The girl was so angry that she was about to cry: "You said you would marry me, do you want to renege on your debt now?"

The young man shook his head and said, "No, I will come back to marry you when I succeed in training, you wait for me!"

After all, as if worried that he would regret it, he just stepped on the river and galloped to the other side.

The girl behind cried: "Bastard, the ghost is waiting for you, I decided to forget you now!"

Then, there was a snowflake in the image, and I could only vaguely feel that Ye Ditian was getting stronger and stronger, and time was passing by quickly.

Finally, the snowflakes disappeared...

Ye Ditian stood by the river again, but what was reflected in the river was an adult Ye Ditian, and he finally returned to his hometown.

In the courtyard of a family not far from the river, a white-haired old woman was sitting alone on a stone chair, leaning on a cane, staring blankly at the gate, her face still vaguely resembled that of the girl back then. color.

When she saw Ye Ditian's appearance, tears poured out slowly, and she managed to stand up tremblingly with all her strength.

Ye Ditian also had tears all over his face, and he hugged the old woman tightly into his arms.

I only heard the old woman say in an extremely old voice: "Bastard, I've been waiting for you, I've been waiting for you, you're finally back, woooo—"

Then, another snowflake...

The snowflake disappeared again, and it was already in front of a lonely grave.

After Ye Ditian stood there for a long time, he moved slowly. A set of boxing techniques was unfolded. It was extremely slow at first, but it became faster and faster. Because he was walking from Ye Ditian's perspective, he could feel the extreme intensity. The meaning of sadness, self-blame and guilt are mixed in the fist, which makes this boxing particularly impactful.

After the demonstration of this unique boxing technique is over, the mentality and essentials of the boxing technique have been branded into the spiritual sea of ​​the viewer.

It is completely different from the small martial arts or small fragments gained during the previous mountaineering. This is a complete set of shocking martial arts.

Ling Qiancheng broke away from the image, but he still had the melancholy feeling. The softest string in his heart seemed to be flicked, and then he saw five real warriors facing him, presumably behind the cloud of smoke was a With a curious face, he quickly stuffed the cake into one of them, saying: "If you have let others down, don't look at it!"


In the depths of the fluorescent world, there are rare fluorescent spots in the shape of snowflakes. Feng Qinglang also discovered these strange existences.

He even used the laws of time and space, but still failed to capture many times in a row, he began to look for patterns, and tried to capture them one by one with each law. Finally, he found that every light point has a law suitable for capturing , For example, the snowflake light spot in front of you is only suitable for grabbing it with the law of the thunder system. If you use other rules, you may have to try hundreds or thousands of times before you have a chance to take it down.Although this method is very exhausting, Feng Qinglang still believes that he should be more efficient than others.

After mastering the rules, the speed of obtaining light cakes will gradually speed up, and more and more related images will be obtained, and the understanding of Ye Ditian's life will become more and more familiar. This is not what he wants, he just wants to get the Holy Spirit formula.

This fluorescent world is extremely vast. On the way, he also encountered other people. Those who can get here are mostly Zhenwu and above. Generally, Feng Qinglang uses codes to get there. After all, he has mastered the codes of the Holy Spirit and the Doom Tribe. , if he really can't get through, he has no choice but to kill, then, the opponent's previous gains will also fall into his pocket.

After killing a real martial artist, what he got was not only the various fragments that the other party had harvested before, but also saw that the other party dropped several pieces of light cakes, which made Feng Qinglang's eyes brighten.

Next, he naturally changed his strategy, continued to collect light cakes, and killed all the objects that could be killed when he encountered them.

Of course, he was worried that Beatrice would also come here, so after exchanging secret signals, he would add a special sentence: "Under the Luoyun Mountains, can the magic steel stone be pecked with fingers?" If it was Beatrice, naturally Can understand.

Finally, after receiving another light cake composed of three fluorescent snowflakes, Feng Qinglang saw a completely different image...

The torrential rain completely drenched the world.

The angle of substitution this time does not seem to be Ye Ditian's, because the emotions are full of inferiority and self-pity, and the belly is constantly shrinking, Feng Qinglang can feel the thoughts of the characters substituted this time: I have it, I have it ,what to do……

Feng Qinglang was shocked. Is it a woman's perspective this time?

The owner of the first-person perspective opened the door and walked into a tavern. The bell on the door responded with two crisp welcomes. She shook her head weakly, not knowing whether it was tears or rain. A sentence flashed in: "Young beauty is unlucky..."

Full of sorrow and grievances...

His eyes were searching, and he finally locked on a certain person. The person was sitting in the familiar position with circles of white cloth wrapped around his head. , and then turned his head out of the window again.

Feng Qinglang was puzzled, this person looked familiar, where did he meet him?But there is no reason, this is the world thousands of years ago...

The effect of alcohol was even stronger. Feng Qinglang could completely feel the drunkenness of the master from the first-person perspective, and even her mental state became turbulent, but that burst of anger was uncontrollable. She sat opposite to that person and tried to calm down: "Nulang, I have it!" The voice was full of tremors, as if worried that the other party would give a terrible answer, which would definitely be more deafening than the thunder outside the window.

Feng Qinglang was shocked again, this person is Nulang!With Zudi.Alan's eponymous raging waves, the legend of the raging wind and raging waves have always been the eternal theme in the mouths of Alan's bards!

No wonder the face is familiar, so I have seen his appearance in the illustrated books and stone sculptures I have seen...

But who is the woman who now substitutes this perspective?She has the flesh and blood of the raging wave?

Nu Lang was still so calm, looking at himself, there was even a hint of sarcasm in his eyes, but he didn't say anything.

The owner of the first-person perspective became angry and growled, "Nulang, I have it!"

The raised voice attracted the attention of others, and even the passing female waitress secretly observed her position.

Feng Qinglang could even feel the angry thoughts of the owner of the first-person perspective, the angry wave, the legend in the storm hunter, hmph, but if he doesn't handle this matter well, it will become a stain on his life.

"Can you keep your voice down?" Nu Lang was a little helpless, his voice was as pleasant as ever, but the calmness made it completely maddening.

The owner of the first-person perspective said angrily: "Nu Lang, you bastard, I have our flesh and blood, and you are indifferent?"

The helpless look in Nu Lang's eyes was even worse, but he still had a calm face, but there was an uproar all around.

Finally, he met the gaze of the owner from the first perspective, and said softly: "Dear Ye Ditian, well, if you really have one, you can just give birth to the child, and I will take responsibility!"

There was a burst of laughter from all around, the owner's consciousness gradually became blurred from the first perspective, and he could vaguely hear their discussion, Ye Ditian must have drunk too much again...

Then, the image is full of snowflakes...

Feng Qinglang's mind was also full of snowflakes, he felt that he had been fooled, Ye Ditian was indeed a jerk...

However, has he ever interacted with the sage Nulang?

Soon, the image changed from blurry to clear again...

Still angry, I just heard him say: "Your boxing is very interesting, is it to commemorate the deceased wife... Well, well, you made people wait for 50 years... After listening to your story, I am more sure that you are It's a beast!"

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