The appearance of Sunny and the release of new works naturally attracted cheers from the magic pattern area on the first floor, but in a VIP room on the third floor, everything was quiet.

"This kid didn't answer?"

"Perhaps, you still need to think about it?"

"Think about it, that's a great honor!"

"Wake up, old man, not everyone thinks so."


Feng Qinglang only felt that today's progress was a little slower than in the past, because the highlighted reminder task was always hanging high above the black crystal, flashing a few times from time to time, reminding Feng Qinglang of its existence. Accept it, and it will continue to "harass" Feng Qinglang.

He smiled wryly for it, this kind of small method is really a rogue, but it is precisely this kind of tireless flicker that made him smell a breath of fate. In the past few years, he has touched this breath several times, and he can often Guide him on the right path.

On the upper right of the interface, there is a point accumulation column. Indeed, if you continue with the current progress, even if your speed is already very fast, but when will you be able to collect all the chapters of the Jingxin Chapter? How many lives, or, are you still alive...

Seeing that Chapter 3 is about to be completed, and in front of him, there is indeed a plan to quickly obtain the follow-up chapters, although he has a high risk...

After thinking about it, he once again opened the competitive task with a huge amount of points...

In the VIP room on the third floor, a burly middle-aged man just pushed the door open without knocking and walked in. The most impressive thing about him is the cross scar on his right eye, as if being teased by a naughty child. A pitch-black fork was drawn, but upon closer inspection, it was found that it was a permanent mark left by an extremely sharp weapon, and the right eye was also severely deformed by it, and it was a miracle that it was not blinded.

When the big man entered the door, he shouted: "Your Excellency, what's the matter with calling me here? I'm very busy..." Although he was addressed as Your Excellency, there was no respect in his voice. impatience.

Gu Tianxiao couldn't help laughing and scolding: "Xia Kuangtu, you are so busy, the selection has not officially started, and the people below are responsible for those trivial matters."

The big man's voice was like burning firecrackers, loud and fast, and he immediately answered: "Now our Mingguang generation is not as good as the previous generation. Since I have taken over the burden this time, I naturally want to find some real talents. Those rookies who are selected only by the selection competition , forget it... I don't want the tragedy of last time to happen again!"

Jiang Shanyin coughed lightly, and said, "Madman, we called you here this time to recommend someone to you..."

Before he finished speaking, Xia Kuangtu had already responded: "Your Excellency, Dean, you are here to play the default trick again. Didn't you agree to let me be the master this time?"

Xia Kuang was about to sit down, but immediately stood up again, his eyes widened, his expression full of dissatisfaction.

Jiang Shanyin smiled wryly for it, and before he could answer, Gu Tianxiao had already said: "Madman, why are you anxious? How about looking at the goods first, and then discussing it." He adjusted the angle of Hei Jing in front of him, facing Xia Kuangtu , above is Feng Qinglang's information.

Xia Kuangtu frowned and looked at it. After scanning two lines, he couldn't help but said, "Isn't Qing Qing just a genius in magic lines? Predestined disciple."

Jiang Shanyin said: "Calm down, let's talk after reading it!"

The following is the detailed history of the holy fire incident. It was the first time for Xia Kuangtu to read the inside story carefully, and finally nodded and said: "He can easily knock down a warrior in the awakening stage, and he is considered a talent... If he is just an awakened one, his potential is not ordinary. "

Afterwards, there is the suspicious point of Li Yulun's death during the entrance examination; and then, there is the report on the exploration of the Holy Spirit's Underground Palace sent back by the insider lurking at the Holy Spirit Academy.

Xia Kuangtu finally sat down, looked at it very carefully, and finally thought for a while before saying: "If the large-scale illusion report at the end of the Holy Spirit's Underground Palace is true, then it is a vigorous and powerful one that has made Shen Qianyue suffer. Characters, Feng Qinglang is actually listed as one of the suspects... If it is really him, then wouldn't we have posted it?"

But he soon finished beaming, and said: "Wait, no, assuming it's really him, such a fierce guy, why did he come to our Mingguang as a student? Is it really just because he is a new generation of dark servants from the Nan family?" ?”

Jiang Shanyin smiled and said, "Maybe it's because of the Meditation Chapter! Since Feng Qinglang entered school, she has only focused on one thing, and that is the Meditation Chapter!"

Xia Kuangtu seemed a little dazed, but he couldn't let go, and murmured, "That crap in the Meditation chapter is so attractive..."

Jiang Shanyin didn't expect him to spit out his ivory, and interrupted: "No matter what his purpose is, if he is willing to come, we will accept him. If he is willing to work for Mingguang, we will give him what he wants."

He paused, and then said: "Madman, we asked you to come because we hope you can become his guide in person, let Qing Qing know that we attach great importance to him, and at the same time... test his depth."

Gu Tianxiao added from the side: "I have a good impression of that little guy, Xia Kuangtu, don't mess around!"

Xia Kuangtu gave a rare smile, and said: "If he is really the one who made Shen Qianyue suffer, you should hope that he will not hit me hard."

But then, the corners of his mouth twitched, and he said again: "By the way, in order to prevent you from appointing people casually, I fiddled with that internal invitation letter..."


At this time, Feng Qinglang finally made a decision, and touched the column of "Accept Mission" with her fingertips, but there was no familiar prompt saying "Accept Mission Successfully", but an abstract pattern like a sand painting. A red dot flashed away in the sand painting.

Feng Qinglang was baffled at first, but quickly realized that this was a martial arts test question. People in the martial arts theory school loved to create and answer this kind of questions, just like magic pattern questions, which were easy and difficult.

But the question in front of me is plausible. It doesn't even have the most basic words on the question, only the abstract context and the flashing red light...

However, he quickly realized that this is a diagram of the meridians of the human body. It is only because of the fusion of the power of the law that it becomes so abstract. According to the direction of the quicksand, this person is the master of the water system and the soil system. Knowing the meridian and the law, Feng Qinglang immediately swiped it, and drew a white line in his hand, which is equal to the attack line, and quickly passed through the three red dots...

The picture disappeared immediately, and Sombra returned to normal.

VIP room on the third floor.

"...that martial arts puzzle is not ordinary. I found it in a coastal relic, and there are only a handful of people who have solved it so far. Even if it was me, it took half a day..." Kuangzi Xia Before he could maintain his complacent look, he froze, because Hei Jing reminded him that Qing Lang had successfully accepted the competitive task.

Moreover, because Xia Kuangjiao added puzzles to the mission itself, and added special instructions in the prompt, the time from opening the puzzle to completing it was only eight seconds.

This... really blinded his already badly injured right eye.

This means that people almost opened it, and after a few glances, they have already answered.

Seeing that Xia Kuangtu had a different expression, Jiang Shanyin and Gu Tianxiao hurriedly took a look, and couldn't help but feel a little strange.

It was Gu Tianxiao who broke the silence first, and said with a smile: "It's such a shocking martial art question, it really is not ordinary stuff."

Xia Kuangtu said angrily, "Perhaps he has seen similar problems before, well, I will continue with this matter, and I will definitely test his level!"


The night is getting deeper, the drizzle is flying, and the autumn is getting stronger.

Feng Qinglang left the mission center and returned to the downstairs of the apartment building. The small garden that was usually very lively was already empty, but the moment Feng Qinglang stepped into the garden, the entire dark and peaceful world seemed to be activated, and it was colorful. It is full of brilliance, the green grass is crystal clear, and the slowly falling leaves are golden-like withered yellow. The trunk that is usually dull, now also emits a brown light, as if it is all alive, like a piece of wood. Fairy tales.

The most mysterious thing is that almost transparent raindrops, born in the sky, died in the earth, the journey between the sky and the earth is their hasty life, now because of this unique and bright crystal, they are very special It magnifies this short life journey.

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