Beast Martial Universe

Chapter 50 Burning

Chapter 50 Burning

The fire got bigger and bigger, and Han Fei's three cottages were completely burned down in just half an hour.Liu Mang and the others had already run outside the house.At this time, several people were worried, looking at the original bedroom of Shangxin.

There, of course, there is no bedroom. In their eyes, what they saw were two groups of human-shaped flames. The flames were burning fiercely, and they couldn't see what was going on inside.But Yuan Qing, Hongma and others all knew that Shang Xin and Xiaoxiao were in the flames.

Liu Mang rushed forward several times, but each time he was forced to retreat when he was tens of meters away from the flame.The heat emitted by the two flames is simply not something a human can bear.Still tens of meters away, Liu Mang's clothes started to burn, and his hair and eyebrows were baked and curled.Liu Mang believed that as long as he took two steps forward, he might be roasted to death.

If this is the case on the periphery, what about the people in the flames?

Tears flowed from Yuan Qing's eyes, if Ruoli hadn't pulled her, she would have thrown herself into the flames.Even if she died, she couldn't just watch Shang Xin being burned.That fire was clearly burning Yuan Qing's heart.

Mama Hong's heart is no better than Yuan Qing's, and Shang Xin is also her son.And Xiaoxiao, the love that lost Mingyue has just been regained, but only one day later, who can bear this kind of thing?

But Mama Hong didn't step forward, she knew clearly that even if she stepped forward, it wouldn't help.She just looked at the flame quietly, with a glimmer of hope in her heart, the fire has not been extinguished, and she did not see the bodies of Shang Xin and Xiaoxiao.As long as they haven't seen them die, they might still be alive.

If they were really gone, Mama Hong closed her eyes and didn't think about it anymore, she didn't dare to imagine.

The fire burned for a full day and night.At first, many people from Qingyuan Town were attracted to watch, and even the nearby streets were crowded.There is no object, just two flames burning continuously. This thing is so strange that everyone wants to see what is going on.

Later, a group of people came from nowhere, about 20 people, and the leader was a boy in white. At the age of around 20, his appearance is extremely handsome, and he seems to be a bit out of the world.After these people came, they dismissed the crowd. The crowd seemed to be afraid of these people, but the boy in white said a few words, and the crowd left one after another. It can be seen that they have great influence in Qingyuan Town.Yuan Qing believed that even the dead Wang Yunliang, even the Blood Devouring Gang before its disintegration, would not have such power.

Liu Mang squinted at the young man for a while, and finally said, "He should be the young master of the Yun family."

"You know him?" Ruo Li asked.Ruoli couldn't see it, but she could hear it and feel it.Everything that happened around her, she knew no less than anyone else.Moreover, you need to know more than others.

In those two groups of flames, there is still the breath of life.Both Shangxin and Xiaoxiao are still alive.This point, only Ruoli can feel it.It was precisely because of this that she did not lose her mind.He held Yuan Qing with one hand, and persuaded Mama Hong with one mouth.

Ruoli believes that Shang Xin will not die, even if the fire burns for another year, Shang Xin will not die.Ruoli has great confidence in Shangxin.In her heart, she has always firmly believed that even if the world is gone, even if the blue sky above her head disappears, Shang Xin will not die.

After dismissing the crowd, the boy in white turned around and came to Yuan Qing and Hong Ma, as if he could tell at a glance that these two women were the most authoritative among the four.

"Should you guys leave too?" The boy in white spoke softly and politely, but the tone was unquestionable.

"We're not leaving!" The person who spoke was Yuan Qing, and his tone was firmer than that of the young man, and there was no doubt about it.

The boy in white frowned and said, "Staying here won't do you any good."

"You fart!" The person who spoke this time was Hong Ma, and Hong Ma's voice trembled a little, and tears flowed from the corners of her eyes as soon as she spoke, "If the person burned inside is your son, it's your daughter , will you leave here?" Mama Hong's heart was in a mess.At this time, she never thought that the boy was still young, and he might have neither a son nor a daughter.Even, it is very likely that he doesn't even have a wife.

The boy was taken aback for a moment, and he didn't speak again. It could be seen that he was not an unreasonable person.He wasn't angry about Hongma's insults either, he already understood the meaning of that sentence.Among the flames, there are relatives of these people.

Of course they wouldn't leave, and the young man didn't force himself anymore, he just stood there quietly, like a statue.He didn't try to go forward either, he could feel that he couldn't resist the fire.In Qingyuan Town, no one can resist it.

The fire is still burning, not getting hotter and hotter, but it has no tendency to go out.This burning lasted for three days and three nights.

Among them, when it was time to eat, someone would deliver meals to the young man in white.Every time, the boy in white would prepare a few meals and hand them to Yuan Qing and the others.

That seemingly aloof young man actually has a compassionate heart.

What would happen if a person was burned for three days?Both Yuan Qing and Hong Ma's hearts were getting colder and colder, and their hearts were getting more and more painful.They even hoped that the people who were burned were themselves, not Shang Xin and Xiaoxiao.

Only Ruoli has always believed that Shang Xin and Xiaoxiao are still alive, not only alive, but also very well.She could feel that within that flame, there were two beating hearts.

Dusk has passed, and a bright moon has risen. Tonight's moon is extraordinarily bright, so bright that it is a bit dazzling.When the moonlight shone on the earth, the flame that had been burning for three days finally gradually weakened and extinguished.

The two figures finally reappeared in front of everyone after three days.

There is a huge difference between these two figures.That woman didn't even have anything to do.Not only was she not killed by the fire, but she didn't even have any injuries on her body.Even the clothes and hair have no trace of burning.In the past three days, she didn't seem to be standing in the fire, but had undergone a thorough cleaning.At this time, she was actually cleaner and more refreshed than Yuan Qing and the others.There was not even a speck of dust on her body.As if just came from the kingdom of heaven, these three days have washed away the glitz of the world.She is like a lotus flower just emerging from the mud, elegant and fragrant.Her person seemed to have grown up suddenly, she was no longer that child who was only in her teens, and suddenly, she became a hibiscus that burst into flames.

This woman, of course, is Xiaoxiao.After being burned for three days, Xiaoxiao was reborn like a phoenix in flames.

Looking back at Shang Xin, Liu Mang opened his mouth wide, but didn't close it for a long time.

These two people became two extremes at this moment.Under the illumination of the same moon, it became a sharp contrast.

Shang Xin's whole body was scorched black, and he had no clothes on his body, so he just stood naked.There is not even a hair, eyebrows, if there is no layer of scorched black on the body, the appearance at this time is simply ridiculous and ridiculous.

But with that layer of scorched black, amidst the humor, it made the people who saw it feel a little more fear and sadness.A person is roasted like a roast chicken, charred on the outside and tender on the inside, no matter who looks at it, there will be a trace of sadness.

Humans are different from chickens.Many people love the taste of chicken.Creamy and fragrant.But I believe that very few people like the taste of people.Roasting people and roasting chicken are also two completely different feelings.The latter can make people have an appetite, but the former can make people lose their appetite.

Yuan Qing's stomach constricted and convulsed. The moment she saw Shang Xin, she bent down in pain. Big drops of sweat slid down her forehead and cheeks, but Yuan Qing didn't even bother to wipe it off. , and don't care about the pain.The distance of [-] meters can be reached in only a few seconds.

Yuan Qing cried bitterly, but couldn't make a sound.She hugged Shang Xin and her son tightly.Tears slid down the corners of his eyes and dripped on Shang Xin's shoulders and chest.

Shang Xin nodded, but he opened his mouth and spit out a ball of fire, the faint blue flame reflected the bright moon in the sky that seemed to turn blue.The flame hung in the air, burning quietly, and looked extremely strange in such a deep night.In this way, after a few minutes, Shang Xin opened his mouth again, and actually sucked the flame into his mouth again.

He lowered his head, gently stroked the blue hair on Yuan Qing's head, and said softly, "Mom, I'm fine."

"Ah?" Hearing these words, Yuan Qing raised his head, opened his eyes blurred with tears, and said with a sob: "Shang Xin, are you alright?"

"It's okay." Shang Xin smiled, but the darkness on his face, under the moonlight, made his smile look extremely strange.

Lying next to Yuan Qing's ear, Shang Xin said again: "It's really all right." That voice was extremely gentle.

"Damn, boss, you're really not a human being, you're fine after being burned like this, I admire you." There is only one person in this world who calls Shang Xin the boss, and that person is naturally Liu Mang.

In the past three days, Liu Mang's worry was no less than that of others.He has been strong on his own.He was the only man among the four, and he couldn't despair.Even if the sky is falling, he has to hold on.

Now that the sky is not falling, he is happy, and when he is happy, he wants to cry.But he can't flow, he is a man, even if he is extremely happy, he can only show an understatement smile.

I don't know, this is the man's luck, or the man's sorrow.

Several people gathered around, and tears of joy shone in everyone's eyes.Yes, just happy.

Although Shang Xin looks scary now, he is really fine, and this alone is enough to be happy.In the world, there is nothing more gratifying than nothing.

Among the few people who came around, there was actually the boy in white, and the boy in white was also very excited. He looked at Shang Xin deeply, and said with a trembling voice: "Brother!"

Shang Xin raised his head, looked at the boy under the moonlight, looked at the fluttering white clothes, and after a long time, tremblingly said: "Brother!"

This young man was actually Yun Zixuan.

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