Chapter 79

"As long as you agree, I will agree." It was not that Ruoli was embarrassed at all.

The reason for asking Shangxin to decide is because if Shangxin agrees, he will definitely think that Ruoli will be happy if he marries Yun Zixuan, otherwise Shangxin will never agree.

If Shang Xin thinks he is happy, he will also be happy in his heart.As long as Shang Xin is happy, so what if he marries Yun Zixuan?As long as Shangxin is happy, so what if Ruoli is unhappy?As long as Shang Xin is happy, so what if Ruo Li is dead?

"As long as you can live happily, I will be very happy." Ruoli in the sedan chair murmured softly.But when she said this, tears flowed from her eyes.

Qinghong Medical Center.

Small building.

Shang Xin's room was silent.

There is no sound, but there are people.

Shang Xin and Xiaoxiao sat quietly by the bed, they had been sitting like this for a long time.

For a long time, no one said a word.

The sun has reached the top of the head and passed the top of the head again.

Shang Xin stood up suddenly and strode out of the house.

"Brother, where are you going?" Xiaoxiao asked.

"I'm going to find Ruoli, I will never let her live in pain." Shang Xin's voice was firm.

"Yun Zixuan is your elder brother. If you go, you will probably lose this friendship." Xiaoxiao hesitated for a moment, but still said.Originally, she said those words to Shang Xin because she wanted Shang Xin to find Ruo Li, but now that Shang Xin really wanted to go, she felt very uneasy.Xiaoxiao is very aware of the difficulty in Shang's confidence. He personally agreed to this marriage, and if he goes now, he is poking Yun Zixuan in the face and killing Yun Zixuan.

"I know," Shang Xin's voice came from outside the small building.

When Xiaoxiao walked out of the small building, Shangxin's people had already arrived on the street.

"He still went." Xiaoxiao whispered to herself. "Brother, you are the bravest person in the world!"

Not being afraid of death in battle is not brave.In this world, there are some things that require more courage than going to death.What Shangxin has to do now is such a thing.It was harder than dying, but he had to do it, just to prevent Ruoli from suffering.Living in pain is also more terrifying than death.

Shang Xin understands this truth very well, because he lived in pain in his childhood.No one understands the horror of that pain better than him, so he will never allow Ruoli to live that kind of life.

If you don't like someone, but you still want to live together, what is it but pain?No matter how much money that person has, even if that person is a hero everyone admires, if you don't like him, so what?Even if yours is the king with power over the world, if you don't like him, you will never be happy.

It's close to Yun's house, but not yet at Yun's house.Ruoli's tears had dried up, but the sedan chair stopped suddenly.

When she stopped, Ruoli heard a voice, a voice she was familiar with and could no longer be familiar with: "Brother, Ruoli can't marry you." Hearing this voice, Ruoli's tears that had been shed dried up again. come out.Her heart suddenly became hot, and her personality suddenly became bright.Shang Xin came, and after he personally agreed to the marriage, he stopped the sedan chair again.

Yun Zixuan narrowed his eyes and looked at Shang Xin.It took a long time before he said, "Brother, what do you mean?"

"Ruoli can't marry you." Shang Xin said the same words.

"Yun Zixuan frowned tightly, "If you marry me, you personally agreed. "

Shang Xin sighed, and said, "Now, I know I made a mistake, and I want to make it up."

Yun Zixuan clenched his fist tightly and said, "Why? Are you afraid that I will treat Ruoli badly?"

Shang Xin shook his head, "I know, you will treat Ruoli very well."

"Then why did you come here?" Yun Zixuan asked.

Looking at Yun Zixuan, Shang Xin didn't answer, but came to the sedan chair, and stretched out his hand to lift the red curtain.

Yun Zixuan didn't stop him, he looked at Shang Xin quietly, but his fists were clenched even tighter.

"Sister Ruoli, don't you like Yun Zixuan?" Looking at the tearful person in the sedan chair, Shang Xin couldn't help feeling a pain in his heart.

Ruoli nodded, nodding with tears.Along the way, she regretted that she did not directly reject Yun Zixuan's marriage proposal.If Shang Xin is happy, she will be happy. If she can't stay in the small building, if there is no laughter in the past, how can she be happy?

Xiaoxiao's mischievousness, Liu Mang's liveliness, Yuan Qing's doting, Hongma's gentleness, if one of these is missing, she will not be happy if she leaves.

"Go back with me and live the life before, would you like to?" Shang Xin asked again.

"En." Ruoli nodded heavily.

"Shangxin, why did you come?" After calming down a little, Ruoli asked.

"Because I'm afraid that if I'm not here, you won't be able to smell the fragrance of the rose. I'm afraid that if I'm not here, you will accidentally be stabbed by the thorns of the rose."

While speaking, Shang Xin stretched out his hand and pulled Ruo Li out of the sedan chair.

Turning around, Shang Xin saw that Yun Zixuan was looking at him coldly, as if a flame was burning in his eyes.

"Brother, I'm sorry, I have to take Ruoli away today." Shang Xin's voice was a little guilty, but firm.

"You can't do this." It was not Yun Zixuan who spoke, but Wang Qing.Wang Qing has been following the sedan chair, followed by Yun Zixuan.

"Shangxin, do you know what kind of consequences this will have?" Wang Qing's voice trembled, "If you take Ruoli away today, my cousin will immediately become a joke in Qingyuan Town. Young Master Yun, a hero who stands up to heaven and earth, how can he accept such a thing? How do you let him meet people in the future?"

Looking at Wang Qing, Shang said, "I know, today is my fault, but Ruo Li doesn't like Big Brother, so I have to take her back."

"Shang Xin!" Yun Zixuan shouted suddenly: "I didn't force Ruoli, you personally agreed to this marriage. If any of you said no when we were in Xiaolou, I, Yun Zixuan, would not There will be any objections. But now, you said that you want to take Ruoli away, in your heart, but you still have me as a big brother? What do you think of me?"

"I've always regarded you as my big brother of Shangxin, but I can't make Ruoli suffer."

"Treat me as a big brother?" Yun Zixuan sneered, "If you treat me as a big brother, you won't do such things that go against your will."

With his right hand opening and closing, a snow-white sword suddenly appeared in Yun Zixuan's hand. He raised his hand and pointed the sword point directly at Shang Xin's face, "It's okay to take Ruoli away, as long as you are better than the sword in my hand."

"Brother, why bother?" Shang Xinchang sighed, before coming, he already knew the result, no man would let others snatch his wife who was about to marry.What's more, this wife is already sitting on the bridal sedan chair, and is about to enter his house soon.

"Don't call me big brother. From now on, I, Yun Zixuan, don't have a brother like you." Yun Zixuan's voice was cold.

"Whether you recognize it or not, in my heart, you will always be my big brother." Looking at Yun Zixuan, Shang Xin said again: "However, today I must take Ruoli away."

The right hand opened and closed, and Shang Xin also had a sword in his hand, a red sword.

At first it was bright red, but with the infusion of Shangxin's aura, the sword gradually turned into a faint blue, with traces of red light mixed in the faint blue, which looked extremely strange.

"You can't do this!" Ruoli and Wang Qing jumped between them almost at the same time, Wang Qing faced Yun Zixuan, and Ruoli faced Shang Xin.

"You are the best brothers, you have been through life and death together, and you are willing to sacrifice your own lives for each other, how can you face each other with swords?" Ruo Li cried. "Today's fault is all my fault and has nothing to do with Shangxin. Zixuan, if you have to kill someone to get out of your anger, then kill me. The one who will marry you is me, and the one who doesn't marry you is also Me, if you don't kill me, who will you kill?"

"Get out of the way, both of you." Yun Zixuan said angrily. Although he said this, his people did not move.Wang Qing was right in front of him, looking at him tearfully, with a trace of deep sorrow in her eyes.

Seeing Wang Qing's eyes, Yun Zixuan felt a sudden pain in his heart.He originally wanted to pull Wang Qing away, but after seeing these eyes again, the hand that only wanted to pull Wang Qing did not come out.

The two grew up, and Yun Zixuan never paid attention to Wang Qing's eyes.If he had paid a little more attention, he would have noticed the sadness in Wang Qing's eyes long ago.Perhaps it was because he was too familiar with her that he ignored Wang Qing, Wang Qing's thoughts and actions, and everything about his cousin.

Wang Qing lived in Yun's house when she was very young.She couldn't remember the appearance of her parents, Yun Kun and Liu Yi were her parents.

Since she was a child, she has never lacked a little food and clothing.In the Yun family, of course, it is impossible to lack these.

All along, Wang Qing has never suffered any grievances. When she was very young, the young master of Yun Kun's family also wanted to bully him, but Yun Zixuan never allowed it. He was Wang Qing's umbrella.Yun Zixuan was closer to Wang Qing than his own sister.

With such a life, Wang Qing should be very happy.

However, this was not the case. For many years, Wang Qing's eyes had been filled with sadness.Or thick or light, but never left.

Liu Yi knew this sorrow, and Yunpeng knew it too.Only Yun Zixuan didn't know, and Yun Zixuan never paid attention to these things.

It was precisely because Yun Zixuan didn't know that Wang Qing was so sad.

She loves Yun Zixuan.

Not like, but love.

Like is not love.

Love is thicker than liking, a thousand times, ten thousand times thicker.

Few people can understand how powerful the power of love is.

This love made Wang Qing willing to sacrifice everything.

Yun Zixuan wants to marry Ruoli

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