Beast Martial Universe

Chapter 47 The Strange Continent Volume [-]

Chapter 47 The Strange Continent Volume [-]

Han Fei's figure appeared on the booklet, but it didn't disappear as before, but stayed on it all the time.Not only that, Han Fei on that page suddenly said: "Shang Xin, miss me?"

"Ah!" The sudden sound made Shang Xinhaoxuan throw the booklet away in fright.

It took a while to calm down, Shang Xin asked: "Brother, what's going on?"

That Han Fei could not only talk, but also heard Shang Xin's voice, and said with a smile, "Look, you're scared, this is just successfully improved by the suzerain, and you don't need to write when talking on the phone in the future. How about it, it's amazing."

"Excellent." Shang Xin nodded and said, "It took you a long time to test this before you came to me."

"Not all of them." Han Fei said, "Bilian and I will be going back in a few days, so I'll let you know."

"Come back? Great." Shang Xin said happily: "You have all successfully promoted to blacksmith and synthesizer."

"Yes." Han Fei smiled and said, "Six months ahead of schedule, Shangxin, how are you practicing now?"

"Me, not yet. Right now, I can only successfully forge the spirit armor, which is far from it."

"What did you say?" Han Fei's eyes widened suddenly, and his mouth opened into an O-shape. After a long time, he shook his head vigorously and said, "Shang Xin, you mean, you forged a spirit armor?"

"Yes, and after one success, there will be no more failures."

At this moment, beside Han Fei, Bi Lian suddenly appeared, Bi Lian blinked and said, "Shang Xin, you are not human."

"Sister Bilian..." Shang Xin said depressedly, "I'm your younger brother."

Bilian smiled, ignored the topic of Shangxin, and asked, "Is Ruoli okay?"

"Okay, I've gained weight these days. Tell Ruoli."

Shang Xin brought the booklet in front of Ruo Li, the two cousins ​​chattered for a long time, and Liu Mang, who was watching from the side, couldn't help but said: "Can you give me one of these things? It's so convenient."

"Give you one? It doesn't seem to work." Shang Xin thought for a while, and then said: "Rogue, what do you want this for?"

"It's okay to chat, maybe I can meet my sister. You see, I'm still single at such an old age." Liu Mang said hastily.

"You don't seem to be 20 years old yet, okay?" Xiaoxiao said.

Shang Xin ignored Liu Mang at all and ignored his words.

Finally, after learning that Bilian and Han Fei would be back in another month, and that Bilian had promised to teach Shangxin Synthesis when she came back, she finally ended the call.

Putting the booklet back into the Qiankun bag, Shang Xin glanced at several people and said solemnly: "Next, we are going to do a big thing."

"What?" Everyone in the room looked at Shang Xin in surprise, and no one knew what was going to happen next.

Shang Xin said with a smile: "We want to open a medical clinic, which is my mother's long-cherished wish."

"Medical Center? All right. Leave this matter to me, and I will handle it tomorrow." Liu Mang said, patting his chest.After thinking about it, I asked again: "Boss, do you have enough money?"

"How much is it?" Shang Xin asked, "Is 100 Lingyu enough for me?"

"One hundred? One hundred Lingyu can open ten medical clinics." Liu Mang said: "Since money is not a problem, tomorrow I will look for a house, find a good location, decent one. Now that it's settled, let's clean it up." The largest medical center in Yuan Town, anyway, we have so many people, and there is no shortage of manpower."

Shang Xin nodded. With so many people in the family now, it is really necessary to get a decent one. It is much more interesting to do something than to be idle all day long.

People don't need to make a lot of money to live.As long as you can do something you like, you can live a happy life.

Just like the current Shangxin family.

On the second day, Liu Mang ran out early.

After practicing for a night, Shang Xin went to pick roses for Ruo Li, and stayed at home with nothing to do.Xiaoxiao simply fell in love with Hongma, and the two of them couldn't get along in the room.Yuan Qing went out to buy vegetables and hasn't come back yet.

After thinking about it, Shang said, "Sister Ruoli, let's go around the street."

"Well, okay." The current Ruoli is quite different from when he first came here, and sometimes he likes to go to some lively places.

Holding Ruoli's hand, the two came to the street.During the two years in Qingyuan Town, Shangxin has never been so relaxed as it is today.Don't think about anything, just wander around aimlessly, looking at the bustling crowds and vendors hawking.If you like something, just stay there for a while, not necessarily buy it, but it is a kind of enjoyment.

The two of them were like two children, they bought two candied haws.Each person holds them one by one in their hands and eats while walking.

This stroll lasted for a long time, and Shang Xin was about to lead Ruo Li to find a restaurant for dinner, when someone beside him suddenly shouted: "Little brother, come and see, I have a new one."

Shang Xin turned his head to look, but saw a book vendor waving at him.Smiling, he led Ruoli over and said, "Do you still remember me?"

The peddler said: "Of course, the one I sold to you last time has been in my place for three years and no one has bought it. I was so impressed when you bought it that I can't forget it even if I want to." .”

Ruoli tugged at Shangxin and asked, "What is this for?"

Shang Dao: "Book. Do you still remember the strange continent I told you about last time? It is said that there is a kind of magical moonlight grass in the remote ice field..."

"En." Ruoli nodded, of course she remembered that Shang Xin said that the moonlight grass could turn into moonlight and cure any eye disease.Although it was not true, Ruoli's heart was still beating wildly when he heard this at that time, and he had imagined countless times that his eyes were illuminated by the moonlight, and suddenly saw the light.

Shang Xin said with a smile: "That book was bought here, two copper coins."

"So you still remember." The peddler said: "I went home and looked through it last time, and found that the book that sold you was only the first volume, and there was a second volume with me, and I couldn't sell the half of it. Only you can buy it."

"This book is of no use to me, I don't have to buy it." Shang Xin said.In fact, it's not that Shangxin has to buy it, it's just a sudden whim, and I want to see the reaction of the hawker.

Hearing Shang Xin's words, the peddler was a little anxious and said, "Don't, if you don't buy it, I won't be able to sell it, or you can give me a copper coin, and I'll give you a [-]% discount."

At this time, Ruoli suddenly pulled Shangxin and said, "Shangxin, buy it soon, I also like to hear the stories on it."

"Okay." Shang Xin responded happily, took out two copper coins and handed them to the peddler, saying, "It's still the same price as last time. This book is actually quite precious, and you may not be able to buy it anywhere else."

The peddler immediately took the money, handed a book with yellowed paper to Shang Xin, and said: "It's not possible that I can't buy it. This book is not sold at all. Our family has been selling books for generations. It is said that this The two books are at least several hundred years old. I don’t know how I got them, but they are definitely unique, and there will be no existence like it in the entire Guardian Kingdom.”

"Judging from your tone, this seems like a priceless treasure."

"Well, I can't say for sure." The peddler nodded, "It's just that I didn't see its value. Maybe it will benefit you a lot in the future."

"Uh, that's fine, you've sold everything, so stop bragging."

"That's right," the peddler said with a sudden smile, "I'm used to it. However, this is the only one and it's true, and I'm not bragging about it."

Ruoli beside her suddenly burst into laughter, she had never seen such an interesting business letter.

The two left the bookstall, Ruoli was a little tired, Shang Xin led Ruoli back home.Liu Mang hadn't come back yet, but Yuan Qing had already prepared the dishes.

After several people had lunch, Shang Xin returned to his room and began to meditate and practice again. This is something he never gave up. Although the progress was very slow, the aura in his body was growing little by little.

The improvement of strength is definitely not a quick thing, it requires countless accumulations of loneliness.Even if you have a lot of wealth and a lot of elixir.Faced with the improvement of strength, it still needs years of accumulation. Otherwise, even if you can use the elixir to directly rush to the top, you will still stagnate after reaching the 10th or [-]th floor. If you can't stand it Lonely, lacking that long-lasting persistence.It will be stagnant forever and no progress will be made.

Therefore, if you want to become a strong person, first of all, you must be able to endure loneliness.A true master, usually, is piled up by loneliness.

The aura circulates continuously along the meridians, and the aura from the heavens and the earth also slowly enters the body. After purification and purification, only a little bit remains, and it blends into the air mass in the lower abdomen.It's just this little bit, except for Shangxin, others are also hopeful but elusive.During the fit state period, it is impossible to rely on meditation to practice.Because human beings don't have aura, and they can't fuse with guardian beasts for a long time like the Heling Realm.Therefore, if you want to increase your strength, you can only fight with monsters or other guardian beasts, and only after you win can you absorb the aura released by the defeated party.Or rely on elixir and magic core.

The cultivation of the body-fit environment is the most difficult.The practice method of Shangxin is an alternative.His growth is several times shorter than others.The reason for this is not even clear to Shangxin himself.

All he knew was that he possessed the same ability as Mingyue, the meridians in his body and the air mass in his lower abdomen were exactly the same as Mingyue's.Why this happens is beyond the imagination of Shangxin.

Shang Xin didn't stop until the meridians had been running in the body for 7 weeks.When I opened my eyes, it was already dusk.

Liu Mang hadn't come back yet, after walking around and returning to the room, Shang Xin casually flipped open the volume [-] of the strange land that he just bought today.

After casually flipping through a few pages, Shang Xin was actually attracted by the magical places and magical things described in the book, and the more he read, the more fascinated he became.

time is not

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