alone mountain and river

Chapter 97 Do You Need Meditation?

Feng Ling also sat opposite Feng Qinglang, and took the initiative to take over the task of making tea, and soon a cup of fragrant tea was placed in front of him.

Jiang Shanyin smiled and said, "It's sunny, let's taste it, the tea from the west coast just arrived today."

Feng Qinglang took a sip, and sure enough, there was a lingering fragrance in his teeth, and he didn't need to think about how to praise the fragrance of the tea. He heard Gu Tian laughing in his ears: "Jiang Shanyin, I think we should get to the point quickly, lest this kid always Carefully, as if worried that we were going to sell him."

Jiang Shanyin smiled and said, "Okay... Sunny, do you need a meditation chapter?"

This sentence immediately made Feng Qinglang's calm eyes flash brightly, but there was no lack of suspicion in it. He looked at Jiang Shanyin, tried to make himself smile more obediently, and said, "Send me?"

"How can there be such a cheap thing?" Jiang Shanyin laughed dumbfounded, and added: "The most important thing is that I don't have that much authority. It is one of Mingguang's most precious things. It can only be obtained through the mission center. exchange."

In Feng Qinglang's eyes, in addition to doubts, there is also a bit of helplessness and dissatisfaction. You are teasing me, right?

Jiang Shanyin said: "However, recently there is a task with a huge amount of points in the mission center, 200 million points! This kind of good thing only happens once every four years, and it is enough for you to exchange for some chapters of the meditation chapter..."

Feng Qinglang was shocked, and her first reaction was: "Don't you want me to slay the dragon?"

Gu Tian laughed impatiently and said: "Jiang Shanyin, I thought you had turned back into a man today, but now you're a mother-in-law again, can you not beat around the bush? Sunny, let's just talk about it directly, we fell in love with your ability, this time Not only magic patterns, but also martial arts, we hope that you can represent Mingguang and participate in the competition in the Zhuri District of this region!"

Feng Qinglang immediately understood that his performance in the Holy Fire Auditorium had attracted the attention of Mingguang's senior management, but they didn't suspect his identity for the time being, they just wanted to use his martial skills.

He had heard of the competitive competition on the Stigmata Continent, which is held every four years. It is a bit like a talent competition. Each school sends a number of people to compete for a certain purpose and determine the ranking.

Such a ranking will have a great impact on the evaluation of institutions in the next four years, because it just shows the quality level of the current new generation of members of your institution.

There are many reasons for the continuous decline of Mingguang, but the biggest reason for affecting the ratings of schools, and even falling to the principality level in recent years, is precisely because of this!

The rankings have been lagging behind for a long time, and in the last few sessions, even the region has not qualified, which really makes Ming Guang face a dull face.

Feng Qinglang can understand the feelings of the leaders of Mingguang. They are eager to reproduce the glory of their ancestors in every aspect, and this competition is the best stage for them to soar into the sky...

Jiang Shanyin said warmly: "Sunny, the qualifying mission of 200 million points is now in the task bar of your mission center. You are one of the designated recipients. As long as you can do it, you will get some chapters for the meditation chapter, and , you will be written into Mingguang’s school history and become our hero!” At the end of the sentence, the voice was filled with enthusiasm, as if as long as Feng Qinglang agreed, he would definitely qualify.

Feng Ling on the opposite side looked at him with the same fiery eyes of expectation. Even Gu Tianxiao seemed to be careless, but the movements of rubbing the teacup with his fingertips betrayed his mood. He was also looking forward to Feng Qinglang's agree.

Feng Qinglang could only smile bitterly in silence. They didn't know their own situation, and thought that their power could be used at will, right? That was at the cost of reducing their lives. It was still acceptable to deal with people below the awakening period, but the opponent was a true martial artist. What about the sky realm?

That burning life is calculated in hours and days, and seeing that his body has just started to improve...

However, with such a high score in the later chapters of the Meditation chapter, I want to get 200 million points according to the current progress, when will it be?

Gu Tianxiao said with emotion: "Back then, whoever was not proud to represent Mingguang, who didn't fight for glory for Mingguang, is not like now, and we have to humbly beg you to join..."

Feng Ling, who had been keeping silent all this time, couldn't help complaining: "Grandpa Tianxiao, Qingqing, your time to join Mingguang is still short..."

Jiang Shanyin stared deeply at Feng Qinglang, as if he wanted to see what was on his mind, and said slowly: "Qingqing, the games in the day-by-day area will not take much of your time..."

For Feng Qinglang, time is always the most important issue. He has been racing against time. He must beat time to win life...

Seeing Feng Qinglang's eyes light up again, Jiang Shanyin couldn't help smiling and added: "As long as you are willing to contribute to Mingguang, Mingguang and the Nan family will be iron-like allies, and they will naturally take special care of Nan Xinghun in the future."

Feng Qinglang's heart moved again. Nan Xinghun is a problematic girl. The biggest risk of this nanny job comes from Nan Xinghun's personality. If she can get Mingguang's promise, then Nan Xinghun's future journey will be much smoother.

He felt that Jiang Shanyin had great potential to be a salesman. If he let him continue, maybe he would agree immediately. He didn't like impulsive decisions, so he bowed slightly and said, "Master Dean, can you let me go?" Have you consulted the family before making a decision?"

"Well, it should be so! If you agree, you only need to accept the mission in the black crystal in the mission center, and someone will contact you naturally!" Jiang Shanyin nodded with a smile.

Gu Tian smiled and said again: "Hey, Qinglang boy, if you can help Mingguang qualify, it will be of great benefit to the Nan family's reputation."

Feng Qinglang could only respond with a smile. The reputation of the Nan family did not affect him much.

Afterwards, the two old men stopped entangled in this matter and started chatting. Feng Qinglang would occasionally interject a few words. At first, the two of them didn't care too much, but gradually discovered that Feng Qinglang's understanding of Stigmata Continent seemed to be They are not inferior to the two, especially some historical sites and dangerous places, some gossip rumors, even they have never heard of them, they can't help but look at Feng Qinglang with admiration again, thinking, in order to cultivate such a talent, the Nan family really spent countless efforts ah.

But the strange thing is that Nan Xinghun's overall performance is far inferior to Feng Qinglang's. This is definitely not a matter of training. Could it be that Nan Xinghun has always been hiding it?

After a tea party, the guests and hosts enjoyed themselves.

When bidding farewell, Jiang Shanyin did not forget to exhort again: "Qing Qing, think carefully! The story of Ming Guang's future generations may change because of your decision."

Feng Qinglang couldn't help laughing and said: "Mr. Dean is serious..."


The wind in the quiet night blows away the dense clouds, and the moon pokes out its peaceful face, illuminating the way home.

Nan Xinghun was sitting alone in the lobby of the apartment, and when she saw Feng Qinglang coming back, she couldn't help turning her head and smiling, her smile was as peaceful as the moonlight, it could be seen that her spirit had improved a lot.

Feng Qinglang felt relieved, but was soon attracted by the glass of water in front of her. The water seemed to be cut open, and droplets of water condensed in the glass, and some of them floated out of the glass, gently sinking and floating around Nan Xinghun , Gather but not disperse.

Regarding this, Nan Xinghun raised his chin proudly towards Feng Qinglang, and those water drops jumped up and down a few times as if they could sense Nan Xinghun's mood.

Feng Qinglang was really shocked. This is the power of the law of time. Without a guide, Nan Xinghun actually learned the law of time without a teacher, and let the law of time appear in this space. Although the structure is still very immature, this talent The talent is absolutely amazing.

Feng Qinglang walked into this world of laws of time with just one step. Nan Xinghun couldn't help being surprised, just like a child always thinks that the kingdom of building blocks she built should be unbreakable, she also felt that her world of laws should not be human It's so easy to get in.

Under the astonishment and panic, the water droplets could no longer solidify, and with a splash, the water in the cup melted again, and the water droplets around her suddenly turned into a stream, pouring down, soaking her hair and clothes.

Feng Qinglang couldn't help laughing, and didn't stop the collapse of the world of the law of time. This is an unforgettable experience belonging to Nan Xinghun.

Nan Xinghun glared at Feng Qinglang angrily, and said, "It's all your fault!"

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