Beast Martial Universe

Chapter 83 Cultivation

Chapter 83 Cultivation

Judging from the situation at this time, it is difficult for Shang Xin to enter the Heling Realm with three hundred magic pills.After calculating in his mind, Shang Xin was surprised to find that three hundred magic pills can fill his body with aura.According to the previous realm, Shangxin is the fifth level of the Fusion Realm.It is only the fifth level to fill the spiritual energy, and the Heling Realm is simply a matter of nowhere in sight.The further you go, the harder it is to upgrade, Shang Xinxin thought to himself, even if there are 3000 elixirs, it may not be able to upgrade him to the spirit-conforming state.It seems that I still underestimated the purity of the flame aura.After the efficacy of the panacea was incinerated, there was so little left.

However, there is no despair in Shang Xin's heart.He only has the aura of the second level of the ordinary combined body state now, but his real strength is equivalent to the eighth level of the combined body level.If the amount of aura in the body reaches the fifth level of the Composite Realm, it may not be impossible to compete with the strong in the Composite Spirit Realm.

Of course, these are just thoughts in Shang Xin's heart. After two months, he doesn't know to what extent he can really cultivate.Cultivation is inherently unpredictable.

At this time, Shangxin never thought that the way to upgrade the attribute aura is different from the ordinary combined state.In the combined state, the guardian beasts with attributes have no grades, and when the body is full of aura, they will enter the combined spirit state.Otherwise, according to Shangxin's algorithm, I am afraid that it is impossible to enter the Heling Realm in a lifetime, and at least hundreds of thousands of magic cores are needed to do it.

Even so, even 15000 magic pills are already equivalent to 5 low-level magic cores, which is already hundreds of times more difficult than other guardian beasts to upgrade. If Bilian is not a synthesizer, Shang Xin would not be able to do this a chance.A synthesizer is an extremely rare existence, and even the entire guardian kingdom will never have more than [-] people.

It is Shangxin's luck to meet Bilian and Hanfei.

Luck is also a kind of strength.A strong man standing at the peak must encounter many lucky things on his way to climb, otherwise, he would never be able to stand at the top of the peak.

Picking up the second magic pill, swallowing it into his stomach, the spiritual energy lingered and the flames burned... Two hours later, Shang Xin convinced the third one...

When all five magic pills were eaten and refined, the sky was already bright, and Bilian had already started to synthesize, but only three were synthesized.Synthesis consumes a lot of mental power, and it also consumes the aura of the guardian beast, all of which need time to recover.After synthesizing five, Bilian must rest, so it is impossible for Bilian to supply the consumption speed of Shangxin.

It will take another four hours for Bilian to finish.Shang Xin didn't wait, but continued to practice. Although there was no magic pill, the effect of meditation practice alone was negligible, but Shang Xin did not give up. Ever since he got the Guardian Beast, Shang Xin never stopped practicing.As long as he has a little time, he will spend it in cultivation.

No matter how small the effect is, it is still making progress.No one can become a fat man with one bite. Shangxin understands this truth. Any success must be paid. Without hard work and persistence, there will be no progress.

No one can stand directly on a high mountain, everyone climbs up step by step.Although the journeys may be different, they all need hard work and persistence to climb to the top, and this will never change.

Shangxin has the advantages of Shangxin, he can practice, and he hardly needs sleep.The super-strong mental power enables Shangxin to practice continuously, but this requires perseverance and perseverance. Even if others have the ability of Shangxin, they may not be able to practice continuously like Shangxin. Everyone can do it, and it can even be said that almost no one can do it.

Because of practicing, Shang Xin also lost a lot of happiness and opportunities to enjoy.

At this time, Liu Mang is lingering with Kuhua; Ruoli is chatting with Hongma and Yuan Qing.Han Fei sat comfortably by the bed and sipped a cup of fragrant tea.


Time flies like water, and a month passes in a blink of an eye.

For a month, Bilian suffered a lot, and for the sake of business letter, Bilian kept synthesizing magic pills.She didn't take a break until she was exhausted. After three hours, once she woke up, she continued to synthesize. This is also a kind of perseverance. If it was for herself, Bilian would not do this, but for Shangxin, she fought hard.

But during this period of time, Xiaoxiao was rarely seen, and after Liu Mang moved out, he and Xiaoxiao's tit-for-tat confrontation was not heard either.

What is Xiaoxiao doing?Everyone in the small building knew very well that she was practicing like Shang Xin, but she didn't have the magic pill and couldn't sit and practice, so Xiaoxiao chose to fight to improve her strength. On the second day after Shang Xin practiced, Xiaoxiao He took Xiaolong into the Qingluan Mountains to hunt monsters to improve his strength.About ten days or so, Xiaoxiao will come back once and give the magic cores she got to Bilian, she is afraid that 15000 magic cores are not enough.

Xiaoxiao and Shangxin are indeed the same kind of person, not only because of their extreme personalities, they show no mercy to their enemies.Even to himself, it was a little cruel.

In a month's time, the amount of aura in Shang Xin's body reached about the fourth floor of the Fusion Realm.Of course, this was calculated by Shang Xin based on the aura he possessed on the fourth floor before.Although it is only one layer short of the spiritual energy in the body to be filled.But in fact, Shang Xin's spiritual energy in his body is only half at this time. From the fourth to fifth floor, his strength has been multiplied. Therefore, if he wants to fill his body with spiritual energy, it will take at least a month.This is because Shangxin has never relaxed for a moment. If Shangxin chooses to wait and give up the cultivation during the period when Bilian is synthesizing the magic pill, I am afraid that he may not be able to succeed in a month.

Of course, this kind of cultivation can't actually have much effect, it may be a matter of one magic pill and two hours.But sometimes, a lot can happen in two hours.

Moreover, Shang Xin's continuous practice has also greatly consolidated the concentration of the spiritual energy in the body. Continuous practice can make the spiritual energy more freely used, and sometimes the spiritual energy will reach the place where he should go without even the need for mental traction.For example, being attacked by someone, the person being attacked may not have reacted yet, and the idea of ​​defense has not arisen, but the aura has reached the attacked position, resisting the attacking force.

This is automatic defense, which is not the instinct of the human body, but can only be achieved through practice.The longer the cultivation time, the more active the aura will be, and it will gather automatically once there is a need.

Now Shang Xin has reached this level, the aura in his body is no longer a foreign thing, but has truly become a part of his body.

This even brought trouble to Shang Xin. Once Bilian combined the magic pill and came to call Shangxin. Shangxin was in the process of cultivation. Bilian didn't care and patted him. The spiritual energy automatically converged to the position being photographed, and the powerful counterattack force made Bilian fly backwards, hit the wall heavily, and was injured.Fortunately, Yuan Qing's Guardian Beast has been upgraded to another level, and it only takes a while to heal Bilian, otherwise the synthesis of the magic pill may be delayed.

Because of this incident, Shang Xin specially practiced for a long time so that his aura would not attack people casually, but the effect was minimal.Only when the Shangxin consciousness guides not to attack someone, can the aura resist against that person. If it is inadvertent, no one can touch Shangxin too hard.It's not that Shang Xin refuses to let it go, it's that the flame aura in his body doesn't agree.

Therefore, few people in the family dare to joke with Shang Xin, slap him hard on the back, and scare him?This has been done before, but no one dares now.Unless it’s okay to let Shangxin see it from the front, but it’s meaningless to shoot after seeing it, so Shangxin can’t be shocked.

Day by day, life is still going on, and half a month has passed in a blink of an eye. At this time, there are only fifteen days left before the two months that Yun Kun said.Xiaoxiao doesn't go out anymore, she is afraid that the situation will change and no one will take care of the clinic. If Shang Xin leaves here, Xiaoxiao will be responsible for protecting the clinic.

The aura in Shang Xin's body has increased a lot, and it is just around the corner to fill his body.

At dusk, everyone was eating in the hall.Only at this time every day can the whole family truly get together.Shang Xin only ate this meal a day, and after the meal, he took the magic pill synthesized by Bilian and left. During the rest of the time, no one else could see Shang Xin.

Just after dinner, when Shang Xin took the magic pill to go back to practice, Liu Mang and Ku Hua suddenly walked in from outside.

This is the first time Liu Mang returned to the small building after leaving.

Shang Xin's heart tightened suddenly, and he said, "Liu Mang, something happened to the Yun family?"

Liu Mang nodded, "Something happened."

Shang Xin frowned, and said, "Did Lu Ziming from Qingfengzhai come to the door?" As he said that, Shang Xin had already walked towards the door. In his mind, this must be the case. If Lu Ziming hadn't come, the Yun family would still be here What can happen?

Unexpectedly, Liu Mang said: "It's not that Lu Ziming came here, it's that Yun Zixuan's father, Yunpeng, died."

Shang Xin's face suddenly darkened.Yunpeng was still dead, and Chongxi couldn't save his life.

Yuan Qing sighed, and said: "It is a miracle that it has been delayed until today. Yunpeng's injury cannot be saved even by the Life Fruit." After a pause, Yuan Qing continued: "We should go to Yun's house to see Look, except for Han Fei and Bilian, everyone in this room should go." Ruoli and the others understood what Yuan Qing meant, not only because Yun Zixuan was the eldest brother of Shangxin, but also because Yun Zixuan had rescued live their lives.Although it was because of the Yun family that he was attacked that time, Yun Zixuan was indeed injured because of them.

Shang Xin nodded and said, "You all go, I won't go."

"Aren't you going?" Ruoli was stunned, and said, "Shang Xin, is it because Yun Zixuan told you last time that he wanted to sever ties, that you didn't go?"

Shang Xin shook his head and said: "How could it be? I know he said that last time because he was afraid of hurting me. After all, if Lu Ziming really entered the Heling Realm to trouble the Yun family, I would lose my life by going there."

"In that case, why don't you go see off uncle?" Ruo Li asked with some doubts.

"I want to hurry up and practice, this more than a month

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