Fengwu Tianjiao: Juefei Concubine

Chapter 125 Evil Beast Scorpion King

They had replenished enough food and water before going to the desert, so they didn't have to worry about food at all.

From sunrise to sunset, from night to dawn, the four of them walked in the desert for nearly ten days. Except for the occasional wind and sandstorm passing by, honestly, nothing strange happened.

Wu Qingya looked at the sky, another day was almost over, it was best to quickly find a place to rest.

The fastest Baixue was sent out to inquire about information, but said that there was no place to live within dozens of miles.

The four of them couldn't help frowning. In the past few days, they could find some solid stone caves or some shelters that seemed to be built by business travelers, but if there is no place to hide and rest right now, what should they do if they encounter a sandstorm? , this has always been Wu Qingya's worry, and she has always insisted on finding a solid place to rest.

"Since there are none in a radius of tens of miles, it seems that we have to speed up our pace and walk a hundred miles away."

The sky was getting dark gradually, the sun had only the last gleam of orange light at this time, Wu Qingya squinted her eyes, she felt that she had walked more than tens of miles, but why couldn't she find a place to rest.

The sudden change of Ge Wushuang's expression caught Wu Qingya's attention, "What's wrong with Wushuang? Did you find something?"

Looking around again with a pensive gaze, his expression became more serious, "Yaya, in fact, we have been spinning around in circles all the time, maybe we haven't left this place at all since this morning."

"What?" Everyone exclaimed, after a day's journey, even a master-level person would be tired, but they were told that today's journey was in vain, sweat was in vain, and hard work was in vain .

Are you lost?

No, it's okay if you get lost, but if you get lost, you won't just circle around in circles.

Well, I'm afraid it can only prove that they are already in danger.

As soon as the words fell, the camels below all made horrifying calls. The desert camels are naturally the most sensitive to the dangers in the desert, and they seem to have foreseen something terrible.

Soon, Wu Qingya and Ge Wushuang heard the sound of 'russling' from a distance, and then the expressions of Yin Yi and Siqing also became dignified.

The speed of this thing is too fast, and it should be ten miles away when it finds something strange, but in the blink of an eye, it is almost close to everyone.

The yellow sand around the four of them was constantly rotating clockwise at a very fast speed, and the position occupied by Wu Qingya and the others quickly turned into a whirling nest.

The spinning nest turned faster and faster, and Ge Wushuang's eyes were so dark that ink dripped out, "Catch me, fly up and try not to land."

The moment the figures of the four flew up, the four camels screamed and were submerged in the sand bottom.

"Shit! What the hell is that! Damn it!" Wu Qingya couldn't help but swear, Ge Wushuang and Yin Yi looked as if they were used to it, but they just frightened Si Qing who had just followed her.

Seeing Siqing's dazed expression, at this moment Wu Qingya still smiled and patted him on the shoulder to comfort him, "Relax and relax, Siqing, you need to get used to your miss and my catchphrase, it's okay Haha~ Listen, you will get used to it slowly."

This time not only Siqing, but even the faces of the other two were chapped. . .

Fortunately, in just a split second, the spinning sand slowly stopped.

Ge Wushuang brought a few people back to the sand again, and then something was slowly drilling out from under the sand.

Quickly took a few big steps back, Ge Wushuangwu Qingya and Yin Yisiqing leaned back to back, staring at the surroundings vigilantly, what was in the sand.

Suddenly, a huge scorpion broke through the sand barrier and crawled out, facing Ge Wushuang and Wu Qingya face to face. Yin Yi and Siqing turned around and stood side by side with them.

It is about two meters long and one meter high. Its tail with poisonous thorns is raised high, and a pair of fiery red tentacles on its head are still breathing.

Poisonous scorpion!

Several people suddenly widened their eyes.

Although it is not as tall as a human being, a scorpion that is so long and tall should be the king of scorpions!

The moment it appeared, everyone knew that it was an evil beast, and it was a very powerful evil beast.

Warcraft can be advanced, and in general they can be divided into two categories.

One type, like Xiao Hei, who was born at the level of a monster but accidentally ate a spirit fruit can evolve towards a holy beast. That is to say, if he is lucky, he can become a divine beast, but the process will be very difficult long;

And the other one is like the one in front of me. It can also evolve into advanced levels, but it is developing in the direction of evil and demonization. It will never become a divine beast, but will become a demonic beast that has gone mad.

【Xiao Ya'er, it's a fairly powerful evil beast, but it's still a long way from the peak of evil beasts, why don't you let Xiao Hei and those two guys practice with it. 】

As soon as Bloody's voice sounded, Wu Qingya understood what he meant. In short, if she used the power of a super divine beast, this demonic beast would definitely scare the shit out of her. exercise opportunities.

The information that Wu Qingya can receive is naturally so for Ge Wushuang. Bai Xue glanced at the poisonous scorpion in the soul space, then lazily rubbed her white belly and went to sleep.

"The appearance of this big reptile is quite scary, why don't you leave it for the two of you to play with?" Wu Qingya twitched the corner of her eyes, looking at the poisonous scorpion, but she was speaking to Yin Yi and Siqing.

How could Yin Yi and Siqing know how Bloody communicated with her, but they couldn't help turning black when they heard Wu Qingya say this. . .

'Miss Princess' can you not always like to provoke and provoke these weird things.

Sure enough, although the poisonous scorpion can't speak, it can understand human language, and it gets angry immediately, the fire in its eyes 'swish'.

reptile?It is a majestic poisonous scorpion king, but walking sideways in the desert, no one dares to say a word, this woman dares to underestimate herself.

The upturned tail twirled in the air, playing?Since you want to play with Lao Tzu, then Lao Tzu will tell you to have fun!

A black shadow of '唰' appeared, and the large body of 'Boom' stood in front of Wu Qingya and Ge Wushuang.

Yin Yi and Siqing also stepped forward and stood on the left and right of Xiao Hei, while Wu Qingya and Ge Wushuang retreated to the side, looking quietly watching the show.

Of course, they didn't take it lightly. They kept reminding themselves that even if it was completely fine to defeat the opponent, the ever-changing desert was the truly powerful enemy.

'Spray spray. . . The big horn on the poisonous scorpion's head spewed out a few puffs of white air, and its eyes showed a mocking look. It seemed to be mocking the holy beast Xiao Hei and the two overwhelmed humans.

-Preview for the next episode: Exploding its chrysanthemums-

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