Fengwu Tianjiao: Juefei Concubine

Chapter 104 The Beauty of Snow Cherry Blossoms

The Southern Continent is a continent with a pleasant climate and spring-like seasons. The pleasant scenery is the territory of the elves (plant elves, earth elves, water elves).

The terrain of the three continents in the east, west and south is surrounded by the sea and mountains, presenting a triangular confrontation.

Among them, in the Eastern Continent, the closest to the Southern Continent is the Snow Sakura Country.

In other words, if you want to go to the Southern Continent, passing through the Snow Cherry Country is the fastest shortcut.

Xueying Kingdom is a feminist country where the queen is supreme. The queen of Xueying Kingdom, Nalan Qiushui, has two princes and two princes. The five-year-old fourth prince Nalan Gule.

There is a very beautiful scene in Snow Cherry Country, that is, pink and white cherry blossoms can be seen everywhere, and they never wither throughout the year.

When Wu Qingya stepped into the border of Xueying Country for the first time, they were stunned by the stunning beauty.

It was only when I came to the capital of the Snow Cherry Country that I discovered that the smell of snow cherry blossoms here is even stronger, and it can almost be said that there are shadows of snow cherry blossoms all over the streets and forests.

To define it in Wu Qingya's words, the snow cherry blossom is simply the national flower of the snow cherry country.

"It's so beautiful!" A gust of wind blew away the snow cherry blossoms on the tree, and they fell to the ground.

"Miss Xiao Ya'er seems to like this snow cherry blossom very much." Bloody and Yin Yi said in unison, their tone was discretionary, with a happy smile on their faces.

This kind of Wu Qingya looked like a carefree girl, completely different from the one they knew before.

Thinking of this, Bloody's eyes dimmed, such a beautiful woman should have had a wonderful childhood.

"Xiao Ya'er, I will take you to a place, you will definitely like it."

Wu Qingya was truly stunned when the dense snow cherry blossom forest unfolded in front of her eyes.

Not only her, but even Dongdong, Jin Meng, and Xiao Hei in the soul space couldn't help running out.

It's like being in a beautiful dreamland. Cherry blossoms are her favorite flowers on trees. It's a pity that she didn't have the time, energy and mood in her previous life to feel the beauty as much as she does at this moment.

The beauty of snow cherry blossoms is even more beautiful in its artistic conception and the good mood it brings.

Wu Qingya turned around, her laughter swaying with the cherry blossom petals fluttering in the wind.

Cheerful laughter like silver bells echoed in the cherry blossom forest.

She said that cherry blossoms are beautiful, but everyone said: Flower beauties are more beautiful!

Everyone is a person with strong martial arts, so when the sound of footsteps stepping on the leaves was heard not far away, Dongdong and the other beasts flashed back to the soul space again, leaving Bloody and Yin Yi as their companions.

Wu Qingya didn't take it seriously, she was still admiring and twirling in a good mood, she was a stranger anyway, so don't care about other people's eyes, she just wanted to cherish the good mood of relaxation at this moment.

The cherry blossoms dance in the cherry blossom rain, and the peach blossoms look like peach petals.

Wu Qingya prefers one color, the pure and elegant light blue that represents melancholy.

This kind of her is so beautiful that people's hearts are touched, and she is also so beautiful that people are jealous.

There are not only people who know how to appreciate beautiful things in this world. There is a group of people who like to find fault with others. They don't want others to be better than themselves, and their hearts are often filled with hatred.

Not far away, a woman in a golden dress is staring viciously at a woman in pure blue who is as beautiful as a fairy. Where did this woman come from?Never seen it.

Could it be the flower demon?That pretended thinking look really didn't match her somewhat silly expression.

He stretched out his hand to turn around the maid beside him, and murmured in the direction of Wu Qingya, "Xiao Yu, do you think that flower demon is more beautiful or me?"

flower demon?What flower demon?

The maid named Xiao Yu looked at the woman, her eyes lit up, she had never seen such a thoroughly beautiful and elegant woman.

Feeling a pair of vicious gazes shooting at her, Xiao Yu trembled all over her body, and said in a low voice, "Eldest Princess, how could she be as beautiful as you, you are the most beautiful woman in the entire Xue Ying Country."

Hearing the maid's words, Nalan Haoyu finally showed a smiling face, took another look at Wu Qingya in the distance, touched her own face, hesitated, and asked again uncertainly, "You didn't lie to me?"

"Even if I give this servant a hundred guts, I wouldn't dare to deceive the eldest princess!" Xiao Yu shivered in fright, but when she looked at Wu Qingya, there was a hint of envy on her face.She was telling the truth, although the eldest princess is the most beautiful woman in Xueying country, but at first glance, that woman is not from Xueying country, so she did not deceive the eldest princess.

If the eldest princess is the most beautiful woman in Xue Ying country, then Xiao Yu thinks that woman is the most beautiful woman in the whole continent.

"Hmph! I'm sorry you don't dare!" Nalan Haoyu touched her face again, as if she was about to be overwhelmed by it.

Xiao Yu lowered her head, and at an angle that Nalan Haoyu couldn't see, there was a hint of unbearable expression in her eyes.In fact, to be honest, everyone in the palace thinks that the third emperor's daughter is much more beautiful than the first emperor's daughter, and the third emperor's daughter is also very good, as light as snow and calm as water, and the most valuable thing is that she never uses her status to suppress others.

But due to the power of the Great Empress and Crown Prince, no one dared to disobey her wishes.

"However, the young man next to that girl is a rare figure of heaven and man." When Xiao Yu raised her head and saw the person next to Wu Qingya, she couldn't help admiring, but she regretted herself in her heart before she could speak. Blame it.

It's over, I hope the princess won't take a fancy to him.

However, how could such a dazzling man not arouse her evil heart.

The eyes full of jealousy moved away from Wu Qingya's body, and suddenly the eyes flashed with light.

One is dressed in dark red, the other is dressed in dark, one is indifferent and the other is evil, forming a sharp contrast.

The man dressed in dark is not bad, he is considered handsome and handsome, but the man dressed in dark red is simply astonishingly handsome.

Even Nalan Tianyou, who is known as Xue Ying's most beautiful man, is probably nothing more than that.

Nalan Haoyu's idea is not too much, Nalan Tianyou's appearance is also one of the few, but he is too gentle in her eyes, and a man as evil and charming as Bloody really suits her taste.

Unexpectedly, although Nalan Haoyu is narcissistic, she has a unique vision.It's just such a heavy taste, I don't know if she has the blessing to bear it.

In an instant, jealousy hit my heart again.

This woman who is not pleasing to the eye is surrounded by such an outstanding man, especially the man in dark red, whose handsome voice and smile she loves more and more.

Nalan Haoyu stretched out her hand to Xiao Yu, Xiao Yu was slightly taken aback, and quickly took out a small exquisite bronze mirror and handed it over.

She straightened her bun, hairpin, makeup and collar in front of the bronze mirror, and then put on a confident smile.

Xiao Yu put the bronze mirror away, and couldn't help but sigh in her heart, how can anyone be so narcissistic, the bronze mirror is always on the body, can't stand it!

Just when Nalan Haoyu was about to walk towards Bloody.

"Booming" a burst of thunder came from a distance, and soon there was another burst of lightning and thunder, from far to near. . .

Everyone looked up at the sky, just now it was going to rain suddenly.

"Come on, I know there is a small abandoned yard not far ahead, go there and take shelter from the rain."

Scarlet seems to be very familiar with this place. He said that he used to like to travel everywhere when he was alone, and he came here by chance.

As soon as he entered the small courtyard and hid in the house, it began to rain cats and dogs outside.

At the same time, the bamboo door of the small courtyard was knocked open recklessly, and two people came in one behind the other, wet and embarrassed.

-Preview for the next episode: Catch the Flower Demon-

***Sorry guys, today’s third day is a bit late, the car broke down on the way home, and I’m still waiting for the tow truck on the road, so I have to type it out word by word according to the text on the computer. **

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