Beast Martial Universe

Chapter 25 Lonely

Chapter 25 Loneliness

Zhang San looked at Li Si, and it took him a while to react, then he looked at Qiang Ping's body carefully, and said, "He was killed."

"Who will kill Qiangping? Who dares to kill Qiangping? Who in this street doesn't know that Qiangping is a member of the Blood Devouring Gang." Li Si still had some disbelief in the facts before him until now.

Zhang San was also dumbfounded, and said: "Could it be related to the blacksmith shop that Qiangping mentioned. Didn't he say that a newcomer came to the blacksmith shop? Maybe that person didn't know the Blood Devouring Gang, so he would naturally dare to kill Qiangping. "

"Well, it must be like this." After a pause, Li Si said again: "Let's report to the police immediately, and the saved person has run away."

"it is good."

The two turned around and walked towards the way they came from.

The moonlight can no longer shine into this long alley, and it is much darker here than other places.

The wind was stronger than other places, and there were bursts of whining sounds, like howling ghosts.

The cold, narrow alley seems to have no end.Both of them felt a little nervous suddenly, neither of them spoke to each other, but their pace picked up at the same time.

Maybe it was because there was a dead body suddenly in this alley, maybe it was because the wind was blowing here more harshly.

Zhang San and Li Si just felt that there was something strange here, and they just wanted to leave this place quickly.

The footsteps became faster and faster, and in the end he started to run.

It is getting closer and closer to the entrance of the alley. 5 meters, 4 meters...

Just when the two were about to walk out of the alley, someone suddenly blocked their way.The man stood at the entrance of the alley, looking at Zhang San and Li Si coldly.

"Who are you? What are you doing here?" Zhang San's voice trembled a little.

The other party looked very thin, even a child.But Zhang San didn't know why, but he was very scared.His hands were shaking, his legs were shaking, and even his heart was shaking.

The same goes for Li Si.Seeing the expressionless eyes of the other party, his heart suddenly tightened.

Those eyes were obviously looking at Zhang San and Li Si, but there were clearly no two people in those eyes.That look seemed to pass directly through the bodies of the two of them, and shot at the forced corpse behind them.

The man didn't speak, just stood there quietly without moving his eyelashes, like a statue.

Zhang San and Li Si didn't know why, and they didn't dare to move.After Zhang San shouted that sentence, he never had the courage to say the second sentence.

Li Si stood in the alley in a daze.A heart beat violently.Who is that person standing in front of him?Why is there such a powerful breath coming from his body?Why is there such a strong murderous aura?

Murderous aura is an invisible thing, but it does exist.It is said that the murderous intent is the strongest on the execution ground.

Li Si has been to the execution ground more than once.As soon as I got there, my heart couldn't help shrinking when I saw the executioner holding a knife.

At this moment, Li Si seemed to have arrived at the execution ground, but his murderous aura was even stronger than the execution ground.In any case, it was someone else who was killed in the execution ground.And the person in front of him, since he showed a murderous look, naturally wanted to kill someone.

Only those who have killed others will have a murderous aura.

Although the person in front of him is small, he has undoubtedly killed someone.And it never killed just one person, otherwise, there would not be such a strong murderous intent here.

He is going to kill.In addition to Zhang San and himself, there is another corpse here.Who is he going to kill?Who else?

Zhang San beside him suddenly fell down.He fell to the ground with a plop, and there was no more sound.

In the silent night, Li Si was so frightened that he trembled all of a sudden when he heard this thud, and almost fell down.

Gritting his teeth, he tried his best to support his body, took a deep breath, and finally asked, "Who are you?"

The man did not speak.

"Is there any enmity between us?"

The man still didn't speak.

"You are here to kill us, aren't you?"

"Yes." The man finally spoke.

"Why are you killing me?"

The man didn't seem to be answering, but he said to himself: "You shouldn't drink the wine that Qiangping invited, you shouldn't listen to what Qiangping said, and you shouldn't come here."

After the words fell, the man opened and closed his hands, and suddenly there was a faint blue rapier in his hand.

The sword was raised lightly, and then sent forward lightly, a faint blue light pierced Li Si's throat.

Turn around and leave.

A round of bright moon was shining on that person's back, and in this desolate and cold night, that person's back was so lonely.

The silver moonlight, like a lover's hand, surrounded him tightly.It's just that the moonlight is illusory after all, no matter how beautiful it is, it can't replace a true lover after all.

The bright moon is nothingness.The moon of nothingness.


Shang Xin continued to practice forging every day, but Ruo Li was not allowed to ask him to eat again.After the last incident, Ruo Li is no longer attached, she is afraid of causing trouble to Shang Xin.

After dinner, Ruoli sat by the bed, and Shang Xin squatted in front of her, using one hand to pull out the rose thorns in the other.This is done every day.

"Shang Xin, did you kill that man?" Ruo Li asked.

The person Ruoli said was naturally the one who received the protection fee.Ruoli knew that the man disappeared after two visits.When leaving that day, the man said: "I will come tomorrow." Ruoli could hear it clearly at home.The blacksmith's shop is only one street away from Shang Xin's house, and any sound can be heard there.Because she couldn't see, her ears were more sensitive than others, and she could confirm that that person had never been here since that day.

"Why do you think so? Do you think I can kill people?" Shang Xin didn't look up, and continued to pull out the thorns on the branches.

Ruo Li said: "It feels like. Although I don't know how you did it, I know that you killed that man."

"Feeling?" Shang Xin was stunned.

"That's right, it's the feeling. Maybe you won't believe it, but I never miss the feeling. Maybe it's because I'm blind. God made me lose my light, but gave me another ability." After a pause, Ruoli said again: "I can not only feel that you killed that person. I also know that there is someone in your heart."

Shang Xin's body froze suddenly, and he held the rose branch tightly with his hands. The rose's thorns pierced into his palm, and the blood flowed out instantly, staining the already blood-red petals red.

"Shangxin?" Ruoli called softly, feeling that something was wrong in the atmosphere.This time, he didn't feel Shang Xin's blood.

That blood was not shed for her.

Shangxin did not speak or move.

"Shangxin?" Ruoli called out again.The voice was already a little urgent.

Shang Xin took a deep breath, slowly loosened Qiangwei's hand, and said, "I'm fine."

Ruo Li opened her mouth, but didn't say anything, she knew that she had caused Shang Xin's sadness.

"There was once a person, I failed to protect her well, and watched her die in front of me. From that moment on, I swore that as long as I Shangxin is still alive, I will never allow anyone to hurt my relatives, Even a little verbal harm is not enough. No matter who it is, as long as he hurts me a little, I will pay back a thousand times."

Ruoli was silent for a long time before he said: "Because you regard me as a relative, so you killed that person?"

"That man should die."

Ruo Li said: "I know all of this is for me, if you don't kill him, he will not let me go sooner or later. But have you ever thought about it, this will bring you trouble."

Shang Dao: "It's trouble, it will come sooner or later. Even if you want to hide, you can't hide."

Tears flowed from Ruoli's eyes, and he said: "Ruoli is already very content to have a younger brother like you in this life, even if he dies immediately, he will have no regrets."

Shang Xin took Ruo Li's hand, put the rose plant gently in her hand, and said: "As long as I, Shang Xin, are still alive, Ruo Li will not die."

Yuan Qing didn't know when he was standing by the door. Seeing this scene, he didn't say a word.He didn't step forward to check Shang Xin's injured hand, but turned around and left silently.It wasn't until she returned to her room that Yuan Qing murmured softly: "Mingyue, why can't Shangxin forget you after so many years, but you are getting heavier and heavier in her heart. I thought I killed the Wang family and reported the past years. Qiu, you will gradually fade out of his memory. Only now do I know that this is simply impossible.

Shang Yan, why did you name your child Shang Xin?If he doesn't break his promise to Mingyue in this life, won't he be lonely all the time?The pain in my heart is deep enough, why should he? ...

I finally understood why he wanted to learn forging, beating and hammering all day long.It turned out that he was afraid of being alone.It turned out that he had grown up and was no longer a child. "


Wang Yunliang was standing in the middle of the hall, the veins on his face were bulging, and his muscles were trembling uncontrollably.

"You mean that Qiang Ping, Zhang San, and Li Si are all dead? They died in the same alley?"

"Hmm." Li Mu, the manager, also had an extremely gloomy expression, and said, "The alley is extremely quiet, and the body was already stiff when it was discovered. It is estimated that it must have been dead for at least three days."

"Who found the body?" Wang Yunliang asked.

"It was a younger brother who went to Ping to collect this month's tax money. He should have handed it in two days ago, but he couldn't find anyone at his house. He thought he had gone to Xiaoyaoguan, so he went to look for him and passed by an alley. discovered."

Wang Yunliang said: "Go and find that person, I want to ask how they died."

Li Mu said: "You don't need to look for it, I rushed over immediately after receiving the message."

Wang Yunliang nodded, "How did the three of them die?"

"Qiang Ping's neck was cut off, and Li Si's throat was pierced by a sword. Zhang San was not injured."

"Wu Shang?" Wang Yunliang was stunned for a moment, and said, "How could Wu Shang die?"

"Should be scared to death." Li Mu said extremely calmly.

"Scared to death." Wang Yunliang's eyes became gloomy, and he was silent for a long time before he said: "Who has the guts to kill him on that street?"

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